Chosen Prey (27 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Suspense, #Women Artists, #Ex-Police Officers, #Love Stories

BOOK: Chosen Prey
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Crazy zinging sensations shot through her belly as he looked down at her. He leaned forward and braced his hands to either side of her arms and he bent so that he could suckle one of her nipples. Lyra wiggled beneath him, raising herself up to meet his hot mouth. He moved to her other nipple and she reached for his cock that was pressed tight against her folds. She wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed, and he gave a loud groan against her breasts.

"I want to be inside you so bad I can hardly stand it," he said as he raised his head and their eyes met.

"Do it." She guided his erection toward the entrance to her core.

"I want to feel you around my cock." He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. "We talked about children."

"Dare?" She released his erection, her belly going a little crazy. "You want—you want children. Now?"

"With you, more than anything." He stared down at her and smiled.

"Me, too." She returned his smile and brought his cock slightly into her core and arched her hips to try to take in more of him. "Make love to me. Just like this. Nothing between us."

Dare slid his thick erection into her, deep enough to make her cry out with pleasure as he immediately hit a sweet spot inside her. She wasn't even sore anymore.

He held himself for a moment, his eyes closed. "Sweet Jesus, but you feel like heaven wrapped around me."

Lyra remained still beneath him, enjoying the sensation of him filling her, stretching her, and being a part of her.

He opened his eyes and their gazes locked again. She couldn't get enough of those eyes, his strong features, and that stubble along his jawline. Everything about him was strong and virile, from the power of his muscular body to the way he took control and did whatever he could to protect her, to save her. Yet he made her feel strong, too.

Dare began a slow rhythm, moving in and out of her, never taking his eyes from hers.

Lyra's body flushed with heat from head to toe as she felt every thrust, every movement of their bodies as they rocked together. He paused and leaned back enough that his cock almost slipped from her body. She couldn't help a small whimper and reached for him. He took her hands and laced his fingers with hers, pressing her engagement ring tight against her finger. He drew her arms high over her head before beginning that slow, steady rhythm within her core again.

It felt so good to have his hands linked with hers. The way he held her raised her breasts, and he dipped his head to take one of her nipples in his mouth. Lyra moaned as he gently suckled, then moved to her other nipple.

Sweat rolled down the side of his face and droplets splattered on her breasts. She inhaled as he drove in and out, the scent of his male musk and their sex beyond intoxicating. Her hair was matted with perspiration and their bodies were slick as they moved together.

"I could stay like this, wrapped up inside you." He raised his head and brushed his lips over hers. "I can't tell you how much I love you."

His words sent such a thrill through Lyra that it pushed her closer to a climax she knew she'd never forget. "I never thought I'd find somebody to love until you." She paused when he plunged in deeper and she gave a soft moan. "I still can't believe you're mine."

Dare gave her his sexy grin and ground his groin hard against hers. "You mean you're mine."

"Whatever," she said in a teasing voice, then grew more serious. "Just make love to me."

"I am." Dare began thrusting harder and faster and she moaned with every movement he made. Hotter, wetter, slicker.

Sparks of heat radiated throughout her body, igniting her beyond the heat in her body.

Her skin tingled and she felt as if electricity was zipping from her navel to where they were joined at her core. A climax began to build within her. She felt it from her head to her toes and she began to tremble, she was so close, so very close to the edge. "I'm going to come, Dare."

"Do it, honey." He thrust so hard she cried out as it pushed her to that very peak that she was about to tumble over. "Let me see you come."

Lyra felt like she was one tingling mass of nerves. She shook so hard as her orgasm rocked her body that she clenched her thighs tight around Dare's hips, as if that would ground her. Because she was flying. Flying in a sky filled with stars and brilliant white light.

It never seemed to end, and she wasn't sure she wanted it to.

Dare looked down at Lyra, watched her body flush dark pink and her throat work as she shouted her release. Her body trembled beneath his, and their bodies bucked together as he thrust harder and harder inside her.

All sensation had gathered at his cock and balls, and he ground his teeth to keep from flying over the precipice so that he could watch Lyra as she came.

"Dare. Dare!" She shook but met his every thrust. "Come inside me. Now."

He plunged two, three, four times more, then shouted as his semen exploded out of his body and into Lyra's core. His cock throbbed as her channel continued to clench him, drawing out his orgasm. He squeezed their laced fingers as his body trembled. He thrust until he couldn't take one bit more.

Dare collapsed onto his side, drawing Lyra with him. He kept his cock inside her, not wanting to part with her in any way. They both were breathing hard and her breasts moved against her chest.

When his breathing slowed, he brushed his lips over hers and drew back.

"You found me," she said with a smile.

He squeezed her to him. "And I'm never going to let you go."

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for a sneak peek at

Cheyenne McCray's new sexy paranormal romance



Rhiannon sat on a couch in the common room, her legs tucked up beside her, Spirit at her side. The cocoa-colored cat had stayed close to her ever since Rhiannon had been kidnapped just a few short months ago by the Fomorii. She'd been saved by Silver, Hawk, and Jake, and a few of his officers, but so many witches hadn't made it.

At this moment the room was filled with D'Danann, PSF officers, and witches, all discussing the next plan to get to Ceithlenn and the demons. They had all agreed that the goddess must be near the location where they had battled the Fomorii and the Basilisk.

The chattering around Rhiannon became nothing more than a low drone as she petted Spirit and pushed all thoughts from her mind. Especially thoughts of a certain D'Danann warrior who she'd almost had sex with in the basement.

Bless it
! She didn't even know the man.

As she reached deep inside herself for some semblance of calm, she began to feel lightheaded. Her vision blurred, and her ears felt as if they were stuffed with cotton. Her hand stilled in Spirit's fur.

Everything went hazy, and she felt as if she were being transported out of her body, traveling, traveling. And then she stopped.

Rhiannon found herself in a large and sumptuous penthouse room. She looked at her hands, then ran them down her skirt and felt the brush of her palms against the soft material. Her sandals sank into plush carpeting, and she felt her chest rise and fall with every breath.

It smelled strange. Like burnt sugar and jasmine.

When Rhiannon raised her head, the vivid image of a woman filled her gaze. The woman paced back and forth before a window, but the wooden blinds were drawn so no view could be seen.

The woman was incredibly beautiful, with red hair that wasn't a natural shade but suited her. She had the most interesting eyes—they seemed to shift colors like a wavering mirage.

She wore a rather revealing leather catsuit that barely covered her nipples or her crotch.

Just like the flame-haired being.

Rhiannon's heart beat faster.

She felt as if she were drifting, dreaming, yet still there, whole, in the room.

. The name rolled through Rhiannon's mind, and her heart moved into her throat. The woman
Ceithlenn, the goddess, but in human form.

Something stirred in the corner of her vision, and Rhiannon gave a soft gasp of surprise. Darkwolf. She ground her teeth from thoughts of what the evil bastard had done.

If it wasn't for him summoning the Fomorii,
of this would be happening.

Not far from him was Junga in her Elizabeth form.

The sight of the demon woman made Rhiannon want to throw up. It was that bitch who'd given Rhiannon the scars on her cheek.

She looked back to Darkwolf and saw him staring at Ceithlenn. His handsome features were blank as if he were intentionally keeping his expression unreadable so the goddess wouldn't know his thoughts. The stone eye Rhiannon remembered seeing when she'd been captured by the Fomorii was still resting on Darkwolf's chest, but it was cold and lifeless, not the throbbing red that it had often become.

Tension suddenly crackled in the air, and Rhiannon's attention snapped back to the beautiful woman. Ceithlenn was sniffing the air, her gaze slowly sweeping the room as if she were searching for someone.

Then her eyes focused directly on Rhiannon.

As if Ceithlenn could see her there, in the room.

Suddenly, a sensation like invisible fingers digging into her brain caused Rhiannon to gasp and drop to her knees.

Ceithlenn's power grasped at the Shadows deep inside Rhiannon, driving into the places no one should have been able to touch.

Rhiannon screamed from the pain and clasped her hands to the sides of her head.

Ceithlenn growled and extended her hand, palm facing Rhiannon.

Her heart felt lodged in her throat as she writhed on the floor.

The room seemed to billow. Expand.

A tremendous
shattered Rhiannon's ears.

A great force slammed into her chest.

Excruciating pain filled her mind, her body. Rhiannon screamed again before everything went dark.

Rhiannon's scream tore across the common room just as Keir walked through the doorway. His heart thundered. He reached her before anyone else and caught her in his embrace as she slumped forward on the couch.

Spirit jumped down onto the floor but staggered, as if affected by whatever was wrong with Rhiannon.

Keir's heart pounded as he felt the pulse in her neck. Relief surged through him to find it sure and strong. Her breaths were so shallow that he had not seen her chest move. He ignored everyone as he swept her up and stood while Rhiannon remained limp and pale.

"What's wrong with her?" Keir said to Silver just as she reached his side.

"She must have had some kind of vision." Silver swept a loose lock of Rhiannon's auburn hair away from her smooth cheek and placed the back of her hand to Rhiannon's pale skin. "I just happened to glance up from across the room and saw that she was in some kind of trance—I've seen that same expression many times." Silver's eyes met Keir's, a look of fear on her face for her friend. "But then she jerked back like something had slammed into her and she screamed. That's never happened during any of her visions before."

"Where is the healing witch?" Keir asked, then saw the half-Elvin witch, Cassia, pushing her way through the crowd.

"Up to her room." Cassia gestured toward the stairs to the upper-level apartments.

"We'll get her to bed and then I'll take care of her."

Keir still could not explain why he felt the tremendous need to protect this woman, or why he wanted her so badly. But right now all he could think about was getting her safe and well.

Holding Rhiannon tightly in his arms, he followed the Elvin witch up the stairs to Rhiannon's apartment. When Cassia unlocked the door with her magic, it swung open and he caught the light citrus scent he had come to associate with Rhiannon. Cassia flicked on the lights, revealing a room as bright and colorful as Rhiannon herself. Splashes of reds, yellows, greens, blues, and purples greeted him from lamps to framed pictures to couches and chairs and to her kitchen canisters, towels, and potholders.

Cassia led the way to the bedroom and pulled back the sheets, and he laid Rhiannon on the bed. Even her sheets were a bright shade of yellow.

Keir took her small hand and gently stroked her fingers in his as Cassia held her palms over Rhiannon's chest.

Iridescent sparkles glittered over Rhiannon's body as Cassia moved her palms above the witch. She looked startled for a moment. "It's worse than I thought—some kind of blackness is inside her."

Cassia removed her hands and the sparks vanished. Her face had an expression of deep concern. "I need to get a few things. You leave and let Silver take care of her while I run to my place," she said as she hurried from the room.

"I will not leave," Keir growled as he gripped Rhiannon's hand tighter and leaned over to see her beautiful face.

"Out of the way, you big numbskull," Silver said as she tried to push past him.

Before he could respond or move, Rhiannon's eyelids fluttered open. For a moment her green eyes met his, her expression going from puzzled to pleased to very displeased.

Keir gripped her hand tighter. "You will be all right, little one," he said in Gaelic before he allowed Silver to gently push him out of the way.

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