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Authors: Louisa Neil

Claudia's Men

BOOK: Claudia's Men
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Louisa Neil










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IMPRINT: Ménage and More




Copyright © 2009 by Louisa Neil

E-book ISBN: 1-60601-688-1


First E-book Publication: December 2009


Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,
I'm thrilled you chose
Claudia's Men
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With deep gratitude,
Louisa Neil




For my husband, my erotic muse.










Copyright © 2009








He knew she sized him up, knew how her hand encased his penis, how soft her skin felt against his in dichotomy with the straining flesh. He knew her scent, remembered it all this time. He also knew she probably thought he was crazy and maybe she was right, yet every time he heard a certain song he remembered her. He’d often found himself shutting off the car radio as he drove and banned several songs from being played in his club

Five years ago, he’d wondered about her. His nightclub business had become successful, and he enjoyed the power wealth afforded him. Not looking to settle down, he wanted to explore his new prowess to its full limits. She was never far from his thoughts, which annoyed him greatly. One human woman wasn’t supposed to affect him.

His partner, Howard, had made him see how truly young she was. He’d made Terrance see taking her then would be a detriment to all of them. Allowing her to age would be to their advantage in the long term, even if in the short term he regretted letting her go.







Chapter 1


Hart Lake


Terrance had been taken with her at first sight. She wore a molded knit leopard print top with three-quarter sleeves and a low rounded neck. Her undergarment pushed her breasts up and together, leaving her cleavage pressing forward. Her hardened nipples were prominent against the fabric. Her floor-length skirt was made of a gold embroidered fabric offsetting the top. She wore high, thin-heeled shoes with rounded toes of the same gold fabric. They sank slightly into the ground around the
Georgia lakeside as she circulated, smiling to some, talking with others. Her dark brown hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders with an up flip. Long narrow strands of gold beads glinted at her ears.

He saw her as a perfect counterpart to his trim, two button suit which allowed him more shoulder and chest room. He wore a white shirt but no tie.

It made his cock pulse when he reminded himself how young she was, unspoiled by humanity in general. She’d just finished college.
The world waited open before her. He’d known she was the host’s daughter, had been warned in fact to leave her alone. He wasn’t prepared to consider her his vision of the perfect woman.

He waited until late in the evening before he wandered toward her. They'd passed several long looks back and forth, but neither moved toward the other. With the party still full around them, he watched as she headed toward the house, catching her hand and pulling her into the shadows.
At first instinct she'd been prepared to fight, but relaxed when she realized who detained her. They didn't say a word for a long time but rather stared at each other. In moments, she became imprinted on his brain. Her female scent gave him an instant hard-on.

"Who are you?" she finally asked. "I've never seen you here before."

"It doesn't matter. This is my first and last visit here."

He didn't verbalize that he'd been mesmerized by her all night and his mind barely functioned. She was tall and sturdy, not skinny or frail. She carried herself with an air of acceptance. That struck him most, how comfortable she was just being her. It was a rare trait for any person, one he himself finally came to terms with, which ingrained he’d not see her again.

"I hope you enjoy the party." She'd taken her hand from his, not giving her name or asking for his.

"What would make you enjoy it more, Claudia? After all, this is your family home, your territory." Her expression became clouded, she obviously thought the remark strange, but let it pass.

"I'm having a fine time," she'd answered a bit too quickly, her eyes not meeting his.

He recognized that she didn't want anyone to see beyond the façade she presented for family and friends. "Only on the surface. Deep down you want something, something you'll never have the guts to ask for."

She flinched as though she felt a slap on her cheek, like a gauntlet being tossed in her path. The more time he spent near her, the easier it became to read her thoughts, a new talent he was beginning to enjoy. Right now, she wondered what it would be like to throw caution to the wind and actually tell him. Of course, she didn't. He managed to hold back the smile forming on his lips.

"What are you talking about?" She tried to tease, smiling too brightly. "I've everything I could want or ask for. You must be mistaken or had too much champagne, maybe both."

She forced herself to hold his gaze. When she wanted to retreat, she sensed the importance of not to giving him the advantage. He appreciated her fortitude. His cock stirred, blood filling it to a pulsing beat. If he still had a heart beat, it would be in sync.

His new senses still surprised him. He slipped easily into her deepest thoughts. What he found deep in the recesses of her mind amazed and enamored him. For a young woman her life altering secret would haunt any adult. Claudia was trying to find a way to live with hers.
She was a rare woman, one he could spend time with. One that would be dangerous to him, one he had no right to take.

"Crazy yes, drunk no, intuitive, definitely." He watched her carefully and laughed. "You don't know it yet what it takes to make you complete, to release you sexually, do you?" This wasn’t the time to reveal he knew her secret. Better to let her think he was still taunting her about her lack of sexual experience.

She'd raised her hand to slap him, but he'd been prepared and easily caught her wrist between his large fingers. He instantly felt her human warmth and held back a sigh at the small things he no longer had control over.

"I got it on the first try. You don't know what it takes. I can see on your face, in your eyes, how you move.
I have amazing ways to make your body come alive, Claudia, to make your mind let go and your body take what it needs. Your body knows. I know that for sure. Under all that makeup and the designer clothing, no man has touched you the right way yet. The men you do meet wouldn’t know how to make you climax if you gave them a lifetime to try." He’d started out just to meet her. Now he had, and he found he didn’t want to let her go.

Her voice turned husky, her body straining to refrain from touching him. "Look, just because my outfit this year is a bit daring, doesn't mean I’m looking for any action. You're taking all this way too literally! And what about you? Your suit reeks of designer status."

Now, this close he had no difficulty seeing beneath the layers of façade constructed for public consumption. Her strength and honor wouldn’t let Claudia tell her secret, afraid of pity. And she would never let on her need for sensual acts she’d been taught were unusual or abnormal. She was a submissive, waiting for the right man to free her to his spankings and control. His cock grew heavy and surged as he willed his body to control his aching dick. His immediate want to take her was overwhelming. Still holding her wrist, his other arm slipped around her waist, pulling her up and over his erection. Moving his hips in minute motions, he rubbed against her. He had her straddling his thigh, felt her heat seep through her clothing. She tried to hide the wonder he made her feel. Her thoughts told him he was making her hotter than she'd ever been or known could exist.

BOOK: Claudia's Men
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