Choosing Waterbirth: Reclaiming the Sacred Power of Birth (11 page)

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Authors: Lakshmi Bertram,Sandra Amrita McLanahan,Michel Odent

BOOK: Choosing Waterbirth: Reclaiming the Sacred Power of Birth
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Page 65

Position two:
raise your arms overhead with the palms together in steeple position.

Position three:
bend to the right.

Position four:
bend to the left.

Position five:
step out to the right, bend your knees and your arms at the elbows for goddess pose.

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Position six:
star pose.

Position seven:
goddess pose.

Position eight:
bend to the left.

Position nine:
bend to the right.

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Position eleven:
arms above head in steeple pose.

Position twelve:
hands in prayer mode at the chest.

BENEFITS: The moon sequence provides a quick pickmeup and can be done any time you want to feel rejuvenated. It stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and arms, and those that run down both sides of the body.

Supported Triangle
: With your feet still in the wide stance of the moon sequence, turn your toes facing out at a fortyfive degree angle. Inhale, then as you exhale, bend to the right, sliding your right hand down your right leg to stop just above the knee. Brace yourself with your hand on your knee for balance, and stretch your left arm up and then over, giving a stretch to your left side. Hold for fifteen to twenty seconds. Inhale and lift back to center. Repeat to the other side.

BENEFITS: The triangle strengthens and stretches the sides of the body and the legs. It opens up the lower back helping to reduce lower back pain and the pain of sciatica.

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Inverted Pose
: You will need a few pillows to do this exercise. Take your pillows and place them next to a wall (or, as shown in the picture, next to a tree) about a foot away. In this pose, do nothing but relax and breathe; however, getting into it is a little tricky. Sit on your knees in the diamond pose, with your left side next to the wall or tree, the pillows behind you. ''Walk" down with your hands until you are lying on your left side. Roll over onto your back, onto the pillows. Placing your feet against the wall or tree, adjust the pillows beneath your buttocks, making them comfortable. Rest your arms at your sides or across your abdomen. Stay in this position for two to three minutes, or more if you like. Breathe deeply and relax.

This position offers you an excellent opportunity to connect with your baby. You can use your breath to send energy to your baby. All the energy that would usually go to your legs is being centered on your midsection. Take advantage of this. On your inbreath feel the energy coming into your body, centering on your abdomen, feel it swirling and moving in your abdomen. Don't be surprised if the baby starts to move while you are in this position. The extra blood will have energized Page 69

the baby as well. Focus on your little one; feel the beneficial life energy bathing your baby in light and warmth. It is nice to leave your hands on your abdomen while you do this. It brings the energy even more into focus on your belly and when the baby moves, you can feel it. Relax every muscle in your body; forget everything, except the energy flowing in from your breath and filling your abdomen.

Doing this exercise, you are coming into contact with your baby; you may have sudden flashes about what your baby is like. Those flashes are your baby speaking to you on a telepathic level, letting you know in advance who you're carrying inside you. Relax deeply and listen. Connect with your little person. This is a good time to tell your baby anything you want it to know.

For example, during my fourth pregnancy, I was so tired and busy that I often felt guilty that the baby I carried received so little focus from me. Having had three children already, I felt ambivalent about being pregnant again, when I had so little time for myself. So I explained this to my baby. I let her know I loved her and welcomed her, and I apologized for feeling ambivalent and not having any time. Doing this eased the guilt I was feeling and created a loving flow of energy with the baby.

When you are ready to come out of the inverted pose, move slowly; bring your legs down, bending your knees, roll onto your left side, off the pillows, and walk yourself back up onto your folded knees. Stay there for a minute allowing the blood flow to readjust.

BENEFITS: No other position is better for helping the varicose veins and swollen ankles that can come with the increased amount of blood in your body during pregnancy. With the legs raised above your head, the blood flow is redirected out of the feet and legs and back into the torso.

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