Chosen (The Rap Superstar Series #1) (4 page)

Read Chosen (The Rap Superstar Series #1) Online

Authors: Val Love

Tags: #interracial romance, #interracial erotica, #billionaire romance, #rap erotica, #rap romance

BOOK: Chosen (The Rap Superstar Series #1)
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they put me in the background?

Maybe get me to sing the tracks, then bring in someone
prettier than me and say that she sang them?

If it came down
to it, Cora would call it quits. She questioned her motive on that.
The only reason she could come up with was she respected Tyrell. If
he wasn’t the man she thought he was, she would be seriously

guys sound great. How many times do we have to tell you? I have to
go home and sleep. I can only tell you how great you are so many

Thank you,” Cora said.

T gave her his
famous smirk. She shied away, blood rushing to her

right, we’re through for today. Don’t be bitchin either, you know I
could go longer.”

The engineer
grunted. “I know you can. That’s what I’m afraid of. Thanks, T.
Good work, guys.”

He shut off the
lights to his section.

Leaving Tyrell
and Cora to walk out alone again.

Which meant, it
finally hit her, that Cora would be spending another night alone
and without a place to stay.


She huddled
against the window.

thought about putting on a CD of Tyrell’s, maybe that would help
calm her, but she thought twice about it. Don’t become obsessed.
Not with him. Don’t even like him.
You’re already thinking too much about

come from two different worlds.

She sighed,
putting her head on her hand until it fell asleep and then she
replaced it, and did it all over again.

No good. Her
hand numbed before she could pass out.

Samantha wouldn’t be an option.

The dream of
singing with Tyrell suddenly seemed far off. If she didn’t get
another job soon, she wouldn’t be able to survive. He wasn’t a man
who would wait, either, she didn’t think. He would eventually pick
a new singer. She couldn’t bare telling him her problem,

It would have
to be, she would have to duck out, and try to tell him months
later, after her first paycheck at hopefully a new job. Cora knew
she shouldn’t have done it...she shouldn’t have gotten mixed up in
such a crazy plan. It would only bring her heartbreak.

A tapping on
her window jolted her. She leapt to the other side of the back
seat, ready to kick whoever had startled her, even though the doors
were locked, the windows closed. She heard a familiar voice on the
other side…



Cora looked for
somewhere to hide.

Nowhere to
hide, nowhere to run, she would need to face him. There wasn’t an
excuse. She would need to tell him the truth. She opened the door
on her side, and climbed out.

Hey, yeah, it’s me.”

What are you still doing here?”

It would hurt
to tell the truth, but she couldn’t wait to get it off her chest.
She’d been stressing about if for so long. She needed

living here.”

Living,” he said, growing silent. That silence hurt. She
didn’t know what to expect when it ended.

are living here, in your car?”

Yeah. I got kicked out of my apartment.”

She expected
more silence, instead he embraced her, laying his hands on her
hips. Her arousal swelled, the need for him rising straight through
all her fears, piercing them and dissipating them, leaving her with
what was truly important; Tyrell cared. Cared about her enough that
he wanted to fix her terrible life, not abandon her.

should’ve told me. You could’ve stayed at my place. Or any of my
places. Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you been staying

His hands
gripped her tighter, working their way from her hips to her waist.
She shuddered, clamping her thighs.

long. A couple of days.”

Come inside with me.”

are you here?”

couldn’t sleep. I came back to check on the songs.” He clasped her
hand, guiding her away from her car and toward the

Maybe I wanted to hear your voice again.”

She let him
lead her up the stairs. Her heart thrummed in her chest. Feeling
like she was rescued for the moment, she didn’t think she would
ever accept any help from Tyrell, but she knew he was a stubborn
man, and would make her accept a room at least. She would
eventually pay him back, but, right now, all she cared about was
that she was saved for the moment, that she was holding his hand,
and he was taking her away to a better place.

Cora just liked
being with him.

It occurred to
her how strong an attraction she had to this man, instead of being
scared, like usual, she decided she needed to take it. It was too
good to let slip away.

He swung open
the doors to the recording room. Sitting on his massive leather
seat, he looked like a king. This was his kingdom, and she was glad
to be a part of it. But could she ever been his queen?

God, Cora, wish you woulda told me you were sleeping in there.
This whole time we could’ve been working.”

He grinned. The
way he sat, his legs spread wide and facing her while she stood,
invited her onto his lap. Cora thought about dropping onto him,
letting his hands roam all over her body, up from the highest he
brought them on her waist, even higher.

It’s a little embarrassing, don’t you think?”

all the people you could’ve gone to, don’t you think I would
understand the best?”

Tyrell had been
kicked out his mother’s house at sixteen. He lived on the streets
for years. She knew that part about him from the documentary she
watched years ago. He eventually got noticed for his talent, and
his life got better, assuming the documentary told the

know, but we just met.”

He nodded,
rising to his feet, towering over her again.

know we just met. That’s the thing, I don’t care that we just met.
I haven’t felt this way in such a long time.” He approached her,
standing not a foot away, tempting her to leap into his arms. “I’ve
never wanted someone so badly.”

The way she
looked at him told him everything. She begged him to

Before she
could react, he had her, pulling her closer. She closed her eyes,
parting her lips, and he pressed on her, parting her wider. Their
tongues met. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered, bliss.

He clutched
her, squeezing her, and she moaned into his mouth, having trouble
keeping up with him.

want you right now, Cora,” he said. Cora knew he was a man used to
getting what he wanted. Her body - telling her to continue, to keep
going all the way, until they were naked and frantically exploring
each others bodies, had already won over her mind, which told her
hold back, that this was too soon.

Let’s not rush it,” she said, and he kissed her neck. She

I’ll cherish every second of it.”

His kissing got
to the back of her neck, then up to her earlobe, which he nuzzled
against, her knees buckling, she fell deeper into his embrace. He
brought her down to his luxurious chair.

Straddling it,
she could fit so neatly in his lap. They went at each other
rabidly. Tyrell’s eyes were hungry, roaming all over her curves,
but most of his attention fell solely on her lovely

She ground
against his lap. He was solid, his cock growing and throbbing. She
could feel it through the fabric, and from what she could feel, it
was intimidating. Taking him would be a challenge. Yet as she
rubbed against him, she noticed just how wet she was between her
thighs. If she was that wet, taking such a giant would be no
problem…she hoped.

Biting her lip,
he sent her into a horny fury. Her breasts, swollen and sore,
demanded that they be unleashed.

He got the
point. Maybe he just wanted to unleash them himself, because
Tyrell’s lips swerved down to her cleavage. He wasn’t kidding when
he said he wanted to cherish her. He took his time, despite his
cock throbbing underneath her, hard and pressing into her

want you, Tyrell. Oh God, how I want you. Go ahead, go ahead,” she
said, panting, reeling back as he reached inside her

He pulled it
down, exposing her bra. Then he reached around, fingers snapping
her bra off. He held it there, teasing her, just for a second, and
then he dropped it, biting his lip to stop him from indulging too
fast on the sexy sight before him.

Maddening,” he said, “You’re fuckin incredible.” He kissed her
neck again, but his hands were all over her luscious, heavy
breasts. She squeezed on his lap. Tightening around him, she rocked
on his hard cock as she arched her back, letting him bring his
tongue in circles around her tits.

Please,” she moaned, wanting him to suck her nipples. Enough
teasing, her body pounded, demanded that he take her right

Mmmm, I can’t wait to take that hot pussy of yours. You’ve got
a perfect body.”

No man had ever
told her that.

They had told
her a lot of things to get on her good side, but none she ever
trusted as much as she trusted Tyrell at that moment. She knew he
was telling the truth, he saw her curvy, busty body as the epitome
of beauty.

His hand curved
lower, down to her panties, and he grazed her wetness. She bolted
straight, surprised at the intensity of that single touch. He
smirked, loving how she reacted to his playing. Then he went at
her, sucking on each nipple, taking his time, when he wasn’t
sucking one, twisting the other.

She moaned like
her life depended on it. At the moment, Cora felt like it did. If
she didn’t get relief, she felt like it might end.

All of his
caressing and sucking drove her to his belt buckle. Her hands
trembled as she tried to unleash him. He helped her, slipping it
off and throwing it across the room. She curled against him, a
thunderous spike in arousal rushing through her as his fingers rode
over her panties again.

They rode right
past her clit. Her sensitive little nub responded in extreme

Cora needed to
hurry. She needed to get his cock out.

Dropping to her
knees, she slid off to the floor.

Give me that cock.”

Unzipping his
fly, his cock stood straight out. It rose, thick and wide, his
balls full and heavy. Her tongue sprang for it. She couldn’t wait
to taste him. He was excited already, precum wetting his

Wrapping her
lips over his cock head, she couldn’t get over how big he was, and
that was just his tip. She swirled her tongue around him, and he
tightened, flexing and groaning to her touch. He wound his fingers
around her hair, pulling her close, and she opened her lips wider,
bringing his dark cock even deeper into her mouth.

Mmm, babe, take that.”

Could she? He
pushed further in her mouth, pushing at her cheeks, shoving her
wide open. She struggled, forcing him deeper into her throat. She
could barely even get to his base. She worked her fingers around
his shaft, caressing him, taking off the pressure of him going

Pulling out,
she caught her breath. “You’re so thick.”

Sorry babe, you gotta handle that.”

it’s not a bad thing,” she said, running her tongue from his tip to
his balls. “I’ll have to get used to it.”

She tried
again. This time she took her time on his tip, rushing him in and
out over her plump lips. Getting him worked up at the sensitive
area right below his cock head, he moaned louder, tightening around
her hair. She liked being dominated like that, and he didn’t dare
force her down his cock due to his size.

He let her
slowly push it in her mouth. Now able to get past half way his
shaft, she looked up in his eyes while she pleaded for his hot cum.
As she did, she shuddered, her pussy panging, tightening, wanting
him inside her.

Pulling him
out, she gasped again. Then she went right back to it, giving him
the service of his life.

He had to pull
her off. He brought her back onto his lap.

Let’s take that skirt off you.”

Mmm…” She curled against his solid chest. While he slid her
dress lower, she jerked him off, amazed at how tiny her hand was on
that big black cock.

Her skirt
dropped. He helped her take her top off. Naked, and grinding on his
lap, his cock pressed against her pussy lips. Wet and sensitive,
she wanted him inside, but he teased her, guiding her by the hips,
glancing her with his cock each time they swayed.

Please, get inside me.”

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