Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (36 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Shaking her head, she groaned. “I can’t believe you made me feel that way. Hell, I’m still tingling all over and feel as weak as a newborn kitten. I just totally let go. I couldn’t even move.”

Her unease lessened somewhat as she settled, but didn’t entirely go away. She still couldn’t come to terms with how completely she’d surrendered to Gabriel, and to the unbelievable pleasure.

Sliding down her body, Gabriel smiled up at her as he bent to kiss a nipple. “That was my goal.” Grinning at her frown, he nipped the delicate underside of her breast. “We’ve only begun, darling.”

Kelsey groaned. “Will it always be like that?”

“Poor baby. Scared?” His eyes were watchful.

Looking into his eyes, and struck by the concern in them, Kelsey smiled, irritated at herself that she had to blink back tears again to keep him in focus. Overwhelmed by emotion, she threaded her fingers into his silky hair. “A little, but I trust you.”

His smile transformed his features. “So, you’ll marry me?”

When her vision blurred, Kelsey blinked back more tears. “I can’t do anything else. I love you too much. I feel like I just came alive when I met you. I’d die without you.”

“And that scares you.” Gabriel smiled, brushing her hair back from her face and running his thumb over her bottom lip. “I feel the same way, and it scares me sometimes, too. But, I love you, and I can’t imagine going another day without you in my life.”

Kelsey sobbed, throwing herself in his arms.

Gabriel held her, gathering her close, murmuring to her until she settled. “That’s my girl. It’ll be all right. I promise.”

Kelsey sniffed and lifted her head, smiling, and wanting to relieve the tension, she reached down to grasp his cock. “Are you sure you want to tie yourself to someone like me?”

With a groan, he eased her hand from his cock and lifted her wrist, his eyes holding hers as he kissed the only piece of jewelry she still wore—the bracelet engraved with his name. “No. I’m sure I want to tie
to me, and in every way possible.”

With a quick move, he rolled her to her back. Reaching out, he retrieved a condom from the nightstand drawer, rolled it on, and used his thighs to spread hers wide. “Tell me you love me.”

Hard to believe she wanted him after what they’d already done, she tilted her hips, her pussy clenching in anticipation. “I love you. Say it back.”

With a grin, Gabriel thrust deep, his eyes narrowing at her cry of pleasure. “You really are a demanding little thing, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Digging her heels into his tight butt, she clamped down on him. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not at all. I have some demands of my own. I love you, my pet. My love. Tell me again.”

“I love you.”


Struck by the fact that even without games, or props, or toys, Gabriel overwhelmed her with his lovemaking, Kelsey cried out as he took her, her clit still so sensitive and tingling more at the friction every time Gabriel thrust into her.

An orgasm she hadn’t thought possible slammed into her again, the huge swell holding her in its grip for several heart-stopping moments, a hoarse cry ripped from her as she screamed Gabriel’s name. “I love you.”

Gabriel thrust deep again, quick shallow thrusts that left her trembling and weak, before groaning his own completion. Gathering her close, he rolled to his side and reached down to stroke her clit. “How’s your clit, baby?”

With a cry, Kelsey tried to push his hand away. “No. Holy shit, it’s sensitive.”

“Not sore?”

“It’s still tingling, damn it.”

Falling to his back, Gabriel chuckled. “Good. It’ll be like that all day. We’ll get married next Saturday and come back here for our honeymoon.”

Kelsey tried to lift her head, but it seemed too much effort. Dropping it back on to the pillow, she turned it instead. “Don’t you think you’re rushing it?”

He stretched and turned his head toward her. “No. I’ve waited long enough for you, and I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind. I’ll call Nick and make sure Julianna can be there, and give you some time to take care of the coffee shop. Then you’re all mine. Forever.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Sliding a glance in Gabriel’s direction, she waited for the attorney to finish reading the sales contract.

Leaning back in his chair, Gabriel met her look, the question in his eyes unmistakable.

Is everything okay?

Smiling, she nodded, turning back to the attorney as he finished and nodded in her direction.

“It’s just what we discussed.”

Gina’s attorney visibly relaxed. “Of course.”

Hiding a smile, Kelsey signed the papers, and only a few minutes later, walked out the door with a big check in her pocket. After saying their goodbyes to Gabriel’s lawyer and Gina, Kelsey turned to him. “You scared the hell out of the other lawyer.”

Taking her arm, Gabriel started down the sidewalk to where he’d parked. “I didn’t say a word. It was your deal. I was just there for moral support.”

“With your lawyer?”

“I told you, I keep his law firm on retainer. It doesn’t make sense for you to pay someone else.” He opened the car door. “I just wanted to make sure everything was in order.”

Kelsey paused, turning toward him. “I appreciate what you did in there. That other lawyer seemed determined to talk to you, and you told him that he was dealing with me and ignored him after that.”

Remembering the other man’s face, she smiled. “He didn’t know what to do. He turned about five different shades of red and wouldn’t look you in the face again.” Still surprised, she reached out to touch him, loving the feel of firm muscle beneath his expensive suit. “I thought you’d take over. I appreciate that you didn’t.”

With a smile, Gabriel kissed her forehead and turned her toward the car. “I’m not trying to take over your life, Kelsey. You’re a strong, intelligent, capable woman. I have no desire to change what you are. I’m just glad this is settled before we get married tomorrow.”

Once he’d closed the door and rounded the car, he got in on the other side. Closing the door behind him, he turned to her, running a hand up her thigh. “I’d rather earn the submission of a hot-blooded wildcat than a simpering doormat.”

Shaking her head, Kelsey laughed, the sense of freedom she felt now making her giddy. “You always surprise me. I was worried when you showed up dressed that way, and with your lawyer in tow. I figured you would take over.”

Gabriel grinned. “I save that for when we’re alone.” Starting the car, he glanced at her. “Once we’re on the island, we can discuss the way you can show that appreciation you talked about.”


* * * *


Standing on the balcony of the same hotel room they’d used the week earlier, Kelsey took a sip of champagne and stared up into the eyes of the man who was now her husband.

“I can’t believe we’re married.”

The light from the full moon illuminated his face, allowing her to see his smile. “You’ll believe it before we leave here.”

The scent of flowers filled the room, beautiful flowers that she couldn’t name, but that had been placed everywhere and scented the room with every breeze.

The abundance of flowers, the stunning clothing Gabriel had surprised her with, and the look of love shining in his eyes made her feel like a princess, complete with her very own prince.

She’d always thought him impossibly handsome, but tonight he was breathtaking.

He’d tossed aside his jacket and tie as soon as they’d entered the room. With his shirt partially unbuttoned, and his hair blowing in the warm breeze, he looked like a dangerous and very sexy pirate.

They’d been married less than an hour, and even now, Julianna, Nick, and Steve were on their way back to Miami. Except for a skeleton crew, Gabriel and Kelsey were alone on the island.

Tilting her head back, she smiled up at him. “You look like a pirate.”

Gabriel grinned, setting both of their glasses of champagne aside. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close. “And I found my treasure.”

Out of nowhere, tears filled her eyes. “Damn it. Before I never felt anything. Now I feel it all. You’ve turned me into a crybaby.”

Pulling her closer, Gabriel ran his hands up and down her back, resting his chin on the top of her head. “It’s only because you’ve held it all in for so long, baby. It’ll ease over time. Tell me.”

Kelsey’s face burned. “It’s stupid.” She’d never been fanciful before, and blamed it on Gabriel. “Julianna put all this stupid makeup on me and it’s probably running all over the place. Stupid.” Taking the handkerchief he offered, she wiped her eyes, trying not to smear the makeup she couldn’t quite get used to.

“Tell me, baby.”

Choked with emotion, Kelsey flattened her hands on her chest. “When I was a little girl—before my mother died—I used to dream about being a princess.” Sniffing, she glanced up at him. “I haven’t thought about that in years.”

She drew in a shaky breath, and lulled by the hands Gabriel slid up and down her back, pressed her face against the back of her hands, not wanting to get his shirt dirty as more tears appeared.

“Today, it came true.” She gestured toward her extravagantly beaded white clothing. “This outfit. The flowers. You. It was even better than my dream.”

Leaning back, she wiped her eyes, glancing at him before looking out at the ocean. “Stupid, huh?”

Threading his fingers through her hair, Gabriel tilted her head back, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “Not stupid at all.” His eyes, so dark they appeared black, held hers. “I have every intention, my love, of making all of your dreams come true, and fulfilling each and every one of your fantasies.”

Lowering his head, he took her mouth with his, kissing her with a slow thoroughness that left her dizzy and even more emotional.

Lifting his head, he cupped her jaw, running his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip as he took the handkerchief from her and wiped her face. “Thank you for telling me that. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

Taking a step back, she shrugged, smiling as she reached for her glass. “It’s probably the champagne talking.”

Gabriel chuckled, wrapping his arms around her again, locking his fingers together at the small of her back in a loose hold. “I’m going to have to give you champagne more often.”

Leaning back, he smiled down at her, his fingers moving over her skin in a light caress. “Have I told you how beautiful you look?”

“Several times. It’s the clothes.” She shrugged again, melting under his caress.

“Hmm, let’s see.” His hands brushed over both clasps and before she could even draw a breath, she stood naked in front of him. Lifting her hands above her head, he turned her. “Nope. It’s you.”

Thankful that they’d left the lights off in the room, Kelsey brushed against him in the moonlight. “Have you ever noticed that most of the time I’m with you, I’m naked?”

“Imagine that.” He slid a hand over her breasts, teasing her nipples. “I’ve noticed that every time I touch you, you’re wet.”

Kelsey couldn’t hold back a moan at the slide of his hand down her body, arching into it when he slipped his fingers between her bare folds. “Your fault.”

“It had better be.”

Kelsey giggled at the jealousy in his tone, wrapping her arms around him when he lifted her against him. To her surprise, he lifted her higher, his fingers digging into the cheeks of her bottom as he took a nipple into his mouth.

Sliding her fingers into his cool, silky hair, Kelsey threw her head back, moaning as the pull to her nipple went all the way to her clit.

“Take me, Gabriel. I need you so much.”

He’d already started across the room, and carried her into the bedroom. “And I need you, my wife. Tonight, I’m going to love you so slowly, you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven.” He laid her on the bed, following her down, and settling between her thighs.

Wrapping her arms and legs around him, Kelsey pulled him close. “I already feel that way.”

Minutes later, a naked Gabriel moved over her again, and thrust deep. “I love you, Kelsey Durand.”

Kelsey lifted her hips, taking him deeper, melting at his slow, tender lovemaking. “I can’t believe it’s real.”

Gabriel reacted immediately, leaning back to kneel on the bed and yanking her to his lap. With a hand behind her neck, and one on her bottom, he held her securely and thrust deep. “It’s as real as it gets, baby.”

With his heat all around her, filling her, the feel of his breath against her lips as he stared down at her, Kelsey felt closer to him than ever before. “Heaven.”

Gabriel brushed his lips against hers, lifting her to thrust into her again. “For both of us—and it’s about to get even better.”












When Leah Brooke’s not writing, she’s spending time with family and furry babies, and plotting even more stories.

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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