Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Hostage Rescue Team Series

BOOK: Marked (Hostage Rescue Team Series)
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Kaylea Cross




Copyright © 2014 by Kaylea Cross


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Cover Art by

Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs


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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.


ISBN: 978-1-928044-05-5







This story is meant as a salute to the brave and extremely dedicated men who serve in the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team. They stand ready to act in a wide variety of operations both at home and abroad, and for that they deserve our heartfelt gratitude.


More specifically, I’d like to dedicate this book to my late beta reader, author Julieanne Reeves, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks ago at the far too young age of forty, leaving behind two children. She always went above and beyond for me, checking all my details with her military and law enforcement contacts. I hope you’ll consider reading her romantic suspense title,
Razing Kayne


Thank you, Julie, for your sweet and giving nature, your attention to detail and the support you always gave to the romance community. You were taken from us far too soon. May you rest in peace, and may God hold your precious babies in the palm of His hand.






Author’s Note



You first met FBI Special Agent Jake Evers in the Titanium Security Series, and because many of you asked for it, here he is in his own story, kicking off the Hostage Rescue Team Series.


Each book will feature a different hero from my imagination who serves in the FBI’s fabled HRT, and I’m so looking forward to you meeting these brave and dedicated men. I hope you enjoy their stories and that you learn something about these incredible guys!


Happy reading!


Kaylea Cross




Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16


Complete Booklist


About the Author







Servare Vitas
(To Save Lives)

-FBI Hostage Rescue Team motto


Seated in the back of a tactical truck, Special Agent Jake Evers took a good-natured punch to the arm from one of his teammates without flinching.

“Good to have you back, farmboy. I’ve missed you,” Tuck said in his southern-Alabama drawl as he sat next to him on one of the benches built into the back along one side. “Been a while since you graced us with your presence on an op. Think you remember the ropes around here after all your vacay time?”

Vacay, ha. “Pretty sure I do.” He’d missed the guys too but he hadn’t been gone
long. Only around three weeks this time, overseas again with a handpicked paramilitary team led by the NSA’s legendary Alex Rycroft. Something in Jake’s background as a Captain with the 75
Ranger Regiment and his other credentials must have impressed Rycroft, because Jake had gotten a tap from his superiors months ago and he’d been on loan to the team off and on over the past few months. After months of hunting they’d finally tracked down and killed the notorious terrorist mastermind Malik Hassani, in Pakistan.

Tuck adjusted his gear as he spoke. “That’s good to hear, wouldn’t want you to be rusty. You learn any new tricks over there?”

“Maybe. You’ll just have to wait and find out.” That chemical threat at the end with Hassani had been scary as shit. Training for it and actually dealing with it firsthand were two very different things. The entire team had been tested and treated for sarin exposure. He’d been lucky not to have suffered direct exposure, but it was an experience he never wanted to repeat again. On the upside, it had sure made him see things clearly though.

It had made him think a lot about Rachel, and the mistakes he’d made with her. While getting checked out at the hospital after the sarin scare he’d made up his mind to track her down the first chance he got when he returned to Virginia. Before he could get to it, his team had been sent down here to Miami. Just another day in the life of an FBI Hostage Rescue Team member.

He pulled his balaclava on, the unseasonably muggy late October night air reminding him a little of Karachi. He’d only arrived back in D.C. two days ago and he was still adjusting to the time difference when they’d flown to Miami this afternoon. But there was nothing like an op to get the blood pumping and cure a case of jetlag.

The rest of the team loaded up and Clay Bauer slammed the back doors shut, enveloping them in near darkness. Up front the driver put the big vehicle in gear and steered away from the warehouse they’d used as a staging area.

Jake and the others checked their weapons and comms on the way to the target. He’d rejoined his team near the end of their one-hundred-twenty day operations cycle. Currently they were on their way to a major drug runner’s compound to help out a DEA FAST team with a warrant, search and seizure, and hopefully some arrests.

They were acting on fresh intel that placed the drug runner and two of his deputies at the home in south Miami. The place was heavily fortified and surveillance video showed there were armed guards crawling all over the grounds. This op was definitely going to be all about shock and awe in an effort to reduce the chances of taking large amounts of direct fire. They’d planned this carefully, leaving nothing to chance, and hopefully when all was said and done he and all his teammates would be flying back to Quantico within the next few hours minus any bullet holes.

The six minute drive went by fast. All the guys were silent as they drove the last few miles to the target, each focused on what they had to do. Jake ran through the plan, the contingencies and emergency protocol in case something went sideways—because something usually did on an op like this. The truck slowed as it reached the dropoff point. Jake rose with the others and faced the rear doors. Over the radio the FAST team reported they were in place; everyone was ready to rock.

Cradling his M4 in front of him, pulse slow and steady as he waited for the team leader to open the back doors, Rachel’s face flashed through Jake’s mind. Pale golden skin, dark brown hair and warm hazel eyes.

Shit, he had to find her after this was over. He just hoped it wasn’t too late, that she hadn’t moved on for good.

The team leader threw the doors open and everyone poured out. Faint light from the compound spotlights illuminated the dense brush ahead of them. They were going to skirt it and enter at the most vulnerable point along the fence line.

Poised in line with the others as they crept toward their target, Jake locked down all thoughts of the woman he’d let slip through his fingers and got ready to do his part in unleashing hell on the men inside the compound.




Chapter One



Six months later


Rachel Granger swung her condo door open and stilled when she heard the rumble of male voices coming from the living room.


A wave of exhaustion rolled over her as she realized her brother, who was staying the weekend with her as he sometimes did, had brought friends home with him from college. Normally she didn’t mind if he brought people over without asking because she wanted him to feel at home in her place, but it was seven o’clock on a Friday night. After a long week of working overtime at Edge Architectural Firm all she wanted was a hot bath, a pizza delivery, and some peace and quiet with which to enjoy them both.

Get over it. Enjoy your time with your brother.
She shut the door, put her shoes and jacket in the entryway closet and set her briefcase on top of the granite countertop in the kitchen.

“Brandon? I’m home.”

The voices quieted and a few seconds later her brother emerged from around the corner. Tall and slender with hazel eyes and features that only hinted at their half-Chinese ancestry, he looked seventeen instead of twenty, and she still had to remind herself that he was all grown up.

“Hey. Some of the guys wanted to come over and hang out. Hope that’s okay.”

She put on a smile, pushing aside her exhaustion. “It’s fine. Who is it?”

His posture stiffened slightly, a wary expression entering his eyes. “The usual guys.”

She arched a brow, aware of the tendrils of dread tightening her stomach. “And Tim?”

“Yeah. I didn’t think you’d be home until later.” Now he looked almost guilty, which he should.

Not wanting to get into a confrontation over it, Rachel turned away and opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of orange juice and take a moment to compose herself. Brandon knew how she felt about Tim and how she felt about him being in her home; she’d made it extremely clear the last time he’d been over when she’d overheard some of the whacked shit he’d been saying to Brandon and the others. Apparently her eternally optimistic brother was hoping she’d change her mind about him.

Not likely.
“You hungry?” she asked over her shoulder instead.

His face brightened, as though he assumed she’d caved and let the matter drop for good. Again, not happening. She had every intention of talking about it once Tim left.

“I could eat. You wanna order something in? We’ll all pitch in.”

“Sure.” Not that she planned to eat with them if Tim was here, but she could be civil and wait until everyone left before making it absolutely
clear this time that Brandon was never to bring him here again.

She chugged half the bottle of juice and turned back to face him just as two of Brandon’s friends and Tim stepped into the room. Tim’s dark gaze immediately zeroed in on her, something about it too keen, too focused. Not in a sexual way, exactly, but the gleam in his eyes still sent a shiver of unease through her. His mixed features spoke of South Asian or maybe Eurasian blood in addition to Chinese. He’d only recently come to the U.S. from China and started hanging around Brandon’s circle of friends from college, much to her chagrin.

“Hi, Rachel,” he said to her in a heavily accented voice, the warmth in his smile not quite reaching his eyes.

“Hi,” she answered quietly, then dismissed him by looking at the others. She opened her mouth to ask them about dinner but Tim interrupted her.

“How’s your work going?” he asked in Mandarin, reluctantly drawing her attention back to him.

“Fine,” she responded in the same language then focused on Brandon. On top of creepy, Tim was rude to speak Mandarin in front of the two others who couldn’t. She shot her brother a hard look that said:
I can’t believe you brought
here again.

“I’m gonna go change. You guys order what you want and I’ll pay for my portion.” She didn’t miss the frown or the pleading look her brother sent her at her words of dismissal. Ignoring both, she pushed past the young men and headed down the cream-tiled hallway to her room at the back of the spacious condo, aware of the tingling between her shoulder blades that told her Tim was still watching her until she disappeared from view.

As she passed by the guest room door she saw that Brandon already had his stuff set on the bed, but she paused when she noticed her Mac laptop sitting open on the desk with the screen on. She’d left it closed and password locked before work that morning, and the only other person who knew her password was Brandon. The voices she’d heard when she’d walked in the door had come from this room. Which meant Tim had been in here.

A wave of annoyance rose inside her. The last time Brandon had brought Tim over, rather than hang out with their buddies, Tim had stood behind her in here watching her work until she’d been forced to close the laptop and confront him in order to stop his snooping. Instead of apologizing and backing off, he’d followed her back into the kitchen, asking prying questions about her job and what she was currently working on, what buildings she’d helped design in the area.

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