Colour Series Box Set (58 page)

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Authors: Ashleigh Giannoccaro

BOOK: Colour Series Box Set
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Keeping Shannon and not allowing her to kill me is torture for her. She needs to kill me to keep herself and her demons living and by making her mine I will torture her soul a little bit every single day till eventually I will break her. I will enjoy every second of it and so will she. I plan to torture that perfect body too. The way her skin marked under my hands, my marks on its perfect whiteness made me crazy with feelings; they felt good to me, but they are far from good. I want to keep breaking her and that is a new feeling for me, one that I cannot understand.

Now it is time for her reward for being the perfect little toy and bending over in my hands and accepting my control over her. It is like dangling a live mouse in front of a cat, she will play with it till it dies. She will enjoy every single minute of it and later when I have silenced the dark needs in both of us I will gently seduce her into being my wife. I have not come this far without being able to read exactly what people need at their most essential core. If I give her what she needs, I can take what I need from her. I can torture her all I want as long as I can fill the need for tenderness and control that lurks below the powerful illusion she creates. She is a very special kind of killer.

She fetches me from her office, she is different, and her demons are near the surface she is excited for what awaits in the small exam room. It is like an electric spark that arks off of her. The second I knew her vice was murder I knew I could control her, I have controlled another murderer all my life, my best friend kills and not for fun, but for business. He would be an uncontrolled killing machine if he hadn’t been moulded by a mentor and had a controlling hand guiding him without his knowledge. I miss him. Because of him I know exactly what to do with the little princess and I am going to love it. I have a sneaking suspicion I may love her too, but not right now. I am not sure loving someone, that has to be tied to the bed so they don't kill you, is a good plan not just yet. I need to keep all of this in line with my original plans or I will wreck it all. I can love her when it is done.

The darkness and depravity of her need ripple from her as she guides me to her little chamber of poison pleasure. She comes alive in this darkness and is even more irresistible now. Her stance changes and she stands tall and her chin and eyes are up, they dart to her victim who is convulsing. His body thrashing loudly, thudding against the floor where he has fallen. Her eyes look like glass; nothing in the green pools of darkness. A wicked smile tugs at her lips as she pins him down with her delicate heeled shoe the second he still, this sets off another bout of thrashing and frothing at the mouth. “Outside stimuli like touch make it worse, he is already suffering an aggravated attack because you broke his body so beautifully yesterday, every muscle spasm will be excruciating. He won’t last long now since he was already weak.” There is venom in her voice when she says the word weak. She is disappointed that he wasn’t strong when she got him, a note for the next time. She is alive and I gave her that. Watching Joel suffer is serving another purpose too. My monster is being fed and further sated by his suffering. God this is hypnotic to watch.

She kicks a chair behind me; I am in the way of her ritual. She will need to learn to share her space with me, all of it. I am getting as much pleasure as she is from watching his torture, only when he dies mine ends and hers it at its highest. Right then is when I sweep in and make her believe I can give her the highs she needs, only me. This is how to make her mine.

Every time his quaking body stills she sets off another episode with touch. A flicking light or sound forcing his body to contort and tense the foam around his mouth looks like a rabid dog from a horror movie. It’s the froth and saliva that do him in eventually after an hour of playing with her toy he aspirates his snot and spit and suffocates on his own filth.

My little princess is placid and happy and less inclined to want to murder me for now and I am rid of another family member in my way. Let’s go buy a house. Then it’s time to go and greet my mourning sister in law and introduce the family to my deadly lover. They will get the next instalment of heartache tomorrow when Orla awakes to her firstborn son's body on her doorstep. I wish I could watch and see their hearts stop beating as I win.

We are all just illusions of what we want the world to believe about us, no one even begins to assume what lurks below my surface not even my best friends. I am the master of appearing normal. There is nothing ordinary about me. I am a villain. My demons and monsters are born from your worst nightmares. I am what happens when you break a little boy.

EVERY TIME I TAP HIS body, flick the lights or make a noise - his body spasms, convulses his spine arching to its limit. Spit and snot surround his mouth and nose, oh this one is going to drown in his own fluids, drowning is a ghastly death. It is slow and painful and perfect. The ice burns cold throughout my body, the calmness, that killing brings me, is slicing into the chaos that Callum left in my mind last night. He has unlocked possibilities I never thought of and he is enjoying my little show. I am enjoying being watched, no one has ever seen this side of me and lived to talk about it after. No one has ever taken the time to get to know

I hope sex with Callum isn’t always like it was last night. If it is, we many run out of people to kill very fast. My mind is already back on the sex my victim isn’t even dead yet. I am walking a dangerous line and it is messing with my Ying and Yang. I watch those green eyes full of evil focusing in on the tortured muscles of his nephew, his blood relative and there isn’t an ounce of kinship there. He only sees the suffering and he enjoys it, no remorse, no shame, no worry and no fear. Just like me. The same look was in his eyes when he lashed his belt across my skin last night. When he bit into my thigh drawing blood and every time he brought me to the edge of ecstasy and left me there with no relief. Callum loves to watch others suffer; he spoke of feeding my monster, this is feeding his just as much. I am afraid of what we might become together and I put my guard back up just a little bit.

Finally, the writhing spitting puddle of a human mess under my foot gives up, his body drowning in its own secretions. He turns to a lifeless lump of flesh right there on the floor and all is right with my world again, all except Callum.
When Connor and his men were done with me that night, they left me in a similar mess on this very floor. Neil smiled at me like he was almost sorry. No one was sorry, my mother came and picked me up by my ponytail later on and told me to “Pull yourself together stupid girl it’s not that bad.”
I hate remembering, and I am not the mess on the floor any longer. Callum reduced me to a mess on the floor last night.

Usually, I would call Neil now to clean up and take the body away no questions asked, but not this time. I have to trust Callum this time and I don’t know if I do, generally the body would just disappear never to be seen again. For the first time, I know the body will be found. Callum wouldn’t let them catch me, would he? Is this a trap to get me caught and locked up? Do they need me out of the way? I would rather die than be locked up.

Instead of waiting with the corpse I am going house shopping with a man that scares the life into and out of me. My pulse quickens with an excitement I haven’t felt in a long time. Killing people used to be my dangerous excitement, the thing that set my heart racing and shortened my breaths.

Callum in only a few hours has tilted my world on its axis. He is making my heart race, but also ache.

He takes my hand in his, calm and gentle now, he seems lighter than his big frame as he walks us out the surgery locking the door with keys I didn’t give him. He is taking over my world; owning everything I thought was mine including the quiet violence of my poison. He is filling my space with a new danger; his calculated lust for torture and my desire to control the demise of my victims are working together becoming something that unnerves me disabling my ability to think clearly. The intimidating nature of the beast climbing into the car beside me is just a scratch on the surface of the monster we are going to make together. I
to kill Callum.

“Let’s go buy a house Princess.” His words are light, fun and no indication of the mayhem we have just rained down on his family. He is as happy as I am. Fuck me this man is a walking contradiction and he has walked right into my world cracking it open and mixing it up. I am normally sated after sex and a kill, but right now happy Callum is talking to another little monster. The one between my legs. I feel the heat spreading across my pale skin just thinking it. I want him almost as much as I want to kill him. My body would not survive a repeat of what he did last night. I can feel the pain in every movement I make this morning. It reminds me of the insanity that overtook Callum in the lust of our undeniable desire. I am terrified of this force drawing us closer.

I AM GOING TO GO BUY A house in a town I hate and don’t intend to stay in for very long. It may seem silly, but I need to create the illusion of being innocent and settled here. A home and a woman might just make things more believable than I had originally planned. I am dangerously attracted to Shannon. There is an electricity between us, a current that is not visible but felt deeply.

The prospect, of spending more time with the evil little princess next to me, has me excited. I might just be able to make this work for both of us. If I watch her torture others then I don’t need to hurt her if I don’t hurt her she won’t want to kill me. Well, not as much anyway. We might just make the perfect monster together. Also, it’s a move my dim brother will never see coming! He thinks she will kill me after our first date. He probably thinks I am already dead. I just don’t know if I can control my depraved urges with her.

My phone is ringing through the car system; it’s Sahib. He is the one, whose minions, will be cleaning up the mess we just made. I need to take his call, but I’m not too sure the lady should hear all of this. I answer any way he isn’t someone who you just piss off. We are very similar Sahib and I.

“Sahib, what can I do for you?” I answer sounding reasonable, pleasant and friendly. He knows me well enough to tell that something is off.

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