Connor: A Cowboy Stepbrother Romance Novel (6 page)

BOOK: Connor: A Cowboy Stepbrother Romance Novel
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“Look at the sky,” he said, pointing upward. “The stars are out tonight.”

I looked out the windshield, where a sea of stars blanketed the night sky. It was beautiful. It was a view that was impossible to find in the city.

“It’s gorgeous,” I said.

Connor looked over at me and then placed a hand on me knee.

“It’s an alright view,” he said. “But not nearly as nice as the one I have right here in the truck.”

I smiled at his compliment. It was a little cheesy I’ll admit, but it was also very sweet. I placed my hand on top of his as we pulled into the driveway.

“Wait,” I said. “Stop the truck. I don’t want to go home quite yet.”

It was only midnight and mom and I had been planning on driving back home the next day, so I wanted to spend as much time with Connor as I possibly could.

Connor turned off his headlights as he stopped the truck. Then he put it in park and turned off the engine. I watched as he opened the truck door and stepped outside.

“Come outside,” he said. “You should see the stars from out here.”

I stepped out of the truck and we both walked toward the back. Connor hopped into the bed of the truck and then held out his hand, helping me up. In the back were two hay bales.

“Have a seat, my lady,” Connor said, playfully.

We both sat down on the hay bales and then leaned our faces toward the sky. The stars were breathtaking. I wouldn’t have been able to count them all if I had tried.

A cool breeze kicked up from the cornfield nearby and I crossed my arms, shivering.

“You cold?” Connor asked.

I nodded as my teeth began to chatter. He immediately wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to him and warming me up an instant.

“I really had fun dancing with you tonight. And I wanted to say thank you for protecting me at the bar,” I said. “But is it just me, or is this starting to feel like more than just a friendship?”

He gently moved his hand up and down my shoulder, caressing my skin. Then he turned toward me.

“I think you said it yourself this morning, Emily,” he responded. “It’s better to just follow your heart, right?”

Our faces were just inches from each other’s and I felt myself becoming hypnotized once again by his words and his sexy voice.

I guess he’s right. I did say that. And I don’t think I can deny these feelings inside of me any longer.

I looked deep into his eyes and I felt my heart rate increase as we leaned toward each other. I reached up and placed a hand on his face, feeling the thick stubble of his beard underneath my fingertips.

“This has to be our secret, Connor,” I whispered.

Connor slowly nodded in agreement and then, without another moment’s hesitation, he leaned forward a bit further and pressed his lips against mine. Immediately, a tingling sensation shot through me and I moaned softly into our kiss.

Oh, God...this is happening. It’s really happening.

We kissed gently for a moment, just pecking lightly. Then we slowly opened our mouths, allowing our tongues to dash against each other’s. I still had my hand on Connor’s face, holding him close.

My pussy began to throb underneath my panties. I moaned as I got more and more turned on by the kiss and before I knew it, I had turned my entire body toward him, wrapping one of my legs over his.

Connor grabbed my waist and lifted me over him so that I was straddling him in the back of the truck. He was sitting up on the hay bale, with his back leaning against the cab. It was actually a perfect position for me to straddle him in.

We continued kissing and I dropped my hands onto his muscular shoulders, using them to hold myself up.

After a moment, I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

“Connor...” I whispered. “We shouldn’t...”

He placed his hands on my upper thighs and then slowly moved them toward my ass, sliding my little black skirt up. His touch felt amazing on my bare skin and caused me to get turned on even more.

He flashed his boyish smile and then leaned forward, once again bringing his lips to mine. I didn’t stop him either. I was quickly becoming addicted to his kiss, despite the fact that it felt sort of wrong. I mean I know our parents weren’t married quite yet. But they were going to be, and soon. And once that happened and Connor was officially my stepbrother, then the things that were going on in the back of that truck were going to have to stop.

But in that moment, I felt myself starting to let go. Connor was gorgeous and masculine. He was also a complete gentleman. It wasn’t like I was in the back of that truck making out with some slob or something.

As our tongues continued darting in and out of each other’s mouths, I started to gently buck my hips forward, dragging my pantie-covered pussy over the crotch of Connor’s jeans. I immediately noticed a large bulge had grown under his denim, which was pushing out toward me.

Oh, my God...he’s huge.

I could tell just by the size of the bulge that he was extremely well endowed, which only caused my juices to pump faster, soaking the front of my panties. I pulled away from our kiss once again and shook my head.

“You’re trouble, mister,” I said, playfully.

Connor breathed in quickly through his teeth, making a soft hissing noise, as he looked over my body. I could tell that I was getting him turned on.

“Oh, my God,” Connor whispered, as he placed his hands on my ass and pulled my crotch toward him. “You are so gorgeous.”

He pulled me onto him in such a way that the bulge in his crotch rubbed firmly against my clit. My jaw dropped and a moan escaped my lips, as a wave of pleasure pumped through my body.

Jesus...I can’t believe I’m doing this. I told myself that I wouldn’t.

But even so, I leaned forward once again to resume our kiss, this time grinding against him even harder than before. The bulge in his pants grew quickly and I started to desperately want it inside of me.

Connor brought his hands up and placed them over my breasts, gently squeezing them over my shirt. My nipples grew hard in an instant and pressed out against the thin material of the shirt.

I pressed my weight down onto him, causing the waves of sensation to increase in intensity. It felt so good. My entire my body lit up with ecstasy. I couldn’t remember the last time I was that turned on.

But then, the logical side of my mind started to kick in again. After another few seconds of kissing, I gently pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

“Connor, we really shouldn’t,” I said.

I had said that a couple of times, but the further we progressed the more that I knew it was true. I wanted him so badly. In fact, my crotch was throbbing, begging to have him inside of me. But I knew that we couldn’t do that. Our parents were just a hundred yards away, asleep in the house. It was far too risky.

“You’re worried about them hearing aren’t you?” Connor asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head in agreement.

“I just don’t want them to know that anything is going on between us,” I said.

Connor sat up on the hay bale, holding me on his lap with his powerful arms. He moved his hands up and down the outside of my thighs, letting his fingers slide along my sensitive skin.

“You’re not making it easy when you’re looking this sexy,” he said, as he looked me up and down. “And the more I get to know you, the less I care about what our parents would think about us.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he brought his face forward and kissed me once again. This time, he kept his lips pressed to mine. It was a passionate kiss. In fact, it was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. It somehow seemed more sincere than any other kiss I had ever shared with someone and I found myself not wanting it to end.

Unfortunately, all good things eventually do come to an end. And a moment later, Connor slowly pulled away and sighed.

“I want you so bad right now, Emily,” he said.

I leaned forward and gently kissed the outside of his neck, and then I pulled away.

“I want you too, Connor,” I responded. “But we can’t right now. Not here, not yet.”

Connor shrugged and then said, “Well, we could go for a drive...”

I laughed and then playfully hit him on the shoulder.

“Next time,” I said. “Next time, we will. I’ll drive out here on my own and we can do whatever the hell we want to. Maybe we can arrange it during a time when Richard comes to Detroit to see my mom. That way we’d have the entire farm to ourselves.”

I winked flirtatiously and watched as Connor’s eyes lit up at the idea.

sounds like a lot of fun,” he said.

Then he sighed, as a concerned look crossed his face.

“But what if you get too busy and you can’t make it back out here?” he asked.

“Connor,” I said. “First off, I don’t have a job right now. So my schedule is wide open. And second off, you’re about to be family. So it’s not like I’m going to never see you again.”

“Well, promise me that you’ll come out as soon as you can,” he said. “And remember, I’m still on the rodeo tour, so I only have a couple of weeks before I leave once again.”

I squeezed his shoulders and then gave him another peck on the lips before pulling away.

“I promise that I’ll come see you,” I said. “And in fact, I promise that I’ll come see you before you go on tour again. I’ll be back next week, no matter what.”

Connor smiled and sighed.

“Okay,” he said. “Well, I’ll be waiting for you. Because goddamn, you are definitely worth waiting for.”

I couldn’t help but to smile at a compliment like that. It felt so good to be truly admired by a man for once. It was just too bad that this particular man would be my stepbrother soon...

Chapter 12


he next morning, I woke up early to the sound of my mom and Richard making breakfast in the kitchen. I gathered up my clothes and shoved them in my suitcase, before stepping out of the guestroom.

Richard and Mom were seated around the table when I walked out. They were sipping on coffee, laughing flirtatiously with each other. Connor was nowhere to be seen.

“Hey, guys,” I said. “How was your night?”

My mom turned to face me as I walked in. Her smile was just as wide as ever.

“Oh, honey,” she responded. “We had a great night! I wish we didn’t have to leave today.”

Then she turned to face Richard.

“I have to go back to Detroit today, baby,” she said. “I’ve got work tomorrow.”

Richard placed his hand over hers, smiling.

“Well, I’m going to come and visit this week,” he said. “So we won’t have to be apart for very long.”

My eyes lit up as he spoke.

Yes! If Richard goes to Detroit this week, that means that I can drive back out here and see Connor!

The thought of having some alone time and privacy with Connor put a smile on my face. I felt bad having to sneak around like that, but I honestly didn’t feel like I had much of a choice. It wasn’t something that I was ready to come clean with. I knew that it had to be done in secret. It was the only way.

My mom stood up from the table and handed me a fresh cup of coffee, which I sipped while she went into Richard’s bedroom and packed her things.

“Well, are you excited that your mom is getting married?” Richard asked.

I took another sip of coffee, then nodded in agreement.

“You know, I’ll be honest, at first I wasn’t sure,” I said. “But you know what? I actually
excited about it. Now that I’ve gotten to know both you and Connor, I’m really happy about it. I think it’s going to be great.”

Richard’s smile grew as he stood up from his chair.

“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that, Emily,” he said, as he walked toward me and pulled me in for a hug. “I guess this technically means that I’ll be your stepdad and that Connor will be your stepbrother. Are you okay with that?”

He sort of put me on the spot, asking me a question like that. The truth was that I didn’t know for sure if I was okay with Connor being my stepbrother. I kind of wanted him for myself, as a boyfriend. And I didn’t think that was going to be possible if he became my step. But at the end of the day, I couldn’t really argue with him.

“Yes,” I said. “Of course, Richard. Of course I’m okay with that.”

I smiled and then set down the cup off coffee on the counter next to me. Right then, my mom popped out of the bedroom, carrying her suitcase in one hand.

“Well, are you ready to go back home to Detroit?” she asked.

I sighed and then looked at the ground, shaking my head.

“Yeah, I think so,” I said. “I’m honestly not looking forward to the hustle and bustle, though.”

My mom nodded in agreement.

“Tell me about it,” she said. “But it’s a good thing your new stepdad happens to own a farm out here in the beautiful country.”

After she spoke, she walked up to Richard and gave him a kiss on the lips. I stood there awkwardly and then picked up my suitcase and began walking toward the door. I didn’t really want to watch my mom making out with Richard, plus I still needed to say goodbye to Connor.

So I stepped out the front door and walked to the SUV, placing my suitcase in the back seat. Then I looked around, noticing that Connor was standing in front of his truck with the hood open. He was hunched over, looking into the engine compartment and doing something with some wires. I made my way over to him and he looked up, immediately smiling when he saw me.

“Hi, beautiful,” he said, quietly. “How did you sleep?”

I smiled as I stepped closer.

“I slept really well,” I said. “I’m sorry that you couldn’t have joined me.”

Connor reached over and placed his hand over mine.

“But I have some good news,” I continued. “Your dad is going to be visiting my mom in Detroit this week. Which means that I’ll be able to sneak out here to come visit...just like I promised.”

Connor’s eyes lit up and he stepped toward me. He leaned forward like he was about to kiss me but then we heard the front door of the house open and shut. Connor stopped in his tracks and then took a step back.

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