Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack (2 page)

BOOK: Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack
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usual y living in the most unpleasant of worlds. Any heinous life was better than his.

13 Devon McCormack
Kid had been trapped in Jerry's since he was fourteen. After

having run away from his father at thirteen, he'd wound up

homeless on the streets of Houston. To survive, he'd taken to giving blow jobs and taking it up the ass for anyone who had spare cash.

He never needed much. Just had to have some to get meals. He

didn't have to worry about a house, because he was squatting in an abandoned church with three other homeless guys. They were older and only one of them ever bothered him with sexual solicitations, which he'd had to endure on occasion to assure himself a place to sleep. Kid had been cruising the streets, looking for his next meal ticket, when he'd been knocked unconscious and woken in Jerry's

place. That's what they cal ed it, as none of them real y knew where they were—or what kind of building they were in, though several of the guys assumed that it used to have been a school.

Though he'd abducted Kid, Jerry was, in many ways, his

guardian angel. Within the months that Kid had been on his own,

he'd managed to pick up several STDs, which Jerry promptly

treated, tending to Kid's health and providing him with reading

material while he recovered. Jerry had made it clear that Kid didn't real y have a choice but to stay there, and Kid was just fine with that. Better to have shelter and fuck under these conditions than to have to do it al on his own. Alas, he quickly discovered that there was a price to having so many things provided for him, and he

quickly grew to resent Jerry. More important than the security of his body was the security of his freedom, which he desperately longed


for. And he planned to have it day.

Lift, you shit.

He built up his strength. One day, he knew he'd have an

opportunity to take on Marzo or Clive, and then he'd crawl out of that dump and get the fuck out of there. He had plans, too. He

wasn't going to live the rest of his life on the streets. He was going to get a job as a waiter or a clerk at a store, and he was going to be a normal person, just like everyone else. When he got enough money together, he'd even go to col ege.

Jerry and Robb continued their strol through the workout

room. A bead of sweat dripped off Kid’s forehead, onto the floor.

His muscles locked, his face red, the veins in his neck protruding forward as he brought them to their last possible rep. He forced the bar over his head and set it on the bar rest.

He sat up. His light-brown hair was drenched with sweat

that dripped onto the smooth flesh that dressed his rift-covered abs.

He panted as he tried to catch his breath.

The other guys were far less into their workouts than he ever

was. They fulfilled their daily requirements, but that was it. None were eager to make their bodies more pleasing to potential johns.

A man with vampire-white flesh, speckled with black and

blue bruises, stepped through the entrance to the workout room.

Fresh meat
, Kid thought.

Fresh Meat’s wavy, jet-black hair, in stark contrast with his

skin, looked like a bird’s failed attempt at a nest. Sunken cheeks

15 Devon McCormack
curved up swel ing welts that made an already pronounced jawline stick out even further. A cleft in his chin matched the divot above his upper lip, a groove at the tip of his nose, and even the severe cut in his lip.

Kid wondered why Jerry had taken this guy in. Most

everyone was like the Brazilians—hot model-types who’d somehow

been conned into coming to this rat-hole by some less than

scrupulous street-entrepreneur. Some came because this was their way of paying off a debt to a dealer. Others, because some junkie eagerly sold them for quick cash. However they ended up here, they were usual y in pristine condition, unlike this new guy. At the same time, Kid had to acknowledge that he was less-than-pristine when he'd arrived.

Despite Fresh Meat's rough appearance, Kid acknowledged

that he was still a very attractive man. He had broad shoulders, indicating a muscular physique. And his tight ass looked hot in the jeans he had on.

Fresh Meat’s eyes, brown and sparkling in the fluorescence,

scanned the room til they came to Kid.

Kid averted his glare.

Fresh Meat stumbled to a tray of dumbbel s, picked up two

fifty pounders, and headed to a weight bench by Kid.

Kid lay back on his bench. He grabbed the barbel and

started another set.

“Look a little young to be here,” Fresh Meat whispered.

Kid gritted his teeth. Didn’t respond. Just kept working on


his reps.Fresh Meat planted the dumbbels on the floor before him.

He picked one up and started doing reps. The veins in his forearm pushed forward. His bicep flexed, inflating and deflating in sync with the muscles in his jaw.

“My name’s Kinzer.”

Kid’s body tensed, more from anger than the tension of the


This idiot is gonna get us both in trouble.

Among Jerry's myriad of rigid rules was the “no talking”

rule. The boys weren't al owed to fraternize with one another. Kid imagined that this was surely to prevent them from conspiring to overpower Marzo or Clive or from plotting an escape together. This rule wasn't something that Jerry took lightly. Jerry's guards would usual y tase or beat infractions, depending upon the severity of their transgression. Though it was easy to slight Jerry, he was fair in his devising of punishments. Talking was usual y a slap on the wrist.

Escape attempts, on the other hand, would result in punishments

serious enough to prevent a guy from working for two months.

“How long you been in here?” Kinzer asked.

Kid lifted the barbel and set it back on the rest. Sweat

rushed down his face. He panted, his bulky chest rapidly rising and fal ing. His erect nipples shimmered in the light.

Shut the fuck up
,” he whispered through his teeth, “
or you’ll
get us both in trouble

Kinzer set his dumbbel on the floor, picked it back up with

17 Devon McCormack
his other hand, and started a set.

Kid lay on the bench, gripping his hands against the barbel .

“Listen, I need to—”

Robb stepped between them, squinting his eyes and puffing

out his already chubby cheeks. “Kid,” he fussed. “You know the

rules.” He reached into his pocket and puled out a taser.

Kinzer’s sparkling brown eyes grew twice as big. “What the


Kid sat up. He scowled, the look in his eyes ful of

indignation. “What?! He was the one—”

He didn't know why he was fighting it. Something in him

was just so infuriated, so pissed off.

Jerry’s other boys paused their workouts to watch the


“It’s the rules,” Robb insisted.

As unjust as it felt to Kid, he knew that further resistance

would lead to a more intense form of punishment. He resigned.

There wasn’t any way Jerry was going to let his transgression go unpunished. He clenched his jaw and pushed his sweat-soaked chest out. Robb pressed the taser between his pecs.


Kid convulsed and fel off the bench. Robb stepped over the

bench and knelt, continuing his assault.

“Whoa!” Kinzer said. “I’m the one who was talking to him.

He didn’t do anything!”


“Kinzer!” Jerry shouted from the corner of the room. He

stood over a twink-of-a-boy who was drenched in sweat as he did

push-ups. “Kid knows the rules. Now, this is the way we do things around here, so shut your faggy mouth and let Robb handle it.”

Robb sent another 50,000 volts into Kid’s chest. Kid

writhed about.

Kinzer dropped his dumbbel . As it bounced off the floor, he

tackled Robb.

Robb whined and slapped around as Kinzer pounded into

his cushioned stomach.

“What the...fuck! Stop! It’s...the...rules!” Robb wailed.

“Marzo!” Jerry exclaimed.

Marzo stomped across the workout room, a stern look

frozen on his face.

Kinzer reared back, his fist moving to strike Robb again.

Marzo put a taser to his neck.


Kinzer convulsed and twitched about, just as Kid had done

moments earlier.


“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Jerry exclaimed.

Jerry sat in a termite-ravaged school desk. Kid and Kinzer

sat on a cot before him.

They were in another room with concrete wal s. On the wal

19 Devon McCormack
behind Jerry were two large windows. Like al of the windows in

Jerry’s place, they were covered in chain-link fencing.

Kid threw Kinzer a foul look.

Fuckin’ getting me in trouble,
he thought.
You fucking asshat.

“This isn’t a fucking Jean Claude Van Damme movie!” Jerry

continued. “No need to act like a fucking animal.”

“He didn’t do anything,” Kinzer said. “I didn’t even know

that rule.”

“I don’t care what rules you know and don’t know,” Jerry

said. “If I discipline, I expect you to obey. My rules may not always be fair, but the only way to be any kind of leader is to be consistent.

If you discipline consistently, then everybody understands when and why they get punished. Got that?”

Kinzer nodded.

“I’d prefer auditory confirmation.”

“Won’t happen again.”

Kid looked Kinzer over. He doubted that was true.

A guy doesn’t end up with bruises al over him like that and in
a place like this for no reason.

“As for you, Kid, you know better than to be acting up.”

“I was—”

“Shh, shh. I don't like this, but I'm gonna have to find a

suitable punishment for you.”

Kid knew there was no point in arguing. He hung his head

and nodded.

“And you ever cause a ruckus like that again,” Jerry said, his


gaze shifting to Kinzer, “ I’l make sure you know your place. Now, get to the showers and get cleaned up.”


Kinzer and Kid were the only ones in the showers.

Kid knew the others had been showering while they were

being punished and chastised by Jerry.

The room was wide—nearly as large as the workout room. It

had ten showerheads. The grout of the yel ow-stained tiles were

covered in brown and green grime.

Kid wiped a bar of soap across the ripples in his torso and

through his natural y flexed biceps before returning it to a nook in the tiled wal .

He was pissed.

Fucking asshole
, he thought, eyeing Kinzer.

Mad as he was, he couldn't help but admire Kinzer's cock.

Even flaccid, it was hanging mid-thigh. That thing must've been

twelve inches. The mushroom head stretched out wel beyond the


When he'd first seen Kinzer undress as they were getting in

the showers, he had a much better understanding of why Jerry had brought him on board. With a dick like that, he was going to be

one of Jerry's busiest boys.

“You got me in a lot of fucking trouble,” Kid hissed.

“Sorry,” Kinzer muttered, rinsing suds off his shimmering

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Kid's eyes flashed back to Kinzer's dick. He couldn't help

himself. He wondered how that would feel in his hole.

“Your cock’s huge,” he muttered.

Kinzer smiled. “Thought we weren’t supposed to talk.”

Kinzer's smile was disarming, and Kid found it difficult to

maintain his anger, especial y as he continued to imagine that cock filling his hole.

“They’re busy watching the others,” Kid said. “They know

we can’t get out down here, and they gotta keep an eye on the


His eyes remained fixed on Kinzer's member. “But seriously.

What the fuck?!”

Kinzer eyed Kid’s dick. “Not so bad yourself.”

Now Kid was real y having a hard time keeping his defensive

front up against Kinzer. Something about him was charming, fun.

His dick started to fill.

Kinzer’s dick twitched and hardened.

Kid threw Kinzer a satisfied glare. “Like what you see?”

By the time he got the words out, Kid’s dick was ful y erect.

He glanced back at the door and lunged at Kinzer, dropping to his knees and placing his lips around his dick.

Kinzer jumped back, stepping out of his shower stream.

“Come on!” Kid said. “We gotta hurry.”

Kinzer’s face was riddled with confusion. “But, uh—”

“Dude,” Kid said, “you clearly want it. And I
it. Please.


I’m begging you. I’l just blow you. Please.”

“You don’t get enough sex in a place like this?”

“I don’t real y consider what goes on here

Kinzer walked back into the stream of hot water.

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