Read Cold Day In Hell Online

Authors: Jerrie Alexander

Tags: #Romance

Cold Day In Hell (23 page)

BOOK: Cold Day In Hell
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He didn't understand family dynamics. He'd been raised without a father, and his mother had expected Ty to turn out bad. She'd barely tolerated him until his sister's murder. After that any motherly love she might've had disappeared, replaced with blame. She'd believed it was his fault until the day she'd drunk herself to death.

Ana was lucky to have had two families in one lifetime who loved her. He'd reunite her with the Cisneroses when it was safe. Until then, she'd have to settle for phone updates.

Ty drove slowly down the dirt trail to the house. He killed the overheated engine, relieved they'd made it across town. It shuddered and gasped for air then died.

She surprised him by not bolting out the door full of questions.

Marcus was the first one out and was already taking off his bloody shirt. "Thank God this place has running water."

He pushed the door open, jerked his gun out, and looked back at Ty. "It's too quiet." He mouthed the words.

Ty signed he was headed around to the rear of the house. Gun in hand and panic twisting in his gut, he walked softly to the back porch. Nothing stirred.

Marcus stepped outside. "The place is empty."

Ty's brain didn't accept that. She had to be here somewhere. She and Jack had had no transportation. He shoved past Marcus, quickly going from room to room.

No Ana.

No Jack.

The screen door squeaked, and Marcus and Ty whirled.

"Take it easy." Jack pointed at the pistols as he stepped in front of Ana. "Put those away."

Ana pushed her way around and rushed across the room. Her eyes were wide and wild.
Que Dios nos ayude
You're both hurt."

Took Ty a second to figure out she'd asked for heaven's help. "We're fine. Where were you?"

"But the blood."

Ty's fear turned into relief and quickly segued to anger. She was beautiful, standing in front of him and fucking safe. Didn't she realize she'd scared the shit out of him? His emotions bubbled right over the edge. "Where the hell were you?"

"Ease up. You left me here to babysit. You don't like my methods? Tough shit." Jack's eyebrows furrowed. "We heard a car coming. I couldn't be sure it was you until you drove into sight. Ana went out the back into the trees."

Ty dragged his hand over his eyes. "Sorry. The empty house spooked us."

Ana was right in his face. "Whose blood is this?"

"While you tell her, I'm taking a shower." Marcus strolled off down the hall, leaving Ty to break the news.

"You found them?" Tears slid silently down her cheeks.

"They're alive." Ty hurried to add, "They're in the hospital."

Her knees buckled. Ty caught her by the elbows.

"I'm fine. Tell me how badly they're injured." She pushed away from him. "Tell me everything."

He hated to tell her. How could he describe her parents' condition? He had to be honest. She'd want the truth, nothing less. Sugarcoating what they'd found for a strong woman like Ana would be a mistake.

"They were in the small building I told you about. Both were in bad shape, but your dad spoke, insisting we save your mom." Ty explained the rescue and that he and Marcus had carried them into a small hospital. He couldn't bring himself to share his theory that the dog had been allowed to attack them.

"But the blood. It's theirs, isn't it?" Her chin came up, her bravado expression in place, but her gaze full of painful questions. "Tell me."

"They were tortured. We couldn't stay to find out how badly. If we had, you two might've been stranded out here for a long time."

She stood. "You're going to say I can't go see them, and I understand, but I have to know if they're all right. Uncle Rod can find out."

Ty breathed a sigh of relief when she fished the phone from her pocket and made the call. Tears slid silently down her face, but her voice was strong and steady. Her conversation was succinct, no wasting time on niceties as she brought her uncle into the loop. The worry lines around her mouth relaxed when she said how grateful she was that he'd ensure Lina and Pablo were protected.

"Hang on, Uncle Rod," she said, turning to Jack and Ty. "We're to wait until dark and move to the next place."

Ty nodded his understanding. "Tell him I said thanks."  

She caught Ty's gaze and held a heartbeat before returning to the call. A weird feeling hit him, like a caress from a warm hand. Earlier, when he couldn't find her in the house, fear had gripped his heart, squeezing with a cold and painful grasp.

This beautiful woman wrapped around a brave warrior had effectively scared the hell out of him. For a few seconds he'd experienced a dread he couldn't quite shake. This entire day had been a series of bad things turning out right.

Marcus strode down the hall. "I don't know about y'all, but I'm starving, and you still wearing that bloody shirt doesn't dampen my hunger."

"There's nothing left of the stuff her uncle sent with us," Jack spoke up.

Marcus held out his hand. "Give me the keys. Jack and I will run back to that small grocery store."

Ty didn't argue. His mind was stuck on the surge of panic and blind desperation at finding the house empty, of how quickly he could actually lose her. None of these emotions were acceptable. They were fucking deadly. Impossible to control.

Fear had no place in his life.

Distractions had no place in his life.

Ana had no place in his life.

He jerked the shirt over his head on the way to the shower. He stripped and stepped under the warm water. Placing both hands on the wall in front of him, he leaned into the spray, demanding his brain shut down if just for a minute.

Jesus. He was losing his mind. He agreed with Marcus. This mission needed to be over so they could go home.

Ana had no reason to start a personal war with the other drug cartels. She'd be safe here in Colombia. Her government might even think she was a hero.

The shower curtain moved, sending cool air across his skin. Small warm hands sliding around his waist instantly replaced the chill. Bare breasts pressed against his back. The kiss between his shoulder blades nearly knocked him to his knees.

He turned to face the naked beauty whose nearness shot flames of desire through his blood. Even in the dim lighting, her brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. The topknot she normally bound her hair into was gone, allowing thick, dark waves to skirt her beautiful breasts. Her hands slid up to his shoulders and then trailed down his arms.

 The voice inside his head warned him this was way past recreational sex. He was too close to letting her inside a space in his heart better left empty. At the same time, the desire to drag her against him, to lose himself inside her body, battled with his conscience.

"You're not still angry with me? Are you?" Her sexy tone slid over him, firing off heat rockets.

"No. When I couldn't find you in any of the rooms, my imagination went wild."

She rested her fingers on his lips. "I'm here now."




Chapter Nineteen





Ana took Ty's hands and covered her aching breasts with them. The tortured expression on his face shifted to pure lust. Lifting up on her toes, she kissed his luscious lips and reveled in his taste. Strong fingers circled her pebbled nipples.

Reluctantly, she pulled his hands away, immediately missing his touch, and placed them at his sides. She reached behind him for the sliver of soap, loving how his eyes widened while she slowly rubbed the bar between her palms. His tight shoulder muscles loosened a little when she smoothed the frothy lather over his caramel skin. His gaze tracked her every movement, every stroke, every circle as she made her way over his expansive arms and chest down to his rock-hard erection.

She dropped to her knees and ran the soap up and down his legs. Moving to his erection, she reveled in the hissing noise he made. Stroking the suds into lather brought a moan rumbling from him.

Ana took his wash rag, angled the spray at his body, and slowly rinsed the bubbles away. She followed the warm water with her lips. Down. Down until she reached his stomach.

She dropped to her knees, opened her mouth, and took him inside, stroking with her tongue. He stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed into her making love to him. She grasped his hips and used her lips to convey her emotions. Emotions simple words wouldn't cover.

"Ana," he said, and choked out a growl as he tried to pull her to a standing position.

"Don't talk. Let me do this for you."

Should she tell him that she understood his reluctance to make love with her? That his concern touched her heart? That she realized they lived in different worlds with different goals? That this moment wouldn't come again?

Water sluiced over him, soaking her hair and face, mingling with the few tears that managed to escape before she shut them down.

Today was about farewell. A time to love and make memories. She caressed him with her tongue, needing these memories they were making.

Ty's hands gripped her head. Moaning, he pulled out of her mouth and made her stand.


His hands clenched her bottom, and as if she weighed nothing, he lifted her. She locked her legs around him, clutched his strong shoulders for balance and leaned into his assault on her mouth. The soul-searing kiss deepened, becoming hungry and demanding. He pushed her back against the wall. The hard tip of his erection nudged at her entrance.

If she slid backward, just a little. "Yes," she moaned the words as he slipped inside.

He shifted his hips and drove deep. Moving in sync, she rode him, taking him further, deeper.

Too fast, her orgasm was coming too fast. She wanted to prolong this feeling, wanted it to never end, but with a flash of brightness, she shattered around him. Grinding against him, she dug her fingers into his shoulders and fell into the light. His arms surrounded her. His lips possessed hers as one wave morphed into another.

He drove deep, and his climax pulsed inside her. He uttered a low groan and held her by her backside until their breathing slowed. Ana could've stayed in his arms forever. She shook the ridiculous thought away.

Ty turned and placed her under the barely warm water. Moving the nozzle to point lower, he directed the spray so it flowed over her shoulders.

"We'd better rinse you off before the water gets cold," he said, scooping her hair into his hands.

A cloud passed behind his eyes, and his back went rigid.

"What?" she asked, afraid he'd heard something outside.

"I didn't use a condom." He ran his hand over her cheek. "I'm sorry. If—"

"Stop. I started taking the pill when I came home and began my hunt for Ortega. Sounds extreme when I say it out loud, but he's not known for being kind to women."

He turned off the water, ripped the curtain back, and then stepped out of the shower. Pulling the towel off the rack, he helped her out, and started drying her off.

"It doesn't sound extreme to me. It speaks to how dangerous it was for you to go off on your own. That you put yourself in the position where you might have been raped makes me crazy. These people have no morals. They would've hurt you in unimaginable ways."

She had no argument. His statement wasn't an exaggeration. If Ty hadn't rescued her, she'd be dead. Still, her capture and escape had set Ortega against her second family. His cruelty had affected everyone she loved. Her hand pressed against her chest.

Ty pulled her hand away and kissed the scar between her breasts. Tears flooded her eyes.

"I'm sorry for all you've been through." His dark gaze, full of compassion, ripped at her heart. "Just know if you're pregnant, I'll be here for you and the baby."

He'd give up his way of life for her and a baby? The sentiment wrapped around her heart, giving her another memory to treasure. No way would she force a family on him.

The words "I love you" bubbled up from somewhere deep inside, forcing her to clamp her jaws closed to keep the words from slipping out. She could not be in love with Ty. Infatuated? Sure. Grateful? Absolutely. In love? Not possible. Yet here she stood, so much in love she couldn't speak.

His back straightened. In fact, his entire body had stiffened as if he'd read her thoughts. He scooped up the clothes she'd dropped on the floor and handed them to her.

"We should dress. Jack and Marcus will be back soon."

Ana slipped on clean underwear but put on the same jeans and T-shirt she'd worn since yesterday. As soon as this ordeal was over, she'd ask her landlord in Texas to ship her clothes. As it was, she had the bare minimum, and washing wasn't on the agenda.

She offered up another silent prayer for Lina and Pablo. Lord willing, her family would be together very soon. She'd ask her friend in the government how she could best serve. If lobbying for better laws would help her people feel safe walking the streets of Bogota, that's what she'd do.

And then what? Would that fill the empty place Ty leaving would cause?

A feeling of dread washed over her. Even though Ty was in the small room and in close proximity, she was alone.

 He'd dried off and dressed in a pair of camouflage pants and green shirt. Within the blink of an eye, he'd changed. Work clothes. Work mode. Deadly attitude.

But what if things didn't go as he planned? He could be killed. Pain lacerated her heart at the thought. Would Marcus or anyone bother to tell her?

Ty caught her by the arm, but she couldn't turn to face him. Please, she prayed, don't let him give me the "if we'd met in another time" lecture.

"Marcus and I will need a ride into town tomorrow morning."

Her heart moved to the back of her throat. "How will you locate Ortega?"

"We'll manage. After Jack drops us off, he'll take you to your uncle. You'll be safe with him until your government approves your return."

He was warning her, telling her that once he and Marcus walked away, she'd never see him again. He'd complete his operation and leave for Texas immediately. He'd be gone forever.

BOOK: Cold Day In Hell
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