Closing the Ring (103 page)

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Authors: Winston S. Churchill

Tags: #Great Britain, #Western, #British, #Europe, #History, #Military, #Non-Fiction, #Political Science, #War, #World War II

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on difficulties of advance at Cassino
, ;
on capture of Cassino and progress of Italian campaign
, ;
on capture of Rome
minutes to
Aluminised explosives,
Ambassadors, Churchill on moving of, to new posts in war-time
Ambrosio, General, Italian Chief of Staff, plans for arrest of Mussolini
at meeting with Mussolini and Hitler at Feltre Villa
meets Ribbentrop and Keitel at Italian frontier
Amery, L. S., Secretary of State for India, minutes to
Anatolia, need of air bases in southwest of
Ancona-Pisa line
Andaman Islands
, ;
post-war War Office comment on projected operation to invade
Anders, General
Anderson, Sir John, Lord President of the Council, appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer
, ;
minutes to
Anti-aircraft defences
“Anvil,” code-name for projected landing in Southern France
, ;
Churchill on
, ;
Stalin’s views on
Combined Chiefs of Staff favour
Churchill on, at second Cairo Conference
, ;
operation formally approved
Anglo-American argument as between “Overlord” and, and further, as between Italian campaign and
discussions about and preparations for the operation at
, ;
the strike at
, ;
Alexander on
German reaction
, ;
Churchill’s report to Parliament
Appointments, ministerial, June–June
Arakan coast
Army annual bill, suggested amendments to, concerning political activities of Army men
Arnold, Lieutenant-General H. N., Chief of U.S. Air Forces
Battle of the Atlantic
Attlee, Rt. Hon. Clement, Lord Privy Seal and Deputy Prime Minister
minutes to
Auchinleck, General Sir Claude
Ausente Valley
Australia, aircraft for
Austria, plan for Allied movement into, from North Italy
“Avalanche,” code-name for the planned attack on Naples
, Greek cruiser
Aviation, civil, post-war, preliminary note on by Churchill
note to Roosevelt concerning
Aleta, Marquis d’, Counsellor of Italian Legation in Lisbon
Azores, agreement with Portugal concerning
Balkans, communisation of, Churchill on
congress of Italian Opposition parties at
Barlow, Sir Alan
Basic English, minutes of Churchill on
Badoglio, Marshal;
forms government
announces Armistice
moves seat of government to Brindisi
, ;
Churchill’s attitude toward working with
exchange of telegrams between Roosevelt and Churchill on Badoglio’s government as it affects Allies
, ;
signs long-term surrender at Malta
harassed by Opposition parties
Churchill supports his government and Roosevelt agrees
, ;
pressure against, continues and is subject of further exchanges between Churchill and Roosevelt
, ;
official recognition of, by Stalin
Battipaglia, capture of
Battle of the Atlantic
, ;
See also
“Baytown,” code-name for planned attack across Straits of Messina
Beaverbrook, Lord
Bedford, Dr.
Beneš, President, visits Churchill at Marrakesh
, ;
Churchill’s tribute to
Bennett, Air Commodore Donald
Bergamini, Admiral
Berio, Signor, Italian diplomatist at Tangier
Berlin, air attacks on
Bevin, Rt. Hon. Ernest, Minister of Labour and National Service, minute to
Biak Island
Biblical references made by Churchill in messages
Birse, Major
Black-out, Churchill on need to review question of (’43)
Boettiger, John
Bohlen, Charles E.
Boisson, M.
“Bombardon,” device in synthetic harbours
Bomber Command, review of activities ()
, ;
Casablanca directive to
, ;
attacks on German cities
, ;
effect on German war economy of bomber offensive
, ;
statistics on effective strength of crews in
Bono, de, Marshal
Bordeaux, plan for seizing, by
coup de main
Bottomley, Air-Marshal, report of, on so-called ski-sites in Northern France
Bracken, Brendan, Minister of Information
minutes to
Bradley, General Omar (U.S.)
Brazilian division for Italy
Brereton, General Lewis Hyde, Commander of U.S. Air Force in Middle East, Cairo
Bridges, Sir Edward, minutes to
Italian Government set up at
British naval vessels, transfer of, to Russia (in lieu of Italian)
British sailors, treatment of, by Russians.
North Russia
Broadhurst, Air Vice-Marshal
Brooke, Sir Alan, Chief of Imperial General Staff
reports, at Teheran, recommendation of Combined Chiefs of Staff as to date of “Overlord” and operation in Southern France
Stalin on
account by, written for Churchill, of speech at birthday dinner at Teheran and subsequent interchange with Stalin
, ;
minutes to
“Buccaneer,” code-name for projected amphibious attack on Andaman Islands,
Stalin’s declaration on Russian attitude toward, in event of Turkish entry into the war
Churchill on
, ;
campaign of December to June
, ;
Burma Road
Bus queues, Churchill on
Butler, Rt. Hon. R. A., President of the Board of Education, minute to
Cadogan, Sir Alexander, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, minutes to
Caen, an initial objective of “Overlord,”
Cairo, Conference at, preliminary exchanges between Roosevelt and Churchill concerning place of meeting
, ;
and presence of Russians at
, ;
the President’s invitation to Molotov
, ;
invitation to Chiang Kai-shek and consequent inability of Molotov to attend
views of Roosevelt and Churchill on meetings of British and American Staffs before being joined by Russians and Chinese
, ;
first plenary meeting hears Admiral Mountbatten on military operations in Southeast Asia
Combined C.O.S. meeting discusses operations in Europe and Mediterranean
, ;
Churchill and Roosevelt return, after Teheran, for second conference at
“Overlord,” Southern France and Andamans operations discussed
, ;
joint summary of decisions taken communicated to Stalin by Churchill and Roosevelt
Inönü at Cairo
optimism of high British Service circles
“Cairo Three,” code-name for Conference at Teheran
“Caliph” operation
Campbell, Sir Ronald, minute to
Canada, Churchill describes growing share of, in war
Canaris, Admiral, Chief of the German Intelligence
, Australian cruiser, sunk
Cape Gloucester
Cape Orlando
Carentan, an initial objective of “Overlord,”
Caroline Islands
air attacks on, by U.S. Navy fliers
Carton de Wiart, Lieutenant-General, liaison officer with Chiang Kai-shek’s forces
accompanies Zanussi to Lisbon, as prisoner of war
, ;
chivalric conduct of Zanussi
Casey, Rt. Hon. Richard Gardiner, British Minister (of State) Resident in the Middle East
lends Churchill his villa
, ;
Fifth U.S. Army approaches
second major attack on, and bombing of monastery
, ;
third battle of
, ;
Castellano, General, confers with Sir Samuel Hoare, British Ambassador, in Madrid
with Bedell Smith in Sicily
, ;
signs Italian armistice terms
Catania, bombed
malaria among men on plain
Catapult Aircraft Merchant Ships (C.A.M.S.)
Catroux, General
in Syria
Caviglia, General, arranges armistice
with Germans in outskirts of Rome
“Celestes,” code-name for Chiang Kai-shek
Cherwell, Lord, Paymaster-General, reports on German rockets
, ;
on relative efficiency of high-explosives used by British and German forces
, ;
on aluminised explosives
, ;
minutes to
C.O.S. report on
Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame
Chief of Combined Operations, minute to
Chiefs of Staff, British, on Operation “Overlord,”;

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