Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (26 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Gabriel regarded her steadily, a faint smile playing at his lips while his eyes danced with amusement. “I think, of all the properties I own, the condo here will be the one that gives me the most pleasure.”

A rush of warm flowed through her as she remembered his promise to bring her back here, but she didn’t want to presume anything and look like a fool. “I assumed your club would hold that distinction.” She hated thinking about his club and all the women he’d had there.

“It did—for a time.” Raising a hand, he signaled for the waiter. “I was so busy building my businesses that I didn’t have the time or desire to build a relationship. I always enjoyed sex, but preferred to dominate the women I bedded. It wasn’t easy to find someone who shared my preferences, especially with the limited time I had to pursue them. I also travelled quite a bit more than I do now.”

Once they’d placed their orders and the waiter left, Kelsey reached for one of the breadsticks. “I find it hard to believe a man like you would ever settle down.”

He looked slightly surprised by that. “Oh? Don’t you think I could ever get lonely?”

Kelsey grunted. “You’re never alone.”

“You know as well as I do that you can be in a roomful of people and still be alone.” The warmth and concern in his eyes had her shifting restlessly in her seat, the ache for him growing stronger all the time. Smiling faintly, he gestured toward the empty restaurant. “Or you can be with just one person—one special person—and be completely fulfilled.”

Not knowing how to answer that, Kelsey decided to steer the conversation back to the island. It got increasingly difficult not to profess her love for him, and she had to consciously censor herself before speaking.

She wanted to blurt it out, and beg him to promise her that they would be all right.

She couldn’t, though. It was all up to her.

Despite his confidence in their future relationship, Kelsey wanted to be sure. With her feelings so wrapped up in him, a mistake could cost her dearly.

She took another sip of water to ease her dry throat, and forced a smile. “Do you really think a lot of people will be buying a condo instead of staying at the hotel?”

The knowledge that she wanted to redirect the conversation shone in Gabriel’s eyes, and to her relief, he let her get away with it. Smiling, he nodded and reached for his own glass.

“There’s already a waiting list for rooms here. Some men, like me, want a place to get away with someone important to them, and don’t want to worry about things like reservations. I never know when I can get away, and my plans can change at a moment’s notice. I value my free time very much and don’t want any obstacles in my way.”

Frowning slightly, he sat forward again. “Taking some time away from your responsibilities to relax and regroup is important. You don’t seem to do that at all. When was the last time you took a vacation?”

Pausing as the waiter arrived with their appetizers, Kelsey shook her head in amusement that the young man didn’t even glance in her direction. Propping her head on her hand, she looked up at him. “Hello. I’m Kelsey.”

The waiter stilled, his face becoming bright red as his gaze flew to Gabriel’s. “Sir?”

Gabriel chuckled, shaking his head as he reached for a fork. “Behave yourself, my pet. He’s obviously new here, and you’re rattling him.”

After the waiter left, Gabriel sat forward and slid his fingers into her brief top, the shock of his bold move making her jump. He slid the backs of his warm fingers over her nipple, his eyes daring her to defy him.

“That’s the kind of behavior that could embarrass a Master, and would almost assuredly earn a well-deserved punishment.”

Curious and only mildly apprehensive about another spanking, Kelsey leaned into his touch. “You’ve mentioned that before. I don’t get that at all. Why would talking to the waiter embarrass a Master? How am I supposed to understand all these rules?”

Gabriel appeared to take her question seriously. “Because I explain them to you. Your defiance shows that I have no control over my submissive, and makes me look like I can’t handle you. It also shows lack of respect on your part toward me.”

Surprised at that, Kelsey paused with a bite of mushroom halfway to her mouth. Ashamed of herself, she hung her head. “I never thought of that. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how my behavior as a sub would reflect on you.”

Once again, she felt out of her element. With a sigh, she broke a breadstick in half. “Do you see what I mean? I’ll probably never get this, and would one day embarrass you or piss you off and that would be it.”

Gabriel shrugged, spearing a shrimp and touching it to her lips. “It’s up to your Master to teach you. And like I told you before, every Master and every arrangement are different. Don’t worry about it. You’re new at this, and I’m willing to make some allowances—to a point. You will, of course, be expected to pay for what you just did. It’s a lesson you won’t forget again soon.”

Considering that, and hiding a rush of excitement at his threat, Kelsey took a bite of her breadstick. “It sounds like some of the rules remain the same.”

“Such as showing respect.” Leaning back again, he shrugged. “A Master must earn it. Not all can, and not all submissives care enough to give it.”

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Kelsey set the rest of the breadstick on her plate and reached for her glass of wine. “What happens then?”

Gabriel’s eyes sharpened. “I’ve seen Masters walk away from their submissives, and vice versa. Some on both sides aren’t cut out for the lifestyle, and some just haven’t found the right person yet.”

Shocked that she worried that she might not be
for Gabriel, Kelsey shifted in her seat.

How could she know?

How could

Alarmed at the emotional tug, and sense of loss as she imagined him walking out of her life, Kelsey looked away, afraid of what his sharp eyes might see.

Taking a sip of her wine, she met his hooded gaze, her heart beating a little faster. “It must be hard for a woman used to making her own decisions and living her own life to suddenly be under the thumb of a man who expects her to be a doormat.” Pausing, she lifted her glass again. “No matter how much she wants to be with him.”

Gabriel’s eyes sharpened. “Are you talking about us?”

“Maybe.” Blowing out a breath, she set the glass aside. “I just don’t know. I just can’t imagine being so…acquiescent. I’d never really thought about ever having a man in my life, but lately, I’ve been thinking about it.”

The brief flash of something in his eyes disappeared before she could decipher it. “Oh?”

Reaching for her wine again, she sat back as the waiter came to take their plates, not speaking until he left again. “I’d want a partner. I’d want a man who cared about my happiness, not just ordering me around. I’d want to be respected and have my opinions respected.”

“And you think that wouldn’t be possible in a relationship with me?”

Kelsey shrugged, wondering what it would be like to have a man she could talk to—a man she could share things with. “I don’t see how. I’d be expected to see to your needs and ignore my own.”

“Since we’ve been here, haven’t I seen to your needs?”

Frustrated that she couldn’t quite find the words she wanted, she slapped the table. “I can take care of myself. Fuck it. Forget I said anything.”

Taking her stinging hand in his, he turned her palm upward and touched his lips to it. “I know you can take care of yourself, and that’s a great relief to me—and a great source of pride. But, taking care of you satisfies me—no, more than that—
a need in me. It’s more than just a sexual thing for me, Kelsey. Being in control is just part of it. It’s taking care of what belongs to me. It’s treasuring what’s most important to me. It’s trusting someone who trusts me, and creating a strong bond with another person—a woman I could see spending the rest of my life with. You, Kelsey. I think you and I could be very good for each other.”

God, when he talked like that, she could almost believe…

Taking a deep breath, she looked away, flattening a hand on her stomach as she blew it out. Running her fingers over the stem of her wine glass, she looked at him through her lashes.

“We’re so different. We come from two different worlds.” Forcing a laugh, she shook her head, blinking back tears. “You’d regret it within a month.”

And leave her even lonelier and emptier.

It struck her that she hadn’t really noticed the emptiness before meeting Gabriel, but the friendship that had developed between them, a friendship she’d tried to avoid, made her conscious of just what a solitary life she led.

She’d been content with her life.

Now, she wasn’t, and it was all because of him.

Despite her mood, the impatience in Gabriel’s eyes as the waiter delivered their entrees amused Kelsey. Her amusement grew when the younger man appeared visibly shaken and hurried to leave as soon as possible.

Gabriel glanced up at her as he cut into his steak. “I suppose once we both stop dancing around each other and really begin to trust each other, we might just find out.”

Kelsey blinked. “You don’t think I trust you?”

Pausing with his fork halfway to his mouth, Gabriel shook his head. “Not completely, but that kind of trust takes time. I know that, and know what it involves. It’s frustrating that we only have a few more days before we leave here.”

With her body vibrating with arousal, Kelsey leaned toward him, her nipples beading even tighter under his heated gaze. “Then we’d better not waste a minute of it.” Rubbing her thighs together, she waited expectantly, her pulse leaping at his wicked smile.

Gabriel’s chuckle danced over her skin, his eyes glittering with intent and mischief. “You seem to forget, my pet, that I’m in charge here.”

Remembering the way his mouth had felt on him only hours earlier, and his intensity in the playroom, Kelsey smiled coyly, feeling playful and carefree.

“I know. Your imagination is incredible.” Propping her head on her hand, she eyed him curiously. “How do you come up with all these things?”

Laughing, Gabriel reached for her hand, enfolding it in his. “My love, I’ve lived this lifestyle for a long time and I’ve seen a lot of things, but you’ve inspired me to new heights. Let’s say, I have a vivid imagination.”

He reached out to stroke a nipple through the soft material covering her breasts. “Once, right after I first met you, I went back to my office for a meeting. In the middle of it, my thoughts drifted to you, and some of the things I wanted to do to you. I missed half of what my staff said to me and had to go back and look at my secretary’s notes later on. The thought of taming you has given me many sleepless nights.”

The idea that he’d thought of her, and that she’d been able to distract him from his work, delighted her. “Tame me?” Grinning, she cut into a ravioli. “Do you really think that’s possible?”

“Oh, it’s possible, but I don’t ever want to tame you completely.” Sitting back, Gabriel picked up his fork again. “It’s very satisfying to turn a spitting tiger into a purring cat.”

Her clit tingled. Frowning to hide her excitement, Kelsey frowned. “I don’t purr.”

Gabriel threw back his head and laughed, a deep rumble that seemed to vibrate right through her. “Yes, my pet. You definitely purr.”

Chapter Seventeen


To Kelsey’s surprise, instead of going back to the room after dinner, Gabriel suggested another walk on the beach. Darkness had fallen, and with the beach deserted, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Watching him out of the corner of her eye, and struck once again by his presence—the combination of raw sexuality, gracefulness, and power—she realized that she always felt safe with him.

Safe, with the most dangerous man she’d ever known.

You’ve never done things the easy way, Kelsey

They walked far enough away from the hotel that they couldn’t be seen, but close enough that the lights from the hotel lit their way. She kicked off her shoes, a little surprised when he did the same.

Without a word, Gabriel took them from her, placing both pair on one of the large rocks before moving toward the edge of the water.

A sigh escaped at the feel of the warm water lapping at her feet, her toes sinking into the wet sand. She felt so sensual here, feeling more than she could ever remember feeling before.

The warm breeze.

Her hair blowing over her shoulders.

The silky material.

The sand. The water.

Everything felt incredibly

She noticed things that she’d never even noticed before.

Even the food tasted amazing.

Taking her hand in his, Gabriel led her a little farther down the beach. “Part of a Master’s responsibility is taking care of his sub, both physically and mentally. Something’s been bothering you. I can see the worry in your eyes, and sometimes you go quiet and stare at nothing. What is it?”

She’d thought he’d been too preoccupied with his work to notice that she’d been distracted by thoughts of him, and her confusion at her growing feelings. Her steps faltered, and thankful for the darkness that she hoped hid her burning cheeks, Kelsey shook off Gabriel’s hand and looked straight ahead.

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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