Chocolate Honey

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

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Chocolate Honey



Chapter 1

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“I AM GOING TO KILL THAT Nigger!” That was Massa Jim O’Connor, in his Texas drawl. The person to whom he refers to is Julian, a field Negro who has been a slave of Massa Jim’s since Julian was a mere boy. “What do you mean, Christine has run off with him?! Are you drunk again Felicia?” “Here is the note she left, she has left because she is pregnant with his child. She feared you would have killed them both as I know you would.” “When I get my hands on that boy, I personally will lynch his black hide!” “Jim, please calm down, remember your heart please.” Felicia, Jim O’Connor’s long-suffering wife, was a true southern belle. She was a blonde, blue eyed beauty, statuesque. Her English father who is now deceased pampered her from birth. She is twice married, once to Christine’s natural father and now to Jim O’Connor. No man has ever, treated her so with so much respect and admiration than Mario Di Giuseppe. Jim on the other hand is the total opposite. He was so tender to her in the beginning of their romance and now he has become a total pig. His poor treatment and womanizing has led her to become drunken depressed woman. She only remained with him for the sake of her beloved daughter Christine. Jim was very handsome during the early years, but it seem the more evil he has gotten, the uglier he became.


Development of Julian Livingston:


Julian was born in 1825, of white slave owner and a slave named Heedi Clarke. His father’s wife killed his mother when Julian was only six months. His father in a rage, banished his wife from his estates, and raised Julian, until he was four. He callously sold Julian, after succumbing to the pleadings of his wife, to take her back and sell Julian. Slave women in various plantations then raised him. He was sold to Jim O'Connor's plantation, when he was only six years of age. He was placed on the farm to do odd jobs, such as bringing water to the field slaves, helping the women in the kitchen. When he reached sixteen, he was placed in the fields. When Julian turned seventeen, Lizzie was sold to Massa O’Connor. Lizzie was a pretty, petite, caramel skinned girl. She was taught to speak and read, by her former mistress. She fell in love with Julian almost immediately. Julian‘s feelings were mutual. He felt Lizzie, was a pretty and bright girl, who made him laugh, in spite of their terrible life. About two years after they began courting Julian proposed. He was so in love then, he felt it would last forever.


Six weeks after Julian proposed to Lizzie, Christine, the Massa’s daughter came back from her fashion-designing course at New York University. She grew to be quite an attractive woman. She was a statuesque beauty, brunette, about 5’11” slender about 120 lbs. Her eyes were oval shaped and soft blue; her skin was smooth olive, high cheekbones. Julian did not attempt to speak with her as, one he was a slave, and he remembered when they were younger, she was mean and spiteful at the urging of her father, Jim O’Connor. She left for boarding school at age 10 and is now returning at age 20. Her personality has changed and she developed quite a fondness for Julian. She sometimes, asked Julian to accompany her on her many, shopping trips to town. Lizzie did not like Christine’s likeness for Julian. She screamed at him, one night as he returned from the great house. “Julian, why are you at Miss O’Connor’s beck and call? I feel as if she is taking you away from me”! “Lizzie, I gotta obey her, I am a slave.” “I hope she is not trying to take you away from me.” “Lissen to me, Miss Christine will not look at me, I am a slave. I haffta go, she is waiting.” “You see she is becoming a thorn in my side, I hate her!” “I love you Lizzie and no other!” With that he left and went to the stables where Christine was already waiting. “Julian, you are 10 minutes late, you know if I were momma or poppa, I could have you whipped.” “Sorry, maam, I was talking to Lizzie, I am very sorry to be late!” Christine grimaced at the sound of Lizzie’s name. She did not know why she suddenly felt uneasy at the mention of her name. “The horse is ready maam I was grooming him after I was finished with the fields.” “Good, I saw that he was clean and spotless, good job Julian.” He lifted her on the horse; she sat with each leg at the sides of the horse, unlike the ladies of the day who sat with both legs at one side. Julian, admired Christine as she did not conform to the customs of the day. She spoke with the slaves as if they were her equal.


One evening after they returned from town, Christine, felt the urge to ask Julian a very dangerous question. “Julian would you like me to teach you how to read and write?” Julian was silent and wondered how he should respond. Sure I would like to read and write, but is Miss Christine playing a trick on me? Although it seems she was fond of him, he knew he should not trust her completely, for she is a white woman, they’s known to be conniving. He looked at her and felt suddenly at ease and replied, “I would like to learn to read and write, but it is against the White man’s law for me to learn, you could get in serious trouble, plus I could be killed!” “Julian, do not fret, I could ask Poppa, to let me go riding and have you with me in case there is a problem with the horse.” “What will I tell Lizzie? She is upset that you always seem to need me, whenever I have any spare time!” “Are you going to put the needs of a woman, before an opportunity to learn? I believe slavery will be end soon, what will you do in the world? People will always try to treat you as an idiot, it is good to have an education.” “Ok, I will think about your offer and the story that I haffta to tell her.” “That’s easy, if you decide to let me teach you; tell her your missus will need you more often. If she loves you she will trust you.” Julian, helped her on the horse, “Do, I gotta wait, ‘til you come back maam? I need to wash up, before going to bed.” “No you go on ahead, I am riding to visit my friend Becky, I will see to the horse when I get back. Goodbye.” “Finally, you are back, what did she keep you so long doing? It is almost 10 PM; we don’t have much time, as, now, we gotta prepare for bed! I am sick of her!” “Lizzie, I am tired and I am here now, I took a bath before coming in. Let’s just hold each other and try to sleep.” “It’s only because I love you and its late is the reason, why I am not screaming at you now, Good night!” Julian had a difficult time sleeping, as he is worried that Lizzie may not want to marry him, on the other hand he wanted to learn to read and write, and Christine offered so he may as well take this opportunity. Next morning, in the stables, he spoke with Christine, about his decision. “Miss Christine, I want to let you teach me to how to read and write. However, I am still not sure of the real reason why you are willing to teach me to be literate.” “Julian, I learnt a lot while I was in New York at school, I learnt that it is wrong to indulge in slavery, keeping people in bondage. I learnt that Negroes are people with feelings and blood running through their veins. I also believe slavery will be abolished very soon. I care for you and I want you to be educated that you can perhaps get a job as a clerk somewhere, that’s all.” “When will you start teaching me?” “Oh, let me ask poppa, to give you to me on a more regular basis. I got to give him a plausible story, don’t worry I will get him to give you to me.” “I hope, Lizzie won’t be angry when I tell her I will be spending more time with you.” He sounded so worried, that Christine felt sorry for him. “Julian, you cannot tell anyone about my plans for you! You will be whipped and sold from this farm and I will be in enormous trouble!” “Yes maam, I will not tell a soul.” “Good I will tell you when we can start as soon as I speak with Poppa.”


She visited her father in the main house a couple minutes after Julian left. “Poppa, I have something to speak with you about, do you have a few minutes?” “Yes, my darling daughter, you know I will always have time for you, what is it my pet?” “Do you know Julian, one of your slaves? I want you to give him to me.” “What! Are asking for a slave to be your lover?” “No, Poppa, Julian is young and strong; I want him to help me from time to time, when I am out shopping. I also want him to accompany me, whenever I visit Becky and my other friends.” “Honey, you can get Paul your fiancé to do that for you, you do not need a slave for that.” “Oh Poppa please, I thought you loved me. This is what I need, please, just do this for me. I will pay you for him, if I have to.” Jim O’Connor, who could never deny his daughter any request, once it is possible, finally relented and said, “That won’t be necessary my child, I will see to it that Julian is given new duties as your personal slave.” “Poppa, one more thing, please transfer him to the main house, I do not want him to be too tired when it is time to assist me.” “Christine, why are you trying so hard, to make life comfortable for this boy? I will scale back his hours in the fields, but he will not become a house-slave and that’s it. House-slaves are pregnant women, ones that are too old or weak for the fields and the slave children. Julian is a strapping young man and we need his strength in the fields.” She was disappointed, but understood her father’s position. She wanted to do so much for Julian, she did not understand why, but she felt she had to be his guardian in some way. She told Julian a couple hours later of the new arrangements and he was genuinely happy of the fact that he will be taught to read.


Several months later, Julian was reading at the level of a child of fifteen, Christine, was enthralled that he, was such a quick study as he learnt at a rapid speed. He was always enthusiastic to get a few hours of lessons, and Christine, felt so proud of him. She found herself seeing Julian in a new light, instead of him being her bright and enthusiastic pupil. She began to wonder what it must be like to be held and kissed by him. Each passing day found her more eager to teach and to spend time with him. She was scared of her feelings for him, after all he was a slave and a coloured, and how could they have a life together. “I must put a stop, to these feelings and concentrate on teaching him all I know.” Lizzie, on the other hand, noticed that Julian is always extremely happy after completing his duties for Miss O’Connor and grew increasingly suspicious of his feelings for her and wondered if he was already bedding her. One evening after he completed his chores, he came home smiling as usual, she decided to ask him, what the hell was going on. “Julian, each time, you come from Miss Christine, you have an extremely happy look on your damn face! What is going on? Are you that happy to be an errand boy on top of being a damn slave! I am sick and tired of not seeing you. I am your fiancée for Jesus’ sake and I never see you. We have to be in dem fields, by 7 AM till 8PM, then we gotta be home, cook our meals. Then it is off to bed for the next day. It is now 10 pm and you are now getting in, how much time does this leave us. I'll tell you none!
I can’t take her anymore, I wish she would just leave you alone.” He thought, O God, I am not in the mood for any of Lizzie’s ranting tonight. Please help me. “You know what, lets pray, lets pray that she no longer wants you as her personal slave and then we will have more time together.” “Lizzie, you are being unfair. I only helps Miss Christine, three times a week. It is so good, to get off the fields a bit early on dem days. Why do you want me to pray, so I can go back, back thirteen hours of back breaking work, six and a half days a week. I feel so much better and happy, why you wanna take that from me girl!” Julian playfully, slapped her bum. “Julian, this is no time for games, this woman is putting our love in danger I know you cannot refrain from being her slave, but I believe that if we pray together, we will rid ourselves of her! Please Julian lets me and you pray now.” “
, I done told you before, I am happy to get a break now and then from labouring in the fields, all day. I love you and Miss Christine has no feelings for me, I am her slave and plus I am not a white man, so stop nagging me!” “Nagging you, nagging you, that's how you see my fear of losing you as being a nag, well sorry! I nagged you. You will not hear me speak of this anymore, but if I break off with you, please be glad I won’t nag you anymore.” Julian only sighed, as he was too tired to argue further. The next day, Felicia, asked that Lizzie, assist her with hemming some of her dresses. Sarah, the head house slave, told her the Missus was out visiting friends. She scowled at Lizzie and told her to wait in the dining area. Lizzie gazed at the furnishings in the home. There was a great mahogany dining table, which could seat at least fifteen people. The furnishings were from the Victorian era. Felicia O’Connor on her many travel, throughout the world, especially England, always-sketched furnishings she has seen abroad. Come hell or high water, some poor craftsman had to make them from scratch. There were a couple brown, silk shield back, gentlemen and ladies chair. Jewel Post sofas, and also a camel back sofa. Lizzie thought all these furnishings, wealth and prestige, the O’Connor’s’ have are from the blood sweat and tears of us slaves. The more Lizzie, gazed at the rich furnishings, the more she hated the O’Connor’s especially Christine. All this pomp and pageantry, whilst Jules and I are in a one room cabin. I pray, one day we will all be free from our oppressors. Someone, interrupted her thoughts, it was Christine. She noticed Christine’s elegant walking dress, and looked at her, skirt, which was worn from washing over the years. She was ashamed of its pale colour and wished Christine would just disappear from the earth. Christine walked in and saw her. “Well Good morning Lizzie, why are you here?” “I am here as the Missus asked me to, for no other reason maam.” Lizzie responded sullenly. Christine was taken aback by her attitude and asked. “Is there a problem? You seem upset at something.” Lizzie thought for a moment and then said, “Yes I have a problem and it all has to do with you. You seem to be taking more than a keen interest in my Julian and I do not like that one bit!” “You are a brave and insolent girl, you know I could have you whipped?” “I know that, but I don’t care as I love Julian and I feel you are deliberately trying to split us apart.” Christine spoke slow and angrily. “I am sorry, you feel that way Lizzie, but I can assure you I have no designs on Julian. If you cannot keep your man, then that’s no
of mine.” Lizzie snorted, “I do not believe you, you want Julian for yourself you are just afraid to admit it. I don’t know
you desire Julian; don’t you have Paul McClelland licking at your boots? Why don’t you concentrate on him and leave my Julian alone!” Christine, became very furious and went as close to Lizzie, almost to her face and said, “Don’t you dare, speak to me in that fashion again, you have taken a lot of liberties today, Paul McClelland’s relationship with me is none of your business!” By this time Lizzie‘s insides were churning, but she hammered on. “I just have one more thing to say. You are a spoilt and self-serving human being and I pray you will have a conscience and stay away from Julian.” Christine raised her hand to slap Lizzie; however, Felicia stepped in. “What is going on here? Why is everyone so tense?” Lizzie, trembled and suddenly felt cold, she was scared that Christine would report her insolence to the Missus, but she said, “Nothing, momma, I am just tired that is all. I am going upstairs to sleep. Lizzie tell Julian I will need him at 6 tonight.” She said with a smile. Lizzie who wanted to tear her apart, said, “Yes maam, I will sure to let him know of your request”.

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