Christmas With You (16 page)

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Authors: Tracey Alvarez

BOOK: Christmas With You
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About the Author


Tracey Alvarez lives in the Coolest Little Capital in the World (a.k.a Wellington, New Zealand) where she’s yet to be buried under her to-be-read book pile by Wellington’s infamous wind—her Kindle’s a lifesaver! Married to a wonderfully supportive IT guy, she has two teens who would love to be surgically linked to their electronic devices.


Fuelled by copious amounts of coffee, she’s the author of contemporary romantic fiction set predominantly in New Zealand. Small-towns, close communities, and families are a big part of the heart-warming stories she writes. Oh, and hot, down-to-earth heroes—Kiwi men, in other words.


When she’s not writing, thinking about writing, or procrastinating about writing, Tracey can be found reading sexy books of all romance genres, nibbling on smuggled chocolate bars, or bribing her kids to take over the housework.


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Thanks to my mum who always made Christmas special. I’ll miss you this year and every year until we can spend Christmas together again.

Also my gorgeous husband who 99% of the time comes up with brilliant gifts for me (we won’t talk about the Year of the Tape Dispenser…) and who lets me spoil the kids with Christmas stockings AND presents under the tree.

Thanks to my research helpers for tolerantly answering my questions. The lovely author Nicola Davidson for fielding bar-tending questions, and my friend and ex cow-cocky Stu, for all things bovine related. Any mistakes, are of course, mine.

As always, I am in debt to my wonderful critique partners and my patient editor.

And lastly, to my readers…most of you might not even read these acknowledgements, but if you do, know that I so appreciate each and every one of you for taking a chance on me and my books.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!




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