Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack (22 page)

BOOK: Clipped (The Clipped Saga, 1) by Devon McCormack
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mortals, and I think you can imagine how thril ed The Almighty

wil be. You know how He feels about deserters.”

“Dude, I
your help.”

“And I would
to stay alive” Lero said. “I don’t know what fucked up shit you’re in with The Raze, but I’d recommend

you just leave it.”

“I can’t. Dedrus and Kinzer are in trouble. I have to help

them.” Kid thought Treycore should just tel Lero about the

Antichrist, but he figured he had a good reason for keeping that to himself.

Lero’s eyes shifted back to Kid. “Wel , Treycore, as you

know, I’m a businessman. I might be willing to make an


He licked his lips.

“Negotiate?” Treycore asked. “What do you mean? I don’t

have anything. I have some cash back at our place, but...”

“Oh, I’m not talking about money.”

The crotch in his pants protruded forward.

, Kid thought.
He might be as big as Treycore.

“Give me a little time with that foul-smel ing kid, and I’l

take you wherever the fuck you want to go.”

What kind of fucked up fetish does this guy have
, Kid thought, wrapping his hands around his elbows, as if trying to defend his body from Lero’s gaze.

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“That’s not happening,” Treycore said.

“Then enjoy your stay in Lima.”

“I’l do it,” Kid said.

He knew what he had to do. His mind flashed back to his


He was back at Jerry’s. He was trapped behind that chain-

link fencing. He was trapped under clients...under Daddy. He’d

hoped that he’d ridden himself of that sort of life. But he knew that the only way he could help the person who’d freed him from al that pain was by temporarily returning to it.

“Fuck no!” Treycore said. “No, he won’t.”

“Yes, I wil ,” he insisted.

Red rushed across Treycore’s white flesh. His dimples

sharpened. His eyebrows came together. “Kid, stay out of this!” he barked.

Kid ignored him. “I’l do whatever you need me to.” He

stepped into the living area, dropped his arms to his side as he surrendered to Lero.

Lero’s lips curled into a smile.

“No,” Treycore snapped. He grabbed Kid’s shoulder and

pul ed him into the bedroom. “Kid,” he hissed. “You’re not a

fucking whore.”

“Yes,” Kid said matter-of-factly. “I am.”

It hurt Kid to say it, but it was true.

Treycore’s face softened. He looked at Kid, as if pul ing from

his pupils the painful memories of his past. And Kid let his


immortal gaze pierce into his soul, hoping it would reveal his

shameful, humiliating past so that Treycore could understand.

“Kinzer saved my life,” Kid said. “He’s done more for me

than I can ever repay him for.”

Treycore’s gaze wandered.

“I don’t care if his immortal cock kil s me,” Kid continued.

“This is what I know. This is what I’m good at. This is something that I can do to help.”

He pushed past Treycore and approached Lero, grabbing

him by the hand, as he’d done with so many of Jerry’s clients before.


Kid left the door cracked open, as Treycore had requested. Treycore had been willing to let him fol ow through with this, but he’d

repeatedly told Kid to shout the moment he started to have second thoughts.

Lero sat on the bed. His eyes scanned Kid. He smiled.

“Wanna get a little more comfortable?”

Kid looked around uneasily. It wasn’t that Lero was

unattractive or that he wouldn’t have fucked him even without a

proposition. He’d just hoped that he’d never have to live the kind of life he’d lived when he was trapped at Jerry’s.

“Come here,” Lero said.

Kid approached him.

Lero sat up, wrapped his arms around Kid’s waist, and

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pul ed him back so that he was lying on top of him. He stroked his thumb across his temple. “I won’t hurt you,” he said. “I just want to pleasure you.”

He gently kissed Kid’s lips.

A wave of heat swept through Kid’s face. It felt so good.

Kid felt Lero’s soft beard, the prickles massaging his


Lero’s fingers slipped under Kid’s shirt as he pul ed it off,

over his head. He rol ed over. Setting Kid on his back, he kissed his way down the canal between Kid’s pecs.

The heat that Kid had felt on his face now swirled like a

hurricane in his chest.

Lero’s fingers combed softly across his bel y, his fingers

trailing through the rifts at the edge of his abs, down to his jeans.

Undoing his button, he grabbed either side of the jeans and Kid’s underwear and pul ed down, sliding them off his legs.

As he returned, he pressed that gargantuan nose of his

against Kid’s sack, stroking it, groping it with his most obnoxious, and for Kid, most ertoic, feature.

Kid felt Lero’s tongue as it licked across his bal s. It swept up quickly and then widened so that it could stick Kid’s entire cock in his mouth.

Kid swel ed.

The tip of Lero’s tongue flicked about as his lips moved up

and down his shaft.

Kid writhed in the sensation as tickles massaged up and


down his body.

Lero pul ed back from Kid’s cock, a beautiful grin stretched

across his face.

He stood and undressed, removing his suit and shoes.

His body was far more impressive than his face. His muscles

were bulkier than any of the other immortals he’d seen. His pecs were like boulders. They twitched as he stacked his clothes. And the way his ass bobbed up and down as he stepped to the dresser, setting his clothes down, made Kid even harder.

Even as Kid appreciated Lero’s body, still savoring the

delicious sensations from Lero’s mouth, his mind couldn’t help but wander.

What is Treycore going to think? Does he think I’m tainted?

Wil he not fuck me again because of this?

Lero crawled over Kid, his massive cock stroking through

Kid’s pubes as he pressed their abs together and planted another gentle, burning kiss on Kid’s lips.

Lero’s fingers encircled Kid’s thighs. He gripped around

them, pul ing Kid’s legs into the air. He pul ed his cock back and lined it up with Kid’s hole.

“That’s a beautiful ass,” he said.

He released one of Kid’s legs, pressed his hand to his mouth,

and hurled a juicy wad of spit in it. He wiped the spit over his cock and returned his hand to Kid’s thigh, propping it up as he navigated the head of his dick to Kid’s hole.

Kid threw his head back. He gulped.

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Lero slid the head of his dick inside him.

Kid could tel that Lero had far more experience fucking

mortals than Kinzer or Treycore because of how slow and careful y he moved.

Lero lost his balance slightly on the bed, and his dick forced

further into Kid’s hole.

“FUCK!” Kid wailed. It’d been too much for him to handle.

“Sorry,” Lero whispered, stroking his hand up and down

Kid’s thigh. “Are you okay?”

Kid nodded. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”

But he wasn’t real y fine. The awful sting just made him

think of his Treycore. And as good as Lero felt inside him, he was sure that after this, Treycore would never respect him again. He’d just think of him as a tainted whore. The thought that Treycore

would never force himself inside him again, never wring his neck and leave him begging for air, never send him into rapturous ecstasy again, tortured Kid. Tears streamed down his face. He tried to stop them, but they just kept coming.

I want him,
he thought.
So bad. But I can never have him.

“Are you okay?” Lero asked.


Why would he do that?
Treycore thought.
For Kinzer? What the fuck’s
so special about Kinzer?

He sat on the couch in the room beside the bedroom, his


ears anxiously anticipating any sign that Kid needed help.

He couldn’t believe that Kid had agreed to do that for Lero.

He shouldn’t have. They could’ve found another way home.

What did he mean when he said he was a whore?

There was so much he didn’t know about Kid. But he

wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about him.

He couldn’t believe how obsessed he was with a mortal—a

mortal that was so hung up on Kinzer that he didn’t even think

about him.

He'd felt it ever since he'd met Kid at Dick Dongs. He

could reason that this boy was just a horrid, flawed, foul-smel ing mortal, but his sensations were consumed with him. The sound of

Kid's voice. His humble eyes, ever-evasive. His timid smile. Treycore adored this boy so much that he hated him, and he hated himself

for being incapable of control ing his desire, for being powerless against his want for a lowly, nothing-of-a-mortal. And yet, he

wanted this nothing-of-a-mortal to be his everything. But why?

How could he have felt this infatuated with a creature that he hardly knew. He had loved since the dawn of creation. He'd loved Vera

with his whole heart. He would've surrendered his immortality for her. He would've sacrificed everything. There was a time when she was good. He remembered when she cared for the mortals, when

she fought for them. He remembered the days when the scent of her breath, her secretions stimulated him. Her eyes lit the fire in his immortal loins. Her words were finer than the greatest of songs.

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When she giggled, he felt at ease. She was flawless.

But during the war, she'd been trapped in a terrible battle,

one that left her mutated, deformed. Her face was scarred, her body was tainted.

“Am I hideous?” she would continuously ask him.

The answer was always no. He'd never seen her form as

hideous. Vain as angels were created to be, he couldn't see anything but the magic in her soul.

But Treycore knew by her repeated need for affirmation that

nothing he could say would give her peace. And he remembered

when she returned to him one day, her body uncorrupted, as

flawless as it had been when she'd been first created.

“Look, Treycore,” she'd said. “I'm beautiful again. Now, you

can love me.”

Try as she did to convince him that she had done it for him,

he knew that she had only done it to please her own vanity, and as her beauty came at the great expense of siding with the malicious Almighty, whom they'd sworn themselves against, he could no

longer set his immortal spirit alongside hers.

He left her. Left her to simmer with the decision she'd

made. Left her to dwel on her loss.

Yes, he'd loved Vera. And yet, who couldn't have loved as

perfect a creation as she? She had been meticulously forged to be the embodiment of desire, so his attraction had made sense. But with Kid, he was so far from The Almighty's ideal, and yet, Treycore's senses craved him more than he had ever craved his greatest love.


Why does this boy haunt my mind?!
he thought.

“FUCK!” came from the bedroom, ceasing Treycore's

musings.He sprang to his feet, rushing to the door and peering

through the crack.

Lero was inside Kid, who had tears streaming down his face.

That’s it!

Treycore forced the door open and barrel ed at Lero, fists


He pried Lero off Kid.

“What the fuck?!” Lero cal ed.

Lero was a punching bag as Treycore thrust his fists at him

again and again. He knew he had to get them in since Lero could

vanish at any moment.

“Stop!” Kid shouted. “Treycore, stop it!”

Kid snatched his arm.

“Treycore, he didn’t do anything wrong!”

As Kid pul ed Treycore off of him, Lero disappeared.

“Fuck!” Kid cried. He smacked Treycore’s shoulder. “Are you

outta your fucking mind?”

Tears were still rushing down his face.

“You screamed!” Treycore exclaimed.

“It wasn’t like that.”

“Then why are you crying like a fucking baby?”

Kid wiped the back of his hands across his face. “None of

your fucking business,” he snapped. He groaned. “Goddammit!

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Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? Huh?”

Treycore didn’t understand why Kid was being such an ass.

“I was just worried.”

“Wel , now you fucked up our chances of getting back to


If you say his name one more fucking time
, Treycore thought,
I’ll turn you over and pound the shit out of you, and I won’t fucking
hold back.

Kid col apsed onto the mattress.


Lero, still naked, tapped his fist against the open door. His

boulder pecs jiggled. He cowered as he entered the room. “Kid, if I did something—” he began.

Kid shook his head. “No, no. I’m sorry. It was just a

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