Complicated Love 2

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Authors: Lilah K. London

BOOK: Complicated Love 2
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Complicated Love 2
Lilah K. London


Copyright © 2015 Lilah K. London


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Part I


I follow the nurse into the next room. She talks to me about my rights as a patient and what to expect during the procedure. All I hear is “slight pressure and minimal pain". I try to focus on her words. "Do you know how far along you are?"


"We will have to do an ultrasound to determine the age of the fetus. If you'll get undressed and put on a gown we can begin. " She leaves while I undress.

Slowly, I slide my clothes off and replace them with a gown. The table is cool even with the tissue paper. When the doctor arrives he is very kind and gentle. His words and tone are very comforting. He pulls out a chart and calculates my last period. "Five weeks and four days.”


I look at him. He must see the questions in my eyes. You are almost through half of the first trimester." I do the math in my head. In seven and half months I would have had a baby. An itty bitty Lane would have been in this world. It’s time for the ultrasound. I lay with my feet in stirrups. The doctor briefly pushes the probe into my vaginal opening. The nurse and the doctor began to talk amongst themselves. I can't hear anything. I lift my eyes just as the doctor is turning the monitor toward the nurse and there it is baby. My little Lane. Our forever love is on the screen.

My heart is pounding. I begin to shake with uncontrollable sobs. "Ma'am', are you alright? We can wait if you need to catch your breath," the doctor asks gently.

"Lane... I want Lane."  I sob even harder.

"Aw...honey, is that your boyfriend?” The nurse asks stroking my back. I nod. “He's in the lobby, right?" I nod quickly. "I'll go get him. Then we can talk again. "




I feel like I am going to pass out. Watching her walk through those doors’s taking all I have not to chase her down and beg her one last time to reconsider.
I love you so much.I just want to be there for you. 
But I sit and I wait
And I wait. After less than an hour the nurse comes to the door, "Lane?"  I jump to my feet. It's too soon. They said at least two hours.  Oh my God...something is wrong. I would never forgive myself is something happened to Keira while she was here. I follow the nurse through the doors. I am praying to God for strength and to protect her.

"She needs a little encouragement. She's asking for you." The nurse says over her shoulder casually .

"Me?" For encouragement?
I don't know if I can do this.
But I keep walking when all I really want to do is run.
You did this. You have to help her get through this.
I tell myself  over and over.  I walk into what looks like an exam room. Oh my God...Keira. She is sobbing horribly. "Are you hurt? What's wrong?"  I start to run my hands up and down her body looking for any visible signs of injury.

"I can't." She's almost hyperventilating. "I can'" She has a mixture of tears and snot forming on her upper lip. I grab her up and wrap her in my arms.

"Oh baby. It’s okay. I love you. We can get through this." Now I am crying and snotting everywhere. "You mean the world to me. Let me help you get dressed."

Before I know it we are dressed and headed back to the bed and breakfast. I didn’t ask or think to get my money back from the receptionist. I just wanted to get out of there. I wanted my girl and my baby out of there. I can't seem to stop touching her. I hold her hand and then intertwine our fingers again. I keep looking at her .I know I am smirking but I can't help it.

Keira must be exhausted. She dozes off. It’s only been a fifteen minute drive. Gramps is calling. It pops up on the blue tooth in the rover. I don’t answer. Once we pull into the bed and breakfast, I walk over to her side and scoop her up in my arms. She feels so limp from exhaustion. I walk through back door and to our room. Before I can get the door to our room open, it pops open with Gramps standing inside waiting. "What are you doing in here?'


"I figured you might need some help so I kept an extra key." I just shake my head. My Gramps can be kind of sneaky. "How is she? Was it rough? I 've heard stories." He's talking quietly so not to wake Keira. She is sound asleep.

"Let me lay her down. I can talk to you then."

After laying Kiera on the bed, I slide off her jeans and unbutton her blouse. She is laying across the bed in her panties and bra. It’s the first time I have seen her naked since we made love. With us both being back in school, we only skype, text and call one another.  Wow! Her body is beautiful. 

I walk out the room and Gramps is pacing nervously at the window. "How is she?"

"She's almost six weeks pregnant. That’s how she is." I can’t help but be elated. “I’m going to be a father.” I want to jump for joy .

I watch as the realization hits him."I knew it. She couldn't do it, could she?" I shook my head in agreement with a ridiculous smile on my face. "Well congratulations Daddy, when's the wedding?" 

I laugh. I can’t even pretend not to want to have this work out. A family with Keira would be wonderful. “As soon as I can get the momma bear to agree. “

“Good luck with that.” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice. All I can do I smile.


If I just lay really still, it will pass. Don’t move.
I jump up and run to the bathroom. I am puking my brains out while Lane stands quietly in the doorway. Finally, I stop and slide to the floor. Thank God. I have been a little nauseous the last week but I hate to throw up. And now I am throwing up in front of Lane. Just great. Not sexy at all.

“Are you okay?” He is standing there in his jeans and no shirt. His hair is all rumpled and he has sleep marks on his face. I can see past him and its dark outside.

I nod my head. He hands me a wet towel. The cool water feels great.  “Have you been throwing up a lot?” I can see the guilt and a little pain in his eyes. I shake my head as I get up to brush my teeth with the complementary toothbrush.

“What time is it? “ I ask as I walk back to the bed. All I have on is my bra and panties. I reach over and grab Lane’s t-shirt he was wearing earlier and slide it over my head. His eyes seemed to be fixated on my body. I clear my throat.

“Oh. It’s uh…” He looks at his phone on the night stand. “Nine o’clock.” As I slide in the bed and relax he does the same. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He wraps his arms around my waist. “I’m sorry,” he says for the hundredth time.

“Listen, enough with the apologies. It is what it is. If we are going to do this we have to stop apologizing. We are going to be parents and we need to face it without guilt.” I tip my head to look at him. I groan still feeling a little nauseous.

“You’re not okay. What can I do to make it better?”

“Nothing.” I sigh. “It usually passes. This is the first time I’ve actually thrown up. I can’t believe I have been asleep this long. “

“It was a long day. You deserve to be tired. Hell, I was tired.” He snuggles me a little more. “Keira?” his voice is a whisper. I look at him over my shoulder. “I love you. I know I shouldn’t be but I am so happy we are going to be parents. Together.” He pauses waiting on my reaction. His hand slides down to my lower belly. I gasp. After a while he continues. “Gramps is happy too. I love both of you so much. It doesn’t matter how we start just how we finish, right?” I nod trying to hold back a yawn. “You’re tired.” He kisses my temple. “Rest.” I doze off.

The next morning, I can hear voices. Quickly, I grab my clothes and slide them on. I really need to get to my dorm room for a change of clothes. I sit on the edge of the bed to let the nausea pass. Lane walks in. “Are you okay?” His face so full of concern. I feel bad for all I put him through yesterday. I nod. Taking a few deep breaths, I stand.

“I’m hungry.”

Lane smiles. He really is going to be a proud father. It’s crazy. We’re only nineteen. “Well let’s eat. Gramps is in the other room. He wants to talk to us about a few things. Cool?”

“Sure. But I need breakfast first.”

‘”Any place in particular?”

“Nope. Just food.”

“Lets go.”




I am watching Keira eat like a linebacker. I have never seen her eat this much or any female for that matter. I keep looking at Gramps out the corner of my eye. He is smirking at both of us. Then he shakes his head with a chuckle. I keep looking at Keira. I hope this food stays down. It’s a lot of food. If it comes back up she is going to be miserable.

Finally Gramps speaks after Keira gulps down her third glass of apple juice, “So. We have to talk to your parents.”  Finally, she stops eating and looks up with her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. “We need a plan.”

“A plan?” Keira questions Gramps. I know where this is going but I let him do the talking.

“Sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”  Gramps says. Keira give him a puzzled look. “I happen to know a guy,” he clears his throat. “Who can help a certain young couple get married before we talk to their parents.”  I hear Keira almost choke.

“Now hear me out. I have a big home with a large pool house. I would love for you both to live there until you can graduate from college and move out.”

“We are freshmen. You’re talking about three or four years. And who said anything about marriage?” She’s says pointedly looking at me.

“I did. “ I look back at her with the same attitude she’s giving me. “I want to marry you and be a family with our baby “

“Lane…” She sighs deeply and sits back in her chair.

“I know we didn’t discuss it but Keira it’s what is best for us. This way, we don’t have to talk about it and argue with my folks or your aunt. We just do it and move into the pool house.”

“What about school? I still have semester exams to take next week.” She looks between me and Gramps.

“So do I.” I say, “So let’s get married today. Then we can talk to the parents after semester exams. That way, I can move you out of the dorms. You can apply for summer sessions online. We both can.” She has no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this. I’m trying not to sound overeager but I am so amped. Keira could be my wife by the end of the day.

“Whoa. What about football? Lane you’re the quarterback.” 

I shrug. “I’m done with that. Gramps has another option.”

“Hold on. You love football. And I couldn’t…”

“Wrong.” I stop her by laying my hand over hers. “ I love you. I tolerate football because it’s what I’ve always done. Let’s hear Gramps out okay?” I squeeze her hand. She needs to know that I am sincere. I want this for us.

Gramps jumps in right on cue. “Okay, I can offer Lane an internship at the firm as long as he is in school and he doesn’t work on any projects with me or under my supervision. He can work for a salary and go to school. Yes, he would have to give up football. But, I don’t think that is a hardship for him, is it Lane?” I shake my head. Gramps know how I feel about playing football. “ I will help you as much as I can by paying for school for both of you , but I will not provide for your family. Lane, that is your job.”  I nod.I would never pass off my responsibility to my Gramps. He taught me better than that.  “ So what do you say?”

“I say, as usual, you all have planned it all out. I have not been able to make one decision.” Keira stands and walks out of the restaurant. This is bad. When I finally catch her she is standing at the car. And she is sobbing.

“Keria, baby? What is it?” I try to wrap my arms around her and she stiffens and pulls back.

“No. No Lane. You have it all planned. You didn’t even ask me.”  She cries even harder.

“Ask you what?” I am so confused.

She throws her hands in the air in frustration. “Unlock the car.” Gramps is walking toward us slowly. I unlock the rover. She gets in with a huff. “Take me back.”

“Okay.”  I am as frustrated as she is now. She’s angry because I want to marry her and provide for my child? 

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