Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Claimed and Bred By The Wolf 2: Pack Initiation (Shapeshifter Erotic Romance)
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"I promise Ian," she whispered against his neck.

His body relaxed under her and he place a kiss at her temple. "Thank you."

Adrianna nodded, trying to push back the feelings of uneasiness he had stirred up within her.

He ran his fingers through her hair, from her scalp to the tip, letting the soft strands slip from his fingertips. The soft tug sent a pleasurable shiver through her, making her moan softly. He continued to stroke her hair, until her exhaustion got the better of her and she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Chapter 3

Adrianna awoke to find Ian's side of the bed cold and empty and the sound of a

banging coming from outside her back bedroom window. Looking to her left, to the clock on her night table, she was shocked to see it was past noon. She never slept in that late, normally she woke when Ian did, bright and early at 6am. As he got ready for work, she got herself prepared to start taking care of the animals. Ian still had his own apartment in town, so he hadn't technically moved in with her, but over the past month he had spent six out of seven nights a week with her.

She had, however, awoken numerous times during the night to nightmares of wolves

and cougars in a battle to the death. She assumed that that may have been a factor to her oversleeping. She shuttered involuntarily at the thought, even though with every passing waking second the memories of the previous night nightmares were fading.

The banging outside got louder, urging her to slide her naked body from the bed. She took a moment to stretch, reaching for the ceiling and feeling the delicious pull throughout her muscles. Rubbing her eyes, she padded over to the window and peered out onto the backyard, and her attention was drawn to the small barn which housed two horses. The door to the barn was wide open and the wind was sending the door slamming against the side of the barn with a loud bang. When she listened more closely she could hear the horses, stomping and causing a ruckus within, disturbed by the insistent banging.

"Shit." Rushing to her dresser she quickly grabbed underwear, a pair of jeans and t-shirt, and pulled them on, doing up her jeans as she made her way down the stairs to the first floor. She slipped on a pair of sneakers and grabbed one of Ian's brown corduroy jackets from the hook by the door. The jacket was huge on her, but she loved the smell of it as she brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply. A woodsy musk filled her nostrils, making her smile.

With her hand on the door handle of the front door she paused. She'd promised Ian that she wouldn't go wandering, even to the barn, but the door was open, and the barn wasn't that far away from the house. She fought with herself for a minute deciding whether she should go or not.

"Fuck it." Opening the door, she rushed out and around to the back of the house. The wind was especially chilly for September, so she pulled the jacket righter around her as she jogged across the back lawn to the barn. Once she got to the barn she stepped inside to check on the horses.

As promised, Ian had fed them and everything in the barn appeared to be in order.

Feeling guilty for breaking her promise to Ian she hurried out of the barn and securely closed the door behind her. She gave the doors a final tug and began walking back to the house. Halfway back to the house, she couldn't resist taking a moment to check on the chickens and rabbits.

"Ian would be so pissed," she murmured when she finished her inspection of the animals and made her way back to the house.
But, he'll never know
, a voice in the back of her head reminded her. Besides, it was just the
, it wasn't as though she went to the clearing or anything. The house was only seconds away.

Baby, you are just too paranoid.
She silently scolded him as she rounded the corner of the house and yelped, halting in her tracks.

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

Adrianna eyed the man, who she guessed to be in his mid-forties, standing on her

porch. He was tall, nearly as tall as Ian with a lean frame. Her eyes immediately noticed a long scar, across the man's left cheek.

"I... ummmm..." She lifted her eyes to meet his, which were the most unusual honey colour, with a hint of green. She stayed rooted in the spot, not sure if she should approach or run. Was it a coincidence that a stranger showed up on her doorstep the day after Ian's warning to stay in the house? She gave her head a shake, laughing at herself for her suspicion. He was scared of the cougar, nothing more or less. That had nothing to do with the man standing between her and the safety of her home.

"Maybe I should introduce myself." He made his way towards her, his hand outstretching as he approached her. "I'm Max Urquhart. I just bought and moved into the old MacMillian farm a few miles down the road."

Relief washed over Adrianna and she gave him a smile, meeting him halfway and

taking his offered hand. "I'm sorry. I... I guess." She blew out a puff of air and shrugged.

"I'm just a little on edge today."

Max's hand grasped hers in a firm handshake that lingered just a moment too long for Adrianna's liking. Adrianna snatched her hand from his and folded her arms across her chest.

"I didn't even realize the MacMillian farm was up for sale." She'd grown up with the MacMillians. Mrs MacMillian had passed away a little over a year ago from a heart attack at the age of seventy-six. Her husband, William, had been heartbroken and

withdrawn since his wife's death, becoming a virtual hermit. He'd been found in his barn a little over a month ago, having died from what was presumed a fall from the loft in his barn.

"Yes. I'd heard about the tragedy of the previous owner. Damned shame."

"Ummm. Did you want to come in? Have a coffee?" Ian's worry the previous night came to her mind, but she shrugged it off. Max was her new neighbour, surely he had nothing to do with whatever had Ian worked up.

Max smiled. "That would be great. Appreciate it."

"Come on in." She brushed past him and motioned for him to follow. She caught sight of his blue pick-up truck in the driveway. She hadn't even heard him pull in.

Max followed her into the house and took a seat at the kitchen table, eyeing her as she set to work preparing him a coffee.

"So is it just you and your husband?"

Adrianna froze, her back turned to Max and a soft smile touched her lips. She hadn't considered marriage with Ian before, but she had to admit, she liked the sound of him being considered her husband. It sounded right. Mrs Adrianna Groves. Yes, she liked that more than she knew she should considering how new the relationship was.

"No. It's just me. My mother and I lived here, but she passed away six months ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, for your loss. How did she pass if you don't mind me asking?"

There seemed to be an unusual amount of remorse in his tone, it wasn't the empty

condolence that she was used to getting from people, there was feeling behind it.

Adrianna pushed back the tears that were threatening to gather in her eyes and shook her head. "I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind."

"Again, I'm sorry."

Again, she heard the remorse. "Thank you."

He's just a compassionate man. That's all
, she scolded herself as she poured his coffee. Something about him was drawing her. She just couldn't figure out why, perhaps her wolf half wasn't as dormant as anticipated. With a sigh, she decided to go with it and find everything there was to know about her new neighbour.


Pulling into the Adrianna driveway, Ian frowned when he caught sight of a blue pick-

up truck in his spot next to Adrianna's. He knew the vehicles of all of Adrianna's friends and that wasn't one of them. The wolf within him growled it's disapproval as he parked behind Addy's car and jumped from the Jeep, quickly making his way into the house.

He caught a familiar scent as he entered the front door, but he couldn't quite place the smell. Not bothering to remove his work boots or jacket he made his way to the kitchen following the sound of lively conversation and laughter.

"Ian!" Adrianna smiled brightly at him as he entered the kitchen. Standing, Adrianna crossed the kitchen and threw herself into his arms, kissing him lightly, before stepping away.

Ian's gaze landed on the man sitting in the chair across from where Adrianna was

sitting. "Who's your friend?" He could hear the sharpness in his tone, and looking at Adrianna he could see she did also, and wasn't all too impressed with what he knew she'd consider rudeness.

"Max Urquart." The stranger answered before Adrianna had a chance to reply. "So you're the man Addy hasn't stopped talking about all afternoon." Max gave Adrianna a wink and then stood and extended his hand to Ian.

All afternoon?
Ian shot a sideways glance over at Adrianna who merely shrugged, dismissing his concern.

Taking Max's hand, Ian put a little more strength in his handshake then necessary. To his surprise and suspicion, the other man's grip was equally as firm. The other man's rich, yellow-brown eyes seemed to glisten for a split second. The wolf within him was

attempting to claw its way to the surface, something wasn't right about their new neighbour.

Perhaps its jealousy
, a voice in the back of his mind offered. The wolf growled at the voice of reason.

"You married, Max?" Ian asked their handshake ended and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, just me and my dogs. Got a couple of German Shepherds."

"Hmmm. Dating anyone?"


Max rocked back on his heels and flashed Adrianna a smile. "Well, I guess I'll be going. Thanks for the coffee and the chat Addy."

Addy? He calls her Addy now?
Addy was reserved for friends and family. Not this stranger. He knew he was being petty, but couldn't help himself.

Max nodded at Ian as he brushed past him, "Ian. Good woman you have here."

"I know. I'll see you out."

"Nah, no bother. I know the way."

Ian watched the other man cross the living room and exit the front door, fully aware of the piercing glare coming at him from Adrianna.

"What in the
was that little pissing match about, Ian?"

Awww, shit
. Ian groaned inwardly as he turned to face Adrianna, who was leaning back against the kitchen sick, fire gleaming in her green eyes.

"Was he here all day?" Ian countered, hoping to divert her anger.

"Since noon."

Ian glanced over at the analogue kitchen clock which featured a rooster sitting above the kitchen counter. It was 6pm. "He was here six hours?"

"What of it? He's our new neighbour. I was telling him about the town. The other neighbours. What is your problem? I thought you were going to go all
on him!"

His anger rose an octave. "Go
on him?

"Ya. Wolfie. I saw that little alpha male display. I can't believe you were so rude!"

"Did you go outside today?"

The anger faded in her expression to be replaced by guilt.

"Fuck Addy! I told you not to wander. I took care of the animals before I left for work."

"But the barn door was open. I needed to close it," she protested, avoiding his now angered glare.

"But you promised. You looked me in the eye and made a promise."

Taking a deep breath in she looked back up into his eyes and the anger and fire had returned, but he refused to back down. This was the first fight he'd ever had with her and he'd be damned if he was going to let her make him feel guilty for wanting to protect her!


Adrianna was furious. She crossed the room and stopped just a foot from him. "You were rude. And I'm not a child anymore." She poked him in the chest to accent each word.

He was glaring down at her, the silver flecks gleaming in his eyes from his anger, but she also refused to back down. This was more than just the rudeness or forbidding her not to go into the woods and do what she wanted.

"Don't you fucking think I know that?"

"Then stop treating me like one!"

His jaw clenched, and his body tense as he battled to restrain himself. "You don't know that man."

"He's our new neighbour. He bought the MacMillian house."

"So you let him in here? After you knew I was concerned over your safety."

"Of course. Did he look like a cougar to you?"

Ian grew silent and backed away from her. She could see the wheels spinning in his head.

"What is it?"

Ian shook his head. "Nothing."

"See. This is what I'm talking about." Her voice softened as she decided to try a different angle with him.

The anger slowly subsided in his gaze as he considered her point.

"I can take care of myself Ian." She stepped forward and touched his forearm.

The tension in his body relaxed a little more, he uncrossed his arms and pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry. There's just so much you don't know yet, and that you need to learn.

Shifters aren't the only thing wandering the earth Adrianna, and I have a feeling about this neighbour of yours."

”I need you, I've always needed you. You've been my protector all these years. But you need to trust me to make wise decisions about my safety. I'm part wolf you know. I like to think I can trust my instincts." Adrianna slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his, basking in the power of his embrace.

"I just couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because I didn't do what was needed to keep you safe."

Adrianna pulled back and traced his jaw with her fingertip. "You need to trust me Ian." She reached up and pulled his mouth down so she could brush her lips across his.

"Trust me."

He slid his hand to the back of her head, threading his fingers into her hair. "I do."

"Then trust that I feel Max is okay."

His body tensed against hers at the mention of Max.

"I love you Ian. More than anything in this world, I love you. I'm willing to have all your pack watch us...
." she hated the sound of the word mate and she was still extremely uncomfortable with what was going to happen in two days. Being intimate with Ian was sacred to her. Having people witness their lovemaking was going to be the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life. "I'll do it because it's important to you, to the pack. If that doesn't prove to you my dedication, I don't know what will."

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