Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance)
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"All couples go through this and we never look at the females any different afterwards.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Adrianna's mind jumped to the thought of her ass in the air, her thighs which were a little too chunky for her liking, visible to everyone. Most of the female shifters were slender, with barely an ounce of fat on them - a contrast to her. Her body was more curvy than slender. She'd never been overly concerned about her figure - until now.

Hooking his index finger under her chin, Ian lifted her eyes to meet his. “You're a breathtaking woman Adrianna. Easily one of the most stunning women I've ever seen.

Believe me; this isn't easy for me either. It kills me to think of the fact that the whole pack will be seeing you. I hate to admit it, but I'm a jealous man." He shrugged and gave her a lopsided grin. "As you must have gathered when you saw me with Max."

She returned his smile. "Yeah, it showed a little."

He chuckled, but she could see the regret in his gaze. She'd been so wrapped up in how she felt it didn't even occur to her how it was affecting him. He saw the members of the pack virtually every day, she only had to see them on occasion, at least in human form - there was always a wolf lurking about.

A knock sounded at the bedroom door. "It's time. The pack is gathered and waiting."

Adrianna tensed and Ian pulled her into his arms again. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

Adrianna nodded as he stepped away from her and began to strip off his clothing.

Once he was stripped he stood naked before her tall and proud. She kept her eyes focused on him, her eyes examining each inch of him as she slowly removed her clothing. He didn't rush her, but waited patiently for her.

She shivered once the last piece of clothing was gone, not from the chill, but from the anticipation. Ian grabbed a sheer grey ceremonial robe from the bed and slipped her over her shoulders. While the robe gave her a slight amount of security, but was still sheer enough that her dark tight nipples were visible and it would do little to protect her modesty from the keen eyesight of the pack.


Adrianna gulped down the fear building within her, demanding she run as far and as fast from there as possible.

Ian frowned, the look of concern increasing in his gaze as he brushed a stray lock of dark hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. "I love you Adrianna."

Warmth spread within her and she nodded. "Love you too." Taking a deep breath in she vowed to be strong for this... for him. "Let's go."

Taking her hand in his, Ian brought it to his mouth and brushed his lips across her knuckles. "Okay."

Adrianna fought to keep herself calm as Ian led her from the cabin to the clearing by the water - the very clearing she spent time at each day.
It'll be over before you know it
, she coached herself.

She was just beginning to calm when they reached the clearing and she saw over a

dozen men turn to watch her and Ian enter. Grant, the eldest of the group and pack leader began chanting in a language Adrianna didn't recognize as they approached. The other men quickly joined in, until the chants became a low rumble.

Adrianna looked up at Ian, hoping to get clarification on what they were saying, but Ian's eyes were transfixed on the blanket spread out on the ground, surrounded by lit torches. They hadn't really discussed what was about to happen, aside from the sex.

Adrianna hadn't wanted to know; scared the knowledge would make her even more


Ian led her to the center of the blanket and turned her to face the semi-circle of men watching the couple. The rumble of the chant increased in volume. Adrianna felt her heart rate being to race, and she began to feel light-headed. A feeling similar to the buzz she got when she obtained that perfect point between being buzzed and intoxicated with alcohol began to overtake her.

She closed her eyes as Ian stepped behind her, undid the tie on her robe and slipped the garment from her shoulders, letting it puddle at her feet. She trembled at the realization that she was completely naked before the eyes of the males of the pack - men she'd known all her life. Instead of being nervous like she had been since Ian told her about The Claiming, she felt empowered, energized by the chanting and looks of

appreciation from the pack.

"You okay?" Ian whispered into her ear as he slid his hands to her hips and pulled her bottom against his rock hard erection.

Adrianna nodded and leaned back against his warm body, basking in the power of his embrace. She rested her head back onto his shoulder and closed her eyes, allowing the melody of the chants sweep her up. Ian slipped his hand to her mound and caressed her.

Her body felt odd and felt like it was beginning to vibrate as her arousal ignited. She moaned softly. Bending down, Ian slipped his arm under her legs, swept her up off her feet and pulled her tight against his chest. He slowly fell to his knees and laid her onto the blanket.

"Ian." She moaned. Opening her eyes she was shocked to see his eyes had turned to a near silver colour. It was beautiful. When they normally made love, she'd see speck of silver shimmer in his light blue eyes, but nothing like this.

Ian's hand slid to her mound and he urged her legs wide apart. Adrianna became

vaguely aware that a couple of the shifters could see her fully exposed pussy, but it didn't seem to bother her like she knew it should.

The chanting continued and she pulled her eyes from his long enough to see the men begin to strip. Each one of the shifters had amazing bodies, muscular and powerful, their cocks in various stages of erection.

"They're not..." she turned her worried gaze to meet Ian's.

"Just me baby," he assured her as he spread her pussy lips and slid his fingers along her slit. He took a moment to pinch and roll her clit between his fingers. She groaned and arched her back as a jolt of pleasure rushed through her.

The vibrations within her increased, mixing with her arousal.
What in the hell is
happening to me?
The chanting seemed to fill her mind, removing all thought. All she could focus on was the pleasure and the off vibrations.

Ian urged her onto her stomach and settling behind her. Between her legs he ran the head of his cock up and down the length of her slit. She pressed back against him moaning. She wanted him. Needed him.

Now!" She'd never needed him like this. Her hands fisted the blanket under her as she tried to control the vibrations rushing though her body. Every nerve ending in her body seemed ultra sensitive, so sensitive it was beginning to be painful. The pain mixed with the pleasure and need.

Ian slowly pressed into her. She groaned and clawed at the blanket and ground under her, bucking back against him, needing him harder - faster. Feeling her need, he slammed into her, filling her completely and stretching her to her limits.

The chants continued to ring in the back of her mind as he began to hammer into her, his cock diving into her - to the hilt - with each thrust. The soft slapping sound of his balls against her pussy mixed with the chanting. The head of his cock stroked her G-spot with each inward thrust and she found herself heading towards the brink of her desire.

The pleasure was extreme, but the odd vibrating was also becoming overwhelming,

and the pain was increasing. Her mind was blank of all thoughts. She was losing

consciousness. Her heart rate accelerated and she began to gasp with her moans.

What is happening to me? This isn't right.

"Oh God baby, I'm coming."

Adrianna barely heard him as a sharp pain cut through her back. She screamed out, but the sound couldn't have come from her. The scream was more of a snarl. An animal in anguish. Her pussy was throbbing, preparing for release as she felt the second jab of pain, this time it was her lower back.

"Oh God! Ian!' She screamed out just as she lost all conscious thought.


Ian heard a loud snap, accompanied by a low animalistic snarl as he reached the

pinnacle of his desire. He groaned loudly as he slammed into her a final time and began to fill her pussy with his warm cum.

Adrianna screamed out once more and another snap accompanied the scream. Her

body jerked under him and he quickly withdrew his dick from her sweet core.

"Oh damn! Adrianna!" Ian's eyes widened in horror as Adrianna's body began to jerk and writhe under him. He knew what was happening, had seen the transformation

happening dozens of times before, but it wasn't supposed to happen to her.

"Iannnnnn!" Her scream of his name became a snarl. Ian pushed back the hair from her face to look into her eyes and his breath caught in his throat. "Oh Fuck, Addy!" He expected to see the silver glints of the wolf, but that wasn't the case. Instead, golden green eyes of a cougar glared up at him. Another snarl came from her, but her face was no longer hers. Before his eyes she was shifting, but it wasn't the shift he expected.

"She's one of them!" the chanting had stopped and there was a grumbling among some of the men who had recovered from the shock of seeing their first cougar shifter.

Holy fuck!
Ian looked over at the pack, some were in mid-transformation. One was already in wolf form snarling, deciding whether he should attack or not.

More snapping of bones and high pitched howls and screams came from Adrianna.

Ian's heart felt like it was being pulled from his chest. He knew the pain she was enduring, and wished to God he could take that pain from her. The first turn was the worst. With time, practice and discipline it would get better.

"Garratt!" Ian looked over at his brother, who had yet to begin his transformation and caught his gaze. His brother nodded and immediately began to turn.

Another snarl brought his attention back to her and he jumped back, his inner wolf fought to be unleashed, at the sight of the fully formed cougar.

"Go Adrianna. Go!" He glanced back at the pack, all now transformed and the only thing keeping them from piling onto and ripping Adrianna to shreds was Garratt, now fully formed and placing himself between the pack and Adrianna, and Ian himself. He needed to keep them at bay long enough for Adrianna to escape. The pack was working on reflex, turning and eager to attack a century old rival. A rival they thought had been hunted into extinction decades ago.

The cat didn't budge. It snarled at the wolves stalking towards her.

"GO!" Ian screamed, though she was not even sure she'd be able to comprehend what he was saying.

Knowing there was no way he could defend her in human form, he allowed the wolf

within to emerge and stood beside his brother. If they wanted Adrianna they'd need to go through him and Garratt first.

He heard another snarl coming from behind him, but didn't dare turn his head to look.

The pack leader was slowly advancing, the pack at his heels. There was going to be bloodshed if she didn't leave soon. He thanked God, she was going to be faster and stronger than a wolf; her lean cat body was built for speed and agility. When she ran, she should be able to outrun even the quickest in the pack. He just prayed she'd let the cat within her go with its instincts and run before it was too late.

Another snarl followed by a wicked sounding hiss came from behind him, seconds

before he heard her moving. One of the pack, vaulted forward and was intercepted by Garratt. The two wolves growled as their bodies collided.

Another wolf lunged forward, but Ian was faster. Ian's body slammed into the

approaching wolf, as his teeth clamped onto the other wolf's shoulder. The other wolf whimpered and backed down, but the fight was far from over. As he stared down the wolf he'd just bitten, another leapt onto his back, biting into his back.

Ian's fell to the ground, and pain sliced though him as another wolf joined the fray biting at his front left paw. The pressure of the wolf on his back was removed and a whimper sounded. Out of the corner of his eye Ian caught sight of Garratt as he battled the wolf that had been on his back only moments before. The relief of being free of the wolf on his back lasted mere moments before another wolf replaced him, also biting into Garrett's back.

"Enough!" The sound of Grant, the pack leader's voice bellowed above the sounds of the fighting. The wolves immediately froze and began to shift back to human form, most of them injured and bloodied.

Once shifted Ian slowly stood. Pain radiated down his back, and his arm throbbed. His naked body was covered in blood - both his and that of others in the pack. He looked over at Garratt, who looked to be in no better shape than he was.

The pack leader, a man of his mid-sixties by the name of Grant Stone approached Ian, his dark eyes piercing through him. "Did you know what she really was?"

"You know I didn't Grant. We all thought Gary was her father. Do you seriously think I'd allow her to participate in The Claiming if I did?"

"In normal circumstances I would have the pack track her down and we'd kill her."

"Grant, please-" There was no way in hell Ian would let any of them hurt her. He'd kill off each member of his pack that tried before he'd let them harm her.

Grant raised his hand cutting off Ian's protest. "She's been part of our pack since she was born. We've protected her and her deceased mother on the suspicion that she was Gary's offspring. Had we known..."

"She didn't know Grant."

The older man sighed and ran a hand through his greying dark hair. "I'll need time to consider what to do with her. For now, go to her, I imagine she's a mess right now." He turned his gaze to the rest of the pack. "For the time being none of you are to touch her, am I understood?"

There were a number of grumbles of protest, but for the most part they agreed. Ian didn't feel overly secure over the several murmurs of protest, but took refuge in the fact that above all else the pack followed the leader. If Grant forbid them from touching Adrianna, then for the time being, she was safe.

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