Come Back To Me (12 page)

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Authors: C.D. Taylor

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #suspense, #passion

BOOK: Come Back To Me
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"Who am I kidding, this is
Jake, and no way would he ever look at me like that." I muttered to

I watched him at the bar,
and every move he made managed to hit a hot spot inside of me. The
way he lifted his drink to his perfect lips, the way he leaned
casually on the edge of the bar. What I would have given for him to
bend me over that same bar and fuck me senseless. The thoughts were
soaring through my head like crazy, and my once dry panties were so
damp now.

I needed some fresh air
before my undergarments melted away by the lava like attraction to

I exited the ballroom, and
trekked across to the lobby outside. The chill of the evening air
hit my face and I felt relieved. Why did I have this reaction to
Jake? He was my friend, and sure I had an attraction to him in the
past, but hell that was so long ago. There was something so
different about the way he made me feel. Of course there was the
panty melting aspect, but there was also more. My heart never
jumped like that with any other men, and I never felt so light
headed. Maybe I was coming down with something, the flu, the Ebola
virus. That was probably it. No way could something happen that
quickly with a man. Not even Jake. Could it?

I finally felt like I
regained some self-control, and was headed back to the

"Hey doll, fancy meeting you

That voice made
me want to vomit.

I swung my body around and
there he was, with an evil smile on his stupid face.

"What the fuck do you want

"Not much doll, was just on
my way to your event." he winked.

"I'm sorry but you have to
be on the guest list, and as I recall you're not."

"Well that's the thing, I
know a lot of people, and therefore was able to snag an invite. How
lucky of me huh." he replied smugly.

My stomach was in knots, I
wanted him to leave, but also knew he would cause some sort of
scene. What the hell was I going to do?

"Fine. Just leave me alone."
I snapped.

He came so close I could
smell his cologne. "See doll, that's something that I just won't be
able to do. My dick is already hard for you."

"Please Grant, I don't need
this tonight." I shook my head.

"I love it when you beg,
makes me want to fuck the living daylights out of you right here.
But I suppose that can wait until later. Go back to your little
party, but don't think for a second that I won't be having me some
of that sweet pussy later."

He walked past me and I felt
like the floor was jerked out from underneath me. I wanted to be
anywhere but there.

I ran to the
bathroom, thinking I was going to be very sick. How dare he show up
here and taunt me like that. What a piece of work. I wished I could
tell someone what happened, but I still had his threats looming
over me.

Once I calmed down I went
back inside the ballroom. Everyone seemed to be having a good time;
they were dancing, drinking and socializing. That did little to
calm my nerves though, because I knew that rat bastard was
somewhere in this room.

"Hey Em, could I have this

I turned to see Jake once
again, and suddenly I felt safe.

"I would be delighted." I

He swept me toward the dance
floor, took my hand in his and wrapped his other arm around my
waist pulling me close to him. I could smell him, and God he
smelled wonderful. It was a mixture of pine and the smell of
something very clean. Just the way he held me close made me want to
melt into a puddle of goo. Feeling his body heat close to mine was
heaven and hell. It felt only natural that I should lay my head on
his shoulder, and so I did just that. I was almost afraid of what
is reaction would be until I heard him breathe. He was fine with
it. And so was I.

"It's really nice to see you
again." he whispered.

"Same to you

I lifted my head to look
into his eyes, maybe that was a mistake. What I saw there was
strange to me. Admiration. Adoration. I wasn't sure what it was but
it was way more that friendship, and it scared the shit out of me.
Surely I was wrong, Jake never thought that way about me, he was
always good to me, but looking past friendship...not

"What are you doing
tomorrow, I thought maybe we could go to dinner and catch up." he

"Nothing planned so far,
that sounds fun."

"Well then, before the night
is over I need your number Cinderella."


"Well you are the most
beautiful person at this ball Em..."

"Wow, thank you Jake." I

"What? Surely you're used to

"Not really, I

"Well you should be." he
stated seriously.

Holy crap, Jake thought I
was beautiful? Of course I have had compliments in the past, but
coming from Jake's lips it felt special and sincere.

"If I'm Cinderella, than you
must be Prince Charming." I giggled.

"And why is

"You sure do clean up nice
Jake. I guess I was used to seeing you in a college sweat shirt,
and board shorts."

"Don't get me wrong Em, I
still hang out in those, but for tonight I figured I'd dress up a
bit. And judging by the others in the room I think I would have
procured some strange looks by dressing like a frat

"I think you are probably
right, but it would have been funny anyway."

"How about this, next time
you have one of these fancy pants events, I'll come in my sweats
and ball cap?"

I couldn't help but laugh,
because knowing Jake, he would do just that. "Okay

The song ended, and I knew
it was almost time to give my speech for the night.

"Thanks for the dance Jake,
now it's time to make a speech and haggle these nice people out of
some money." I said.

"Good luck, knock um

Leaving his arms was pure
torture; I could have stayed there all night with no qualms. But
duty called.


The last thing Jake wanted
to do was let Emily escape his embrace. She felt so perfect in his
arms, just floating around the dance floor. He never considered
himself the avid dancer, but with her it didn't matter. Being that
close to her made everything in him jump to life, including things
in the southern region of his anatomy. Jake needed to push those
crazy notions away, because this was neither the time nor the place
to be thinking about a sexual encounter with her. That made him no
different than Gabe, did it? Gabe was a great friend and they had
trekked through some crazy shit before, but he was on his own for
this little ride.

He watched as everyone began
to take their respected seats around the room, in preparation for
the night’s ceremonies to begin. Knowing that he would be seated at
table thirteen, he decided it best if he found it. Gabe had already
found their seats.

"Hey fucker." Gabe

"Dude, seriously? You do
know we are at a fundraiser, a formal one at that. Could you
possibly manage to keep the crude language to a

"Jeez Dad, didn't realize I
needed to watch my mouth around your sensitive ears." Gabe

Jake could see the
disapproving glares from the other table mates. "Sorry, he has
problems." making a swirling motion with his fingers at his

Gabe leaned over. "So I see
you managed to dance with the little hottie, so how was

"I would rather not discuss
it right now."

"Suit yourself." Gabe rolled
his eyes. "Well I managed to snag a quick fuck in the coat

"Ugh. I don't want to hear
it!" Jake covered both ears with his palms.

"Whatever man, I may be a
shallow player, but my deed is done."

"You sure are a cocky son of
a bitch Gabe."

"Damn Jake, such language,
do you kiss your mother with that mouth." Gabe laughed and leaned
back in his chair.

With the further threat of
Gabe embarrassing him even more curbed, Jake sat back to watch the
goings on, on the stage. Emily sat there so regal and beautiful. He
couldn't keep his eyes off her, and thanked the heavens for this
table having a long table cloth. Something needed to hide the
growing erection problem.

Several people stepped up to
the podium, announcing the different ways to help the cause, but
the moment Emily stood and gracefully took her place there,
everything around him disappeared. Jake was in awe of her poise,
and still couldn't believe this was the same Emily he attended
college with. She spoke to the room effortlessly. It was like she
was made for the spotlight, and why wouldn't she be? She was raised
in the light of her parents business in Hollywood; she knew the ins
and outs of stardom.

Jake still didn't feel at
ease with those thoughts. She was this unattainable creature.
Someone that wouldn't be satisfied with his roots on a ranch in
Texas. He wanted so bad to show her what kind of man he had become.
Jake had money, and plenty of it now, maybe that would get her

As her speech came to a
close, the band struck up once again. Jake continued to sit at his
table, until he saw Emily move toward him.

"Hey, so how bad was it?"
She asked.

His eyebrows rose. "You're a

"You only say that because
you have to Jake."

"No I say that because it's
true. Why can't you see how great you are?"

He saw some form of hurt in
her eyes at his statement.

"Thanks." She managed to
say. "I'm gonna go powder my nose; I'll give you my number when I
get back."

He wasn't sure if he hurt
her feelings, but damn she was great, even if she didn't see that
herself. Maybe she would give him a chance to show her how
wonderful she was.


After my speech, and
speaking to Jake, I needed a chance to let my nerves relax. I
headed for the bathroom in hopes of decompressing for a few.
Everyone saw me as calm and cool when it came to public events, but
inside I was dying a slow death. It just wasn't me. I would have
been happier sitting at home with a bag of popcorn and watching The
Breakfast Club. Seeing Jake there added to the anxiety.

I almost reached the
bathroom, when someone grabbed my arm from behind and pushed me
against the wall. It took a moment for me to realize what was going
on, but when I looked up, I was mortified. Grant.

"Hey doll, you didn't think
you were going to leave and not say goodbye, did you?"

"Grant, let me go." I

"Babe, now that I've had a
taste of you, I just don't think that will be possible." he said

At that moment I wished the
floor would open up and swallow me whole. "Please, not

"Where then?"

I felt his hands move up my
sides, and then to the underside of my breasts. "God, I would love
nothing more than to push you to your knees, and fuck your mouth
right now."

He kept squeezing my breasts
through my dress, and I wanted to scream. I finally had enough.
"Let. Go. Or I will scream."

The next thing I knew, one
of his hands was wrapped around my throat, squeezing until I
couldn't talk, and barely breathe. I was using every ounce of
energy to keep from passing out.

"Go ahead and scream

All I could think of was
"This was it." he was not going to let me go until I ended up dead.
I began to feel my muscles give out, and my vision became blurry. I
didn't want to give in but my body was giving up.

"Hey you son of a bitch! Get
your fucking hands off her!"


I felt Grant's
hand leave my throat, and air rushed back into my lungs. My body
slid down the wall, and I crumbled to the floor. I could hear the
sounds of a fist hitting someone’s face and the panic set in that
Jake might be hurt.
Because of

"Emily! Hey wake up!" Jake
was shaking me.

"What. Where am I?" I

"You're gonna be okay, can
you walk?"

"I don't know."

I felt him put his arms
under me and lift me. I was wrapped in his embrace, and it felt so
wonderful to be there. My head was still fuzzy from what had
happened, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Hang on Em, I'm gonna get
you out of here." He reassured.

The last thing I
remember before I saw darkness was looking up into his face and
seeing the worry there.
Worry for

The sun streaming through
the window woke me suddenly. My head was pounding, and it took me a
little bit to focus my vision. I looked around and froze. This
wasn't my bed!

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