Christmas Caramel Murder (8 page)

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Authors: Joanne Fluke

BOOK: Christmas Caramel Murder
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“Unless he left and walked around to the back door.”
“No.” Hannah shook her head. “It's definitely not Mike. He always knocks like he's serving a search warrant. It's loud and demanding and staccato. I think it's probably Norman. He's got a firm knock, but it's not as commanding as Mike's and not as impatient as Mother's. Go let him in, will you please? I'll pour him a cup of coffee and get him settled at the workstation.”
Preheat oven to 275 degrees F., rack in the center position.
(That's two hundred and seventy-five degrees F., not a misprint.)
6 large eggs
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup white
2 Tablespoons
all-purpose flour
(Pack it
down when you measure it.)
a little flour in a small bowl for later
a small jar of seedless raspberry jam
(or your
favorite jam if you don't like raspberry)
Hannah's 1
Note: Make sure you use jam and not jelly in this recipe. I know the name is Angel Jellies, but that's because “Angel Jams” didn't sound as nice. I haven't tried jelly, but there's more liquid in jelly than in jam. Jam has pieces of fruit in it and although the liquid in jam will melt, those pieces of fruit won't melt. Jelly could melt and leak out of the bottoms of the cookies as they bake, making them soggy.
Separate 6 large eggs and put the whites in one container and the yolks in another.
Cover the container with the yolks and put it in the refrigerator. You can use it to make yolk-rich scrambled eggs for breakfast in the morning, or a yolk-rich Chocolate Flan with Caramel Whipped Cream for dessert.
Set the whites on your kitchen counter until they've come up to room temperature.
(This will give them more volume when you whip them.)
Prepare your cookie sheets by lining them with parchment paper
(this works best)
or brown parcel-wrapping paper if you don't have parchment. Spray the paper with Pam or another non-stick cooking spray and dust it lightly with flour.
Hannah's 2
Note: You can also use Pam Baking Spray or another brand of
baking spray
that has flour in it.
Hannah's 3
Note: These cookies are a lot easier to make if you use an electric mixer because you must beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks and, ultimately, stiff peaks. You can use a copper bowl and a whisk, but it will take some time and muscle.
Beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar, vanilla, and salt until they are firm enough to hold a soft peak. Test this by shutting off the mixer and dotting the egg whites with the side of a clean rubber spatula. When you pull up the spatula, a soft peak should form.
Hannah's 4
Note: For those of you who haven't made meringues before, soft peaks slump a bit and bend over on themselves. That's what you want at this stage. A bit later on in the recipe, you'll want stiff peaks. Those stand straight up and do not slump or bend over.
With the mixer running on MEDIUM HIGH speed, sprinkle the egg white mixture with approximately one third of the sugar. Turn the mixer up to HIGH speed for ten seconds. Then turn the mixer down to MEDIUM HIGH speed again.
Sprinkle in half of the remaining sugar, turn the mixer up to HIGH speed for ten seconds, and then back down to MEDIUM HIGH speed.
Sprinkle in the remaining sugar and follow the same procedure, turning the mixer up to HIGH speed for ten seconds, or until stiff peaks form. Then turn OFF the mixer completely.
Sprinkle in the flour and mix it into the egg white mixture at LOW speed. You don't want to whip any air out of the meringue.
Take the bowl out of the mixer, give it a gentle stir with your rubber spatula, and place it next to your prepared cookie sheet.
Use a spoon to drop small mounds of dough on your cookie sheet, no more than 12 dough mounds to a standard-sized sheet.
(If you make 4 rows with 3 dough mounds in each row, that should be perfect.)
Hannah's 5
Note: The mound of dough should be no larger than a ping pong ball. (If you've never played table tennis, this is a little smaller than a golf ball. If you've never played golf, make the dough mounds the size of a large walnut in the shell. If you've never seen a large walnut in the shell, you'd better ask someone or you won't have a clue!)
Dip the pad of your impeccably clean finger in the flour.
(I use my pointer finger.)
Make an indentation in the center of your mounds of cookie dough, dipping your finger in the bowl of flour before indenting each mound. Make sure your indentations DO NOT go all the way to the bottom of the dough mounds.
(If the jam leaks out in the oven, it'll go all over and you certainly don't want that!)
Use the tip of a small spoon to take a little jam from the jar and deposit it inside the indentation you made. Don't use too much jam. A little will do just fine.
Drop a little mound of cookie dough over the top of the jam to cover it completely. Then it will be a lovely surprise when everyone bites into your cookies.
Bake your Angel Jellies at 275 degrees F. for approximately 40 minutes or until the meringue part of the cookie is lightly golden and dry to the touch when you tap it lightly with your finger.
Take the Angel Jellies out of the oven. Cool the cookies on the paper-lined baking sheet by setting it on a cold stovetop burner or on a wire rack.
When your Angel Jellies are completely cool, peel them off the paper and store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
(Unfortunately, your refrigerator is NOT a dry place. A cupboard shelf will do just fine as long as it's not near your stove.)
Yield: 3 to 4 dozen crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth cookies with a delightful surprise in the center. Warning: Angel Jellies are like potato chips. You can't eat just one!
Michelle's Note: My college housemates love these cookies. I've made them with strawberry jam, peach jam, apricot jam, pineapple jam, blueberry jam, and orange marmalade.
Chapter Seven
orman!” Hannah greeted him with a cup of coffee, a plate of cookies, and a smile. “How are you? I haven't seen you in a while.”
Norman stood up as she placed the coffee and cookies in front of him and pulled her into his arms to give her a hug. “I know I haven't dropped in for a while. I've been busy at the house, directing workmen. And I've gone out to the mall every night for Christmas shopping. How about you?”
“Here,” Hannah replied with a sigh. “Christmas and Valentine's Day are our busy times. And this year we're doing all the cookies and candy for the children's Christmas gift bags.”
“Christmas is always a busy time. I hired Doc Bennett to take over for me until after the first of the year. He needs the work, and I need time off.”
“Are you going away for the holidays?” Hannah asked him.
“Not a chance. I'm doing some construction at the house.”
“What construction? I thought you loved the house the way we designed it.”
“Oh, I do. But things have changed and I wanted to update. Do you know that you can buy a humungous LED big screen now?”
“I hadn't noticed. I'm perfectly happy with the television I have now.”
“I'm not. You know those old movies you love, Hannah?”
Hannah began to smile. “You mean the old romantic comedies and the chick flicks?”
“Yes. And the old detective films. They're all remastered now. And I needed to enlarge the den so that I could get a hundred-and-twenty-inch screen on the wall without being crowded.”
Hannah's mouth dropped open. “But . . . that's practically theater-sized!”
“That's right. And won't it be fun to watch our favorite classic films in a home theater with perfect surround sound and incredibly comfortable seating?”
“Maybe,” Hannah said, but she couldn't hide her delighted expression. She loved to watch classic movies with Norman.
“Then you'll come out to watch films with me when my home theater is finished?”
Hannah's timing was perfect. She waited a beat before she answered. But when Norman started to look a little nervous, she relented. “Yes. You can bet I'll be there!”
Norman looked very happy, and Hannah felt a little guilty about what she had planned to say next. But that didn't stop her. “You bet I'll come! But only if you've got a popcorn machine.”
Norman's smile grew larger by the nanosecond. “I knew you'd say that!”
“I'm that predictable?”
“No, it's just that I know you so well. And because I know you that well, I've got one.”
“You have a popcorn machine?”
“Yes. I bought one just so I could say I had it. Of course I don't know how to work it yet, but . . .”
“I'll figure it out,” Hannah cut in. “When I was in high school, I made popcorn for every movie they ran in the auditorium. And when I got to college, I made popcorn in the big theater, the small theater, the concession stand for football, basketball, and baseball games, and any other special events where they thought they could make a profit selling it. There's not a popcorn machine on the face of this earth that I can't learn to operate.”
“This one's digital.”
“Ooooh! Fun! I've never seen a digital popcorn machine before. And that reminds me . . . is it portable?”
Norman looked slightly confused. “Actually . . . yes. It doesn't weigh that much. And it makes a ton of popcorn.”
“You saved my life,” Hannah told him.
“Okay.” Norman's eyes narrowed. “How did I do that? Or will I be sorry I asked?”
“You may be sorry, especially when you have to lug that popcorn machine all the way over to Jordan High.”
It took Norman a moment, but then he gave a nod. “I get it. Their popcorn machine is broken again, and you need one for the concession stand at the Christmas play. Am I on the right track?”
“Not only are you on the right track, you won the race! Will you lend it to me, Norman? It's just for three nights. Michelle and I are manning the concession stand at the play because Lisa's going to be Mrs. Claus. The Lake Eden Players usually borrow Jordan High's machine, but theirs is broken and the new one they ordered won't be here until after the holidays.”
“You can borrow mine on one condition.”
“What's the one condition?”
“It's simple. You have to teach me how to use it and let me make the popcorn for you. You and Michelle will be busy enough selling everything else. I want to help.”
“Then you've got a job,” Hannah said happily, reaching out to take his hand. “Thanks, Norman. You always come through for me in a pinch.”
Norman gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and then he looked very serious. “Are you doing it again, Hannah?”
Hannah's first instinct was to ask him what he meant, but she already knew exactly what he was asking. “Yes,” she admitted. “Lisa's a suspect and so is Herb. I have to clear them.”
“By catching the real killer?”
“That's the plan. Lisa doesn't have an alibi for a critical period of time last night. She was with me until nine, and then she went home alone to feed Dillon and Sammy. She didn't join me again until around ten at the Corner Tavern.”
“And Herb?”
“Herb told Lisa that he's been working late, but . . .” Hannah's voice trailed off. She really shouldn't be discussing Lisa's marital problems with Norman.
“But what?” Norman prompted.
Hannah sighed. “But Lisa has her doubts.”
“Let me get this straight. You want me to find an alibi for both Lisa and Herb?”
“That's right. An alibi for one would be good. And an alibi for both would be even better.”
“Okay. I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Do you know the time of death?”
“Not yet. Doc can't tell exactly, but he always puts a window of time in the autopsy report. My problem is, I don't have the autopsy report yet.”
“It shouldn't be long now.”
Hannah was puzzled. “What are you talking about?”
“I saw your mother on the highway when I drove to town. She was heading in the opposite direction, and unless she was going out to the mall three hours before it opens, she was heading out to the hospital.”
“What time was that?”
“And hour or so ago. I stopped at Hal and Rose's for breakfast, dropped in at the office to go over the mail, and then I came over here.”
“Perfect. Mother should be here any . . .” Hannah stopped speaking as they heard a series of knocks at the door. “There she is now.”
“Do you want me to get that?” Michelle asked from the other side of the kitchen.
“Yes, please,” Hannah answered. “It's Mother.”
“On my way, Hannah. I'll let her in, pour her some coffee, and then I'll put more cookies on the plate I was fixing for you and Norman. Mother loves these Angel Jellies, and they're cool enough to eat now.”
A second or two later, Delores came in. She took a stool next to Norman at the workstation and plunked a manila envelope in front of Hannah.
“Is that what I think it is?” Hannah asked her.
“Yes, if you think it's the autopsy report.” Delores tapped the envelope with one impeccably manicured nail, and smiled smugly. “I assumed that you'd need it?”
“You assumed right. Thank you, Mother. You're wonderful to do this for me.”
“I like to help,” Delores said modestly, but Hannah noticed that her smug smile was still in place. “And this time I took an extra precaution. I called Andrea last night and told her I was going to get it and she didn't have to sneak it out of Bill's briefcase and scan it before she put it back.”
“Was Andrea grateful that you were getting it and she didn't have to?” Hannah asked the question, even though she thought she already knew the answer.
“Actually . . . no. I thought she'd be relieved. She takes an awful chance, you know. Bill would be so upset with her if he ever caught her. But she sounded almost . . .”
“Deprived?” Norman provided the word.
“Why, yes! That's right. And all I was trying to do was help.”
“Of course you were,” Hannah said quickly. “And I'm sure that Andrea realizes that. It's possible you just caught her at a bad time when you called.”
Delores thought about that for a moment, and then she gave a little nod. “You're right, dear. I
catch her at a bad time. Grandma McCann had taken Tracey and a friend ice skating at the school rink, and Andrea was trying to put Bethie to bed. I heard Bethie say that she wouldn't go to bed without
and Andrea had no idea what a
“Does Bethie have a toy giraffe?”
Delores didn't say anything. She just stared at Hannah so intently that Hannah began to feel uncomfortable. “Don't look at me that way, Mother. It was just a guess.”
“But you're right! Bethie has a stuffed giraffe and it's one of her favorite toys! You really should have children, Hannah. You have a natural flair for understanding them.”
A host of replies occurred to Hannah including,
It takes two to have children, Mother!
I'll take that under consideration and let you know within a decade or so
. But she knew that anything she said would only make the situation more uncomfortable. And that was when Michelle arrived at the workstation with the platter of Angel Jellies and saved her the necessity of replying.
“Have a cookie, Mother,” Michelle invited. “They're raspberry Angel Jellies.”
“My favorite!” Delores declared, reaching for one.
“Norman?” Michelle offered the platter to him.
“Thanks, Michelle. I've never had these before.”
“Hannah?” Michelle passed the platter to her. And then, in an undertone, she said, “I think you'd better put something in your mouth before you insert your foot.”
Hannah had all she could do not to laugh. “Just set the platter in front of Mother, Michelle. She likes these cookies so much.”
“Of course. I planned to do that.” Michelle took the stool next to Hannah. “What are you giving Andrea and Bill for Christmas, Mother?”
“I don't know yet, dear.”
“How about if we all go in on it together and give Andrea and Bill a few days in a nice hotel, just the two of them?”
“Why, that's a wonderful idea!” Delores agreed immediately. “But you girls don't have to contribute anything. I can afford to do it by myself and I'd like it to be
present to them. I wonder which hotel I should choose.”
“Somewhere warm,” Hannah suggested. “I think the cold is getting to Bill. When he came in the other morning, he was shivering.”
“You're right, dear,” Delores agreed. “This has been a particularly cold winter. I know that Bill has the week after Christmas off. Andrea mentioned it to me the other day. I could fly them down to Florida to a nice, relaxing resort. They could have a mini second honeymoon.”
“That sounds nice,” Norman said. “Mother and Earl went to Florida last March, and they loved it.”
“Then that's what I'll do. I'll fly them down there the day after Christmas and they can come home the day after New Year's.”
“You'd better act fast to get plane tickets,” Michelle cautioned her. “Flights are hard to get over holidays.”
“I know, dear. Don't worry. I'll rush right home and do it.”
“Before you do that, it might be a good idea to check with Bill to make sure exactly which days he has off,” Hannah reminded her. “I could be wrong, but I don't think Andrea would like to go on a mini second honeymoon all by herself.”

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