Chosen Prey (18 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Suspense, #Women Artists, #Ex-Police Officers, #Love Stories

BOOK: Chosen Prey
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"You bastard!" Lyra wiped angry tears from her eyes. His abs were so hard her hand ached. "Don't you ever do that to me again. Don't you leave me behind. And don't put yourself in danger like that ever again!"

He smiled. The jerk smiled. Just as she drew her hand back for another punch, he pulled her into his embrace, trapping her arms at her sides.

She squirmed, trying to get away from him, and even kicked his shins like she had the first time he'd held her when trying to save her from The People. "Let me go!"

Dare lowered his head so fast she didn't have time to catch her breath before his mouth claimed hers. He kissed her hard and fierce and gripped her so tightly she felt like he was going to crush her.

She fought against his kiss, against his touch, against his demands… and then found herself just melting into him, as if she was a part of him. She gave in. Completely. Totally.

She was his.

He tasted and smelled so untamed, so masculine, and kissed her with more intensity than he ever had before. Something was different, as if adrenaline was still pumping through him and he needed to release it.

She knew it was still thrumming through her, and it made her want him in ways she never had before.

His erection was just as hard and as fierce against her belly as his kiss was to her mouth. Lyra couldn't help it. She couldn't stay mad. At least not now. She wanted him with a power so intense she could barely breathe from it.

She'd read in a book once how warriors or soldiers had so much adrenaline pumping through them after a battle that they needed release, through some kind of physical activity, especially sex.

Dare was most definitely a warrior, and she felt that same need from her worry and her anger.

When he drew back, the desire in his gaze was as marked as the feelings surging within her. It was a look filled with intensity, fire, passion. Her lips felt bruised from his kisses, her face raw from his stubble. "Now," he said in a growl.

She nodded and hurried to remove her shoes and jeans. Dare just laid his utility belt on a chair, shoved his pants down far enough to free his erection, and took her to the floor.

She gave a cry of surprise, but he was gentle despite the ferocity of his expression.

Immediately he was between her thighs. He braced his arms to either side of her chest.

His jaw tensed and he thrust his cock straight into her core.

Lyra cried out at the sudden invasion and pleasure. He was so big, so passionate, so powerful. She couldn't take her eyes from his as he drove in and out, pounding so hard he was hurting her at the same time he was pleasuring her. The feel of his pants scraping the insides of her thighs somehow heightened her pleasure. She gripped his biceps that flexed with every thrust and dug her nails into his skin. Sweat dripped down his forehead and the sides of his head, and dirt smudged his cheeks and jaws.

The feelings. So many feelings. Anger, fear, worry, desire, all wound up inside her. She felt herself spiraling, spinning, heading for territory she'd never been to before.

Darkness clouded her vision. Stars sparked in the darkness that almost kept her from seeing Dare's eyes. Her mind spun. Her body spiraled. Her orgasm exploded through her.

Her body bucked and his every thrust made her cry out.

Dare tensed. "Damn," he growled. "No condom."

He pounded in and out a few more times, then jerked his cock out of her core. His semen spilled onto her T-shirt. He continued to move against her, his eyes closed, his come spurting out in hot, wet streaks on her cloth-covered belly. When he stopped, he held himself above her, his eyes still closed, his biceps tense, the line of his neck taut.

The scent of his semen and her woman's musk mixed with the strong smells of smoke and dirt. His breathing was deep and hard, and she swore she could hear the pounding of both of their hearts.

When he finally opened his eyes, he looked at her just before taking her mouth again in a rough kiss. His cock was growing hard against her belly, and she knew that with the power of their joined feelings on this night, they could keep going and going.

He raised his head and studied her with a look still filled with intensity, fire, passion.

Her lips felt bruised from his kisses, her thighs and sex bruised from his thrusts, her back and tailbone bruised from the floor.

In all her life, she'd never felt so alive.



Lyra took off the now-sticky T-shirt and Dare removed his shirt as well. The heat between them was incredible, and she trembled from the force of their joining and the power of their need.

Her hand ached from when she'd punched him, but he didn't even sport a red mark where her fist had landed against his firm abs. She went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. He engulfed her in his strong embrace and rested his chin on top of her head. He was so tense she felt it in the rigidity of his body against hers.

Dare still felt pumped from the small war they'd waged, but he had lessened it by using Lyra's body. At that thought he sobered. "Did I hurt you?"

She moved her soft lips to his chest and kissed him, flicking her tongue out and sending a rod of desire straight to his cock. "I'm fine."

Despite the fact that he wanted to take her again, Dare and Lyra took quick showers, then dressed. They started to leave the room to check on Nick and Mrs. Yosko.

Lyra's cell phone rang.

She came to a complete stop. Dropped her hands to her sides, her eyes locked with Dare's.

Her stomach churned.

Who was calling this late?


Dare's expression was grim as he pushed past her and picked up the cell. He glanced at the display. "It says 'Becca home.'"

A whoosh of relief went through Lyra. "That means she's calling me from her home number." She looked at Dare. "I know. Call her back from Nick's secure line."

He nodded. When her cell phone stopped ringing she went to the phone beside the bed and picked up the portable receiver. She dialed Becca's number and her friend picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Becca's voice sounded tentative.

"It's me," Lyra said. "You just called and I missed it."

"Oh." Becca sounded both relieved and stressed at the same time. "I was calling to tell you that I picked up Mrs. Yosko's prescription medications for you. I, um, noticed them on the countertop when I found the note. Her cat seemed hungry, so I took her, too."

"Oh, good." Lyra breathed out a long sigh. "Mrs. Y is here and she does need the meds right away. I know it's late." She glanced at the clock and saw it was after midnight.

"But would you mind if I pick the meds and Dixie up in about thirty minutes?"

"Not at all." Becca's voice perked up. "You know me. I like to stay up late."

"Wait." Dare placed his hand over the mouthpiece. "Tell her to meet us in the middle of Bisbee High School's parking lot. Dead center, where there's plenty of light."

Lyra frowned but nodded. "Hey, Becca. Can you do me a favor? Meet me at BHS's parking lot, in the middle, under one of the lights."

"Well, um, why?" Becca's confusion came across loud and clear.

"Humor me?" Lyra said, and tried to give a casual laugh.

"Er, sure," Becca said. "Thirty minutes at the high school lot."

"Thanks," Lyra said. "I'll see you in a few."

Becca clicked off. It was great that she'd had the foresight to get Mrs. Y's cat and meds.

Dare ran his fingers through his wet hair. "I don't like this one bit."

"She needs her meds, and
." Lyra gave him a little shove so that she could walk past him. "Besides, Becca's been one of my closest friends for a couple years now."

Lyra went upstairs and was relieved to see the elderly lady reclining on the easy chair in Nick's great room. She looked a little tired but none the worse for wear. Lyra knelt beside Mrs. Y and brushed the woman's cottony white hair from her face.

"Are you all right, Mrs. Yosko?" Lyra said softly while her gaze swept over her, checking the woman for any visible signs of mistreatment.

"Fine, girl. How are you holding up?" the elderly lady said with a frown.

Lyra smiled, but it was a tired smile. "I'm okay."

Mrs. Y's watery brown eyes were fixed on Lyra. "Dixie's probably hungry."

"Of course." Lyra took her friend's hand and squeezed it. "We'll get her and your meds for you right away." She stood and let the woman's hand slide from hers. "You need to stay the night. We've got to find someplace safe for you to go before you can leave. With those bad men around, you're not safe."

"Sonsofbitches," Mrs. Y grumbled, and Lyra smiled. The elderly lady still had her spirit, that was for sure. Mrs. Y met Lyra's gaze. "Like I told you. You've got to stop running. Face them head-on and take them out," Mrs. Y said before Lyra could respond.

"You were always looking over your shoulder, dear." The woman's expression softened.

"Knew you were on the run from something. Could see it in your eyes."

Lyra hugged Mrs. Yosko's thin frame, her heart filled with love for the woman. The woman who had won Lyra's trust and her friendship, something that had been so hard to give.

As Lyra held her, Mrs. Y still had that comforting scent about her, but it mixed with smoke from what had happened tonight. What had she been through because of Lyra?

"I'm sorry," Lyra whispered. "If it wasn't for me, if I'd faced them head-on to begin with, none of this would have happened."

Mrs. Yosko drew away and gave Lyra a look of reprimand. "Girl, it's not your fault and you know it. Get over it. Now get the sonsofbitches."

Lyra's lips trembled as she smiled. "That's exactly what we're going to do. Find some way to end this once and for all."

Drugs. Underage sex. Polygamy. Dare said those were all things that could put Neal Barker away if they could prove it. But how could they? And even if he was sentenced, would Neal come after her with more vengeance when he got out?

She turned her attention to Mrs. Yosko and her heart thundered. The woman had leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She looked weak and as if she might faint.

Lyra whipped around to face Dare, who had come up behind her. "We've got to get her meds.

Dare took a deep breath. Would the cult members have reacted this fast?

Hell, yeah.

Dare raked his hand through his hair. "I don't want to take any chances with you, honey. You shouldn't go."

"Give me a break." Lyra headed for the front door. "Besides, Dixie—Mrs. Y's cat—doesn't usually take to strangers." She glared back at him. "This time you are
leaving me."

Dare pulled on his black cap. His weapons belt hung from his waist, his Glock at his back. He was prepared for just about anything.

He sure as hell hoped so.

Dare's muscles remained tense as he guided his sports car through the Mule Pass Tunnel and then onto the street that would lead them to the main drag in Historic Bisbee, then on to the road that ran by BHS. It was close to 1:00 a.m. Exhaustion blurred his eyesight before it cleared again.

When they reached the lot, Dare instantly took in everything in sight. The green Buick that had seen
better days. A dark-haired woman stood next to the car holding a calico cat.

Dare frowned. Some of the parking-lot lights were out. The lighting was not optimal.

His gaze roved the surrounding area. Where Becca had parked was in the middle of the lot, as Lyra had asked her, and no other vehicles were in sight. Bushes across the street on the east were a football field length's away, and the school itself was a good hundred yards away on the west and south. Nothing but a soccer and baseball field to the north.

He rolled his sports car to a stop beside the sedan.

In a quick sweep, he saw the woman looking beyond nervous as she stood by the driver's side door holding the cat. The cat squirmed, trying to get out of Becca's arms.

And then he saw it. The trunk wasn't closed properly.

Before he could stop her, Lyra opened the passenger door and climbed out with speed that surprised him. "Becca," she said. "Thanks so much."

"Lyra!" he shouted. "Back in the car!"

She ignored him. Dare had his Glock in his hand when he opened his own door and rushed out.

Dixie bounded from the woman's arms to the ground and arched her back. Gave a loud yowl and a hiss.

The calico cat's actions startled Lyra so badly she held her hand to her heart. Dixie rarely made any sounds, and Lyra had never heard her yowl like that.

Hair prickled at the nape of Lyra's neck as Dare grabbed her arm. "In the car. Now!"

The trunk of the sedan sprang open. Before he could get a fix on the shadowy forms, something pierced his clothing and buried itself in his thigh.


He aimed toward the trunk even as dizziness started to overcome him. He tried to get off a couple of shots, but Becca and Lyra were in the way.


Dare stumbled. His legs gave out and he collapsed.

Slammed his head against the asphalt.

For a moment he heard voices as his head spun. "Sorry. Money. Oregon."

Then there was nothing but blackness.

Lyra's heart lurched, harder, faster.

"Dare!" She screamed as he crumpled onto the parking lot. He had some kind of dart sticking out of his thigh.

Her gaze shot up to see Mark with a satisfied smirk on his bruised face and a gun in his hands. Adam was climbing out of the trunk behind him.

"You bastard!" she shouted as she charged him. She had her fist out, ready to slam it into Mark's face, when Adam caught her upper arms from behind and jerked her backward. She stumbled, her feet almost flying out from under her before she regained her footing.

Mark's smirk only increased as she screamed and fought against Adam's hold.

She threw a look at her friend. "Becca! Use your cell phone and call the police!"

Becca wrung her hands and looked apologetic. "I needed the money, Linda. I'm sorry."

"What?" Lyra went still and Adam tightened his grip on her. A slow buzzing started in her head. "Money?"

"The store is going under." Becca's voice trembled. "When they came to me and explained everything, I knew it was the right thing to do."

Lyra just stared at Becca, feeling like the world was caving in. "You—you were my friend."

Becca licked her lips. "Like I said, they explained how you belong in Oregon with your family—and all about your mental illness. You'll be okay."

Lyra couldn't think of a thing to say. She'd grown to trust Becca. Now that trust was gone. Gone. Gone.

"It's time to take you home," came Adam's voice behind her just before his hand covered her mouth and nose and she felt a sharp poke as he buried something in her right hip.

Drugs! A dart like what they'd done to Dare.

Goddamn it! What had they put into her body?

She struggled against Adam's grip, fighting with everything she had.

An odd feeling overcame her. She felt paralyzed. Floppy. Suddenly she had to focus all of her energy on breathing.

"I'm sorry." Becca's voice sounded distant, hollow.

Adam gripped Lyra under her arms. Mark picked up her useless legs.

As if she were a rag doll they carried her to the trunk of the car.

The stars above blurred.

Darkness swept her away.

Jackhammers pounded inside Dare's skull. He tried to open his eyes, but a bright light shot more pain through his head and he shut them tight again. "What the hell?" Every word pounded inside his head.

It all came back in a flood of memories. He and Lyra had been meeting a woman named Becca. Lyra had jumped out of the car and he had gone after her. The car trunk of the sedan had opened and pain had slammed into his thigh.

This time he did get his eyes open despite the pain and the bright light somewhere overhead. His head felt like cotton was wrapped around his brain and he had to shake the feeling off.

He was lying underneath one of the high school's parking-lot lights. His head ached like a motherfucker. Slowly—because the pounding in his head wouldn't let him turn much faster—he pushed himself up. His car was still running.

A cat's loud yowl screamed through his head. The calico cat walked back and forth in front of Dare's face, her tail twitching. On the ground where the sedan had been was a large clear baggie filled with what looked like bottles of prescription drugs.

He blinked. Tried to focus better. The cat meowed again.

He pushed himself to his feet. His thigh burned and he looked down to see a dart poking out of his leg. He yanked it out. It was a thin cylinder, about six inches long. A syringe. He brought it a few inches from his face. Veterinary. No doubt stolen. No doubt something to disable him while they carted Lyra away.

He spotted another syringe on the ground. His head spun as he leaned down, but he managed to grab it. Same thing.

Lyra was gone. The bastards had her and had used the same method to disable her.

And she was helpless. If the assholes got the dose wrong, she might even be dying—or dead.

His mind still reeling, he stumbled to his car. His balance was off from the concussion he'd suffered from hitting his head on the asphalt when he went down. He had to hang on to the open car door until his head stopped spinning.

Dare braced both hands on top of the car. Pain and rage seared him so completely he couldn't see. Guilt lay like a heavy weight in his gut.

She couldn't be dead. No. They wouldn't take a chance like that. Their stupid Prophecy—that scum Neal would want her alive, just not able to fight back.

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