Confessions (10 page)

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Authors: Janice Collins

BOOK: Confessions
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Once she was home, she thought over the exchange between her and Tina.  It dawned on her this may have been Tina’s way to make amends in order for them to at least exist in the same town and, occasionally, in the same social circle. 


She decided against telling Billy anything about it. She thought it would be pointless.  Aria had fallen asleep on the couch when he walked through door feeling exhausted and irritated from his business meeting. 


“They’re putting so much pressure on us and they aren’t realizing their expectations are completely unrealistic,” he told her as he took off the tie. 


They had gone to the bedroom together after locking everything up.  She was lying in bed, having already changed into her pajamas, just listening to him vent about work. 


“So we are the ones who are going to be screwed because they’ll just see it as us not meeting the goals. They won’t stop to think those goals were outrageous to begin with.” 


Aria leaned forward and wrapped her hands around her legs, resting her head down as she continued to listen.  She immediately sat back up because she knew she would drift off to sleep otherwise.  Noticing her tired eyes, he came to the edge of the bed and gave her a sweet peck on the lips.


“Thanks for letting me talk your ear off about this stuff, I know you’re tired.”  He kissed her again, this time letting it linger a bit longer, before pulling back and saying goodnight.


He hurried to finish changing in order to climb into bed beside her and wrap his arms around her.  He pulled her body close to his and held her tight.  He was warm and he was comfortable.  She was in the type of relationship she had always hoped for.  It was the kind of relationship she never thought could actually exist, much less in her world. 


They were far from perfect, but that was one of the best things about it.  She felt like the two of them were a perfect match for each other and everything else just helped keep it interesting.  


For that, she was truly thankful.



The End

Read on for a free bonus story.


Love Earned

The collar was beautiful.  She admired how it fit her personality perfectly and she knew he’d had it made for her especially.  He took it out of the box and held it up for her to see it better.  It was soft inside, velvety with a padding.  The outside was black leather with gold details. The leather was engraved and inlaid with gold lace.  In the front was a single tear shaped diamond, it had to be at least 2 karats.  She stared at it, admiring how elegant it looked and she was just waiting for him to put it on her. 


“Do you like it my love?” Robert asked as she looked longingly at it.


“Oh yes, very much!”  She had hoped this moment was coming.  She had been so good for him.  She obeyed every command, followed every rule and she knew this was the reward. 


Over 6 months ago she had met him.  A chance meeting really when she thought about it.  She was stranded on the side of the road when her old car had broken down yet again.  It had started to pour rain on her while she stood gazing under the hood, trying to assess exactly where the issue was. 


She wasn’t car stupid and generally it was something simple like a hose or low fluids.  She kept a jug water in the car for the ever evaporating radiator fluids and she assumed this was the problem as the temp gage spiked when she pulled over. 


Now, here in the rain she added the water and prayed this was the only issue.  Through the rain she saw headlights and heard the low rumble of a large throaty engine.  The car that parked behind her was a stunning 2014 Cobra Mustang.  Black on black and it sat there rumbling while she stood like an idiot in the ever increasing rain. 


The moment the door opened the rain settled to just a sprinkle and she saw him get out.  He was broad and dark.  His black hair was wild and he walked with a swagger toward her.  She blinked twice not even sure she was seeing straight.  As he approached she saw bright green eyes contrasted against olive skin.  He was beautiful and big, she guessed well over 6’ tall.  When he got up next to her he popped open an umbrella and held it over her.


“Looks like you’re having some issues miss…” He hesitated, waiting for her to give her name.


“Cecilia, everyone calls me CC though.” She answered a little more abruptly then she intended to.


“Well do you mind if I take a look, I’m a little bit of a gear head.” He looked into her eyes which made her to melt.


“Have at it, I’ve tried the things I know about.” She shrugged. “Normally it’s just low on fluid, but it seems to be more screwed than I thought.”  He handed her the umbrella.


As he moved against the car she could see the muscles of his arms flexing under his shirt sleeves.  She took a small step to admire his ass and she almost fell when she realized he was watching her watching him. 


“ah-hm, well it looks like you’ve got a busted belt and unfortunately I don’t carry spare parts for 2000 ford escorts.”  He slammed the hood closed, the rain had all but stopped and she closed his umbrella.


“Well I guess I need to find a ride.”  She pulled her phone out of her purse and started scrolling through the contacts to see who might be available to get her. 


It was now 10:30 and she was sure most of her friends were in bed.  None of her family lived anywhere even close to there.  She started to go through the list again hoping maybe a name would jump out at her.


“Where are you headed, I can give you a lift?”  He smiled, a genuine smile.


She thought about the offer.  He seemed nice enough, he did stop to help after all.  But on the other side of that wasn’t being nice the way the serial killers lured women into their cars to be killed? 


“Hey look, I’m not a creeper or anything.  I’m a cop, I can prove it, hold on a sec.”  He jogged back to his car and came back with something in his hand.  He handed it to her.


“It’s my badge, you can call the number on this card,” he handed her a business card, “and they will validate who I am.” 


              Twenty minutes later she had called a tow truck while she sat in his car.  The rain had started again and was coming down in sheets.  The driver took forever to arrive, but finally he got her car hooked up and they were on their way.  They pulled out behind the tow truck and she attempted to make small talk.


“So what’s it like being a cop?” What a stupid question she thought.


He maneuvered the car through traffic expertly.  He handled the car powerful car well.


“Well it’s not as exciting as people like to think.” He made the left into her neighborhood. “I spend a lot of time patrolling and listening to calls come in from dispatch.”  He eased the car into her driveway after the tow truck pulled in front of the house.  “Last week was a little more exciting with the holiday there were more drunks and random violence.” 


“Oh.”  She responded just sitting there.  She knew she should be getting out but she also felt like she needed to invite him in or something. “This is me, so I guess I’ll see you around.  Thank you very much for your help.”  As she climbed out of the car she realized she didn’t even know his name.  She turned around quickly and started to talk when he cut her off.


“Robert, Robert Jagger.”  They laughed.  Obviously he had recognized the error as well.  “Sorry about that.  I showed you my badge but never actually told you my name.”  He flashed that smile again.  It was beginning to grow on her.


“Did you maybe want to come in for a drink or something?”  She mentally kicked herself because that’s exactly what she needed to do, offer a cop a drink so he could go drink and drive, dumbass.


“I’d love to but you actually caught me on my way into work, I’m on the midnight shift so I need to go.  I’m sure I’ll see you around.”  He pulled away and she was left with her broken car, a tow truck driver and the thought of what it might have been like to have him in her home. 


              When she woke up the next morning she immediately thought about him and wondered how his night had gone.  It was weird to think that the whole time she slept he was out there. 


Milwaukee wasn’t the worst city around but it had its fair share of crime.  She thought about him on and off as she went about her morning ritual and finally got around to calling her best friend Chuck to come help her with the car.  They spent a good part of the day working on the it and finally—sweating and swearing—they got it all back together.


“God CC why don’t you just get rid of this thing already.  It’s like a million years old and I know you’ve got some money saved up, just do it.”  He shoved her a little.  She’d known him since they were four and they were as close as brother and sister. 


“You know I’m trying to save up so I can take that trip.”  She had been saving for years for a trip to Bali.  On her meager wage as a car enthusiast site blogger and dental hygienist it had taken years to do, but she was within $2000 of her goal.


“No way man, I’m so close I can feel the sand between my toes and the ocean breeze in my hair.”  She needed that car to last long enough to make this dream happen.  Then she’d buy herself a newer car. 


“Hey what do you say we clean up and go grab a beer?  I bet Max and Andrea are up there already.” 


“That’s sounds awesome, I could use a cold one.  I’ll get cleaned up and meet you over there, say in an hour?”  She wiped her hands off on a shop rag.  They did good work, everything was put back together and looked pretty good all cleaned up.


“Alright, alright alright.”  He did his best Mathew McConaughey impression and hoped on his motorcycle and took off. 


              Back inside CC stripped down and as she headed to the bathroom she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.  She wasn’t too bad to look at.  5’6”, long dark red hair and blue eyes. Some might say she was exotic in her own way.  A little thick in the hips and very full up top with what most would call an hour glass figure. 


Generally she was pleased with herself if not all the time, most of the time.  She tried to work out regularly at the gym, but found it boring and tedious.  She’d rather take a walk around the lake shore and go biking.  As far as men went she’d realized a time ago that most of them just weren’t what she was looking for, but if you asked her what that was exactly she wasn’t even sure herself. 


              After she showered, dressed in jeans, a tank top and light jacket; she pulled her hair into a messy French braid and headed to the bar.  As predicted, Max and Andrea were there and she saw Chucks bike as well.  She walked inside and they all spent the next two hours drinking and generally having a great time. 


Soon another two hours went by and they were all well in the bag when Max indicated he needed food.  Everyone agreed that a run to Denny’s was needed but no one was really fit to drive.  They had an issue, but CC suggested they just call a cab. They could cab home if needed and get there vehicles later. 


              As usual drunk Denny’s food was great and they stayed there for another 2 hours.  By the time they were done it was midnight and they headed back to the bar for pool and more beer.  By 2 am the bar was closing and they were done. 


Andrea was so hammered she could barely walk and Chuck had vomited twice.  They were acting like they were twenty somethings again.  They stumbled around the parking lot looking for the cab they called 10 minute ago when they heard the warning sound of a police cruiser behind them.  They all started laughing and pointing at each other.


“Cops’ goona get youl Chuck.”  CC slurred as she ran into Max nearly falling down.  She snorted and laughed as the cop got closer.


“Hey folks,” came a familiar voice, “I hope none of you are thinking about driving tonight.”  She tried hard to hide behind Chuck.  She recognized Robert’s voice even in her drunken stupor.  As she shifted around behind chuck she lost her balance and tripped into her car.


“CC is that you?”  Robert had spotted her and was headed toward her.  She was blazing with embarrassment when they finally were face to face.


“Yeah it’s me” She stood up wiping debris from her hands onto her pants.   “We weren’t going to drive, we were waiting for the cab.”  As if on cue the cab rolled up, but it was a minivan style like they requested.


“Well shit.” He whispered, “Who’s not going home in this cab.”  They all looked at her and she knew what was coming next.


“I’ll take her home, my shift is nearly over and it’s been slow.”  He gently took her arm and led her to the cruiser.  He opened the back door. 


“Seriously?” she said stopping short. “I’m not a criminal.”


“Well unless you want a shotgun up your butt you’ll have to sit back here.”  He stood holding the door open.  All of her friends had already left her and she really didn’t feel like waiting for another cab.


“Fine.”  She climbed into the car and they pulled out. 


“Remind me of your address again.”  He asked over his shoulder.  She really didn’t hear him because she was too busy staring at his gorgeous features.  He was handsome in his uniform.  His unruly black hair tucked under his hat and he filled the uniform out very nicely. 


When he asked again she rattled it off and they headed out.    It only took about 15 minutes to get over there and she was getting sleepy, dozing off as they pulled in the driveway.  She tried to move when he stopped but she felt glued to the seat.  

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