Come Back To Me (15 page)

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Authors: C.D. Taylor

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #suspense, #passion

BOOK: Come Back To Me
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He peeled his clothes off in
record time, not wanting to waste another minute not being inside
of her delectable body. He stopped when he was standing in nothing
but his silk boxers, and climbed onto the bed beside her. Kissing
her was magic, and he needed to do it again. He leaned in and it
took no coaxing for her to open her mouth to him. Jake stroked her
breasts, and laid his hand on her taught tummy.

She grabbed his arm, in an
attempt to roll him on top of her, and so he did. This is where he
was meant to be.

Jake shrugged out of the
boxers, and spread her thighs with one of his legs. She was so open
and bare to him. She looked down at his engorged cock and licked
her lips in approval.

Jake never considered
himself to me massive in the dick department, but his eight inches
of length and fairly substantial girth, made it easy to please a
woman in bed. But this wasn't just any woman. This was Emily. His
dream girl for as long as he could remember.

He positioned his cock at
her waiting entrance, ready to sink himself in. Emily gently laid
her hand on his abdomen and pushed him back.

"Jake, we

" it!" he

He so wanted to take her
bare back, but protecting her was way more important at this stage.
He climbed off the bed, riffled through his pants, and found a
condom in his wallet. Ripping it open he applied it to himself and
crawled back between her legs. She was ready and he could see that
so plainly, even in this semi dark room. He fit the head against
her waiting sex, and began to push forward. He would have loved
nothing more than to thrust forward and bury himself in her, but he
knew she would be sensitive from her earlier orgasm. He pushed
forward inch by inch, and Emily lifted her hips to allow him to go
deeper. He stopped when he felt his cock bump her cervix. God he
was really inside her, he was joined in the most intimate way with
her and he was in awe.

Staying still for a moment
was priority one for him, he knew it wouldn't take long to blow his
top, but he wanted to make sure she enjoyed it as well. Moving ever
so slowly, he withdrew and pushed back inside of her warmth, while
she writhed beneath him.

"Jake please...I need more."
She breathed.

Jake wanted to give her more
too, but he didn't want to hurt her. "Are you sure?" He whispered
while looking into her baby blue eyes.

She nodded.

That was all it took for him
to start moving faster and deeper. The only sounds in the room were
the slapping of their wet skin, and the panting that came from
their mouths. Jake felt her pulse around him and knew she was so
close to orgasm again, and so was he.

"Come with me baby." He

That was all it took, she
stiffened, raised her hips and let out a cry. Her nails dug into
his back, and it felt like needles of pleasure. He threw back his
head and let out a guttural moan that sounded so animalistic. His
balls drew up, and he felt his hot seed spread down his cock and
empty inside her.

Looking into her eyes told
him she was completely satisfied, and she could most likely see
that he felt the same. Could it have been any more perfect? Jake
guessed not.

Standing from the bed, Jake
went to the bathroom to clean up and dispose of the condom. When he
returned to the bedroom, Emily was curled up among the blanket. She
was asleep.

Should he stay, or slip out?
No. He wouldn't be a one night stand for her, she didn't deserve
that. He would stay. He lay next to her and breathed in her scent.
"I could get used to this." he thought to himself.


The sunlight poured through
my bedroom window, and I felt a warm body snuggled next to me.

I was surprised that he
hadn't left after last night. Why would he stay? I rolled over to
find him wide awake looking at me. He looked incredibly sexy with
his bed hair, and his five o'clock shadow outlined his

"Good morning." He said

"Good morning to you." I

"Sleep well?" he

"Yeah, actually I haven't
slept that good since I moved here."

"Must have been your
sleeping companion." he winked.

I let out a laugh. "Must've

"I'm gonna hop in the
shower, it's six-thirty." I pointed to the alarm clock.

"Yeah back to the daily
grind huh?"

"Afraid so." I

I really didn't want to go
to work today, staying in bed with Jake for the entire day sounded
like a much better option. But calling in sick on my second week of
work would not look so good.

"Want coffee?" He

"Yes, please. Caffeine is my
drug of choice." I giggled.

"I'll make some while you
get ready, I can drop you by your work too if you want." he

"Sure, that sounds

Moving across the room I
felt every sore muscle from last nights "activities". I ached in
places that I didn't even know existed, but it made me smile to
know how that soreness came about. I shut the bathroom door, and
gazed into the mirror.

"Holy Shit." I

My hair was a knotted mess,
sticking out in every which direction. My face had the red
impression of my hand where I slept on it, and dark circles loomed
under my eyes. Just great. Jake had woken up with Medusa lying next
to him. I imagined he wasn't making coffee, he was probably running
for the hills at the sight of me looking like a hot fucking

Stepping into the shower, I
tried to clear my head of the picture I presented to him. Surely he
didn't turn to stone after I left the room?

It took me about thirty
minutes to clean up, fix my hair and makeup, and then dress for the
day. The place was silent, but I smelled the welcome brew of
coffee. Okay so he threw on some coffee, and escaped.

", you look
amazing!" he said.

"Thanks, quite a change from
waking up next to the queen of the undead earlier huh?"

He let out a belly laugh.
"You did look a bit scary."

I punched his shoulder.
"Thanks ass!"

He leaned in a kissed my
temple. "You are beautiful, whether you look like a zombie, or
dressed to the nines."

How could something so silly
make me feel all warm and toasty inside? Jake always knew the right
thing to say, and it made my ego soar. I gave him the once over,
eyeing him from head to toe.

"You gonna wear that to
work?" I asked.

"What?" He looked down at
his wrinkled slacks and shirt.


"Hmm maybe that's because my
clothes have been on someone's bedroom floor all night."

"True." I yet again

"Maybe I should just throw
them there again, and continue what went on last night?"

"Jake I really have to get
to work. Sorry."

"Come on then Medusa; let’s
get you to the underworld."

I laughed and we headed out
the door.

When we reached the lobby,
Gary and Harold gave a knowing smile to the both of us. Jake leaned
in to whisper in my ear. “Think they know what we did last night?"
He grinned.

"Not sure." I felt my cheeks

We continued out of the
building and to Jake's car. This time he drove a Range Rover SUV. I
climbed inside and looked over at him. He was so drop dead
gorgeous, and I felt a familiar throb between my legs.

"Can I see you again?" He
shyly asked.

"Jake I don't

"Okay, so you used me for

"Jake! It's not like that at
all and you know it."

"So what is it like

"I don't know. I mean, I had
fun but...."

"Okay the brush off, I get
it. No biggie."

"Ugh, Jake please. It's just

He threw his hands up. "Hey
I get it, really I do. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus and
all that psychobabble shit right?"

"You are so damn irritating

He wouldn't comment back,
and I knew he was pissed. I didn't use him for sex. Sex was the
last thing on my mind when he came over but it just happened. And
now that I had time to think about it, damn it scared the hell out
of me.

We rode in silence, and he
pulled to the curb of my office building. "Thanks for the ride." I

No response. I got out,
closed the door and looked back at him. It wasn't anger on his
face, it was hurt. Holy hell, I hurt Jake. The last person I would
ever want to hurt was him. I steadied myself and walked into the
building while he drove away. Somehow I had to make this


Jake felt like shit after
dropping off Emily yet again. There was a pattern here, and it
always ended with her being evasive about something. As much as he
knew about her, he still felt like a stranger to her. Even though
he had the most amazing sex of his life last night, she pushed him

Was it that he didn't come
from her "circle" still, or maybe she thought of him as
embarrassing? She couldn't be that shallow could she? Emily was an

Stopping by his apartment
for a quick shower and a change of clothes, he also checked his
email. There at the top marked "urgent" was one from Sam. He
clicked it open.


I was able to
get the surveillance video from the plaza through one of my
contacts. Did some digging, and have more info. Will stop by your
office around noon.

Sam Gardner

As if all the nonsense with
Emily that morning didn't have him in knots, now he had to see what
Sam found out. Great. Just another fucked up Monday.

Once Jake got to his office
it seemed like shit was hitting the fan left and right. Eliza was
crying because her precious cat died, and he had so many post it’s
waiting with messages, he almost sent a donation to the "Save the
Rainforest" fund.

"G-Good, m-morning Mr.
B-Bradford." Eliza whimpered.

"Morning Eliza, sorry about
your cat." He tried to sound sympathetic.

"Thanks, Mr. Snugglepuss had
been with me for so long, I'm gonna miss him." She lowered her eyes
to a picture on her desk. A picture of her and the deceased cat.
Jake never understood how people got so attached to animals. Since
growing up on a cattle farm, he learned that animals were food. And
the only pets they owned were the horses, and they were used for
transportation purposes.

"I'm sure you will find a
new cat." He stated.

"Yeah, I will...Someday I

God he needed to get away
from her. She was great at her job, but the crying and sensitivity
all the time was enough to drive him bonkers. God bless the man
that ever took to her.

Jake went through several
case files and busied himself returning calls from early that
morning. Noon rolled around, and he could hear Sam near Eliza's
desk trying to comfort her. He opened his office door.

"Hey Sam, come on

Sam came toward the door,
and turned his head back toward Eliza. "It will be okay

Jake shut them in his
office, thankful to be away from the cat memorial outside the

"Sorry about that, she was
slightly attached to the fur ball." Jake laughed.

"No problem, I hate seeing
pretty ladies so upset."

"She'll get over it; maybe
I'll buy her a cat for her Christmas bonus this year."

Sam laughed. "Very creative

"Thanks, so what did you dig
up this time?"

"Okay, so this time I
borrowed the surveillance tapes from the Plaza, not a whole lot
until this guy walked in." Sam flashed a picture in front of

"That's the guy that had Em
by the throat!"

"Yeah, well this guy is a
piece of shit. He's being sued for fraud. And guess who is
representing the plaintiff?"

Jake huffed. "Let me guess,
Brewster & Carlton?"

"Exactly, so there has to be
some connection to you girl Emily and this douche bag."

"What's his name?" Jake

"Uh Grant...Grant

"Sounds familiar." Jake
thrummed his fingers on his desk.

"It should, this guy is
notorious for swindling people out of millions, and not even
batting an eye. The only reason he got caught this time was the
plaintiff is an elderly woman and she realized what he was doing to
her right off the bat."

"I still don't understand
how Emily is connected to him though..." Jake thought out

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