Collection (21 page)

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Authors: T.K. Lasser

BOOK: Collection
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“Thank you.” Mr. Sebastien looked like he might cry. Certainly he was thinking about the trouble he would have if they couldn't remove the blob from the painting. Since it was on loan, the issues were more than insurance and the destruction of a valuable piece of art. The donor museum and perhaps an angry benefactor could accuse the Met of incompetence in their handling of the painting. It would be a black eye for the institution, and probably the end of Mr. Sebastien's career.

As Cicero again shook the man's limp, sweaty hand, he was glad. If there was ever a way to obtain his objective through unexpected means, he would do it. He had done enough smash-and-grab type thefts in his life. It's much more satisfying to do his job with a little style.


Jane slept soundly. Lucien told her that the painting was crated and in the cargo hold of the airplane. Now, all they had to do was get it into Raleigh Harris's hands at the earliest opportunity. Lucien had disappeared at the airport, again, so she was traveling solo. She had faith that he would magically appear on the other side of the ocean, just as he had when she got to Geneva. What had seemed exciting, the danger and elegance surrounding Lucien, was now wearing on her. She wanted her old life back.

Maybe this was the push she needed to go back home. If she disappeared from Branley, and stayed closer to home, she would be able to keep an eye out for Harris. If he threatened her family again, she could go to the police with the information surrounding Sam Sullivan's death. She didn't know how much of that story was convincing, but it would probably be enough to make Harris back off. She knew he didn't want attention, and she was more than capable of shining a spotlight on his life with salacious details.

When she got to her apartment, there was a message on the machine. It was Caroline, and she was concerned that she couldn't reach Jane on her cell. It seems not all calling plans cover mysterious Swiss chateaus. She decided to return the call to prevent Caroline from doing anything to make Raleigh think Jane had tipped her family off.

“Caroline? I'm sorry I haven't called. My phone's battery conked out on me and I had to get a new one and charge it and I didn't check the machine because I usually have my cell…”

Caroline stopped her, “Save your excuses! I forgive you. I don't know how you did it, but you are amazing!”

Jane was confused but eager to hear about the many ways in which she was amazing. “Thank you. I like being amazing.”

“Steve is out back smoking one right now.”


“Well, I won't let him smoke them in the house. My appreciation only goes so far.”

Jane had no idea what Caroline was talking about, but she hoped it was good.


“We got them yesterday, and Steve couldn't be happier. He says he going to put them in a special place in his humidor and save them for special occasions, but I know that as soon as he tells the guys at work about them, they'll all find a way to come over and sneak one.”

“You got cigars?”

“Well, yeah. You are such a goof. There was a card, silly. You can't play that game with me.”

“What did the card say?”

“That you were sending the cigars to Steve in appreciation for letting Mom stay with us this last year. You know I mentioned it in that email because I was just venting, I didn't mean for you to go out and do this. Steve says they're the best cigars he's ever laid eyes on. How on earth did you manage it?”

Lucien, it had to be. First he sneaks into her apartment with flowers, and now he's making nice with the family. Was he reading her emails? How did he know her brother-in-law was a cigar fanatic?

“I have friends in high places, I guess.”

“Jane, you really ought to be careful.”

Jane wondered if her sister knew anything about what she'd been doing the past few days. She was afraid that Caroline would hear something in her voice or just know that something wasn't right. “Why's that?”

Caroline was suddenly conspiratorial, “Cuban cigars are illegal! I felt a little criminal just opening the box, but Steve wouldn't hear about sending them back. We couldn't even find the store on the internet. Harris Imports? Must be local to Georgia. Next time, how about a nice card or something?”

Jane tried to swallow. She was frozen with fear.

A high-pitched scream erupted from the phone. “Oh, jeez. Allison just puked all over Blake. I'll call you back later. Thanks again, Bye.” The background din of Caroline's house clicked off and Jane was alone.

She put the phone down and wandered over to the couch in the living room. She sat there taking several deep breaths. Raleigh was making good on his threats. He had been watching her family. He had also done his research. He had even hacked into her email account!

They were safe, for now. Jane hadn't done or said anything to tip them off. She had gone from feeling like she had some control over the situation to realizing that she was just a pawn, and the kings were squaring off. The idea of going to the police became more unfathomable. She just could not see any way out of this. Raleigh would get what he wanted, or she would die trying.


to meet Raleigh. They had decided to make the hand off at the best hotel in Atlanta where Raleigh had the entire top floor to himself. Lucien explained that it was public enough that he didn't think Raleigh would try anything. Jane was unconvinced and she gripped the Vermeer with nervous energy. It was wrapped in plain brown paper and twine. The package looked completely unassuming, but it was the one thing that would keep Jane and her family safe from a crazy millionaire who had the means and spite to destroy her.

Lucien was driving through the dark city streets with careful speed. Under normal circumstances, Jane would be thrilled to be riding in a Porsche, but it just felt weird. It smelled unfamiliar, and she couldn't get comfortable in the seat. She kept trying to avoid Lucien's personal space, which was very difficult in a little sports car. She was relieved when they finally drove up to the valet at the hotel. Lucien got out and Jane opened her door. She realized that she couldn't get out of the low car without handing off the painting, so she waited for him to come around to her door. He hurried over and took the painting with one hand, and offered her the other hand to help her out.

She took his hand, and felt the warmth and strength in it. Despite her best efforts, every time they touched, she still felt a repercussion of energy throughout her body. She felt relief when she was with him, and she wanted that feeling to go away. Maybe it was only nerves, but there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. Once she had righted herself, she took the painting back.

At the Magnolia House, she had made a deal with Lucien. She would carry the painting at all times to make sure that it didn't go missing again, and in return she wouldn't panic when they finally saw Raleigh face to face. Jane didn't want to be at the exchange. She didn't want to be anywhere but on her sofa right now, but if she had to be there, she would be the one holding the multi-million dollar painting. It wasn't a bulletproof vest, but it was fragile enough that she felt safe while she was carrying it. Raleigh wouldn't go to so much trouble to get the thing just to destroy it in a firefight.

After the exchange had been made, she had to trust that Lucien knew what he was talking about. Killing them would be easy, but concealing the crime would not. This wasn't Cuba, and it wasn't as easy to dispose of bodies in a hotel with so many people coming and going. They would leave quickly, and never look back.

Lucien made a point of approaching the front desk to ask about going to the top floor. It made Jane feel better to know that the concierge would be able to remember that two people went upstairs, if they never came back down again. The perky woman directed them to use a private elevator slightly concealed behind some palm trees in the main lobby. She even offered to call ahead to let Mr. Harris know they were there, and Lucien took her up on the offer. They got into the elevator and it rose automatically to the top floor.

As they stepped off, Lucien was surprised to see only Gerald waiting for them inside the foyer. Raleigh usually had at least three men with him when he was doing an exchange. Maybe it was different since he wasn't handing over money for this one, just peace of mind.

Gerald nodded at Jane and the package she was clutching to her chest.

“That it?”

“Yes.” Lucien was serenity incarnate. It was a good thing because Jane didn't have enough saliva to talk.

“Bring it in here.” Gerald turned on his heel and entered a living room that felt very much like the first home where Jane had met Raleigh Harris.

Raleigh had been busy on his latest shopping trip. He had several antiques displayed throughout the room. There were paintings propped up on a few lamps, but on the coffee table were several excellent
examples of 14th century Japanese swords. Lucien was certain that none of these weapons had ever seen the inside of a museum, but had passed between private owners for the past 700 years. They were too fine to be laid casually on a tabletop, but Raleigh clearly liked to be surrounded by his toys.

Lucien looked around the room to pick out Gerald among the cache.

“Where is Raleigh?”

“He's coming”

“Where's your buddy?”

“Who's that?” Gerald looked peeved to be answering questions.

“The other guy you were with. Steven.”

“The rest of the security detail got a few hours off before we fly out tomorrow. It's not like you're going to give me any trouble, are you?”

“No, not at all. I was just wondering if we had enough people for a game of bridge.”

“Yeah? Well, I don't think you should play games anymore. You're not too good at it.”


Raleigh entered the room with sinister cheerfulness.

“Lucky, so good to see you! Ah, and Jane. Is this for me?” He reached out for the painting and Jane had to give it to him. Now her only assurance of safety was in the hands of the one man who wanted to hurt her the most. He took a pocket knife out of his pocket and cut the twine. As he put the knife on a side table by the couch, Jane could see that it had a very sharp and wicked looking blade. She still wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but she wanted to know where she could find a weapon if she needed it.

Raleigh held the painting at arm's length and looked at it carefully.

“Well, this looks about right. Hard to tell, though. To me they all looked right. All three of them.”

“It's the genuine article, Raleigh. I wouldn't risk bringing you anything else.”

“I am going to have it examined.”

“Portia's program?”

“Yes, if she's feeling up to it, and another expert who is a bit more expensive, but will offer me the corroboration I require. It seems you can't trust people these days.”

“It wasn't personal, Raleigh.”

“Maybe not to you, but it's hard for me to overlook.”

The tension in the room went up a notch as Raleigh looked past the painting and at Lucien. To his credit, Lucien didn't move or speak to engage Raleigh. They stood there with eyes locked on one another for a time that Jane found interminable. If Raleigh was having second thoughts about letting them go, there wasn't much either Lucien or Jane could do about it. Even with Raleigh's other men away, Gerald was more than able to do whatever Raleigh wanted him to do.

“I think we're done here. Gerald?”

Gerald nodded and approached them.

“Let's go.”

Jane turned from Raleigh and Gerald and started walking for the door. She didn't like turning her back to either one of them.

“No, go out the service elevator.” Gerald's voice was insistent.

“Why?” Lucien wasn't sure what they were playing at, but he didn't like the idea of being corralled into a tight spot that he didn't know anything about.

Raleigh explained with impatience. “I don't want you to be seen on the hotel security videos any more than you have to. The front desk is getting suspicious about how many packages are being dropped off. I've had issues with the government being curious about my collections in the past. I never know when they're watching.”

Without waiting for a response, Gerald ushered them toward the kitchen and the service elevator at the rear of the suite. Jane led, but Lucien followed right behind her. If this was a trap, they were keeping together.

Gerald stopped them in front of the elevator. “There's an exit when you get down there. Go down the tunnel and to the right. Don't talk to anybody. Anybody about anything, get it? We still know how to get in touch.”

“Fine.” Lucien was getting tired of the constant threats, but it was the only way Raleigh or Gerald knew how to motivate anyone with certainty.

Raleigh had followed them back and spoke up before they had a chance to get into the elevator.

“Oh, Lucky. I almost forgot. You'll be acquiring several pieces that I've wanted for quite some time. The only problem being that they're currently in the permanent collections of several national museums. I think you can get around that little detail, can't you?”

This was what he was expecting. Ironically he was hoping for it. If Raleigh didn't want something else, he was more likely to get rid of him. He nodded grimly. “For you? Anything.”

There were always strings attached. Raleigh wasn't going to let go any time soon. Jane hoped that Lucien could do half the things he claimed. Stealing paintings and replacing them with fakes seemed far-fetched, but she had seen it with her own eyes. Hopefully he could keep doing it without getting caught, or getting Raleigh upset enough to hurt her family.

Harris started to pat his pockets as if he were looking for something.

“If you need further incentive…Gerald?”

“Yes?” Gerald looked up like a lap dog.

Raleigh pulled a gun from his pocket. It was small and had a short, wide cylindrical object at the end of the barrel. Jane had never seen a gun like this before, even in the movies.

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