Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters) (7 page)

BOOK: Connors Pursuit (Amber Woods Shifters)
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“Luke what are you doing here?” she snapped

“Just out for something to eat and heard I could get a good bite here”

He gritted his teeth, taming his wolf as his hidden meaning sunk in. Her pupils dilated and her lips parted slightly.

“Well, are you not going to introduce us sweetheart?”

Anna shifted uncomfortably in her seat before looking at her date.

“Ray, this is Luke, he is recently joined to amber woods”

Fuckwit turned to look at him, and Luke’s wolf snarled in his head. A panther! She was dating a bloody Panther? Not even one of her own kind?

“Nice to meet you Luke”

The guy actually held his hand out to shake and even though everything about that very action had him biting his cheek he reigned his wolf in and held his grip firm
, pushing all his warrior strength into that grip. He smiled in satisfaction as a small fraction of fear passed over the panthers face. Anna actually glared at Luke, obviously trying to persuade him to leave. And that was so not going to happen.

“Have you eaten yet?” he politely asked.

Anna visibly swallowed, turning a sweet smile on Ray, which made Luke vibrate with controlled anger.

“No we were just about to order”

Luke wanted to pick ray up and throw him out the nearest window, but knew that would not earn him any favours with Anna and it was pretty obvious she was letting him know that she was not going to offer him to join them.

“Well, I am just going to have a drink at the bar, so enjoy your meal. I will see you later Anna”

His words were meant for only her and she knew it. Ever since she scented him walk into the place her wolf stretched then stood to attention. The panther in front of her was cute but did nothing for her, besides he was a work colleague and she never mixed business with pleasure. She had feigned interest in the dull conversation but her mind kept conjuring up images of the large sexy blond warrior. He frustrated her and he intrigued her. Every touch had her body burn up with need for him, the kisses they had shared over the past few weeks seemed to become more intense with each encounter. Then, just when she thought they would take it to the next level, he had cooled off a little. Speaking with Brianna she had heard how he was a little bit of a free spirit when it came to women. But every time they touched, she felt as if she was his, a connection so powerful always embraced them. If he thought he could get into her pants then move on he could think again. Besides, in the past week she had other things to worry about. She had been receiving anonymous letters at her work and always felt as if she was being watched, the scent was unusual to her and unidentifiable. They always had the same content, in a nutshell, someone believed her to be a traitor to her heritage and her profession for teaching half breed children.

“Your friend seems very intense?”

Anna forced herself back into the present, god this guy was boring her. She could feel eyes burning into her back from where Luke sat. His scent alone was screwing with her mind.

’m sorry, what was that?”

“I said your friend seems a little intense, how long have you known him?”

Anna slung back her soft drink before answering, choosing her words carefully, knowing that Luke would hear every single word.

“Only a few weeks, why?”

Ray sat forward, staring into her eyes. The panther paced back and forward, he was agitated, what is it with men and territory?

“Because his eyes have never left us since he arrived, what’s between you two?”

“That’s none of your business!”

She was getting worked up and that was not good, no one should make you feel like that. Behind her she could have sworn she heard a low growl. Ray sat back nodding once.

“Shall we order?”

Yes fuckin please, and then she could get out of here and safely home, lock her doors and hide. The rest of the night went quickly, as soon as they finished their meals Anna picked up her purse to pay. Ray covered her hand.

“No please this is on me, you were kind enough to show me around”

“Oh, are you sure?”


His eyes looked over her shoulder and she bit her bottom lip.
Keep calm, don’t provoke the wolf.
Standing she picked up her jacket to put on but felt two large familiar hands cover hers, helping her into the garment. Glancing up she looked up at the storm in Luke’s green eyes, his jaw was clenched. Ray stepped forward but she placed her hands up. Unable to take the bloody testosterone any longer she marched out of the bar, her heels clicking on the pavement of the parking lot. When she reached her car, in her haste she dropped her bag on the ground, the contents spilling out across the tarmac.

“Just bloody great” she murmured.

Gathering up everything she retrieved her keys. Luke’s scent swamped her, she had not even heard him approach, his warrior stealth obviously coming into play now. His huge frame pressed against her back, as his arms wrapped around her waist. Turning her head he took her lips in the most demanding kiss she had ever experienced. It was raw, powerful and possessive. Yep, he was pushing his male status around which had her incredibly aroused. The firm length of his attraction pressed into her, the sensation primal and wanting. Releasing her lips he whispered in her ear.

“Mine Anna! Not some fuckin panther, you are mine always, and very soon you will be screaming my name as I take you fast and hard, filling you with my seed as I take what is mine, before you will feel the sweet piercing of my fangs
as I claim my mate”

Anna’s knees buckled slightly at his words and the possessive energy coming off him,
Well shit, the warrior has stepped up

“Luke? I……..”

Opening her car door for her, he glared down at her the heat of his need fire storms in his eyes.

“Drive straight home, I will follow you, and don’t even think of following that fuckwit”

Anna growled a low frustrated noise which Luke caught, he sent another one back at her more dominant and intense. She ducked her head and climbed into her car, only glancing once at the man that wanted to claim her. Luke climbed into his car and stayed close to her car. The sweet scent of her arousal bowled him over, he was having a hard time taming his wolf. All it wanted to do was bend her over the bonnet of the car and take what was theirs. But he would take his time, she was his mate and when he finally claimed her it was in his bed and would last all night. Rubbing his aching shaft he concentrated on the road ahead.


Lizzy watched Brianna as she fussed around the kitchen in the pack house. The woman had not stopped since she had arrived. Connor had left her safely with her friend so he could speak with Marcus in private.

“You could have answered my calls you know” Brianna quietly spoke.

Lizzy knew this was coming, yes she felt like shit for running out on her friend but she had her reasons.

Bri, you know that was not possible, when you run away the intention is to disappear, not leave yourself an open book”

Brianna huffed and sat beside her at the table.

“I know, I just thought being best friends counted for something?”

“It does, but you knew my reasons. Anyway I’m not a very good runaway am I? Sitting back in this kitchen eating ice cream is hardly a success”

Brianna wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

“Oh I don’t know, you have a new haircut and colour, you still have Connor”

Lizzy looked down at the spoon she had stuck in the vanilla and chocolate treat.

“Yeah I do, but my wolf is still bound Brianna. You would think that it would put him off but
he’s more determined than ever. Connor has been so patient and possessive”

Brianna chuckled at her friends comment. Scooping up a large spoonful of
ice cream she swallowed, groaning at the luxurious taste.

“And that’s a bad thing because…….?”

“Oh I don’t know, it’s not bad, just for me it’s unusual, I have never had someone pay so much attention to me”

“Oh for goodness sake
Lizzy, he is your mate, he will fight for you and nothing will get in his way. He is in there right now with Marcus working on a plan to fix this, so stop your whining and eat your ice cream before I eat the whole tub. I swear I cannot get enough of this, I am going to be so fat. You will tell me as a best friend if you think I am fat won’t you?”

Lizzy laughed out loud, pushing the rest of the tub under Brianna’s

“You are not fat Brianna, I think the two little cubs in there will take offence at that”

“Ok, gently swelling, how is that?”

Brianna chuckled and rubbed the bump on her stomach. Lizzy
could see how settled her friend was now and if she was honest, truly honest, she wanted a piece of that as well.

Connor sat o
pposite his alpha, legs loosely crossed at the ankles, arms folded in his lap. To anyone else he looked calm and collected, inside his wolf was on edge and wanted justice for his mate. Marcus stood, arms crossed, wave after wave of alpha energy rolling off him. Connor had just spent the last half hour bringing him up to speed on the situation.

, her wolf is still bound, the seer that did this is dead and you need to find a way to resolve this but either way you are still going to claim her?”

Typical Marcus straight to the point.

“Yes, she is mine, but somehow she sees herself as not complete and I get that, but even if we cannot get her wolf back I will still want her as my mate”

Marcus whistled out a low tone.

“Shit, that sounds like some serious stuff your saying there my friend”

Connor laughed low, pulling himself forward on his chair. For a moment he looked down at his hands clasped in front of him, then back up at his alpha and oldest friend. Yes, it was serious stuff, hell he even knew that he had already fallen head over heels in love with Lizzy.

“I don’t want anyone else Marcus, she is all I need, but If I can fix that one problem and make my mate feel complete again then I will move heaven and earth to do that”

Marcus nodded briskly before picking up his phone, making a quick call to Luke. After he ended the conversation he sat back in his chair, staring intently at Connor.

“Luke is on his way here, the information you asked him to trace has come up with a positive hit which I think may just be the answer we need to help her. As your alpha I will do everything I can, give you any resource you need. However I need your assurance that this will not impact on Brianna too much, especially with her being pregnant”

“You have my word, I will try and keep her out of the situation as much as possible, but she is strong willed and is Lizzy’s best friend”

Marcus barked out a loud laugh, before settling his hands behind his head, his grin wide.

“Yes I agree she is strong willed, it’s what I love about her”

A knock sounded at the door, before a tense looking Luke walked in. His hair had come loose from the band he tied it back with and his eyes stormy with agitation. Connor and Marcus gave each other a questioning look.

“Everything ok Luke?”

Marcus narrowed his eyes trying to get a read on his emotions, which at the moment were all over the place.

As soon as
Luke’s phone rang when he was driving back into pack territory he cursed a thousand words. So close. Again he had every intention of finishing off his conversation with Anna and finally making the move to show her exactly how much he desired her. But, once again, something got in the way. Growling at the ID display he watched Anna park her car next to the pack house, making quick work of the front door and disappearing for the fucking second time tonight. Sometimes he wished he had chosen to stay at lunar securities, so he did not have to answer to an alpha, but then he would never have met Anna. This is some messed up shit, he grumbled to himself as he walked to the alpha house.

Both men stared at him as if he had just grown three heads.

“Fine, just got caught up in something personal that’s all”

“Personal or
………..?” Connor asked

“Exactly as I said, you wanted the information I retrieved?”

Connor cleared his throat and sat up straighter. The guy obviously had some issues going on right now and he guessed it was to do with Anna. Better to steer clear of those type of questions for now. Marcus sat forward, clasping his hands in front of him.

“So what did you find out, facts not bullshit”

Luke nodded his head once then sat down next to Connor, setting up his laptop ready to divulge. The information had been difficult to obtain, but he had pulled in a few favours with his old boss.

“Some information we already know, the Lawson pack follows ancient traditions and have developed new ones along the way to suit their needs. The seer called Duncan that bound Lizzy was born into an order of wol
ves over five hundred years ago, known as the winter circle. He broke from this order about two hundred years ago to join with Lawson”

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