Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2 (19 page)

BOOK: Coming Home: Dominant Devils Book 2
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“Hold up a second Prez,” he said in a whisper. “Not sure how much info you want to spread right now but from the looks of things those fuckers did a little more than beating on the chick. When we got to her, the panties she was wearing were hanging off one leg and her tank top was ripped completely down the middle”.

“What are your trying to tell me fucker? Spit it out so we can check on the girl,” I said back in a menacing tone.

“Prez I thinking she was raped or in the process of being fucking raped. Given the short amount of time she could have been outside, I would say more than likely she wasn’t but the sight I saw when I got to her doesn’t mean I’d rule it out either,” Hawk relayed looking defeated.

“I pray those fuckers didn’t get that far but either way their fucking dead! Let’s get the fuck in the house and get this shit going. If you’ve got any leads on any on this cluster fuck of a mess get’em and meet me in the den. It’s going to be our little meeting room for the night. Get with the other guys and fill them in. I’m going to go check on the girl and Tank. Something tells me that big fucker is going to be out for blood”.

“I feel ya Prez. This shit needs to fucking end and quickly,” Hawk said while walking towards the door. I turned to the rest of the guys standing in the drive way waiting on orders with the look of pure rage on their faces.

“Keep it locked up boys. Can’t be losing our cool in front of the rest of the bitches. Get your asses in the den. I’ll be in as soon as I check on Bree”. With only a few ragged grunts everyone moved in the house only to meet the teary eyes of every woman in the house.





After a great night that quickly turned to shit, I found myself sitting around the kitchen table with Athena, Romy and Madison. When we got back to the house Carrin went straight to her bedroom to lay down and sleep off the alcohol she threw back at the bar. Izzy was completely trashed so one of us had to help her downstairs and babysit her. Due to a losing hand at rock-paper-scissors, Hyde was deemed Izzy’s chaperone for the evening leaving the three of us sitting in the kitchen with cups full of coffee. The conversation around the table was light, especially from me after seeing the email on my phone before we left for the bar, until Romy’s crazy ass decided it was time to change the mood.

“Alright you three bitches, it’s time to get out of this depressing funk. Let’s talk shop. I want the scoop on each one of you. It’s just us girls here so spill it. We’ll start with the warrior princess. Athena go ahead and fill us in on you and Hawk. I see those fuck me eyes you have every time you look at him! Plus, you said he kissed you that night while you guys where arguing then just disappeared. What gives bitch?”

“Dammit! Am I that fucking obvious? How the hell can you see that shit and yet he doesn’t pick up on anything. Fuck me, life sucks,” Athena yelled!

“Honey you’re just as dense as he is. You’re not the only one with fuck me eyes and as you said before he kissed you. That man watches your every move. From what I’ve seen he’s particularly taken with that bubble butt of yours,” I laughed out at her. Romy and Madison laughed right along with me.

Leave it to Romy to break the tension. Once we stopped picking on Athena it was Madison’s turn. She filled us in on her plans of taking off in the fall to finish up her degree. Apparently she’s applied to several colleges a few miles away from here hoping to put some distance between her and Wall. We all spoke words of encouragement and promised to stand behind her but, we also agreed that no matter how many miles separated them the pull between the two of them would still be there. Trust me I know all about it. The only difference is I doubt that Wall would let her go. Even if she did manage to get away, that domineering asshole would find her and drag her ass back here kicking and screaming.

“Enough about my fucked up life and relationships I will never have, what about you Avery? What are your plans? Are you sticking around or running off again,” Madison chimed in turning the attention towards me.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do Madison. Part of me wants to stay here and raise Hunter around all he’s family. He and Axle have bonded so much over the last month and I don’t want to ruin that. The other part of me knows that in order for me to do what I love, I have to leave.”

Romy seemed to get a little pissed at my words. In true Romy style she let me know just what she thought. “You might not know but I do. I personally will kick your ass if you take off for good again. You are not running away this time. Your pretty little ass is going to find a way to set up shop here. I don’t care if you have to fly to California twice a damn week. You and my nephew are not leaving me again, period!”

“Yeah she’s right bitch. You can’t take off now. Hunter fits in so well with everyone here. I’m not telling you to give up everything you’ve accomplished, just find a way to make it all work. Plus, I don’t think Axle’s going to let you leave again. I know my brother hun and you are it for him!”

“Madison you’re seeing shit that’s not there. He’s nice to me and protective because we share a son together. He wants me here to be close to Hunter not to make us a family. I will never keep Hunter away from his family again but, me and Axle getting back together just isn’t in the cards.”

It was time for Athena to chime in. “That’s like the pot and the kettle there, woman. You call me blind for seeing the obvious but I think you’re worse than any of us here. If you think for one minute that fine ass man doesn’t want to be with you, you’re the delusional one. Anyone can see the love and lust that man has for you every time you get close to him. Hell, even from different sides of the room you two were fucking with each other tonight. That little sexy dance shit you were doing was getting him all riled up. Truth be told you had me wanting to fuck you and I don’t swing that way”.

Romy and Madison were laughing so hard I could have killed them both. I felt myself blushing, something I don’t do very often. It’s true that I was dancing for him tonight but it was just the alcohol moving me. I would have loved to jump that man but, I wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize Hunter. I know I wouldn’t be able to hang around if I put myself out there only to have Axle shoot me down. I had to keep my shit together. Anything Athena thinks she sees going on between me and Axle will surely be shot down when he finds out I’m leaving for California tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to talk to my mom and dad about watching Hunter for a few days before telling anyone. The email Trevor sent me right before we loaded up in the van tonight told me he would be here tomorrow around noon with one of Ben’s guys to collect me. Layla didn’t want me traveling alone when I flew out to California to lay my vocals for the record. I’d be gone for at least a week and that was if everything went smoothly. I’m worried to leave Hunter not only because of the shit crashing down around the club but because I’ve never been away from him. The farthest I’ve ever been, was one tour bus behind or ahead of him. I’m not sure how he was going to take it. He might want to go with me or he might want to stay here. I wasn’t giving him a choice though. I know he would be better protected with everyone here than in California and I surely didn’t want to give Axle the idea that I was running again.

I didn’t realize how lost in thought I was until a sharp jab to my shoulder brought me back to present company. Romy had socked me in the arm before yelling at me. “Avery pay attention. We’re brainstorming over here about how to help you keep both worlds and you’re daydreaming. What the fuck girl”?

“Ya didn’t have to hit me bitch! I was just thinking of an email I received before we left tonight. I don’t think it’s going to go over well and I’m not sure how to tell him. He’s going to flip but I don’t have a choice,” I said starting to freak.

It was Madison’s time to step in. “Easy girl! Just breath before you pass the hell out on us. What was in that email that has you so worked up? Tell us, maybe we can help you”.

I went on to explain what Trevor had sent me via email. They listened quietly as I explained my dilemma about leaving. Romy’s face was unreadable where Athena and Madison’s showed them deep in thought. I sat in silence waiting for them to respond. A single motorcycle pulling up to the house ensured that our silence was needed. Zeus flew in the back door without saying anything to us. He sprinted straight up the stairs to what sounded like the room the kids were sleeping in. A few minutes later he came back down the stairs with a sleeping Tivie in his arms. Still he said nothing as he went straight to the bedroom he shared with Carrin. The four of us turned back around to stare at each other.

Surprisingly Athena was the first one to speak up. “Okay that was a little intense but back to the subject at hand. I understand you having to go back and I think it will be easier for the rest of the guys knowing that Hunter will be here. It means you’re coming back,” in a voice lough enough for only us to hear.

“Yeah it might mean she’s coming back but Axle is going to have to let her leave. I’m honestly not sure if he’ll let her walk out that door with Trevor. Trevor better bring an army and even then it’s not going to end well,” Madison countered.

“I know, but I don’t have a choice. This is my lively hood. If I don’t go back that asshole manager, Leonard, will surely have reasons to fire me then. I’m screwed either way”.

Romy broke her silence before the other girls could answer. “This is how this is going to go. You’re not going to tell Axel your leaving. We’re going to let Trevor know that you will meet him at the airport tomorrow. You said he’s coming on a private jet so just tell him to let us know when he lands and we’ll meet him there. It also means no airport security. Before Axle gets back here you’re going to pack a bag and put it downstairs in the room the rest of us are sharing. Then you’re going to write him a note explaining everything for him to find after we’re gone. By the time he realizes what’s going on we’ll be way on our way to California.”

“Okay, I can see that it’s probably the best chance I’ve got at getting away but what is the ‘we’ about? If all four of us are missing at the same time they’re going to know something’s up before we even get out of South Carolina,” I questioned Romy.

“It won’t be all four of us, just two of us. Me and you are going to sneak off to get you there. Between the two of us we ought to be able to outsmart the guys long enough to get in the air. Now that will mean that Athena and Madison will have to keep their mouths shut until we’ve had enough time to get away. This shit doesn’t leave this table until after we’re gone, got it,” Romy said in a hushed tone but letting me know she meant business.

Athena and Madison nodded back to Romy. I can’t believe that these women are willing to take the wrath that will come once the club knows Romy and I have taken off for a week. We needed to get busy to pull this off before the guys got back. Without saying anything else to the girls I picked up my phone and fired off my plan to Trevor so he knew to wait for me and I would be bringing another passenger.

Before I could get a response to my text I was distracted yet again by the sound of motorcycles. This time it set me in a panic. I wouldn’t have time to get my clothes together or write my note. The walls were closing in. Madison noticing my mood change read my mind. “Ok girls change of plans due to our untimely arrival of our men returning. Act natural when they get in here. Tonight I’ll throw some of my clothes in a bag for Avery so she’ll be ready. Avery as far as the note. If you can’t get a window of opportunity, you’ll have to either text him or send me an email and I’ll deliver it to him. I’ll take responsibility for Hunter while you’re gone. You can just face time him when you land telling him something about it being and emergency and not wanting to wake him”.

“Yeah, yeah that’ll work. I’ll be here to help Madison with Hunter, Avery. Everything will be fine. The guys will calm down by the time you get back and if not we’ll deal with it,” Athena added right before the sounds of the bikes were right outside the door.

Before we could say anything else the sound of raised voices drew us all to what was unfolding outside the kitchen window. Being the nosey bitches we were, we all jumped up to catch a view from the window. Axle had his gun drawn with the rest of the guys behind him. It looked like they had them pointed towards Hawk before they were dropped only to have Tank running towards a truck I didn’t know. The four of us stood watching Tank pulling someone out of the back seat of the truck, I now saw belonged to BoBo. It didn’t take long for Tank to run up the back steps of the house yelling for Doc as he carried the body cradled in his arms in through the kitchen. He was still yelling when I jumped from the table to run upstairs to the bedroom my parents were using during the lockdown. Dad was already on his way down when I met him on the steps.

Quickly I told dad that Tank had someone in his arms that was just brought in. I assumed injured if he was yelling for my father to get his ass downstairs. When dad took off down the stairs to see exactly what Tank had for him to deal with I detoured to the kids’ room just to make sure Hunter was still sleeping. I opened the door to find my little man snoring in his big old bed. Years of living on a tour bus meant he could sleep through anything. With the assurance he would sleep through whatever was going on downstairs, I turned to head back to my family. Carrin was on her way up with a sleeping Tivie in her arms, no doubt to lay the little girl in her crib away from the chaos.

The house had turned into the gathering place for everyone. I made my way over to the girls to see what they knew. Even Izzy had woken up to join us, although she looked like she’d been hit by a bus. Hyde turned to me and filled me in on what they knew. It was the sweet stranger, Bree, from the bar. Hyde was able to over hear the guys outside from the basement when they pulled. She didn’t know all the details but poor Bree had been attacked behind the bar while taking the trash out. Holy shit! This situation was getting worse by the minute. A pang of guilt hit me when my head wandered into how this was going to affect my ability to leave tomorrow. Not that I wasn’t worried about Bree but, this was going to really make it hard to escape to California for a few days.

The news of Bree’s attack had all of us females raging. This was a low fucking blow that hit too close to home. It could have been any of us but for an innocent bystander to get caught up in this mess was horrible. I turned to see Carrin walk back in the room as Wall began to speak.

“Alright girls listen up. Not exactly sure what went down but, Breezy was attack out behind the bar after we left. Seems someone was waiting for her to take out the trash before they jumped her. Axle wants all of us in the den for church, which means you ladies stay clear. You all bitches need to keep your opinions to yourselves. The last thing we need are the female emotions wreaking havoc. Pull your shit together and bury it. Ain’t got no time for you all to fall apart or trying to take matters into your own fucking hands. Let us take care of shit,” Wall spit out before turning his attention directly towards his sister. “Carrin I think you need to check in with Doc. You’re the nurse of the family, he might need some help with shit. That girl seemed pretty shook up.”

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