Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1)
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When later that night we watch Emma sleeping, he stands behind me like he did when I was turning the chili. His head is on my shoulder again and we’re both smiling at the rise and fall of her tiny chest. “I love how she sleeps with her mouth open like that,” he whispers.

“She got that from you,” I whisper back.

“No, I don’t sleep like that.”

“I’m waiting for her to start snoring like you, too.”

He lightly spanks my butt and I turn my head to receive a kiss. “Baby, I have something I need to tell you.”

Jake’s eyebrows go up and he motions for us to leave the baby room.

This place is my pride and joy, the first thing I decorated when we bought this home a year ago, right after she was born.

Emma would lie in her little carrier next to me while I picked out colors and decals for her walls. I showed them to her and asked which she loved the most, laughing and calling out to my husband that our daughter apparently has a thing for pale yellow.

“Look at this!” I told him as he rushed into the room. “Emma, you like this color?” I held up green and she just stared at it. “How about pink?” More curious staring. I showed him the yellow swatch first and then held it in front of Emma. “What about…oh you like that one, huh!?” She squirmed, smiling and reaching for it.

“Wow!” he said, kneeling down by her. Brown eyes just like her daddy’s flitted over to take him in. “You like yellow, huh Emma?” I watched him lean down and kiss her head, with so much love in my heart.

Everything about this room is special to me.

The furniture was mostly gifted from our families when they found out we were pregnant and that we’d be providing the first grandchild. Nancy went nuts with gifts. We donated some of them to a local shelter, but won’t tell her that.

We painted the room ourselves, too, while our Emma watched, so it really was a family effort. This is something I’ll tell her a million times when she’s old enough to remember.

And now Jake leads me into our much larger kitchen than the one we shared at the apartment. “Did something happen today while I wasn’t looking?”

“No, my daddy got along with yours this time.”

Jake nods. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“It’s something else, baby. It has to do with work.”

“Did Uncle Don not give you that raise?”

“Um…no, he did. But the thing is, I might have to turn it down.” My heart is picking up speed now. I can see I’m worrying Jake, but I’m a little nervous about what I want to propose to him. “There’s something I want to do that is going to sound out of character, but hear me out.”

Jake shoves his hands into his pockets and leans against the counter. “Spill it.”

I pause for courage. “I want to quit working for a while.”

Jake blinks at me and cocks his head like he didn’t hear me right. “Say that again? Why?”

“I want to go to college. Online college and it’s hard to take care of Emma—”

“—Oh, well that makes sense, Drew,” he exhales, and takes out his hands, walking to me. “Why are you so nervous?”

“You didn’t let me finish,” I smile.

Jake takes my hands and holds them, waiting. “Well, now’s your chance. Hurry up, because I’m about to interrupt you again, and tell you that college sounds great. You don’t have to go online, though. If you want to go to regular classes, Mom would love to watch Emma.”

“No, I want to stay home with Emma. And I want to be here for the new baby, too.”

He stares at me. “New baby?”

“Uh huh,” I smile, leaning in to watch his face change.

“There’s a new baby?”

“In about…six months…yup.”

My husband’s eyes go as big as my heart. He hollers and lifts me, kissing me hard before he spins me around. “Holy hell, Drew! Why didn’t you tell me before the BBQ? We could have announced it!”

“I was plannin’ on it, but then your mom called me so excited about Jeremy, and made me promise not to tell you he was home. So I realized he should be the big surprise today. He earned that.”

Jake’s watching me explain with a look of total love on his face. “Drew, sometimes I think I don’t deserve you.”

“You don’t.” I yelp as he pulls up my new sundress and buries his face in my stomach.

“Who’s in there? Eve? Erika? Hmmm? What’s your name?”

Slipping my fingers in his hair and admiring my wedding ring, I quietly say, “I’m hoping it’s

Jake looks up at me. “I wasn’t even thinking it might be a boy.” Off my shrug, he says from down there, “I’m fine with either.” He slips my panties down.

“Jake, what are you doing?”

“I love fucking you when you’re pregnant,” he murmurs into my inner thigh as he spreads my legs. “You’re so horny it’s insane.”

“Well, that part hasn’t begun yet,” I moan under his kisses. “That’s later when I’m huge and unattractive. It’s God’s irony.”

Completely ignoring my ‘unattractive’ comment, Jake murmurs, “Let’s jump-start it.”

My panties are suddenly gone and my husband has buried his face in my pussy. He breathes me in and groans. I hold onto the counter while Jake licks me until I’m begging for his cock. All of this is done nice and quietly so we don’t wake Emma.

He lifts me onto the countertop, turns on the sink and lets cold water run over his hands. I gasp as he slides those fingers over my nipples right before unzipping his fly. Our mouths latch together and move with a hunger we have come to love in each other. We are sexually perfectly suited. Sometimes we fight about all kinds of stupid stuff, as all couples do, but all Jake has to do is motion to his crotch and the tension vanishes into laughter.

Today I watched him with his family — which is now my own — and I realized that Edward really did do me a favor when he left me for that woman. I have no idea what happened to them. I don’t even care, because my life today is so full.

Jake likes to remind me that I almost didn’t date him because he was younger than me. I tell him, I still want out. It drives him crazy when I say that, but we both know I’m not going anywhere.

My legs wrap around his hips as he moves to penetrate me. “What are you waitin’ for,” I whisper with a challenge in my eyes. He groans as the tip begs for admission into my body. I moan in his ear as he enters me inch by inch. Letting our pleasure guide us, we move slowly at first. As our mouths find each other again things heat up. Our passion has grown deeper since we said,
‘I do.’

My husband growls and stops kissing me so he can watch me cum in his arms. He pounds me with swift, hard strokes as I go over the edge, whispering his name. I can’t yell out with the baby sleeping in the other room.

“Fuck, Drew Cocker, you’re cumming so hard. I can feel you dripping down my cock,” he groans as his head falls back. I watch the veins in his neck pulse as he holds back a yell. Freely, hot juices explode into me and I whimper as he locks his lips with mine and touches our tongues together. Pulses take their sweet time rippling through us. As they ebb, he gasps and shakes his head like he’s lost the ability to think straight.


Kissing his stubble all the way to his ear, I whisper, “Mmm?”

“I will be happy with a girl, but…I hope this is Ethan, honey. Emma needs a brother to watch over her.”

I tighten my arms around him. “I love you, Jake.”

“I love you, too, baby.”

Six months and fourteen days later, Ethan Jett Cocker will take his first breath to join a growing family who will love him more than anything, and sometimes drive him bat-shit crazy, too.

Because that’s how the Cockers roll.



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There are a couple extra scenes from this love story I wrote that didn’t quite fit into the plot. They take place years later.
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CLICK HERE FOR: You Don’t Know Me

A Stand-Alone Romance, but also very much about family, especially siblings.

Available in Kindle Unlimited.

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