Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack (20 page)

BOOK: Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack
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“Y'al about ready to eat?” Dedrus asked.

He stood at the kitchen stove, a slab of meat sizzling in a


Behind him, Kinzer and Maggie sat at a table that had a

chunk taken out of its side. It'd also had a broken leg, which Kinzer had repaired with two chair legs.

“Hel yeah,” Kinzer replied.

Dedrus lifted the skillet and walked over to the table,

emptying the meat onto a chipped plate between Kinzer and

Maggie.They didn't have anymore dishes or silverware, so they were going to have to make do.

“What is it?” Maggie asked.

“Deer,” Dedrus replied.

“When did you get a deer?” she asked, bewildered.

“About two hours ago.”

After they'd straightened up the house, he'd grabbed his

sword out of the back of the car and trekked into the woods to find them something to eat.

Maggie eyed it uncertainly.

Kinzer shoved a bite in his mouth. “It's perfectly healthy,” he

assured her.

Reluctantly, she grabbed a piece and tore it off, nibbling at

the edge.“You're eating for two,” Kinzer said. “Remember?”

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“I know,” she snapped. She chewed on it. Her expression

transformed from concerned to impressed. “Not too bad.”

“Thanks,” Dedrus said with that adorable smile.

Kinzer loved that smile. So innocent, so fun, so dorky. He

wished Maggie hadn't been around, so he could feel those lips on his and force them around his cock.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Kinzer and Dedrus leapt out of their chairs. They grabbed

their swords, which had been lying at their feet, and scanned the room. Bzzz. Bzzz.

Dedrus gasped. “Oh, shit!”

He reached into his pocket, pul ed out his cel , and pressed

it to his ear.

“Treycore? You fucking ass. I've been worried as fuck!”


Kid was giddy with excitement.

A web of telephone lines zig-zagged between orange, red,

and blue buildings on either side of a street, which bustled with cyclists and yel ow, SUV-looking taxis.

So this is what it’s like to be in another country
, Kid thought.

Judging by the sidewalk, littered with trash and construction

debris, they weren’t in the best part of Peru, but it was still thril ing to Kid, who’d never been anywhere outside of the U.S. And more


importantly, he was glad that he got to share the experience with Treycore.

“Yeah, yeah,” Treycore said, a payphone receiver pressed to

his ear. “Okay, Dedrus. I’l be there as fast as I can...You don’t worry about how...”

He may not have to worry about how, but I sure as fuck do,
Kid thought.He didn’t have a passport or any money for an airplane

ticket. What was he supposed to do? He wondered if Treycore was

just going to ditch him. He supposed that since the fate of the

world was at stake, that was very likely.

“...I will be,” Treycore continued. “Let Kinzer know Kid’s

fine...Uh huh...yeah...okay. Bye.”

He hung up, picked the phone back up again, and mashed

his thumb on the dials.

Who’s he cal ing now?
Kid wondered.

“Lero, it’s Trey. Yeah. Got a favor to ask.”

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Chapter Eleven

“So she has the baby here,” Dedrus said. “Then what?”

Maggie had retired to her makeshift bedroom for the night.

Kinzer and Dedrus had moved into the living area. Dedrus had

kindled a fire. Kinzer had slid the couch across the floor, so they could enjoy it.

“I don’t know,” Kinzer replied, gazing at the fire.

“We need a plan,” Dedrus said. “That baby isn’t going to

just walk out and be able to take on The Almighty. It’s gonna be a long time before it can even defend itself. And you know The

Almighty will do everything in its power to destroy it. That’s a lot of things against us.”

Kinzer nodded. “I know. But we can’t real y plan for the

next fifteen...maybe twenty years. We gotta plan for tomorrow.”

Dedrus knew he was right, but there was so much more to

this than either of them were considering. And as his mind even


wandered in that direction, it became so overwhelming that he had to stop. He couldn’t bear it.

“So what do we do tomorrow?” he asked.

“Get some supplies. Try to give the Antichrist the best

delivery we can.”

Dedrus sighed. What did higherlings and fal ens know

about delivering an immortal child from a mortal? For al they

knew, the labor would kill Maggie. And she was close...too close for them not to be considering these sorts of things.

Dedrus was tired of his mind being ravaged with these

thoughts. He needed an escape. And he assumed that Kinzer felt the same way. He crawled across the couch and rubbed his nose against Kinzer’s cheek, pressing his lips softly against his chin.

In the shadows cast by the fire, his brow cast such severe

shadows over Kinzer’s eyes, making him appear almost menacing. It aroused Dedrus. But then again, Kinzer always aroused him.

Kinzer pushed off the arm of the couch and firmly kissed

Dedrus, forcing him on his back.

Dedrus absorbed his hot, wet mouth. His hands crept under

Kinzer’s shirt, sneaking their way across his abs. The dips between his muscles were jagged, as if he was feeling across a jagged rock covered in a thin layer of cushioned flesh.

Kinzer grabbed one of Dedrus’s hands and pul ed it over his

head, pressing it against the couch. He did the same with the other and pul ed from their embrace. He moved his lips close to Dedrus’s lips. Not close enough to kiss him. Just close enough for Dedrus to

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be tormented by the thought.

Dedrus’s lips instinctively attacked, but Kinzer withdrew.

Dedrus thought the deprivation was cruel. But he loved it.

He lay there, waiting for Kinzer to kiss him, hoping, praying

to The Leader, that it would come sooner rather than later.

Kinzer’s lips slipped back to Dedrus’s. But they didn’t touch.

They just hovered.

Kinzer final y planted a hard, deep kiss on Dedrus, his

tongue slipping between his lips, tasting as it wished. His mouth made its way down Dedrus’s chin and slid across his neck.

Dedrus delighted in the warmth.

Kinzer sucked softly between Dedrus’s jaw and his neck. His

teeth tugged at the flesh.

Without warning, Kinzer pul ed back.

They locked eyes.

Dedrus felt a rush across his abdomen, and he pul ed,

practical y tore, out of his shirt.

Kinzer did the same, revealing his muscular body, sharp

shadows amplifying the rocky crevice of his abs, which Dedrus

wasted no time in feeling his hands up and down, massaging his

tongue through.

Kinzer gripped onto the button on his jeans and stepped off

the couch, making a quick effort to get them off. Dedrus was right beside him, working far more effectively, because his were at his ankles twice as fast as Kinzer’s.

Before he could turn around, Kinzer tackled him from


behind, driving them both to the floor.

Kinzer lay across Dedrus, his dick between his cheeks, his

abdomen pressed against his back, his lips at his neck.

Heat radiated off Kinzer’s lips, sweeping across the hairs in

the back of Dedrus’s neck. They tickled and stood on end. Though they were nowhere near as erect as Dedrus was in that moment.

With his dick pressed firmly against the floor. It strained in

the pressure between the floor and Kinzer’s pelvis.

Kinzer stroked his cock between Dedrus’s cheeks.

Dedrus savored the feeling. He wondered how something so

soft was capable of causing him such excruciating pain...and such intoxicating pleasure.

Dedrus pushed his ass back, begging for Kinzer to just put

him out of his misery and enter him. He wanted to feel that cock forcing its way in.

Kinzer pressed on the floor, lifting his chest as he navigated

the head of his cock into Dedrus’s ass.

Get it in!
Dedrus thought.

Kinzer raised his hand to his mouth.

“No!” Dedrus snapped. “No spit! I want it like this.”

He just wanted to feel the raw rub, the tear inside of him,

the burning sensation that let him know that Kinzer and he were


Kinzer’s eyes shimmered with the light from the fireplace.

He jerked his hip forward.

Dedrus squinted. The sharp sting was intense, but he knew

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it could be worse.

“Al the way!” he demanded.

And Kinzer obliged, shoving himself in.

Dedrus tried to scream, but it caught in his throat. The pain

was so intense, so severe. He couldn’t breathe. Jerking his head back, he hit and punched at the floor, desperately attempting to distract himself from the pain.

Tears rushed from his eyes, dripping onto the floor,

glistening in with sparks from the fire.

Despite the clear pain Dedrus was in, Kinzer didn’t stop. He

thrust back and forth with a violent passion, groaning like a warrior striking for the kill.

Dedrus wondered if his hole was bleeding because each

stroke felt so rough, so dry. He figured he might as wel have had Kinzer shove his fist inside him.

Kinzer stroked his hand up across his back, petting him, as

if supporting him through this difficult time.

But another thrust from Kinzer, and Dedrus was done.

“I can’t!” he insisted, slapping his hand against Kinzer’s ass.

“I’m sorry. Please.”

Kinzer started to pul out but that was even more unbearable

than the prospect of the severe pain he was in. Dedrus shoved his ass back to the base of Kinzer’s shaft. He threw his hands around

Kinzer’s ass and clung desperately to his cheeks.

Kinzer continued his anal assault. He slipped his hands

under Dedrus’s arms and wrapped around his neck. His fingers


interlocked as he shoved Dedrus’s head against the floor and stabbed into him repeatedly.

“Ah! Ah!” Dedrus cal ed out, thinking Maggie surely heard


Kinzer’s hands released each other and found their way

around to Dedrus’s chest. In a quick maneuver, Kinzer pul ed his legs forward, positioning himself on his knees, and rol ed back, taking Dedrus with him.

Kinzer landed on his ass. Dedrus threw his hands behind

him and set his palms on the floorboards. He arched his back and whirled his ass in circles like a ceiling fan.

“You feel so fucking good,” Kinzer muttered, stil caressing

his back as his ass bobbed up and down, as if trying to force his cock deeper in Dedrus than physical y possible.

Dedrus flipped a glance over his shoulder. He could see

Kinzer’s exhilaration, his arousal, as he plowed in, seemingly

without regard for Dedrus’s enjoyment.

Dedrus tossed his head back, closing his eyes to savor the

sensation. His crouched legs quaked, but he was used to this. It was just a particularly low lapdance, something that Dedrus considered himself to be an expert at.

Kinzer’s hands fel to Dedrus’s hips, gripping on to his love-

handles as they forced Dedrus’s ass down to meet the base of his shaft. He was so deep, hitting that spot that sent ripples of ecstasy rushing through Dedrus’s brain. His skin felt like it was being

pricked al over. His pelvis was consumed with a heat, possibly just a

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bodily reaction from having to endure Kinzer’s cock. He hissed

through his teeth as the pain became almost too much for him.

“Fuck yeah!” Kinzer cal ed out.

Dedrus could tel Kinzer was about to come. He could feel

it in the way his dick was pulsating. It was a familiar feeling.

But now wasn’t a time for pleasure. It was a time for

revenge. He was going to top Kinzer, even if it killed him.

He grabbed Kinzer’s wrists and ripped his hands from his

love-handles. Dislodging Kinzer’s dick from his ass, he sprang

forward.“No, no, no!” Kinzer cried as the head of his dick slipped out of Dedrus’s hole.

Dedrus crawled to freedom.

“Not this time,” he mocked.

Kinzer’s eyes fil ed with rage. He snatched Dedrus by his

ankle. Dedrus tossed a glance back and kicked at Kinzer’s shoulder with his free foot. But Kinzer grabbed that one, too, and reeled him back in.

Not happening, asshole,
Dedrus thought.

Kinzer released Dedrus just long enough to restrain him by

his hamstrings. He clenched down so hard that Dedrus thought his skin might tear off.

But Dedrus was determined to win their little game.

He closed his eyes. His wings shot out of his back, startling

Kinzer as he pul ed his hands back to defend against the oncoming


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