Closing the Ring (107 page)

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Authors: Winston S. Churchill

Tags: #Great Britain, #Western, #British, #Europe, #History, #Military, #Non-Fiction, #Political Science, #War, #World War II

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Gold and dollar holdings in U.S.
“Gooseberries,” name for blockships in synthetic harbours
Goums, native Moroccan troops
Gousev, M., Russian Ambassador, received by Churchill
, ;
Churchill’s tact in refusing to receive Stalin’s telegram about convoys
gives message to Eden concerning strained
relations between Tito and King Peter II
Graf Zeppelin
Grandi, Dino, at Fascist Grand Council, opposes Mussolini
retrospect of situation ()
, ;
political developments ()
, ;
mutinies in Greek forces in Egypt
Greek Navy, part taken by, in evacuation of Aegean garrisons
mutiny in certain units of
Greenland, closing of air-gap southeast of
Grigg, Sir James, Secretary of State for War, minutes to
Guadalcanal, retrospect of battle for
Guards Divisions
Guariglia, Signor, Italian Foreign Minister in Badoglio Government
Gustav Line
Haakon VII, King of Norway
“Habakkuk,” device for floating airfield
Habbaniya, suggested meeting-place for three heads of Governments
Halsey, Admiral William Frederick, U.S.N.
Hamburg, air attacks on
Harbours, synthetic
Harriman, W. Averell, U.S. Ambassador
Harris, Sir Arthur, Air Chief Mars
Hartz Mountains, underground factories in, for manufacture of rockets
Harvard University, speech by Churchill at
Helleu, M., mission to Lebanon
Hermann Goering Division
Hewitt, H. Kent, Admiral, U.S.N.
Hitler, Adolf, confers with Neurath, Rommel, and others on Sicily
, ;
decisions on Italian crisis
views on importance of Aegean Islands
, ;
decides to fight main battle south of Rome
inspects Peenemünde rocket experiments
orders Gustav Line held
on failure of Fourteenth Army to drive Allies into sea at Anzio
Hoare, Sir Samuel, British Ambassador at Madrid, confers with Castellano
Hollis, General
minutes to
Home Guard
Home Security, Minister of, minute to
Hopkins, Harry
, ;
Churchill’s message to
Hopkins, Robert
, U.S.S., aircraft carrier
S, blind-bombing device
Hube, General
Hudson, Rt. Hon. R. S., Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, minute to
Hughes-Hallett, Captain J.
Hull, Cordell, U.S. Secretary of State
“The Hump,” name given to the airlift of supplies to China
Huon peninsula
“Husky,” code-name for the invasion of Sicily
, H.M.S.
Imphal, Japanese attacks on
India, troops under arms in
, H.M.S.
Infantry divisions, British and German, relative strength of
, ;
number of British and American in “Overlord,”
Inönö, President of Turkey
Ireland, stopping of shipping and trade with, on eve of “Overlord,”
Ismay, Major-General Sir Hastings, Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defence
minutes to
, Italian battleship, damaged by German aircraft
Italian campaign
, ;
map, Southern Italian Operations, Sept.-Dec. ’43
Italian Fleet, surrender of
exchange between Eden and Churchill on Russian share of captured ships
, ;
submarines carry supplies to Leros
question of Russian share of, raised by Molotov, discussed at Teheran
, ;
British ships transferred to Russians in lieu of their share of
Italian Government.
Royal Italian Government, Fascist Republic in North Italy
Italian prisoners in South Africa
Italy, civil war in, following surrender
co-belligerent status explained
, ;
killed, wounded, and prisoners in
map, Central Italy
Jacob, Brigadier
, H.M.S.
Japan, defeated in Guadalcanal and New Guinea
strategy to be pursued against, discussed at Quebec
, and at Cairo by Combined C.O.S. ;
discussions and differences between Churchill and C.O.S., and Churchill and Roosevelt, concerning (Jan.–Mar.)
Jellicoe, Major Lord, parachute mission to Rhodes
Jones, Dr. R. V., reports on German rocket and pilotless aircraft experiments
Juin, General
“Jupiter,” code-name for planned expedition against Germans in Norway
Katyn Wood inquiry
Keitel, General, Chief of German General Staff, at conference on Italian frontier
Kerr, Sir A. Clark, H.M. Ambassador to Russia
procedure of, in delivering notes
, ;
messages to
Kesselring, Field-Marshal, Commander-in-Chief of German forces in Italy
prompt reaction of, to Anzio landing
Khedive Ismail
, British transport, torpedoed by Japanese
King, Admiral Ernest J., Chief of U.S. Naval Operations
King, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie, Prime
Minister of Dominion of Canada
King George V
, H.M.S.
Kirk, Alan Goodrich, Admiral, U.S.N., Commander Naval Task Force, in “Overlord” Operation
Kirk, Alexander
Kocjan, A., Polish engineer, furnishes British with technical details of “V” missiles
executed by Germans
Kollontay, Madame, Soviet Ambassadress in Stockholm
capture of, by Australian troops
Lake Ilmen
Lake Peipus
Lampedusa, captured
Lancasters, squadron of, from Royal Air Force sinks the
Landing-ship tanks (L.S.T.s)
Lascelles, Sir Alan
, ;
minute to
Law, R. K., Minister of State, minute to
Laycock, General
Leahy, Admiral William D., U.S. Ambassador to Vichy Government
Leathers, Lord, Minister of War Transport, minutes to
Leather supplies, situation as to, in Great Britain
Lebanon, Cabinet Ministers arrested by French
Churchill’s instructions to General Wilson concerning
Ministers released
Leclerc, General
Leeper, R. W. Allen, British Ambassador to Greek Government-in-Exile (Cairo), messages from, to Churchill on development of Greek political crisis
, ;
messages to
Leese, General
Leigh-Mallory, Air-Marshal Sir Trafford
Licata, captured
“Lilo,” name for a device intended for, but not used in, synthetic harbours
Linlithgow, Lord, Viceroy of India, minute to
Linosa, captured
Liri River
Liri Valley
type of Italian battleship
Litvinov, Maksim
Llewellin, Colonel J. J., Minister of Food
Lloyd, Geoffrey, Secretary for Petroleum
Lübeck, air attacks on
Lucas, General, U.S. Army
landing at Anzio
delays action after landing
, ;
Lumsden, General Herbert, appointed liaison officer with MacArthur
, ;
killed by air-bomb
, German pocket battleship
Lvov, Russian and Polish claims to, discussed at Teheran
Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. Oliver, Minister of Production, minutes to,
MacArthur, General Douglas (U.S.)
McIntire, Admiral Ross T., Surgeon-General, U.S. Navy, White House physician
Maclean, Brigadier Fitzroy, M.P.
sent to Tito
urges repudiation of Mihailovic
McLean, Brigadier K. G.
Macmillan, Rt. Hon. Harold, Minister Resident in North Africa (Algiers), minutes to
McSweeney, Detective-Constable
Mallet, Sir Victor, British Ambassador to Sweden
Italian long-term surrender signed by Badoglio at
Man-power, note on claimants for
Manus Island
Marianas, the
Markham Valley
Churchill at
, ;
Churchill leaves
Marshall, General George C., Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
question of appointment of, as Supreme Commander of “Overlord,”
at Teheran, on importance of L.S.T.s. ;
quoted on Pacific Islands campaign.;
messages to
Marshall Islands
Massigli, M., member of French Liberation Committee, Algiers
Merchant ships outside of enemy control, chart of Cumulative Gains and Losses of
Merrill, General (U.S.)
Metaxas, General (Greek), Dictator
Middle West (U.S.), Churchill on war effort of cities in

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