Colour Series Box Set (54 page)

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Authors: Ashleigh Giannoccaro

BOOK: Colour Series Box Set
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“Oh, good God!”  The moment is ruined by Megan's voice shrieking through the open door behind me. Callum’s hands still grip my ass holding me close to him. Shit! “Sorry Shan, sorry, guess I know why doctor mac hottie is available now. I got a nurse for the night shift and tomorrow just in case.” She mutters retreating out of the door blushing bright red and shaking her head.

Callum leans so he can see past me; I haven’t looked her in the eye yet, I can feel my face glowing red at the embarrassment of being caught making out with my patient.  “Doctor Shannon is taking the rest of the day off; make sure my idiot fucking nephew doesn’t die while she is gone.” He barks at Megan; I turn to meet her confused eyes, she knows who he is and just how stupid I am being. Her eyes squint at me waiting for me to tell him off, but I don’t. “Thanks, Megan, I am going to go a little early today, okay?”

Megan shakes her head and whispers something under her breath before turns to leave “Sure, you are the boss in here.” Her words are a jab at Callum. He pulls me closer again “She needs a leash.” He hisses in my ear before he licks my neck just below it. “Go get your things we are leaving.” It’s an order, not a request, and I obey because I am sure he was very serious when he said he would kill me. Keeping myself, my temper and my smart mouth in check is going to be very hard.  I hang my coat behind the door and leave the room to collect my things from my office; the still half naked Callum follows close behind me, now slipping a bloody shirt on. As I close my office door, he grabs my hand kissing the knuckles before walking with me to the front desk.

 I stop at Megan's counter, and she is still blushing “Megs, will you call and arrange a locum doctor to help out for a while, someone who owes the family -- you know the drill. I think I am going to need some time off.” Megan’s confusion written on her face, we only get a locum in over Christmas when I go away for a few weeks. “No problem, Shannon I will see who’s available. How long do you want them for?”

“Indefinitely.” Callum grunts at her pulling me towards the door and his waiting car. The door chimes and it’s like a bell signalling the end of my life and all that I have worked for.

MY LITTLE SHIT NEPHEW pushed my buttons at the gym; Warrick should have taught his boy some respect, now I have. Little punk won’t talk to me that way again. Fucking fool, I gave him a proper beating and now I am going to have to take his bleeding ass in my car to get fixed up by a doctor. He better not gets blood on my seats the shit.

Taking him right to the one person I have been avoiding. Green eyes and red hair fill my mind and whisper to the monsters. Only now I think I may have a use for her, after all, beating this little shit has cleared my head, and I could think for a few minutes between punches. She can feed Neil the information I want him to have and get me what I need from him. I also want to fuck her senseless. That kiss has haunted my mind like the ghost of her sister, and I cannot stop wanting more. I know it will never be enough for me, and I will use her up and move on to others. But I can keep her, this time I get to keep her until I am done. That thought excites me if she cannot leave she is trapped; she is mine I can use her as I see fit. The illusion of a queen by my side will be a good thing, a well-educated doctor wife even better. I want her, and I am here in this shitty place to get everything I ever wanted. I just added her to the list. A dangerous rush of desire is driving my madness to the surface and I she can survive me.

A woman, I recognise as a cousin or second cousin from the funeral, escorts my nephew and me inside. I am put in one of the small exam rooms, and he is taken to the procedure room because he looks like he may die. I wish he would; it’d save me time later on. I hear them next door he is whining like a little girl, I don’t hear any sympathy from the doctor. In fact, I don't hear her at all.

It seems to take her forever to patch the little prick up. I don’t need a doctor; my eye is little swollen, and I have a split lip from the only two punches he landed, most of the blood on me is his. I will wait to see the lovely doctor anyways I have a new box to check off my plan. Something is drawing me to her, the ghost of her sister or the darkness I can sense underneath that pretty facade? I think she has secrets too. I know I won’t love her, but I can keep her alive something, I never did for Cassie, I can protect her from falling prey to a monster. Any monster, myself included. I can save Shannon. I can possess Shannon, and no one can stop me.

She walks into the room, all business her eyes desperately trying to avoid my naked chest; I saw her jaw drop a little when she walked into the room. She quickly closed it and recovered her professionalism. The doctor likes what she sees, so do I. She is all sexy in her little white coat and fuck me heels. She certainly knows how to cause a heart attack. She is going to stitch me up, literally and with no Lidocaine to numb my lip either, wicked bitch. No wonder my nephew was crying like a girl next door, she’s ruthless. The disinfectant she cleans my lip with burns like a motherfucker and I let a hiss escape. The smile twitching on her lips tells me she enjoys inflicting pain almost as much as I do. Just because I don’t like killing people does not mean I don’t get my kicks out of hurting them. I enjoyed every minute of beating that boy today.  I am more about the mental torture of those who I dislike; hurt isn’t always physical. Some wounds cut deeper when there is no blood let, a broken heart and shattered soul leave me just as satisfied as a broken jaw or nose does. You see when I told you I feel, I meant it I feel even when I try not to all of it affects me, the hurt, agony and disappointment of who I am. I let things cut me deeply but not good things. I am feeling something for Shannon, I want to own her, possess her, crush her destroy her yet I want to keep her alive and safe. I am feeling and should be numb. To feel is madness. I need to block them out, grey just grey, I need to be void while I am here. When I go home, I can have them back now I need simple, monochrome, no colour, no black and white just the grey in between. I am here to wipe out my family I cannot have emotions, not even for the ghost of the woman I loved once. I am here so that I can be free again, but not now. Only once they are all gone, once I have what was always mine. But I want her too. I want to hurt her.

She smells so sweet, and I can’t focus on anything but those pink pouty lips, not even the stinging of my mouth. I trap her small frame between my thighs; she fits perfectly, and I could easily crush her small body. I would love to crush her body underneath mine. To feel those soft breasts, I can see glimpses of through her open white coat. My heart is thundering in my chest, thank God she hasn’t checked my blood pressure I am sure it would break the monitor. Her eyelashes hide those green eyes from me, I want to look into those eyes as I do horrible things to her perfect body. I feel the insanity of the way I would be with her taking over like a toxin spreading through me. I am losing control of everything. I feel it slip away with every little touch of her hands on me. I briefly discuss our new romance and my plan for her. I have no idea what I am saying because my mind cannot focus on anything but her smell. I cannot control this insane need any longer and I kiss those soft lips that tease me from my sleep at night. She doesn’t let me control her, she kisses back fiercely, and I need to be able to control her if this is going to work. I don’t stop. I kiss her harder, my hands gripping her body hard enough to bruise the soft flesh of her backside. A loud girly shriek robs me of the moment when my ditzy cousin from the front desk walks in rambling about a nurse.

“She needs a leash.” I hiss at Shannon. She does need a leash mouthy little bitch. “Go get your things – we’re leaving.” I need to get away from her, but I want so badly to get closer. I want to climb inside her and possess her from the inside out.

I am desperate to get her out of here, where I can have my way with her and set the rules in stone. I need to break her, own her. HURT her.

I am surprised by her idea to bring in another doctor, it is a good idea like she already anticipates that my need for her will be more than she can handle. I don't share my toys with anyone. No one shared with me when it mattered.

I drag her out the door; the silly bell chiming as we leave and get into my car. The sky has turned dismal again, and the light is fading and I have no doubt that soon the rain will pour down around us again. I cut off a car as I pull into traffic and floor it towards my hotel. The madness has taken over.

I should have left her behind. Should have.

CALLUM HOLDS OPEN THE DOOR of a black Mercedes parked outside my surgery; I slip inside as ladylike as I can manage in my heels and tight skirt. It smells of new leather and his cologne inside; the car screams power and matches Callum’s persona perfectly. The few minutes it takes for him to walk around to his side of the car feel like an eternity to me. The seconds tick by at a snail’s pace giving me a chance to realise the reality of this all. He will not let me get out of this agreement alive; I am going to have to play my cards very carefully with this man. His brother may keep my secrets, but Callum owns me now, and he seems like the possessive type. He will not play well with others. I can’t stop thinking about Meg’s words psycho and murder. I am anxious all of a sudden and I wring my hands together on my lap, they begin to sweat as my nervousness gets worse.
What have I done?
I glance at the car door that is locked, I don’t have an escape, I have put myself right in the path of a mad man with no way out.
Stupid girl.
My mother called me stupid all my life, maybe she was right.

The driver’s door swings open jolting my mind back to the here and now, game face Shannon he needs to believe in this personality. In that split second, my heart plummets as if it was me falling off the building. Neil doesn’t want anything from his brother; he wants something from me. He knows what happens to my suitors and is waiting for Callum to disappear.

I am just a weapon in his pointless, childish fight.

Callum’s large frame takes all the air out of the car and my breath with it. He commands attention just by existing now that my purpose has become a little clearer I swallow the lead lump in my throat as he swerves into traffic and winds his way towards the hotel where he is staying. I can feel my cycle starting I have a victim, I cannot control the compulsion. The urge to kill is impossible to ignore, I know now I am allowed to kill him. It is just a pity I don't have what I need to do it tonight. I feel trapped so close to him with no way out my heart is beating so loud it drowns out any other sound.

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