Circle of Danger (19 page)

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Authors: Carla Swafford

BOOK: Circle of Danger
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She looked at Mulcahy then. He was like Theo, playing his games, manipulating people into giving away their feelings. If she played favorites with either man, what little time they had left in this world would be a living hell. But would life be any better here?

Unsure of what to say or do, she remained quiet. The first lesson she'd learned growing up was to keep her mouth shut and her eyes open. A lesson that had saved her life many times with Theo.

“Let's go see what Letitia is up to. That should help me decide.” Not releasing his hold on her arm, they exited the balcony just as the crowd roared with approval at the start of another fight. When they entered the hallway, instead of continuing straight, they turned left into another wing of the massive underground facility. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught some movement. Ice followed quietly behind them.

They reached a large gate. Two burly guards outfitted in the black, soft armor she'd seen earlier stood at attention nearby as a man in a blue lab coat unlocked the bars with a loud clang. Metal screeched as it opened.

“I hadn't expected you so soon. Letitia's with him now, giving him the extra shot you ordered.”

Mulcahy's hand squeezed her arm harder. She grimaced. Any bruise he gave her at that moment would be worth it, considering how upset he appeared at the news. But who were they giving the additional injection to? Ryker or Jack?

They walked by a glassed-in lab into what looked to be a storage room. Her steps hesitated as the stench assaulted her nose. It smelled of unwashed bodies and urine with a large dose of despair.

Around a hundred metal boxes lined the ten-foot-tall shelves and several of the boxes stood upright on the floor. From the dime-sized holes stamped into the metal, eyes stared back at her, causing her skin to crawl with the realization that they each contained a human locked inside.

Mulcahy pulled her toward a steel door marked “Authorized Personnel Only” in yellow and black. Still holding her, he opened the door and kicked it, slamming it against the wall.

Letitia leaned over Ryker. With his head, chest, arms, and legs strapped to an examining table, Ryker would be unable to stop her from doing whatever she wanted. She had a hand beneath his loincloth and a knee on the table, and was about to crawl over his defenseless body.

“Get off me, you fucking skank!” Ryker said between gritted teeth.

“No one's coming to your rescue. While Mike's fucking your little whore, you're mine to play with until I've had my fill. Then we'll take turns cutting pieces off you. That is, if you don't die in the arena before then.”

Marie resisted the urge to scream, but for the first time in a long while, she had the desire to kill. By touching Ryker, that woman became the walking dead.



yker's arms and hips ached from the numerous shots they'd given him. It only added to the contusions he'd received from his opponents' hits and jabs. Now with Letitia treating him as her own private sex toy, he wanted to grab her by the throat and squeeze.

Hatred and lust swamped his brain. Not since the last time Theo had restrained and used him had Ryker wanted to kill another with his bare hands.

“Bloody hell, get off the man. You can take him back to your room later.” Mulcahy stopped close enough to the examination table for Ryker to see his hand gripping Marie's arm. She was beautiful with her hair piled on her head and ringlets brushing her cheeks. The white gown made her look like one of those women on Greek urns.

Her green eyes flashed with anger. She jerked her arm from the asshole and pushed Letitia. “Are you deaf and stupid? Get away from him!”

Letitia stumbled off the table, clutching a chair to regain her balance. She stood straight and thrust back her shoulders. Fury reddened her face as she towered over the small woman. “Don't you ever touch me again!”

When Letitia pushed out a hand to knock her to the side, Marie grabbed it and with surprise written on everyone's faces, the taller woman's body flew through the air, crashing hard into the floor.

“No. Bitch. Don't touch me.” Marie reached for the Velcro straps holding Ryker down.

“What do you think you're doing, my darling?” Mulcahy ignored the unconscious woman at his feet.

“He can't . . . You can't—” Tears streamed down Marie's face.

Ryker understood what was going through her mind. Tying them down for punishment was a favorite of Theo's. He wanted to tell her to stop crying, that everything would be okay, but his compassion would only give Mulcahy more ammunition.

“Oh, yes, I can—and will.”

Fruitless as it was, Ryker fought the straps as he caught the look Mulcahy gave him.

The gun in the man's hand pointed straight and steady at Ryker. “I had planned to let him live a little longer, but I don't like how you have such a soft spot for him. I don't like how you look at him.”

Before he squeezed the trigger, a scream echoed into the room, followed by gunfire and shouting. Mulcahy moved out of Ryker's field of vision.

“What the bloody hell have they done?” The screaming became louder as a man opened the door and ran at them brandishing a long knife. “Marie, stay here. I'll deal with you and Ryker later.” Mulcahy shot the man, and then using the knife he sliced him open as if for good measure. Then he disappeared into the crowd, firing and slicing along the way.

Standing frozen, she stared at the chaos outside the pane of glass.

Although she was the most courageous woman he'd ever known, all the bloodshed and trauma she'd been through would affect such a sensitive soul. From what little Ryker could see, the acts of barbarianism on the other side could send her into shock.

Needing to get her mind on something else, he said, “Marie. Get the straps.”

She blinked a few times and reached for the one at his right arm. As soon as she pulled the strap away, he jerked the others from his head and left hand as she worked on his torso and legs.

She asked, “What's happened?”

Ryker eyed her while he massaged his numb legs. Though she moved with purpose, as if seeing the slaughter on the other side of the glass didn't affect her any longer, her shaking hands matched her trembling voice.

“I had inside help setting up a disturbance. It appears he decided to release all the fighters.”

Just as he sat up, Ice slipped into the room.

“Took you long enough,” Ryker said. “Is there a way out of here?”

“If we leave now. I have a boat ready. Can you make it?” Collin's top operative looked cool and in control. His brother swore the man could be trusted.

How ironic was that? From what he'd seen, the man was good at his job and had done his best to protect Marie—when he could without raising suspicion. Ryker didn't trust his brother, but he had no other option.

Ryker tested his legs as he held tight to the examining table. The booster shot the bitch had given him swirled in his veins. His vision became fuzzy and his head felt like a balloon about to float away. His fingers gripped the edge of the table harder and he waited for his head to clear as all the blood flowed to his groin. He didn't have time for this.

“He's been working for you all along?” Marie's tone hinted at her disbelief.

Ryker concentrated on piecing the words together so he could answer. “No. Yes.” He shook his head. Damn it, whatever booster the bitch had given him was blurring his mind more so than usual. “He works for my brother. So technically, he works for me.” Her confused look was no surprise. He hadn't told her what he and his brother had agreed on back in Georgia. It felt like a hundred years ago.

“Time to go. Or it's never. Mulcahy's rallying his guards.” Ice waved them over to follow.

Marie's soft touch on his arm jolted through his body to his hard cock. He jerked away. The hurt look on her face penetrated his cotton-filled brain.

“Don't touch me for a while. I'm not sure how much control I have. The drug—”

Ice interrupted. “Let's go!”

“Follow Ice. I'll be right behind you.” He didn't want Marie out of his sight—more out of fear that someone would take her from him, than because she looked like a goddess in that white dress. When he got a look at her back, his knees almost gave out on him. He could see the dip in her waist where her buttocks started. Heat infused his body. He wanted to touch her badly. Then his gaze noted a red, swollen area with three delicate stitches beneath one shoulder blade. The asshole had cut her and taken out her locator. When he got his hands on Mulcahy, there wouldn't be enough left to bury him. For now, he needed to concentrate on getting her to safety.

Only twice did a guard or unfortunate inmate get in their path as they wound their way through a passageway. The pleasure Ryker felt in mashing in their faces and breaking their arms didn't compare to what he really wanted: Marie with her legs spread.

Another hot surge gripped his body.
Keep your mind on getting out of here first, you rutting bastard.

By the time Ice slapped open an emergency exit, sweat covered every inch of Ryker's body. Instead of the outside, they were in a dank cave. Several yards later, they ran up steps carved into rock that twisted and turned with a strong salt-laden breeze hitting their faces. Instead of coming as a relief to his overheated body, the breeze caressed his skin. Moisture trickled down his face. At first, he thought it was sweat, but when he wiped his face he realized it was tears. Fighting the urge to throw the woman before him on the ground and fuck her brains out was killing him.

They finally emerged into a small grove of trees. Pushing their way through, they came out near a cliff overlooking a snow-white beach. A few yards away, a Sea Ray boat anchored near shore bobbed in the water.

“Here.” Ice knocked off a pile of dead fronds covering a canvas bag. “You both need to change into these. It'll make your time in the boat tolerable.” He tossed the bag to Ryker.

Inside, he found the typical clothes of tourists: loud-colored shirts and khaki shorts, and at the bottom, flip-flops.

“You're kidding, right?” Ryker held up a large blue pair with two fingers.

“A tourist wouldn't be wearing combat boots in a boat in the middle of the Gulf.” Ice pointed between two palms. “Follow the trail along the ledge and it'll come out on the beach. I've got to get back before they realize you're gone. When they start searching for you, I'll help Jack escape.”

He was right about the clothes. Although Ryker wasn't sure how to hide his blind eye.

“What about a weapon?” Ryker dug into the bag, checking between the clothes.

“They're on the boat. Be sure to look in the side pockets. The odds and ends will probably come in handy.” Then the man disappeared into the shadows.

Ryker unzipped a side pocket and pulled out a compass. Another pocket yielded two pairs of sunglasses, and next to them, a couple of baseball caps. The last pocket had wipes and a bottle of mosquito repellant.

Hmm. Three out of five were useful. Not many mosquitoes with all the wind and waves. Ice had better left some guns and ammo in the boat. Floating around the Keys with drug runners and other low-lifes without a weapon only asked for trouble.

“Here. Put this on.” He pitched the sack of clothes to her. His fingers trembled as he touched the material wrapped around his hips. Leaving on the loincloth and the binding around his cock would probably be best. He couldn't take a chance of being naked even for a second around Marie. They needed to get out of there, quick.

He turned his back and leaned down to step into the shorts. A wave of dizziness struck and he stumbled. Marie grabbed his arm.

His breath left his body for a second and heat shot though him, all the way to his cock, hardening and lengthening it in need. He dropped his shorts at his feet. The need to get away forgotten, he jerked her toward him and covered her mouth. His tongue stroked hers, filling her mouth as he wanted to fill a hotter place of hers. Hell, he never knew how sensitive his tongue was until now. Walking her backward, he stopped in the shadows.

“I'm sorry. Ah, hell, I can't wait any longer.” His harsh voice sounded like someone else's. Damn it. He didn't want to hurt her. For days he'd suffered, needing relief. When they locked him in the box, he'd dream about her, sinking into her, stroking her, taking them both over the edge. She was here: soft, warm, alive. He'd always had a soft spot for her. Other women were easy to resist. Maybe that was why he'd survived in the arena—all that need directed to killing instead of fucking, as she wasn't available and she was the only one he wanted.

Her face softened as she nodded her acceptance, her understanding.

He pushed her into a pile of leaves, onto her hands and knees. His shaking hands bunched up the skirt of her dress and pulled off her thong.

“Part your legs,” he growled.

Without waiting for her to comply, he spread her knees. Cloth ripped as he yanked off the loincloth. Her gasp warned him to go a little slower. He fumbled as he hurried to unwrap his cock.

“Oh, my, I never thought . . . but that's sexy,” she whispered as she looked over her shoulder.

He hesitated for a few seconds. The thought of her finding it sexy gave him thoughts of many scenarios they could play out, with more time and the proper setting.

Then his hands cupped her cool buttocks and opened her a little more. She glistened with her excitement, ready for him. In one long thrust he entered her. He exhaled, fighting the needed to drive harder into her. She whimpered.

“Are you okay?”

Her body shook and as he started to pull out, she said, “I'm okay. It's just so funny—I've missed hearing you ask me that. I want you. Please don't stop.”

Unable to hold back any longer, he took a deep breath and then started pumping his aching cock into her. In seconds, her moistness and heat squeezed and tightened around him in her release.

He adjusted his hold, cupping her breasts and lifting them out of her dress. He clasped them for better leverage, squeezing and easing with each stroke inside of her. Then he continued to thrust with quick jabs as he tugged her nipples. He wanted to feel her come again. His desire to come in her drove him to keep going.

Yet, no matter how much the drug in his system screamed for him to let go, he couldn't. Release waited and burned in his groin. So close.

Her low moan warned him. Heat bathed his cock as each contraction and release pulled him a little closer to the edge.

He caught her as she went limp, panting. His cock pulsed but remained tight with need.

“Sorry. I need more.” He flipped her around and hooked his arms behind her knees.

“I can't take more. All my energy is gone. I can't. Please.” She closed her eyes.

“You can.” He needed her to want it. Otherwise, he wasn't sure if he could keep his mind on escaping. Look where the drug had gotten him so far. No more than a few yards from the exit and he had to stop to take her.

His fingers opened the pouty flesh between her legs as his mouth sucked and tongue lapped at the sweetness. Her hips arched and rotated as she whimpered. He pressed his thumb into her wetness. When he suckled on her clit, she stuck the side of her hand into her mouth to stifle a scream. Before the first wave hit, he pinched the hard nub.

“Ow! What are you doing?” She dug her elbows into the leaves and glared at him.

“I'll make sure it's even better.” He wanted to be inside her when she climaxed once again.

Moving between her legs, he pushed her knees toward her shoulders. Without giving her a chance to argue, he sank into her heat. His thumb flicked the tender knot. She gave a sweet moan.

“You're a cruel man.” She bit her lower lip.

“Yeah.” Without slowing, he leaned over and continued to pound into her. He leaned further and drew in the offered nipple. He stretched the nub with his teeth.

Her hands dropped to his buttocks, pulling him closer.

Her eyes, half closed in satisfaction, stared back at him from beneath smoky lashes. He watched her as he eased his wet thumb into her tight hole where his balls slapped with each downward thrust.

Soft eyes widened in surprise as her nails dug into his flesh. When he pumped his thumb as he did his cock, she came for a third time. The waves massaged his cock, strong ripples moving all the way to the tip.

She scraped her nails down to his thighs. Pain boiled over and he bowed his back, grunted, and finally climaxed. He continued to move until the last ripple left their bodies.

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