Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (11 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“Avery you can’t believe that. That boy has been lost since you left us. We knew you all were sneaking around. I begged your father not to start anything with Axle. I knew Axle would come to your dad eventually. That boy has been a pain in everyone’s ass since you left. He’s always asking if we’ve heard from you,” my mother finally spoke up.

I didn’t know what else to say. I stayed silent and waited for my parent’s wrath to engulf me. It never happened though. My father stood from his stool and walked outside to the deck, no doubt firing up a cigarette. My mother moved closer to me taking my hands into hers. “Why don’t you tell me about my grandson.” Like that, I was forgiven by my mother. We talked for what seemed like forever about the little blonde haired boy who would take over my mother’s heart when she finally met him.

“Why don’t you head upstairs and grab him? I’m going to head out back to dad for a few,” I told my mother urging her to go upstairs. I needed to air this shit out with my dad with just the two of us. When my mother went to the stairs I opened the back door to find my father sitting in the lounge chair with his head in hands.

“Hey big guy. You wanna talk about it,” I said trying to break the ice.

“I’m pissed girl. I’m pissed that you ran away from me and I couldn’t be there for you. I’m pissed I missed five years with you and him.”

“I’m sorry daddy. Please don’t hate me. I didn’t do this for…”

“STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW,” my father yelled breaking my words off. “I don’t hate you. The more I think about it the more I understand where you’re coming from. I always dreamed that my girls would meet a good guy and settle down. I want you and your sister happy. I don’t give a shit who it’s with or what you do as long as you’re happy. Are you happy kid? Are you happy with it just being you and the boy? If it is I will do whatever in my power to support you. Please know that.”

I thought about it for a while. I know I can’t lie to my dad. He would know I was lying. “I thought I was. Being back here around everyone though is stirring up feelings that I’ve buried for so long. I miss everyone like crazy but I can’t just come back and pick up where I left off. I won’t stay just because of Hunter.”

“Honey I know that and you shouldn’t. The only thing I can tell you is don’t be quick to judge us. Hunter is going to be a shock. People will be pissed but that doesn’t mean they won’t get over it. Your family loves you baby. Give us some time to get use to the idea of Hunter. You’ve had him for years and most of us don’t even know him yet.”

With tears in my eyes I jumped in my father’s arms and cried. I cried for being so stupid thinking that he would turn his back on me. I cried for keeping them away from their grandson for years. I needed to make this right. I’m hoping with his help it will be possible. “I love you, daddy.”

“I love you too baby girl. I always will no matter what. I will be here for you and if anybody wants to be an asshole, club or not I won’t have a problem putting their asses in their place.”




I left Tabby at the house with the girls and my grandson. My oldlady was capable of watching over them. I know she wouldn’t let them leave again. I didn’t have much time to spend with him after Avery and I finished talking. I had to fill Tank in about the girls’ attack before church started. The few minutes I did get with him though made me realize that his place was here with his family. I don’t want to be away from the little guy anymore. Avery needed to put down some roots close enough that I can see him whenever I want. They only thing left for her to do was to clear the air. I meant what I said though, if the people I call family couldn’t get past their shit I will start knocking fucking heads. The first one on the chopping block will be that bitch Diamond. I always had a soft spot for the tramp because of the fucked up life she had before walking in the club house doors but not now. Not after she put all that trash in my daughter’s head. The trash that sent my daughter running from the only family she’s ever known to make a life for herself and my grandson. That bitch is the reason why I missed the first four damn years of my grandson’s life. Four years that I’ll never get back. If I could I’d drag her ass out of this clubhouse right now by her fucking hair I would. I’d let that bitch fight to make a life for herself like my daughter had too.

I was sitting at the bar sipping a double shot of Jack when Zeus walked over to me. “You get the girls situated?”

“Yeah Madison should be okay but will have a kick ass headache for a few days. Avery’s whole left side if black ‘n’ blue but nothing seems to be broke. They’re both going to be sore for a few days. Nothing a little rest and pain killers won’t take care of,” I said without even turning to face him.

Zeus remained quiet but I knew he was staring at me. Avery mentioned that he had caught sight of Hunter when they were at the clubhouse early. If Carrin hadn’t convinced him to give Avery some time things could be going a whole lot different right now. I just needed to make sure he kept his mouth shut until Avery got to talk to Axle herself later tonight. She asked me to send Axle over when we were done with church so that she could break the news to him.

I turned to look at Zeus as I spoke. “Look before you say anything I already know. I talked with Avery while I was over there earlier and met my grandson for the first time today. I’m thankful that you gave my daughter the courtesy of breaking the news herself.”

“So she’s told Axle already? He seemed okay earlier. I figured he would be a raging bull after seeing her back here with a kid,” Zeus fired back.

“No Axle doesn’t know yet and that’s the way it’s going to stay. When we’re done here I intend on sending Axle over to check on Avery. Avery needs to be the one to tell her story not you or I. There’s shit you don’t know son. Give her the day to tell him herself.”

Zeus pondered my suggestion before simply nodding and walking away. I wanted to go after him but the man making his way to me had me staying put. By the looks of things Boomer had talked to Momma Bear. I knew that Tabby had talked Avery into inviting Axle’s step mother over to break the news to her. I just hope they took the news well. I didn’t need this blowing up in the middle of the clubhouse before Axle even had a chance to talk to Avery. I downed the rest of my shot of whiskey and turned to my friend.

Boomer was silent for a minute with a facial expression I couldn’t quite read. Suddenly his face split into the biggest fucking grin I ever seen. Catching me off guard the stocky fucker pulled me in for a bear hug and whispered in my ear. “We’ve got a grandson Oldman. Can you fucking believe that shit?”

I pulled back from Boomer with a smile to match his. “Yeah I know. Did you get to meet him?”

“Yeah I just left there after dropping the woman off. I was told that we had to keep this shit under wraps until my boy finds out. Once he does I’m pretty sure the boys are going to lose their last piece of club pussy.”

“I hope the fuck so. I don’t want any reason for Avery to take the fuck off in the middle of the night again. We just got her back and this is where she needs to stay.”

“Church Fuckers,” Axle shouted to the room at large. Like good little puppets we all filed in to the meeting room and closed the door. We all sat around listening to Tank recount the events from yesterday. Assignments where split between the eleven of us. Even us old heads were put to work. The whole time Tank was talking I watched Axle. I could see his thoughts were elsewhere. If I had to guess my daughter has his head all fucked up at the moment. I actually felt sorry for the bastard because by the end of the day it would be worse. I hope that Axle will listen to what Avery has to say. Yeah, he’s entitled to be pissed as long as he doesn’t stay that way.

An hour and fifteen minutes after walking into the room Axle slapped the gavel to close the meeting. I waited before everyone left leaving Axle still sitting in his chair starring at the wall. The boy must have really been zoned out. When I spoke his ass came five foot off the chair. “I need to talk to you for a minute son.”

“What the fuck old man? Damn, you trying to give me a heart attack or something? Little warning next time.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his big ass getting caught off guard. “Maybe if your ass was paying attention I wouldn’t have gotten the drop on you.”

“Sorry man. My head’s not in a good place right now. You get the girls checked over?”

“Yeah, they’re gonna be sore but nothing broken or too serious that rest and a bottle of Advil won’t take care of. I need to talk to you if you got a few minutes,” I said. I needed to stress to him to listen to what Avery had to say.

“Talk brother. I’m all ears. Ain’t got nowhere else to be til later tonight. Momma Bear’s making dinner. You know I can’t miss that shit,” he said in mock distaste. Axle might be a hard ass but Momma Bear wasn’t someone he crossed often.

“True. She’d have you strung up by your balls if you’re late.”

“What’s up old man? I know you don’t want to talk to me about Momma Bear’s cooking or my balls. What you got rattling around in that head of yours?”

“Before we start let me make this clear. I’m talking to you as a father and to the one I think she loves. We’re not talking as soldier to president right now,” I emphasized.

That got his attention. He seemed more focused on what I had to say. “I’ve watched you for years’ son. I saw the way you looked at my daughter long before you had a right too but I never said anything. I know things were getting pretty serious before she left. I’m not stupid boy. Trust me if it wasn’t for Tabby threatening to cut me off if I did anything I would have beat your ass to a pulp for fucking around with my daughter before you came to me,” I said a little pissed.

“Look man, I had every intention of having the talk with you. Fuck man, the night before she took off I told her that I would be doing just that the very next morning but I never got the chance.”

“She told me that earlier son. Avery and I had a nice little chit chat before I came back over here. That’s the reason I’m talking to you now asshole. I need you to know that I’m okay with you and my daughter. If you want to try and pick up where you left off I won’t stop you, but if you hurt her I will fuck you up. Club or not boy I will find you.”

“Shit Doc! I have no intentions of hurting Avery. I never did. That girl has been in my head since she was thirteen years old.”

“I know son but, you’ve got to be honest with yourself. You need to figure out if you can be with just one woman. Avery’s not like Queenie. She’s not going to turn a blind eye while you knock of a piece of strange every once in a while.”

“I know that asshole. I never cheated on that girl when we were together. Hell in the five years she’s been gone I can still count on both hands how many times I had sex. It always felt like I was cheating but she wasn’t around and I had no clue if she would ever get back,” Axle confesses.

“Yeah, now there’s somethings I really don’t need to know. Anything that results in me overhearing my daughter and her sex life isn’t cool with me,” I spit out to get my point across. Even though she had a kid now I’m still not ready to accept the fact of my girls having sex.

“I’ll try to keep that shit to myself. You and Tabby need to know that if Avery and I do this I have no intention of stepping out on her. If I do you have my permission to gut me.”

“I might have you put that in writing asshole,” I said with a laugh. “Now I need you to listen to me. Listen real good Prez. When I walk out of this room I expect you to go find our girl and talk to her. I need you to hear everything she has to say before you start passing judgement. If you can’t handle her shit, then walk away and take a fucking ride but whatever the fuck you do, don’t have her packing her shit and taking off again.” My voice was a little raised by the end of our conversation but I think I got my point across.

“I won’t Doc. I promise,” Axle pleaded.

“I’m gonna hold you to that kid. Now I’m going to head over to pick up my Old Lady. Give me thirty minutes to say goodbye to my daughter then get your ass over there and sort your shit out.” I left him sitting at the table before he could answer me.


I sprang into action when the old man walked out the door. I’d give him a head start but if that fool thought I was waiting thirty minutes he’d lost his god damn mind. I’m going to check in on my best friend then I would go over early and talk to my sister. Even though she was still pissed with Wall I was still going to push for her to at least check on him. That asshole deserved to know she was home at least.

I knocked easy on the door to Wall’s room before I went in. He was snoring from the bed as his mother was cleaning up his room. “Hey Queenie,” I said moving in to place a kiss to her cheek. “How’s the patient doing?”

“He’s out of it for the moment. Thank the lord for small miracles,” Wall’s mom said aloud.

I chuckled a bit to myself. I’m sure my best friend has been an even bigger asshole now that he’s been bed ridden for most of the last two days. “Is he being that bad? I can get one of the prospects to sit with him if you want? I don’t want you dealing with his moods by yourself.”

“Thank you honey but I can control my son. He won’t be running that filthy mouth to me too much or I’ll be taking a belt to his ass. I’ve already threatened him with it earlier. It’s the only way I got him to take the medicine Doc left for him.”

“I’ve got something I want to tell ya but I’m gonna need you to step outside with me,” I said as I walk out to the hallway. I didn’t want to chance Wall over hearing me tell his mother that Madison and Avery were home. If he heard Madison was back that fucker would be out of bed turning this place upside down till he found her. Those two needed to work their shit out but not with him strung out on pain meds or Madison dealing with the shit from last night.

“What’s going on Axle? Your scaring me a bit. Is there something wrong with Carrin or Tivie?”

“No darling, everything is fine. It’s actually good news but I don’t want our boy to know until he’s feeling better. He’d be out of his bed storming over to the house if he knew Madison was home already.”

“Oh thank heavens. Is she okay? I would have thought she would be here to check on him if she was home. Doesn’t she know what happened?”

“Yeah I talked to her this morning but I’m not sure where her head is. Madison and Avery showed up early this morning after being attacked last night. Madison took off because of the cat and mouse game she and Wall keep playing. She’s still pissed and rightly so but, she flipped out when I told her he had been shot. I’m sure she’ll be to check on him soon.”

“That boy of mine really needs to get his head out of his ass just as badly as your sister needs to come off that stubborn shit. I’ll be dead before they finally get their shit together and give me some grandbabies.”

“Let’s hope not. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case someone let it slip before she gets over here to see him. I’m headed over to handle my own shit with Avery.”

“Good! Don’t waste time boy. Life can change in the blink of an eye,” Queenie said with a voice full of sorrow.

I left Queenie with Wall to go out the back door of the club house. If I went through the bar area, I’d be stopped for idle bull shit and that wasn’t happening. Not right now; now was time to make shit right with my woman. I climbed on my bike and took off through the path towards the big house. The ride that takes all of two minutes seemed like a freaking eternity. I was like a kid on Christmas morning instead of racing to see what was under the tree I was racing to the best present of all, Avery.

I pulled up to the back door and shut the bike off planning on just walking in through the kitchen door as usual but I heard the sound of a small boy. What the fuck is going on around here? Did the girls have a friend over? I thought they had more sense than to bring people in with the shit falling down around the club. I tore up the steps and threw the door open slamming it back against the wall ready to give the girls shit for being so careless.

“DADDY! MOMMA DADDY’S HERE,” little blonde haired boy sitting on Doc’s lap at the table yelled. My heart stopped. Why the hell is the little boy calling me daddy? I thought he was making a mistake until he raised his little face to me and I saw my eyes staring back at me. Everything happened so fast it took me a minute to comprehend. The little boy broke free from Doc and ran towards me grabbing my leg just as Avery and Carrin rushed in the room.

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