Confessions (27 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Confessions
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“Try to get inside his house. I'm gonna drive around back. This time I'm getting in even if I have to break in.” Jay was yelling something, but I hung up. I didn't need anyone trying to talk me out of helping my best friend.

I rode around the block and parked in front of a house with a
sign in the yard, then got out and ran through the alley. Thank goodness it was casual Friday and I was wearing Deréon jeans and a pair of mules. I walked until I found his house, then tried the gate. Damn. It was locked. I was going to have to hop the fence. Double damn! I had just gotten my nails done. It took three tries before I managed to get my big ass over the fence, then I walked slowly across the lawn and moved toward the building.


Trinette, please come back.

Tears were running down my cheeks the second I heard her Benz pull off. Help had only been a few feet away, and now she was gone. But I wasn't ready to give up hope just yet. I knew Trinette well enough to know she wasn't going to give up that easily. I just hoped it didn't take her long to figure out I was inside.

Kenyon strolled into the dining room. And to think I once thought his swagger was sexy.

“Well…I wanna apologize for that interruption. Trinette just doesn't understand
wanna to be alone.”

I screamed, “You crazy fuck!” Only underneath the duct tape strapped across my mouth, it came out sounding like gibberish.

“Baby, did you say something?” he asked, then leaned over and kissed my forehead. I wanted so badly to punch his ass, but it was impossible with my wrists tied to the arms of the chair. “Let me go warm our food again so we can eat.”

I watched him carry the plates into the kitchen. As soon as he was gone I started squirming around in the chair, trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists and around my midsection.

This was a nightmare. The last thing I remember was Kenyon knocking at my door and holding a rag to my mouth. When I woke up, I was dressed in this stupid-looking wedding gown, with a tiara on my head. I cussed him every which way, and when that didn't work, I tried pleading with him. He seemed almost sympathetic and prepared to free my hands when Trinette came onto the porch. The second I tried to scream, he covered my mouth with tape.

“Here we go, baby. Nice and hot.” Kenyon stepped back into the room, grinning proudly as he placed a plate of food in front of me, then took a seat.

“I'm not your baby,” I mumbled, knowing good and damn well he couldn't understand me.

“Oh, I'm sorry. You can't eat with tape over your mouth. Promise to be good?”

You sick fuck! I nodded.

He gently removed the tape, then smiled. I immediately spit in his face and watched the slobber slide down his cheek.

Kenyon reached for a napkin and wiped his face and gave me a saccharine smile. “I thought you promised to be good.”

I looked at him and wailed. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because you're confused and I'm trying to help you,” he said, like the answer should be obvious.

“I don't need your help. I need you to let me the fuck outta here!” I yelled.

“I'm sorry, but I can't. You're my wife,” he explained, like I would believe anything that came out of his mouth.

“Your wife?”

He nodded. “Yes, baby…we were married last night.”

Ohhhkay, instead of checking to see if this fool had been arrested, what I should have been doing was checking Fulton State Hospital to see if any of their patients had escaped, because he definitely needed to be in a straitjacket.

I decided to humor him. “How were we married last night?”

He chuckled. “Quit playing, you remember. It was a beautiful ceremony. My mother and our daughters were there, and everyone was laughing and having such a good time.”

Okay, he truly was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. “Kenyon, you need help.”

He reached up and cupped my face. “Baby, quit saying that! Nothing's wrong with me. The only person who needs to understand we're together is Trinette. You need to watch your friend. She's hating on us. Next thing you know, she gonna start rumors.” Nothing they taught me in college could have prepared me for this crazy fool.

“Now hush so I can feed you. I spent all afternoon slaving over the stove for you.”

He put peas on a spoon and tried feeding them to me. I turned my head. “I'm not a baby! Free my hands so I can feed myself.”

“Yes, you are. You're my baby,” he cooed.

“Kenyon, I don't want you. Now or ever. Please, get that in your sick head!”

He didn't seem to be the least bit disturbed by my outburst. Instead he reached for a knife and started to cut into his steak. “Nikki, baby…you're gonna love me again even if it takes all summer. I've closed my office for the week and rented a little house for the two of us at the lake. We leave tomorrow. I think time away from everyone and everything will help you to remember what we had before Donovan came and screwed with your head.”

Reasoning with this moron wasn't getting me anywhere but to a secluded location down in southern Missouri where no one would be able to find me. I had to think of some way to get away from him before it was too late.

There was another knock at the door. Kenyon flinched, then tried to pretend like he didn't hear it.

“Aren't you gonna get that?” I asked, hoping it was Trinette and she had brought the police.

“Just ignore it and they'll go away.” He cut another piece of meat and brought it to my lips. Instantly, I turned my head.

“I'm not hungry.”

“Yo, Kenyon, man, I know you're in there!” It was Jay banging heavily at the door.

Kenyon hissed and rose from the chair. He must have done one of those exorcist moves because when he swung around, his eyes lit on fire. “Not a peep outta you,” he warned. “Otherwise, I'll have to kill Rudy.”

I felt his anger from where I was sitting and knew that was no idle threat. There was no way I was letting anything happen to my dog. I nodded and sat there listening as he moved to the door and opened it.

“Yo, man, whassup? It's Juneteenth and we got a table reserved for all the fellas at the club,” I heard Jay say.

“I already told you I-I was spending the weekend with my girl.”

Kenyon was stuttering, so Jay definitely made him nervous. While I continued to listen, I swore I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and focused my attention, waiting to see what could possibly happen next. After a few seconds, I decided…nothing. Kenyon must have stepped out onto the porch to talk to Jay, because I couldn't hear any more of their conversation. Without wasting another second, I struggled in the seat, trying to loosen the ropes around my wrists, when I heard someone calling my name.

“Nikki,” whispered a familiar female voice.

I whipped my head to the right and spotted Trinette standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I cried out with joy. “How the hell you get in here?” It didn't really matter as long as she was here. I don't think I'd ever been so happy to see her.

“Through the window.” Her eyes darted around. “Is he still on the porch?”

I nodded. “Hurry up and untie me.”

“You owe me a manicure.” At that point Trinette could have had anything she wanted. She moved around the table and started loosening the knots at my wrists. “What the hell happened?”

“That crazy fool drugged me and brought me here.” I was talking soft and fast because I knew we didn't have a lot of time before Kenyon returned.

“Well, I just called the police and told them I spotted him dragging a body from the house.” Reaching for the steak knife, she cut the ropes from one wrist and then the other. She was working on the rope strapping me to the back of the chair, when the front door opened.

“Hide before he sees you!” I cried, and Trinette dashed into the kitchen. Seconds later, I heard a scuffle at the front door and a crash, then Jay was calling my name.

“Nikki…Nikki…you in here?”

“Help! I'm in the dining room!” I screamed.

Jay dashed into the room and did a double take when he saw me. “What the hell…?” He moved behind me and cut away the last rope. “Let me get you outta here. Where's Netta?”

“I think she went out the back door.” Rising, I glanced over my shoulder. “Where's Kenyon?”

“On the floor. I hit him in the mouth.” We both headed for the door, but before we reached the foyer, Kenyon came around the corner. I noticed the gun in his hand and froze.

“Where do you think you're going?” He took two steps toward me, and I shook my head and dropped down on the sofa.

“Nowhere.” He didn't have to ask me twice.

Jay held up his hands and tried to reason with a crazy man. “Kenyon, man…let us go before someone gets hurt.”

“The only one who's gonna get hurt is you for trying to steal my woman.” He pointed the gun at Jay and the look in his eye said he would kill him if I didn't do something—quick. “We've been friends for years. I can't believe you would try to take my woman from me. She's my wife, man!” He was waving the gun around and looking like a lunatic.

Crossing my legs, I leaned back on the cushions. “Baby, Jay ain't even my type. You know you're the only man for me.” I had to play like we were really a couple. It was the only way we were going to get out of this thing alive. Kenyon looked confused and shook his head.

“I saw him trying to take you away with him!” He looked at me, then swung back and pointed the gun at Jay's head.

“N-No, he wasn't! He was…uh…taking me to look for you,” I stammered. “I would never leave you. You're my husband. Tomorrow we leave for the lake with our children.” Jay had sense enough to lower onto a nearby chair.

Kenyon's body stiffened. “Our children?” He smiled, wearing a glazed, far-off look. “I thought you were mad at me.”

I shook my head. “Just 'cause I get mad at you doesn't mean I don't still love you. That's just part of being married.”

He lowered the gun slightly, then raised it back to Jay's head. “No! You're just trying to trick me!”

“No! I'm not.” Out the corner of my eye, I saw Trinette with her finger pressed to her lips. Kenyon's back was turned so he didn't see her cautiously moving across the dining room floor.

“Kenyon, man, listen to your girl!” Jay cried desperately.

“Shut the fuck up! That's my wife you're talking about!” he shouted, then started scratching his head with the butt of the gun and looking totally confused as he paced across the room.

“Sweetie, let's just leave tonight for the lake. How about it?” I suggested.

A slight smile curled his lips. “You're serious?”

I nodded. “Yes, baby. Let's go.” I rose and slowly moved toward him. “Just put the gun down.”

He nodded. “Okay…but not before I shoot this nigga here.” He raised the gun and pointed it at Jay. “Sorry, dude. I never liked your pretty-boy ass anyway.” Just as he started to pull the trigger, Trinette came up from behind and slammed him across the skull with a cast iron skillet. The gun went off, and a bullet hit a painting on the wall. I screamed, we all ducked and Kenyon fell to the floor. Sirens could be heard in the background.

“About damn time,” Trinette muttered under her breath. “You okay?”

I nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. For a second there I didn't think I would make it or ever see Donovan again. “Give me your phone.” Trinette reached in her pocket and handed it over.

“Come're, Netta.” Jay pulled Trinette to him and seared her with a wet, juicy kiss. “Thanks for saving a nigga's life.”

She pursed her lips. “Just remember, I get to be that baby's godmama.”

He grinned. “You're on.”

While we waited for the police, I dialed Donovan's number, and as soon as I heard his voice I started sobbing. It was going to hurt him, but if he and I were going to have a future together, I had to tell my husband the truth. And hope for the best.


My heart was pounding so hard I had a headache. The last several weeks, I'd barely had any sleep and wouldn't be able to rest until I did what I had to do.

I pulled into Cedar Ridge subdivision and drove around a bit trying to remember where my husband lived. It's sad. I visited him so infrequently I seriously didn't know which townhouse complex was his. I was not going to cry. Nope. I'd been doing way too much crying the last few weeks, ever since I saved Nikki from that psycho.

Kenyon was presently in a mental health facility awaiting trial. We were hoping he finally got the help his crazy ass deserved. Otherwise, he'd be back on the street and ready to stalk his next victim. Men like him will make a woman run back home and appreciate what she already has.

Nikki and Donovan came back from Florida, looking so happy together. Watching and listening to the two of them gave me a lot to think about. You had to fight for what you wanted because absolutely nothing came easy. And that's why I decided it was time for me to get my husband back.

I packed up my home and put everything in storage, then handed the condo over to the real estate agency. The afternoon before, I gassed up my Mercedes and headed down the highway. My backseat was piled high with stuff. I didn't stop except to sleep, get gas and pee.

I finally spotted my husband's white Chevy Avalanche in a parking spot on the left and moved to an empty space not too far away. I turned off the car and sat there for the longest time before I dialed Nikki.

“Are you there yet?” she asked.

I tried to keep the fear from my voice. “I just pulled up in front of his building.”

“Did you call him?”

“Yes, but as soon as I heard his voice, I hung up.” What if he rejected me before I even got there? “If it's over, I want him to tell me to my face.”

Nikki took a deep breath. “Good luck, Netta.”

“Thanks, I truly need it.”

“You'll be fine. Just open up your heart and let him know how you truly feel. It's too late to be proud.”

I gave a rude snort. “My pride went out the door weeks ago.” I knew I had one shot and if I fucked this up I'd lose my husband forever.

I climbed out the car, then I moved up the walkway to the townhouse with 2511 over the door and rang the doorbell. My heart was beating so hard, I don't think I'd ever been that scared in my life.

After a few seconds, I rang the bell again. I knew he was there. Just before pulling into the subdivision, I had stopped at a gas station and called the house. As soon as I heard him say hello, I hung up.

I decided to knock on the door, then suddenly heard movement. I held my breath and almost fainted when a female answered the door.

“Hello?” she said.

She was beautiful with a caramel complexion like mine, and hair so fine and straight I wouldn't have been able to find a brand of weave that looked as good.

“Can I help you?” she asked with growing curiosity.

I shook my head and slowly backed away from the door. What a fool I had been to think we possibly still had a chance.

Before I could make it back to my car, she called after me. “Excuse me? Are you looking for Leon?”

Damn! Why didn't she just leave me the fuck alone? I was already humiliated enough as it was.

“No!” I called over my shoulder.

“Oh…well…then it's my mistake, because I swear you look just like the woman whose pictures he has all over his house.”

I turned around and gave her a hard look. “Then who the hell are you?”

She dropped a hand to her hip. “I'm his partner Aaron Smart's wife.”

“Ohhhkay…and what are you doing answering my husband's door?”

“My husband and I were on our way to dinner when Leon called and said he needed to see him immediately. Your husband and mine are in his office on an overseas conference call. Leon asked me to get the door.” She had attitude in her voice and had every right to.

I dropped my shoulders. “I'm sorry. I just assumed…”

She held up a hand. “No need to explain. I would have done the same thing if some woman had answered my door.” She smiled. “Come on in. There's no telling how long they are going to be on the phone. At least I'll have someone to keep me company. By the way, I'm Deja.”

Almost an hour passed before the door to Leon's office opened and a tall, dark man came out followed by Leon. As soon as Leon saw me he frowned. I didn't care how angry he was. I was so happy to see him, I felt like crying. It had been two months since I'd last seen him, and if I had my way I would never go another day without seeing him again.

Leon took a step forward and forced a smile to his lips. “Aaron, this is my wife, Trinette.”

He held out his hand. “I've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you.”

“The same here.” I shook his hand, then looked to my husband, who was avoiding eye contact.

Deja rose and moved beside her husband. “Sweetie, I hope everything went okay?”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Everything went great. Leon, man, we're going to get out of here.” He took his wife's hand and waved over to me. “Nice meeting you again. Maybe one evening the four of us can get together for dinner.”

“I would like that.” More than you'd ever know. I waved goodbye to both of them. While Leon walked his guests to the door, I stood there shaking in my shoes, trying to find my courage. The door finally closed and Leon strolled back into the room.

“Hey,” I said, trying to break the ice.

“Hello, Trinette. What are you doing here?” Leon only called me Trinette when he was pissed with me.

“I…I needed to talk to you.”

Leon shook his head. “I don't think there is anything left for us to talk about.” He started to turn away, but I grabbed his hand, halting him from leaving.

“Please, just hear me out,” I pleaded.

He looked down at me, his face expressionless. “All right…talk.” Leon moved over to a leather couch and took a seat.

“Okay…” I nodded, then started wringing my hands nervously in front of me. I was so scared. I felt as if I were on the witness stand. Whatever happened in the next few minutes would dictate my future.

“I want…” I stopped and cleared my throat. It was so dry I thought I was going to choke. “I want my marriage…I…want you.”

“You should have thought about that before you fucked those other dudes,” he countered coldly. The look in his eyes said he was still hurting.

Shaking my head, I began to plead my case. “I didn't
with all those men. I'm not gonna stand here and lie and tell you I've never messed around on you, because I would be lying.”

“Finally! We're getting to the truth,” he replied sarcastically.

If I wanted to save my marriage, for once I had to be honest. “But I'm not lying when I tell you after our Valentine's breakup, I changed. I swear to you, Leon, I don't want nobody but you.”

He laughed. “Now, how do I know you won't mess around on me again?”

“'Cause, I've learned my lesson.”

Leon didn't look convinced. “I'm sorry…. I don't know if I am willing to take that risk.”

My chances were looking slim to none, and it was time for me to put aside what little pride I had left and throw myself at the mercy of the court. “Leon, please…please give me another chance and I swear I'll be the best wife ever.” My eyes were misty, but I stood there waiting for him to say something, and for a second I saw his expression soften and I thought I had his attention.

“I don't think so.” He rose, and I started crying hard. My entire world had just walked out the room. Leon groaned and turned around and placed a comforting hand to my shoulder. “Netta, quit crying.”

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry…and scared.” I pushed away from his grasp, needing space to think.


I held up a hand. “Please…I'm not finished.”

Nodding, Leon crossed his arms and waited.

“I'm having surgery on Monday.”

“Surgery?” I could tell he wanted to say something, but he simply nodded and waited for me to continue.

“I'm giving Mama one of my kidneys, but I had to come and see you first.” My voice cracked and I took a moment to clear my throat, then took a deep breath. “Leon, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but you were never one of them. You have always been my rock. I love being with you. I miss your laugh. I miss your smell. I miss the way you complain about me spending way too much money.” I was crying and wiping my nose, but nothing was going to stop me from what I had to say. “I've always imagined us growing old together, two wrinkled old folks, holding hands and sitting out on our front porch in rocking chairs. I don't want those things with anyone else, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have those things with you.” I took a deep breath, trying to slow down the tears, and pushed on. “All the material things in the world mean nothing without you. The condo is still on the market. I sold most of our furniture and some of my clothes. Everything I have left is in my car. I've come to you with nothing but my heart.” My voice cracked and my head was pounding. But I couldn't stop just yet. “Baby, I know I've fucked up. I know I've taken your love for granted, but if you give me another chance I'll be a wonderful wife and mother to your children.” I was eating snot but I didn't care.

For the longest time Leon said nothing. My pulse raced, and any second now, I was sure I was going to pass out. I put my heart on the line. There was nothing more I could do or say. The phone rang, and when Leon rose and went to answer it, I knew I had lost him.

Picking up what was left of my pride, I moved into the bathroom and blew my nose and started bawling. There was nothing I could do. I had nothing left. Trying to pull myself together, I splashed cold water on my face and patted my face dry. I looked a complete mess, but that was nothing compared to the way I felt.

Swinging my purse strap onto my shoulder, I headed to the door and had just turned the knob when Leon spoke.

“Where you going?” he asked.

I glanced over my shoulder. “Back home,” I replied between sniffles.

“This is your home.”

I whipped around, too scared to speak.

Leon moved toward me. “Did you mean what you said about having a baby?”

While I nodded my head, fresh tears streamed down my face. “One, two, five like mama. Whatever you want and long as I'm with you.” My purse fell to the floor.


I started walking toward him, not wanting to get ahead of myself, but when he pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips, for the first time in months I relaxed. “I love you so much,” I said, and started bawling again.

“I love you too…crybaby,” he teased, and then I was laughing and crying at the same time because everything was going to be all right. The truth hurt, but that was one time the truth had set me free.

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