Coming Home (The Morgans) (7 page)

BOOK: Coming Home (The Morgans)
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Chapter Nine


“Something smells good. I hope this means dinner is ready because my stomach is gnawing on my backbone.” Drue joked as he and Tori entered the Morgan’s kitchen through the back porch door.

Drue walked over to the stove and lifted the pot lid and inhaled deeply. He smiled. “Beef Stew - it’s what’s for dinner.” He continued jokingly.

Kevin watched his brother acting so animated. He raised his eyebrows to Tori questioningly, causing her to blush. Something had definitely put a smile on his brother’s face, and he was fairly certain it was the girl he was staring at.

Mrs. Morgan called from the dining room to wash up because dinner was ready.

“I'll go use the hall bathroom. You can wash up at the kitchen sink.” Drue said to Tori as he exited down the hall.

Kevin came up beside her at the kitchen sink, both sharing the space to wash their hands for dinner.

“So, Sprite, what have you been up to this afternoon, and does it have anything to do with the goofy-assed smile on my brother’s face?”

Tori and Kevin had always been honest with each other even when it hurt. Now she was drifting in unchartered waters where discussing Drue with Kevin was concerned.

  She flicked drops of
water at Kevin’s face as she finished washing her hands. “Don’t be such a ninny and give me the hand towel, otherwise I’ll be forced to use your shirt to dry my hands.” She teased hoping to divert his attention away from what may have put Drue into a good mood.

“Oh no. I don’t think so.” Kevin said as he grabbed her wrists and held them in front of her. “You’re not evading my questions that easily.”

He suddenly got that look on his face he always gets when he is up to no good, just down right mischievous.

“Kevin, what are you up-“ Tori started but was interrupted.

He wagged his eyebrows up and down sinisterly and said, “I have ways of getting the information out of you.”

“Kevin, don’t you dare. I swear- “ she didn’t get any further before he started tickling her without mercy.

Between giggling and trying to wiggle out of his grasp she tried to get him to stop.

“Kevin Michael Morgan stop this instant!” she shrieked.

From the doorway they heard “I thought we talked about less hands on.” Drue stood leaning against the doorway a frown burrowing his handsome features. He hadn’t asked a question. He was making a statement, and from the look on his face he was no longer kidding around.

Kevin stood the bent Tori upright and took a step back. He grinned at his brother.

“No harm no foul, Bro. Just messing around with my best friend.” Kevin said ribbing his brother.

He could see by Drue’s face that Tori had really gotten under his skin. Just how badly remained to be seen, but he knew he’d never seen his brother act like this about any other girl either. This could get sticky, but he sure as hell wasn’t stepping away from being with his best friend. She was his friend first, and she meant the world to him. If they were going to pursue this, there were going to have to be some ground rules, and his brother wasn’t going to be the one to set them all either.

God, he sounded like he was ready to fight his brother over their favorite toy. He laughed to himself. This could prove to be an episode off one of Mom’s soap operas. Let’s just hope no one dies, no one get hurts and somewhere in there is a happily ever after.

Kevin winked at Tori and walked past Drue smirking into the dining room. “Come on you two.” Kevin said in passing. “Quit messing around, and let’s eat. I’m hungry!”

Drue held out his hand to Tori and rolled his eyes at his brother. He pulled her to him when she was in reach. He kissed her forehead and not her lips because he couldn’t stand not to touch her, and he knew that if he did kiss her lips it wouldn’t end there.

“I’ve come to realize I don’t particularly care for my brother’s hand being all over you.”

Tori looked into Drue’s eyes to try and read his expression.

  He was serious. The stern set to his mouth told her that. Was that jealously she sensed? No. It couldn’t be. Of Kevin? Come on!

“Think of him like a brother, remember?” Tori reminded Drue comically.

“Now, your hands all over my body is an entirely different story, and if you don’t take them off me right now, we just might embarrass ourselves in your kitchen.” She finished cheekily.

She reached up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek and led him into the dining room.

Dinner as usual was an amazing meal and conversation flowed so comfortably. She was seated next to Drue and across the table from Kevin, who kept making smooching lips at her when Drue was talking to his Mom or Dad. She kicked him under the table once and received satisfaction that he had to suffer in silence or else draw attention to himself. She pouted at him and mouthed, “Poor baby.’

They thought they had gone unnoticed until Drue stopped mid-sentence, laughed and said, “What are you two- twelve?”

Tori and Kevin were so surprised they were speechless all of about thirty seconds, then they laughed whole-heartedly, deep belly laughs that brought tears to Tori’s eyes.

She hadn’t laughed this much since, well, since before her gram died.

“Sorry Mr. Morgan.” Tori began. “I guess Kevin still brings out the worst in me.” She teased her friend.

“Me?” Kevin replied. “I wasn’t the one who decided to start something up with my-“

Tori interrupted. “Hey! Don’t you dare say it.” She continued.

Drue finished it. He placed his hand on Tori’s thigh under the table and squeezed gently, sending tiny little eruptions of delicious sensations traveling up her thigh to her center.

One touch, really? That was all it took to light her up? Lord she was in trouble. She stopped short and looked up at Drue guiltily.

  “Sorry, but if your
brother wouldn’t bait me, I wouldn’t have retaliated.” She grumbled.

Drue continued to stroke her thigh as he glanced across the table at his brother.

“Think you two can behave long enough to finish dinner, or do we need to get the children’s table out just like we do during the holidays?”

Mr. And Mrs. Morgan both joined in the laughter. “Oh it’s so good to have you home, Victoria.” She commented. “Makes us all very happy to have you here with us.”

Drue squeezed her leg one last time and resumed eating.

She couldn’t resist. She knew it was childish, but she stuck her tongue out at Kevin anyway, dirty rotten scoundrel. She’d get him later.

Kevin nearly choked on his tea, and Mr. Morgan continued to laugh. “Yes, it does especially when we get dinner and a show.”

Drue rolled his eyes at his father. “Please Dad. Don’t encourage them.” He said pleadingly.

His mother piped in drawing the table’s attention. “Speaking of holidays reminds me about the Fall Festival Dance.” She said excited. “Victoria, I hate that you hurt your hand looking for decorations.” She continued. “I hope you’re feeling alright, dear.”

Tori smiled. “It really was nothing, just a small puncture wound. Drue made sure I was doctored up. I think he may even have enjoyed the pain I was subjected to when the doc gave me a tetanus shot.” She teased.

“Well, I’m just glad Drue was there to help you.” Mrs. Morgan said happily. “Now, let’s talk about our schedules tomorrow.” Mrs. Morgan could switch gears in a nano second. “We have a group of girl scouts coming out to the farm to pick out and paint pumpkins. Thought maybe you’d like to help us with that, Tori. They will be here at ten o’clock if you are available and want to help.” Mrs. Morgan finished.

Pumpkin season on the farm had always been her favorite time of year. She loved everything about fall, the orange and red hues of leaves changing colors, the crisp fresh chill in the air and of course pumpkins!

“Of course I’ll help.” Tori chimed in. “You know I’d love to!” she finished excitedly.

Drue watched the excitement cross Tori’s features as she talked about her memories of being on the farm in the fall. Her face was so animated as she talked about the seasons changing, the kaleidoscope of colors and the community picking pumpkins on the farm. There was no doubt she loved it here, but was it just fond memories that linked her here or could it be more? All Drue knew was he had approximately four weeks to spend with her, and he didn’t plan on wasting any of it.

“After the girl scout’s visit, we will all head down to the county fair if everyone still wants to go.” Mrs. Morgan said with a smile.

Kevin whooped like a child. “Of course we want to go.” He chided his brother and Tori. “I seem to remember a little bet between Tori and Drue involving some twirling buckets.” he reminded everyone.   “I’m taking my camera for that.”

“You’re evil, Kevin Morgan. Pure evil.” Tori scolded.

“I know. That’s why you love me.” Kevin replied and got a kick under the table from his brother this time.


Tori huffed and grinned mischievously back at Kevin.

“Alright you two, don’t make me take you out back and hose you off.” Mr. Morgan said in a mock stern voice. “Haven’t had to do that in quite some time. Could be fun for old- time’s sake.”

Everyone laughed at that. Then Tori’s thoughts went to Drue being hosed down and his t-shirt soaked to his muscular chest she had been caressing just hours ago, and she stopped short. She wiggled in her seat as wetness instantly pooled between her legs.

  Stop that train of thought
right now. Think cold shower.

Too late Drue saw the change in her eyes, the soft brown turning to dark chocolate when she was aroused. There was no mistaking it. He had witnessed it just hours before when he’d kissed her senseless.

Okay. Dinner was over. Time to take a walk, and he knew just where he wanted to take her where they could enjoy the evening air and cuddle up.

He placed his napkin on the table and thanked his mother for dinner.

“Amazing, as always, Mom.” He leaned over and kissed his mother’s cheek.

“Think I’ll walk some of it off.” He replied. “Anyone else up for a walk?” He asked the question aloud as if he was asking the entire occupants of the dining room, but he was looking directly at Tori. There was no mistaking his intention even if his words implied otherwise.

Mr. And Mrs. Morgan gave each other a knowing look.

“You go ahead, dear while Kevin cleans up tonight.” His mother stated.

“Tori, you go with Drue and enjoy the fresh air, honey.” Mrs. Morgan finished.

She looked over at Kevin and gave him a look that said “Don’t you dare argue with me, son.”

Tori and Drue excused themselves from the table, grabbed their jackets and headed out the back door.

They had walked just a few feet around to the side of the house that was no longer visible from the kitchen window, and Drue stopped.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this all through dinner.” He said as he lowered his head and claimed her lips. It was a sweet exploratory kiss at first but quickly changed once their tongues touched.

Fire zinged through Tori at Drue’s touch. They broke apart breathless. She hugged him close, and then stepped back looping her arm through his.

“Maybe we should walk a little to cool off, huh?” she stated regretfully.

Yeah, maybe so.” he agreed. “How about I escort you home, my lady. Wouldn’t want some randy fox or rascally raccoon to come after you in the dark.” he teased.

  “Why thank you, kind sir.” s
he played along. “That would be mighty generous of you.”

They walked in companionable silence the half mile across the lawn to her front porch. The more she was exposed to the playful sexy side of Drue Morgan the more drawn in she became. The seriously focused, responsible and no-nonsense Drue she knew. This playful side was an attractive nuance that was drugging her senses and leaving her light-headed, well that, and his kisses had something to do with it too.

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