Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“It wasn’t like that. I didn’t know I was pregnant til after I was already in California. Hunter knows who his father is. He knows who everyone is. I never kept that from him,” Avery said through sobs.

“He might know who we are but none of us know about him. Do your parents even know? What about Hyde? That girl has been lost without you,” I said sounding like a heartless bitch but I didn’t fucking care at the moment.

“I know it may seem like I’m a horrible person but I had my reasons. No, no one knows that Hunter exist except Romy.”

“Romy knows! How can that bitch know and not have the need to tell his father. This is fucking ridiculous,” I said in a higher level voice then what I wanted. “You better start making sense bitch or I’m going to forget the fact that my nephew is back there and beat your fucking ass before I drag your ass back home.”


              Oh shit this is not going the way I wanted it too so I started to ramble on about the last five years of my life. “Romy came out to hunt me down not long after I left. She caught me by surprise at the bar I was working at. She had flown to California using the excuse of a tattoo convention to hunt me down. She saw the baby bump I was sporting but I told her it was from a one-night stand. She’s never seen Hunter but she knows about him.”

“Ok but you still aren’t telling me what I want to hear. You need to start from the beginning. Start when you decided to disappear without even a note,” Madison stated leaving no room for argument.

“I had no intentions of leaving. The night I left I finally thought I was getting everything I wanted. Braxton made all kinds of promises to me and I believed him. I was going to be his. We planned to tell everyone the next day. He even had this little speech planned out for my father but before he could get a chance to I took off.”

“You’re not making sense. If you were happy and getting what you always wanted, then why take off. What happened? Make me understand,” Madison said as she turned to look at me.

Without saying anything else I pulled the car to the side of the road. I know that I wouldn’t be able to drive as I poured my heart out. With the car stopped, I put it in park before I opened the driver’s door and walked around the front of the car to the passenger’s side. I opened the door and motioned for Madison to slide over. “If you want to talk about this now then your gonna have to drive. I won’t be able to get through this and get us home in one piece.”

Madison gave me one last look before sliding over behind the wheel. Without any hesitation we were on the road again headed back to my family’s home. I thought back to that horrible night when my happiness was ripped away. Diamond’s words popped back in my head clear as day. Those words have never left me and probably never will.

“The night I left Romy was covering for me as usual. My parents thought I was with her at the bar of the club house but I really was in your brother’s room with him. Braxton and I had a long talk that night after our round of lovemaking. Like I said he made me promises for the future. Your brother told me he wanted me for his Old Lady. He was ready to stake his claim to me and let the whole club know. I was told that we would find a spot to build a little house somewhere on the club grounds and eventually I would share the O’Shea name. He made it clear that we were young and could live as we chose. We would add kids to the mix later, much-much later is what I was told. We promised to be each other’s one and only. Neither of us were going to share. He promised to try to support my love of music as long as I would cut back on the amount of nights I spent in the local bars on stage. He wasn’t okay with me pursuing anything outside the local scene though,” I told Madison.

“I willing agreed. I would put him before my music because I loved him. I was okay with everyone knowing that we belonged to one another and making a future together. The kid part didn’t bother me because I wasn’t rushing to be a mom. I have only been with Braxton so he didn’t have anything to worry about sharing me with anyone. I, on the other hand, wasn’t sure if he would be okay with just having me for a lifetime. You know just as well as I do that in our world the men stray. The only one that I’ve never seen stray is my father. Hell, even your dad fucked around on your real mom. Not saying that I’ve ever seen him do that to Momma Bear but, he has a history.”

“Believe me when I tell you Avery I know that some of the guys don’t know how to keep their dick in their pants. That’s a lot of the reason why I took off. Wall’s never given me any promises or even said I was his but I can’t stand to see him with girls draped all over him. Every time I have to see it a part of me dies,” Madison added.

“Then you should understand my reasoning then.” I quickly moved forward with my story before Madison could interrupt me. “I left Axle sleeping in his bed to go get a snack from the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen Diamond’s half-naked ass was sitting at the table with a soda and a sly look on her face. I could tell that bitch was waiting to tell me something and I knew even before she spoke it would piss me off. I tried to avoid her by keeping my head down while I went through the refrigerator. She wasn’t having it though. She managed to kill my happiness with just a few sentences.”

“What did she say? I’ve always tolerated that bitch but you know I don’t care for the free pussy that hangs at the club. Those bitches are toxic! Just say the word and I’ll drag the bitch out by her hair chick,” Madison quickly threw her thoughts in.

I took a deep breath and laid out my conversation with Diamond for Madison…

“Well look at what we have here. One of the club’s perfect little princess
doin’ the walk of shame. Whose bed did you just crawl out of baby girl,” Diamond asked in a sickening know it all voice.

“It’s none of your damn business Diamond. I had too much to drink tonight so I’m crashing here.”

“Honey you really need to learn how to lie better. We both know you’ve been in that room with Axle for hours. You’re lucky most of the guys are out tonight or you would have some serious explaining to do.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lied.

“It’s your story darling tell it how ya wanna, but let me let you in on my little secret. I had a few hours with Axle early today. That man sure knows how to rock a girl’s world if you know what I mean. It’s become our little afternoon ran de vu. He was just telling me how good of an Old Lady I would make him. He knows I know how to keep my mouth shut and play the obedient girlfriend.”

“You’re lying thru your teeth bitch. You know none of these guys will ever make a club whore and Old Lady. Besides it’s none of my business,” I said with a brave face even though I was dying inside. I might have called her a liar but deep down I knew it was the truth.

“Believe what you want princess but you’ll see who’s right when I’m wearing my property patch. Axle went to see Kimmie the other day to have it made. He’s planning on announcing it to everyone at the barbeque this weekend.”

“Well then I hope you two will be happy together,” I said thru gritted teeth.

“Thank you sugar. I’ll make sure he knows you gave us your blessing. Don’t worry though, I’m okay with his side pieces. You can still get your rocks off with him as long as he’s coming home to me.”

“What the fuck Avery? My brother never claimed her for his Old Lady. He’s never even mentioned that before. He’s always treated that bitch for just what she is, a club whore,” Madison said bringing me back to my thoughts.

“You say that Madison but I heard it with my own ears. I’ve seen her walk out of his room with that orgasmic glow. I watched her hang off of him the whole time we were together. It killed me sneaking off to be with him behind closed doors while she got to be seen with him in front of everyone. Maybe you didn’t see it but I did.”

“Avery you really are a dumb bitch if you think that bitch would ever measure up to you in my brother’s eyes. That man has had eyes for you since you were in middle school but with him in high school he waited for years to have you. You had to have seen that.”

“I know what I thought I saw but, I don’t believe it. Even if he wasn’t claiming her and was going to claim me, I couldn’t be the woman who turned her head while her man fucked around. I’m not wired that way. I will not give everything to a man just to get half in return.”

With Madison’s silence I continued on with my story. “I all but ran out of the kitchen leaving Diamond at the table. I went back to Axle’s room to get my phone and car keys. He was still asleep when I kissed his forehead and walked out the door. I thought about leaving a note but even though I was pissed at him I didn’t want him suffering a beat down from my father when he popped up with the only form of communication I left behind.”

“I went straight to Romy’s apartment. I never told her what Diamond said just that I needed to leave. I told her things where getting too heavy with me and Axle and if I didn’t get out now I never would. I dreamed of being a rock star remember. So with a few changes of clothes, my car and the cash the two of us had on us I made my way to the bright lights of California.”

“Holy shit batman. Romy helped you leave? She’s never said anything. She plays just as stupid as the rest of us wanting to know why you left and haven’t been back. I’ve seen Hyde beg her for any information on you. This is a lot to take in chick,” my friend said staring at the road ahead.

“Don’t be mad a Romy. I promised her to secrecy but the only way she agreed was if I checked in regularly. She’s helped me a lot over these last few years. Heck, she was the one sending me money when I couldn’t work after having Hunter. She paid my bills for two months. She thought I was battling postpartum depression brought on by giving the baby up for adoption, when I was really just trying to recover and get in the swing of being a mom.” I needed to get back on topic. “Anyway I left that night and drove to California. It took me three days. Three days of sleeping in my car and eating fast food. I stayed off the interstate and yanked the battery out of my phone. When I rolled into the outskirts of LA I found a seedy motel to crash in. For two days I let myself fall apart. I left the battery out of my phone because I was fighting hard to stay away. One sound of your brother’s voice and I would be running back to South Carolina. I couldn’t do that.”

“On my third day in that slimy motel I woke with a new outlook. I was determined to make my way into the music world. I found a job waitressing at a bar that had live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In a month’s time I was able to save enough for a tiny one-bedroom apartment. It was still in the shitty part of town but at least I paid by the month and not by the week.  By the end of April, I started getting sick. For weeks I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Being pregnant never crossed my mind because I was on the shot and wasn’t due for another until the middle of May. I collapsed at work one night and was carted off to the hospital. I was informed at the hospital that due to the joys of morning sickness I was severely dehydrated. After a twenty-four hour stay in a hospital bed I was released with vitamins and something for nausea. When I left the hospital I was so scared. I had no family to come take me home so I called the only person I knew in the state. Thankfully the old broad who owned the bar, Rachel, took pity on me. Apparently she was a single mother for most of her life and took a liking to me as well as Hunter when he was born. The bar had a small apartment above it where she used to live when she first opened. I moved in upstairs and worked off my rent.”

“I was about six months pregnant when Romy came to find me. Thankfully I wasn’t that big and was able to fudge the timeline of when I got pregnant. Romy stayed with me for a few days before returning home. She begged for me to come back with her but I couldn’t.  I couldn’t face Axle. I know he wasn’t ready for kids. Hell neither was I until I heard my little guys heart beat for the first time in the hospital. I needed to make a life for him and I did the best I could.”

“Avery you shouldn’t have gone through that alone. Fuck what my brother would have wanted, we would have supported you. I would have helped you any way I could if I had known,” Madison said apologetically.

“It’s okay Mads. I made out okay. When Hunter was born Rachel appointed her sixteen-year-old daughter to babysit for me while I ran the bar. Hunter was always close enough that if something happen I could be to him in an instant. A few months before Hunter’s first birthday I took the stage at the bar. The band Rachel had scheduled canceled and she needed a fill in fast. Her oldest son was a roadie for some up and coming band but he knew his way around a guitar. That’s how I met Trevor. Trevor sat on that stage with me with nothing but an acoustic guitar while I sang. The people went wild which led me to covering Thursday nights on a regular basis. With the help of Rachel, we found a house band and I was able to build from there.”

“Trevor never said you worked for his mom. He just told me he met you one night at his mom’s bar back in LA,” Madison said quietly.

“Yeah his mom was a hoot. Anyway, one night Trevor approached me and asked me to come back to the table to meet a few of his friends. At first I thought he was in to me, I had no idea he was gay until a few months later. Either way I walked with him to a table siting in the dark corner of the bar. At the table a few members of the band Break Away sat chatting away. I was shell shocked. After a while we were all bullshitting like old friends. That night Layla offered me a chance at stardom. She wanted to take me to the record label and demand they listen to me. When I declined and explained my situation to the group, over a lot of tequila, they offered me another gig. They had been in the studio recording their latest album but felt like it needed something more. That my dear is how I got the gig to sing back up to Layla Marco.”

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