Claiming A Lady

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Authors: Brenna Lyons

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #erom, #erotic romance, #vampire hunter

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Claiming A Lady

A Night Warriors Short

By Brenna Lyons



What are reviewers saying about the Night
Warriors series?


Night Warriors


Brenna Lyons is formidable in the art of
world building and storytelling. This novel delivers and carries
its own creative weight, where the contemporary world meets
Teutonic legend. This is not just a tale where a mocking Stone god
uses Warriors as weapons against blood drinking monsters; this is
about change, never-ending love, family, and devotion.”

Reviewed by Patrice F. for


The story is rich in Germanic lore and
history of the two classes of people. The book is done in sections
or parts and I think this gives a richer understanding of the
overall story being told here. The world-building is excellent. The
Warriors lifestyle is very inventive, as well as the Beasts’. By
the end of the [first] story I was seriously on the edge and loving
every minute. The ending however shocked the hell out of me. Not
what I expected. But the story is fricken fantastic and worth it!
The second part of the story starts out years later, and the battle
still rages on between Beasts and Warriors. The book could have
ended and I’d have been fine, but knowing there is more to come
makes me excited to revisit this world! It has vampires, warriors
and bad chicks! The sex is hot! The fight scenes while not overly
bloody, still kick ass! Don’t let it pass you by!”

Reviewed by Acquanetta Ferguson for the San
Diego Erotica Books Examiner 5 stars! “Highly recommended buy!”


Ms. Lyon’s
is one of the most intriguing stories I’ve read in
a long time. The depth of detail is well complimented by the fully
developed characters and Machiavellian twists and turn of the plot.
From the enigmatic stone which guides the Night Warriors, to the
political power plays the different house Lords enact and most
importantly to the risks the warriors and their ladies are willing
to take, this saga will have you fascinated with the complexity of
the Night Warriors world and their struggle to live, love and
protect mankind.”

Reviewed by Brenda Edde for
4.5 Ribbons


Brenna Lyons has created an amazing
fantasy world. My emotions went through a roller coaster; I
laughed, I cried, I cringed, and at times, I wanted to scream in
agony. I love this world; I love these characters. Brenna Lyons is
one of my favourite authors, and so far,
is my favourite book of hers. I would not hesitate
to recommend it, and her, to everyone.”

Reviewed by Jaynie for
Fallen Angels Reviews
5 Angels


Will of the Stone


There is so much going on, yet it all
fits within the confines of the story. The world-building is
excellent and it feels so big yet the author contains in 80k words.
The lore in the story is totally believable. Great characters and
great fight scenes make this a great paranormal read. The love
scenes are told in loving detail. Seriously, do not let this one
pass you by!”

Reviewed by Acquanetta Ferguson for San Diego
Erotica Books Examiner 5 stars “Highly recommended buy!”


Remember Me


Jorg is one of the most compelling
Vampires this reviewer has read about. Lyons herself states that
she is not sure if Jorg is the villain or the hero and leaves it to
the reader to choose. This reviewer clearly sees him as the hero.
Lyons shows us his pain, his vulnerability, his deep undying love
for one woman. Jorg’s deep sensuality and sexuality comes through
in Ms. Lyons’ writing. She hints at more exotic sexual experience,
yet is sensitive to the novice reader. Admittedly, this reviewer
enjoys reading about men who are strong, protective, unafraid to
show their passionate love yet have vulnerabilities… Jorg is all of
this and more.”

Reviewed by Gina for
4 Roses

This is definitely not a “feel good”
light kind of read. This story is filled with tortured souls, lost
love, and the inhumanity of man. It explores the darker part of
life, from torture, bought women, and the struggle for power, we
gain an insight of how a favored warrior can become a beast. For
all you lovers of the darker side of the human soul, this story is
one I recommend putting on your TBR list.”

Reviewed by Chere Gruver for


Veriel’s Tales I: Crossbearer Turned


Ms. Lyons has given us another great
story, one that answers the questions of why Veriel turned beast.
It makes a heart-wrenching tale, to read of the pain he went
through. She has once again gripped us by the shirt collar and
woven a spell of a fantasy world that has warriors that protect the
innocent. It may be that all is not what it seems and that Veriel
isn’t as evil as we thought. The love he shows for Regana, her mate
and her family shows he is more warrior than beast.”

Reviewed by Donna for
Fallen Angels Reviews
5 Angels


The story of love, honor and betrayal
unfolding against the ruthless backdrop of the warriors’ lives,
mortal risks and immortal souls being at the stake. The blend of
romance, drama and mystical lore makes the reading experience quite

Reviewed by Daria for
4 Ribbons


Opposites Attract: A Lesson In Temperance


Brenna has done it again. This book is
outstanding and though it’s short, it leaves you completely
satisfied. What happens between them is powerful, intense, and
ultimately fulfilling for them both. If you want something that
makes you sit back after and sigh happily, Opposites Attract -
Temperance is the book for you.”

Reviewed by Cyndi Witkus for
In The Library Reviews


Devon’s Price: Ten of Cups


As I read Devon’s Price, I found myself
hurting along with Devon, fighting the madness with him. Yet at the
same time feeling the conflict Michelle was going through for
loving him and wanting to be mated, yet being torn at leaving her
family. But the main thing that sold me on this book was Devon. He
is a leading Warrior in his family, yet is still sensitive and able
to show his feelings.”

Reviewed by Debbie for Fallen Angels Reviews
5 Angels! Recommended Read!


The Blade Chaser’s Son


I have read Ms. Lyons work, and she has
never put out something that I did not enjoy. Maybe I’m just that
agreeable . . . but I think she is really just that good. Yeah,
she’s just that good.”

Reviewed By Marissa for


Sweet Jacquine


The author has crafted the rival tribes
of Beast and Warrior, whose societies combine aspects of both
Celtic and Teutonic cultures in refreshing new ways. Appetite
whetted by this glimpse into a fascinating new world, I will look
for more of Ms. Lyons’ Night Warrior books.”

Reviewed by Alegria for Reviewer for Coffee
Time Reviews 4 Cups



(Smashwords Digital Version)

© 2009 Brenna Lyons

Published by Brenna Lyons at Smashwords

Cover by Brenna Lyons © 2010

Discover other titles by Brenna Lyons at

You can find additional Night Warriors series
at Phaze.



Claiming a Lady
is a work of fiction
from the Night Warriors series. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

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If you enjoyed this book, please return to
Smashwords or Brenna’s publishers to discover other works by this
author. Thank you for your support.




Gawen paused at the door to Bavin’s home,
taking a moment to straighten his tunic. He owed her the courtesy
of looking his best when he came for her. He knocked, abruptly
aware that his palms were sweating.

Stand down,
he chastised himself.
Bavin was an untried maid. She’d accepted his kiss. She wore his
seal, but she likely wouldn’t share his bed this night. It would be
by Tes’s favor alone that she might agree to share it within the
month before they were married.

His frustration stirred that simply, and he
forced his jaw to unlock...just in time for the door to swing

Bavin’s father hesitated, then stepped back
and waved Gawen in. Was he uncomfortable with the idea that his
daughter would soon be experiencing Gawen’s kiss and touch? Or did
he disapprove but fear Gawen’s response to such a thing? In truth,
the older man had no choice in the matter, but it wouldn’t do to
alienate him unnecessarily.

Gawen offered a tip of his head in greeting.
“Is Bavin free to walk with me?” he asked formally.

Were Bavin any other woman or Gawen not what
he was, her father would be incensed by such a question. Even women
promised in marriage were not free to walk unescorted with their
future husbands.

Again, he hesitated. “She is. Will you sit?”
Olhardt waved a hand in invitation and turned toward the far
reaches of the house.

Gawen ambled in, closing the door. He was too
nervous to sit, so he stared into the fire, hoping not to appear
too anxious for his bride’s company. If the man was uncertain about
this marriage, eagerness could well push him further.

He turned at the sound of footsteps on the
stone, his mouth going dry at the sight of Bavin, freshly scrubbed
and dressed in the same gown she’d worn for the choosing, most
likely the best gown she owned. She met his eyes, blushing
deeply...most likely at the audacity of being so bold in front of
her father.

Gawen closed the distance between them,
offering his hand silently. She took it, her color deepening
another notch. He managed another tip of his head to her father and
led her out of the house and up a path into the woods.

It was several long moments before she broke
the silence between them. “I am surprised.”

“Of what? That I came to you so quickly?”
Or that I tarried so long?
he taunted himself. Though the
entire village would know about Resten’s death and Regana’s speedy
marriage, there was no excuse for neglecting Bavin so long.

She smiled up at him, a spring in her step.
“That you haven’t kissed me again.”

His heart pounded in excitement. “Are you
inviting it? Would it...make you uncomfortable for me to request
such a thing?” The previous night had been ceremony, and though
she’d returned his passion in the safety of the crowd, it was a
very different thing to accept such intimacy where it might turn to

Bavin seemed to consider that. “Why would it
make me uncomfortable, Lord Gawen?”

That had to end. “I am not your lord, Bavin.
You are my bride.”

She nodded her agreement. “Gawen, then.”

His name on her lips sent a shiver of delight
up his spine and brought his cock up. To his dismay, her gaze
locked on the length of him clearly visible through his trews and

“How long have you wanted me?” she asked.

“How long?”

His mind was mired in visions of her touching
the length she found so interesting. As if in answer, her free hand
twitched ever so slightly, and he licked his dry lips. Her scent
was sublime, her musk rising at her perusal of his ready state,
marking her as ready, as well.

“You were walking the edges of madness when
you asked if I still intended to stand.” She didn’t question

“I was,” he admitted.
I am.

“How long have you wanted me in your

“In my life...not just my bed,” he corrected

“How long?”

Was there an answer to that he could
quantify? He shook his head. “I know when I noticed you as a woman
first. I cannot say when that became the need to make you

“When?” There was a note of excitement in her
voice that encouraged him to continue.

“The harvest festival, five years ago. You
were cooking with the older women and Kethe. You were barely a
woman, only months past the day of your turning. You were smiling,
laughing at something one of the others said. Then you turned and
looked at me.”

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