Coldwater Revival: A Novel (35 page)

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Authors: Nancy Jo Jenkins

Tags: #Grief, #Sorrow, #Guilt, #redemption

BOOK: Coldwater Revival: A Novel
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Tom Weigl, who patiently taught me about the craft of ironworking.

Jeannie Weigl, who shared her knowledge of horses, livestock, and ranching.

Michael Manigold, who enlightened me about hunting, fishing, and the ways of sportsmen.

Thank You

To my Creator, who dropped Emma Grace’s story into my heart and taught me how to write it.

To David, for lifting me up with love, and for never doubting my call to write.

To our children—Lori and Steve, Tamara and Clark, Mike and Melinda, Terri and Kevin, Rene and Cliff, and our wonderful grandchildren—Jordan, Chelsea, Bailey, Madison, Avery, Sheridan, Michael Zachary (MZ), Colton and Justin.

To my sisters—Marilyn, Jeannie and Terry—and their families.

To longtime, and new friends who supported me with prayer: Bob, Bobbie, and Naomi. The Snoopy Dancers—Paddy, Eileen, Kathleen, Ceil, Mona and Diana. Myrtle Coe, Kay Ball, Butch and Karen, Carolyn, Donna and John “Olboot.” Brenda Blanchard who was there when I began the journey. Lauraine Snelling who let me sit at her feet and learn. Cindy Woodsmall, for her “vision” and friendship.

To Jeff Dunn—for believing in my story. And to Jon Woodhams, Ingrid Beck, and Phyllis Williams for their “repair” work.

To Steve Laube, my agent, for creative ideas and support.

To the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, for years of inspiration, learning, and lasting friendships.

To my ACFW family, for laughter, sharing, and of course, Brandilyn’s theatrics.

To Lyle Blackwood and the Prayer Ministry Team at Hyde Park Baptist Church. Your prayers carried me though.

To Ruth and the library staff, and Billie and Lewis’ Sunday school classes.


Coldwater Revival Published by David C Cook

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This story is a work of fiction. Characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.]

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version
®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jenkins, Nancy Jo
Coldwater revival / Nancy Jo Jenkins.
p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-58919-061-0
eISBN 978-1-4347-0591-4
I. Title.

PS3610.E545C65 2006

© 2006 Nancy Jo Jenkins

Cover Design: Greg Jackson, Thinkpen Design, llc
Cover Photo: ©2006 BigStockPhoto First Edition 2006

Nancy Jo Jenkins
is a Texas native who descends from a large Irish family who love “rowdy get-togethers.” She has taught special education and accelerated student classes in Austin, where she is heavily involved in the public school system as well as being an active member of her church. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and is a past member of American Christian Writers Association. Nancy Jo and her husband, David, have three grown children and eight grandchildren.


What People Are Saying About …

Coldwater Revival

Coldwater Revival
introduces a new author, Nancy Jo Jenkins, who writes with a lyrical style that makes my heart sing. Her characters take enough twists and turns to keep the reader totally involved, but make sure you keep a box of tissue handy.

—Lauraine Snelling
author of
Saturday Morning, Amethyst,
and all the Red River novels

An astonishing debut!
Coldwater Revival
is a hauntingly beautiful story made doubly so by Nancy Jo Jenkins’ stunning, lyrical writing. I was mesmerized from cover to cover.

—Deborah Raney
author of
A Nest of Sparrows
A Vow to Cherish

Nancy Jo Jenkins has stepped into the world of publishing with superbly written … fiction that ushers you down an unforgettable path strewn with the flowers of forgiveness.

—DiAnn Mills
author of
When the Lion Roars

Coldwater Revival,
Nancy Jo Jenkins joins a small cadre of southern writers who manage to weave a subtly nuanced story with words so evocative that we savor the images long after the story ends. And Jenkins introduces us to flesh-and-blood characters we remember even longer. What a stunning debut novel.

—Wendy Lawton
author of
Impressions in Clay


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