Read Cold Day In Hell Online

Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Romance

Cold Day In Hell (20 page)

BOOK: Cold Day In Hell
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"Liar." Why had she worried herself sick over him?

Marcus stood quickly. He motioned for Jack to follow. "We'll leave you two to argue. We're going to find somewhere to knock back a beer or two."

"Good idea." Jack stood and walked to the door.

"Cowards." Ty bent over a map Marcus had drawn.

The two men left a little too fast, in Ana's opinion. She took it as admission they knew a storm was brewing. Why else would they have both fled like thieves in the night?

"At least they understand you were wrong."

"I did what I thought was right." The set of his jaw tightened.

"You don't get it. It's not bad enough I'm worried sick about Lina and Pablo. I spent the day wondering why I'd been treated like a child."

"We weren't gone all day."

He lifted one shoulder as if it were no big deal. He sat on the one chair in the room, extending his long legs out in front of him. His casual dismissal of her feelings was like lighting a flamethrower in her stomach. His inflated ego refused to admit he'd made an error in judgment.

"Don't hedge with me." She stood over him with her hands fisted. At least while he was sitting he had to look up at her.

"Like it or not, we were safer with you here." He removed his boots and socks.

"That's not the point." Her blood pressure kept rising. He was so thickheaded. "I'm smart enough to know that. I'm not talking about how disrespectful and cowardly you are for sneaking off." He opened his mouth, but she shushed him. "I'm not finished."

Ty stood, forcing her to back up. He unbuttoned his shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders. "Can we do this after I shower?"

He started toward the bathroom without waiting for her answer. A day's worth of pressure exploded inside her head, and she stormed into her room, ready to slam the door.

But she had more to say, and he would damn well hear it. She clutched her churning stomach as tears flooded her eyes. "What if you'd been killed?"

He stopped but didn't turn to face her.

"Damn you. I spent the day sick with worry." Shocked at the emotion welling in her throat, she pushed the door closed. The realization slammed into her. Being left behind hadn't upset her. The terrifying thought Ty might not come back had crushed her heart.

Ana walked to the dusty window and pulled the curtain back. She stared out at nothing in particular. She admitted it. Ty meant too much to her. If something had happened to him, how could she have gone on?

Behind her, the door opened and closed. Seconds later, strong hands rested on her shoulders. He moved closer until his solid body touched every inch of hers. He'd showered, and his clean scent surrounded her. Heat from his bare upper body burned through her thin cotton T-shirt.

He turned her in his arms. His intense gaze searched her face. He cupped her jaw and gently stroked her cheek with the rough pads of his thumbs. Electric shocks roared through her system. She fought the urge to lean into him and just breathe in his scent.

"You were worried about me?" His eyebrow rose in a look of surprise.

His head tilted as he waited for her answer. She couldn't find her voice, so she looked away. Unable to face him with the truth, she nodded.

What would he do with the knowledge that she cared enough to be frightened out of her mind for his safety?

Still holding her head in his hands, he lifted until her eyes met his. "Tell me again."

Her stomach stirred at the intensity of his gaze. "Why?

"Because no one has ever told me that before."

Her heart constricted. Surely, somebody besides her had walked the floor while imagining horrible things had happened to him. She gripped his rock-hard biceps before sliding her hands up to his bare shoulders and down over the sprinkling of hair on his chest. His skin was an inferno, sending flames of need licking through her blood.

"I worried about you. I prayed you'd come back to me." Speaking the words out loud released a flood of emotions. Emotions she'd deal with after his mission was complete, and he'd returned to his country. Emotions that would remind her that everyone she cared about went away.

And wasn't that reason enough to live for now?

She stood on her tiptoes and touched her lips to his neck. Stubble abraded her tongue as she sampled the taste that was uniquely Ty. Straining to get higher, she reached his lips, covering the soft flesh, showing him what she wanted. Her body hummed with need. She held her breath, waiting to see if he'd reject her again.

He pulled back and stared down at her. His eyes searched her face. What was he looking for?

Moaning, he dragged her against him. He slowly lowered his head and took charge with a soul-searing kiss. His tongue swept inside, stroking hers. Hot, hungry, and primal, his mouth fed her craving.

She had to touch him, to commit his body to memory. Her hands roamed across his shoulders, mapping the taut muscles, down over his pectoral muscles to his waist. Her heart skipped a beat when he trembled under her fingers.

He pulled her tighter, pressing her aching breasts against his oven-hot flesh. Her stomach clenched.

This insatiable need ended tonight. She slipped her hands between them and pushed. Immediately, Ty's arms dropped to his sides. His body went rigid.

Ana stepped back. Her knees almost buckled at the heat pouring from his passion-filled black eyes. His breathing was ragged, but he'd stopped with the slightest pressure from her.

She trailed the tips of her fingers across his nipples, loving how they hardened.

He sighed.

"Hold that thought." She closed and locked her side of the adjoining rooms. As she turned, the desire behind his stare sent chills racing over her skin. He opened his arms, and she hurried to him.

The tips of his fingers caught the bottom of her T-shirt and slowly tugged upward. The past invaded the present, and she grabbed his hands, holding them still.

In her need for him, she'd forgotten. He'd touched her once before and had turned away. What if the sight of her scars repulsed him this time?  

"Ana." His words were raspy. "I want to see you."

"You don't understand." She tried to move away, but he was too strong, too determined. "I have scars."

"You don't think I care about that scar on your thigh?"

She opened her mouth to question him, but he silenced her with his lips.

"I saw the tail of it in the jungle."

"There's another." She placed her hand over the scar. "You touched it the lake house. It repulsed you."

"No." His eyebrows dipped, and he shook his head. "I had no idea. I pulled away to keep from taking advantage of you. I thought I was doing the right thing." Pain and understanding clouded his face. "Believe me."

"Are you going to decide what is right for me again?"

"I want you. Right or wrong be damned."

She dug deep, searching for courage. If he shied away, it would destroy her. She caught the hem with her fingers, and in one motion pulled the shirt over her head. Shoulders back, she waited, watching to see if he flinched.

 His gaze was steady, hot, and inviting. She unhooked her bra, pushed the straps off her shoulders, and then dropped it on top of her shirt.

"My God. You're more beautiful than I imagined."

"Stop." She bit down on her bottom lip to stop the quiver. "You don't have to lie."

"I'm not lying to you." 

He sat on the edge of her bed and held out his hands. With trembling knees, she stepped between his legs. Ty leaned forward and kissed the bottom edge of the scar. No one had ever done that before.

"Don't." She tried to twist away, but his strong hands held her in place.

"Did I hurt you?" His gaze rose to meet hers.

"No. My scar is disgusting. I don't expect you to pretend otherwise."

"You think I'm pretending?" His eyes widened. "You're beautiful. Every inch of you."

His tongue stroked all the way to the top. Her legs turned to rubber.

He lifted one breast in his hand and circled her nipple with his thumb. He repeated the process on the other side. He sucked the already taut tip into his mouth.

Heat ripped through her system. She clutched his head, bowed her back, and held him close. The sensation coupled with the erotic scene of his head bent over her while he teased her nipples into raw, hard ridges set small explosions off deep inside.

His attention returned to her scar, placing soft, warm kisses from one tip to the other of the constant reminder of her attack. Ana closed her eyes and gave in to the sensations. His hands stroked, his mouth suckled, until the pressure shifted lower, pushing her closer to the edge. She'd never had an orgasm during foreplay, but an explosion was building and a dam was about to burst.

"Stop. I'm going to come."

"I like it here," he mumbled as his teeth clamped down.

His hand slid between her legs. Even through her jeans, his touch proved to be too much. She rocked against his fingers as wave after wave of desire swept the outside world away, leaving nothing but a glorious eruption of stars.

Breathing hard, she clung to his shoulders. "That's never happened before."

"I'm glad. You're so beautiful when you come. I want to see more." He looked up with eyes full of desire.

"Me, too." A little embarrassed that she'd given herself over so freely, she couldn't hold his gaze.

He smiled, looking positively evil. "Let's see what other new trails we can blaze."


Ty reluctantly pulled away from the most incredible breasts he'd ever tasted. Her confidence was fragile. He wanted her to know she was beautiful. He cupped her curvy butt in his hands, stood and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Soft lips nipped their way up his jawline. She immobilized him by sucking his earlobe into her mouth as he had her nipple.

"You do have too many clothes on," he managed to whisper, setting her on her feet.

Ty unzipped her jeans and wiggled them down lush, round curves, revealing a wisp of white against creamy caramel skin. He groaned at the sight of her scar and in anger at the bastard who'd injured this fabulous creature.  

"So beautiful." He knelt in front of her, placing her hands on his shoulders to steady her.

He took his time, tasting each strip of flesh as he slid the skimpy panties to the floor. He licked the scar from tip to tip, feeling Ana relax into the moment. Her body vibrated under his mouth as he kissed his way to her core. He ran his index finger through the soft folds and found her hot and wet. She made a sound, a soft pleading noise that was almost the end of him. He'd have to mentally dismantle and clean his Beretta if he wanted to last more than sixty seconds.

He gently pushed her onto the bed. She watched closely while he dropped his warm-ups to the floor. Shit. His wallet was in the other room. "Condom?"

"No." Her eyes widened. "I don't have one."

"Don't move." Ty jerked up his pants and made a covert trip to the other room. Thank you, Jesus. Marcus was off having a beer with Jack. Ty grabbed a condom from his wallet and hurried back to Ana.

He stopped just inside her room. The sight of her stretched out on the bed, waiting for him, made his knees weak.

"Join me." Her voice whispered across his skin. She patted the spot next to her.

He dropped the warm-ups. Ana shook her head and smiled.


"I'm not the beautiful one in the room. You are breathtaking."

He climbed astride her, shoved the foil packet under the pillow, and laughed. Damn, it felt good. He couldn't remember doing a lot of that lately. "That's twice you've said something to me no one else has ever said."

"It's the truth." The cinnamon flecks in her brown eyes glittered.

"Now who's lying?" He kissed the scar on the inside of her thigh again. Her shiver said more than words.  

He took a leisurely trip over her body. Kissing, tasting, and commenting as he went. Her back bowed as he ran his tongue around her navel. He slid one hand under her hips and lifted slightly, then kissed her right between the legs.

"Ty," she whispered. "Please."

He increased the pressure, delving deep with his tongue and then backing off until she begged for release.

She watched his every move as he located the condom packet and covered himself. In the light of day, she might regret tonight, but he wouldn't. He'd treasure this memory.

Her eyes widened slightly when he breached her entrance. A welcome-home look that pushed him right to the edge. She lifted her legs around his waist, elevating her hips to take him deeper. Holy hell, she was hot and wet and moving him in and out.

"Finally," she said, reaching up and pulling his lips to hers.

Ty battled for restraint. Fought the desire to pound into her until she screamed with delight, but he caught her hips and held her still.

"Easy. Or I'll be done before we begin." Or maybe not. Not moving was worse, because her inner muscles contracted as her body adjusted to his size.

He pushed further into her waiting heat. Pulled back. Dove deeper. Started to retreat once more. She stopped him by tightening her legs. She met his thrust. And his second. Their bodies moved faster. Synchronized motion in a sensual dance. He slid his hand between her legs, her moan of pleasure telling him she was close.

She moved like liquid, rising and falling to meet him. She crested and cried out his name just as his climax boiled from deep inside and he roared his release.

Holding his weight on his arms, he kissed her swollen lips. She'd opened her heart and body to him. It was a gift he'd always cherish. The last thing he wanted was to hurt this beautiful woman. The first thing he wanted was to kill the bastard who'd hurt her.

He rolled to his side, turning her to face him. Waves of chocolate-colored hair fell across her shoulder and covered her face. Picking up a curl, he rubbed the soft texture between his fingers. What would he see when he pushed it back? Would he see regret? Clearly, this had been an error in judgment on their part. Not that he regretted making love with her. He didn't, would never. That didn't stop him from worrying she'd expect more than he could give. He hoped he hadn't added more pain to her life.

BOOK: Cold Day In Hell
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