Conall's Legacy (23 page)

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Authors: Kat Wells

BOOK: Conall's Legacy
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She tentatively touched the tiny pulse beat at the base of his throat. She traced the path of it, felt the life there. Drake dipped his head to take her lips, claiming them for his pleasure. Luisa leaned into the kiss, allowing him access to the very heart of her. She pulled back as a voice in her head asked if she was sure. Hell, no, she thought. I’m not sure about anything anymore. But one thing was certain, she wasn’t letting Drake go until she’d experienced all he had to give her.

A frown creased his forehead and she saw in his eyes the confusion he must feel. Her indecision was bad enough. She could only imagine what he must be going through. Compassion for all he’d experienced grew.

Stepping back from his embrace was the hardest thing Luisa had done in a long time, but she knew it was only temporary. She took his hand and led him out of the barn to the pond-sized stock tank. A worn wood platform sat at the side of it, steps leading to the top.

“Ever go skinny dipping in a stock tank before?” she asked.

Drake appeared to choke on his answer. He just shook his head.

“Let me show you how it works.” She grasped his hand to lead him up the stairs. It wasn’t quite steady. So she had an impact on the man after all, she thought. Hmm ... nice.

The moon shone down on them, giving her enough light to see, as she tugged his shirt over his head and dropped it to the wood. She clasped his belt and pulled it loose as his warm, broad hands slid under her shirt and ran over her bare back, slipping into her jeans to cup her backside.

His lips captured hers again, and she opened to his plundering tongue. With a heavy sigh, Drake pulled back, swallowed hard, and appeared to fight for some semblance of control. “Luisa, you know if we get naked in that water, swimming isn’t all we’ll do. Are you ready for that?”

She looked deep into his eyes and deeper into her own heart. Her answer was simple. Luisa undid the snap of his jeans and pushed the last barrier aside.

Drake sighed when her hands touched him. He realized he wanted to give her so much more than just physical pleasure. Could he be satisfied here with her and a much different version of a future than he’d envisioned in LA?

He buried his face in her hair, pulled the scent of her into his lungs. His love surrounded her and pulled her into his safe embrace. Carefully, almost reverently, he undressed her, and together they slipped into the water.

The water felt like sliding into a velvet glove. Luisa pulled away from him, kicking water in his face as she took a couple of strong strokes across the tank. Drake shook the drops from his face and laughed when she stood up at the other side to shake her hair away from her face. She looked at him, a teasing light in her eyes. Moonlight kissed the droplets clinging to her long lashes and sparkled like crystals.

“Catch me if you can,” she challenged, edging around the adobe wall of the tank, pushing water lilies out of her way as she moved.

Luisa stood waist-deep in the water. Moonlight glanced off her bare breasts, and Drake was amazed at her unabashed openness.

“Don’t ever dare me, Luisa. You won’t win.” He dove swiftly under the surface and in three strong strokes was across the tank and had her by the ankles.

Luisa screeched as he pulled her under, then caught her by the waist and brought her back to the surface. He pulled her close and her arms slipped around his neck. Drake felt her soft body pressed to his, felt the natural fit. Her heart beat against his, in rhythm with his pulse.

Drake smoothed his hands down her back, over her hips and wondered at the feel of her smooth skin as he pulled her closer. Joy raced through him side by side with pure lust. He stole her breath with a kiss, and then eased her back so he could capture her breast in his lips. He suckled like a newborn seeking life. As they came together with nothing but water and moonlight around them, he knew she offered him unconditional salvation.


Feeling his hands on her body at last, Luisa felt blessed indeed. She knew he didn’t move easily into this next phase of their relationship. As quickly as the thought came, it left. Pure sensation took over. His hands and mouth were everywhere, and she marveled at the intensity of her physical response to his touch.

Drake lifted her up in the water and settled her onto his body. When he entered her, Luisa tipped her head back, giving him access to her throat. She delighted in the sensation of the tip of his tongue as he teased drops of water from her skin. Unable to wait a moment longer, Luisa moved with Drake. Emotions and water swirled around them as they rode together in perfect unison. Her heart pounded in her chest as they both peaked and shuddered, their pleasure a joining force.

Spent, they sank into the pool and allowed the water to hold them as they held each other.


“Yeah,” he said breathlessly.

“You still alive?” She smiled at his silly grin.

“I think so. How about you?”

Luisa sighed. “I’ve never felt so alive in my life.”


She looked deep into his eyes, trying to reach the soul reflected there. Luisa found love shining back. Before she knew how to react, a mask slipped down and the whisper of it was gone. She had no doubt that even tangled in this embrace, he had thought of Conall’s family.


Luisa stretched like a satisfied, sun-warmed cat. At some point in the night, she and Drake had moved into her bed. She reached out to his empty pillow and brought it to her face, taking in the lingering scent of his maleness. Luisa knew the precise moment when he had slipped out of the bed and gone to the shed to work. Was he creating something lovely or had their lovemaking brought on more sadness? she wondered.

She carried her own share of guilt, she thought. Running away, scaring her parents half to death, living the way she did now, afraid of leaving her home. But none of that could compare to feeling like you had killed your best friend. It was bad enough Conall had died, but to think for even a split second it was your fault or that you wanted him out of the way, was too much to comprehend. The weight of it had nearly crushed Drake’s spirit.

Listening for outside sounds, Luisa barely discerned the quiet thump of his hammer working metal. At least he wasn’t beating the daylights out of it as he had when he’d first arrived. That was an improvement, she thought.

Still holding his pillow against her bare body, she rolled over and curled around it. She knew it was not likely that he would stay on
La Puerta de Paraíso
. He had a life and friends away from here and away from her--a woman he felt he owed a lot to.
Why did I have to fall for a man with such integrity
He’s going back to LA to watch over his best friend’s family when most people would wish them luck and call once in awhile

Luisa shook her head. The thing she most respected in people was going to pull them apart. She had determined at some point in the night to take what she was given with Drake and enjoy it to the fullest. When it was time for him to leave, she’d at least have the memories they’d created together.

Luisa chuckled at the memory of his face when he’d slid into the cool water of the tank. He hadn’t been prepared for the drop in temperature from the warm evening air to the spring fed pool. She had dared him to catch her and he had, easily. Never again would she swim alone there without remembering the love they made as the water kissed their nude bodies. His hands and heart had touched her--body and soul.

The thoughts of what they had shared stirred emotions that quickly consumed her. A mixture of pleasure and dread spread through her body, awakening her heart. She could joyfully lie in his arms forever, but would she have the chance? Luisa forced the thoughts aside. Live in the now, she told herself. You can’t change tomorrow. Think of the present.

She shifted and set the pillow aside as a flying fur-ball landed in her middle. Luisa yelped and then laughed as Rooster lavished her face with licks while she tried to push him away.

“Stop it!” Luisa laughed again and pushed him off the bed. “Give me a minute, will you?” She got up and slipped on a bathrobe, then padded through the house in bare feet to let him race out the kitchen door.

She turned to pick up a cheery yellow coffee cup and saw a piece of paper propped against the pot. Her heart stuttered. Did he already regret the night they’d spent? Get a grip, girl! she admonished herself. Since when are you such a negative Nellie? Enjoy as much as you can, don’t regret a minute of your time with him, and all that rot, she thought.

She picked up the note with a slight shake of the hand.

Hope you had a good sleep. I’m working on a new sculpture. No fair peeking. Have a second cup of coffee, and I’ll see you soon. Drake

The warm tone of the note curled through her body and wrapped around her heart. Did he love her? Did she love him the way her father had her mother? Her heart fluttered. Her father had loved her mother and vice versa, but she’d left anyway. Her father’s love and the ranch were not enough to hold. Why did Luisa think her love could hold Drake?

She shook off the threatened mood and looked again at the note. Luisa sighed. Hmm, wonder what he’s up to, she thought. Luisa glanced at the wall clock. “Yikes. How’d it get to be 8:30? The animals are going to be starving. Feed first then write.”

A hot and sweaty hour later, Luisa grabbed a shower, knowing she’d have to scrub off not only the flecks of alfalfa stuck to her skin but the memory of last night before she could write an angel story appropriate for children. She smiled. The night had been heavenly, but definitely not age appropriate.


Drake tapped the copper, gently bending the body of what he hoped would end up looking like a doe. The copper was a new medium for him, but he thought it would be more conducive to his new creation.

He looked over at the sculpture of the ranch. That one would stay with Luisa, his gift to her. This one would go with him back to LA to remind him of her and this place--if he decided he couldn’t stay. He recalled her soft hands on his body, thought of the things she’d whispered against his neck between kisses. Drake could see her floating on her back, drops of water glistening on her bare breasts with only the moonlight casting a light on her body. It was magical being outside at night and nude under the stars. Vulnerable, he supposed some would consider it, but it had a free spirit quality to it.

He understood why she loved the ranch and all it offered. Drake didn’t think he’d ever felt so uninhibited as he had being naked in that pool. And making love to Luisa--well that was something else again. About as close to heaven as a man could get, the way he saw it.

As his body responded to the memory, Drake forced the thoughts aside and resumed tapping the copper into shape. This sculpture was going to take a couple of weeks to perfect. He’d stay that long before making a decision that would impact both of them for the rest of their lives. That is if he decided to propose, and if she accepted. He shook his head. If she were smart, she’d send him packing back to his career and to the noise of the city.

He thought of the ring in the bunkhouse dresser. It had set him back a chunk of change, but he hadn’t been able to resist when he’d seen it. Two horse heads--Arabians they’d told him, as if he’d know the difference--were linked, their necks gracefully wrapped around each other. Each horse had a small diamond eye set in the solid gold. He meant it to be a friendship ring, something to remember him by when he left. Or was it? Maybe he’d known deep down all along that he wanted it for an engagement ring.

Drake set aside the small mallet and looked at his work. The body of the deer was taking shape. He could actually imagine the way it would look when he finished. A flash of Luisa naked in bed washed across his mind, and he wondered if he could still catch her there. Desire stroked his body, brought it to fresh flames. He knew he wouldn’t get any more done until he went in search of her.

Drake slipped quietly into the house, not wanting to wake her. He imagined sliding out of his clothes and into bed with her. He could feel her body snuggled close to his, feel the warmth, and smell the scent of her. Drake pulled at the bottom of his t-shirt as he turned into the bedroom and stopped. The bed was empty. Disappointment flowed in where lust had been moments before. Then he heard the water.

With a smile curving his lips, he slipped into the bathroom, dropped the rest of his clothes, and grasped the shower curtain to push it aside.


When a hand clasped the shower curtain to draw it back, Luisa shrieked. She didn’t know what to cover first. The washcloth wasn’t much help to hide anything.

“I’m sorry. It’s just me.” Drake chuckled. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“Well, you did.” She smiled at him. “I’m not exactly used to having men step into my shower. What have you got, a water fetish?” she teased.

“I think where you’re concerned I have every kind of fetish. Maybe I can make it up to you.”

“Hmm ... I suppose you could try.”

Drake stepped toward her, and she saw only the reflection of desire in his eyes. He brought his hands to her face and gently cupped her cheeks, running his thumbs over the smoothness of one and the ridged scar on the other. She automatically pulled back, but he caught her and pulled her face close to his.

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