Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (15 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He had no choice but to wear down her resistance as quickly and as thoroughly as he could—while they were still here on the island.

He knew his light slaps to her breasts would warm the skin there and make her nipples even more sensitive. Avoiding them cost him dearly, but he knew that building her anticipation for his touch would give both of them more pleasure.

It was time for him to make her just as crazy for him as he was for her.

He needed to hear her beg.

First, though, he needed to release some of the sexual tension that had made his cock throb all day.

“I love your breasts.”
I love you.

He squeezed gently, his cock jumping at her cry. “So firm.”
So strong.

Letting only his fingertips touch her, he circled her nipples, careful to avoid touching them despite her squirming. “So soft.”
With a big heart that you try to hide.

Unable to help himself, he ran a hand over her stomach, smiling at the feel of the muscles quivering beneath his palm. He’d imagined his child growing inside her too many times to count.

Her soft gasps, so feminine and uncontrolled, sent a surge of power through him, driving the dominant side of him to new heights.

He let his fingers slide lower, over her slick mound. Knowing she would be sensitive and tender there, he kept his touch light. “You’re gorgeous like this. So exposed, so accessible.”

“Y–You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Very much.” Getting to his feet, he stripped out of his clothes as he circled her. His balls, tight and heavy, ached with the need for release, his cock so hard he had to bite back a groan when he fisted it.

He stared down at her, knowing he’d never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful in his life. “Address me properly.” Cupping her cheek, he caressed her jaw and lifted his hand away.

She stilled, as though listening for him, her cheeks flushed. Her ragged breathing quickened, and her inner thighs glistened with her juices, but even aroused, she clenched her jaw in irritation. “
. Satisfied?”

“Not even close.”

He stepped forward, biting back a groan at the sight of her mouth only inches away from his cock. He knew how much she wanted to gain some kind of control over him, and suspected that if she saw his face now, she would be reveling in her victory.

“Open your mouth.” His cock jumped at the shiver that went through her.

When she licked her lips, he almost came on the spot.

Running the head of his cock over her moist lips, he threaded his fingers through her hair to hold her steady. “Suck—nice and easy. If I feel your teeth, you’re getting that spanking I’m looking very much forward to administering.”

She shivered, her hips pumping as she nodded and touched her tongue to the head of his cock.

Gabriel couldn’t deny himself any longer.

Slipping the head of his cock into her hot, waiting mouth, Gabriel felt as if he’d died and gone to heaven.

Her lips held him tight, her soft tongue sliding over the sensitive underside. Sucking gently, she took him to the back of her throat, her hips wiggling with more enthusiasm. The sounds of need coming from her vibrated around his cock, testing his control to the limits.

Not about to let her get the upper hand, he cupped her face and fucked her mouth with slow, shallow thrusts. “Good girl.” Smiling when she stiffened and sucked harder, he pushed his cock to the back of her throat, tightening his hold on her hair.

“No matter how much pleasure you give me, you’re not in control here,
my pet

Just as he’d expected, Kelsey stilled, growling in her throat.

He knew she’d say something smart, if given the chance, so he kept her mouth full of cock. “You object to being called
my pet
? That’s what you are this week, though.” He began moving again, thrusting a little faster than before. He’d never had to struggle so hard to keep his voice cold and smooth, but the feel of Kelsey’s mouth and sight of her bound and naked on her knees, her mouth filled, had his cock leaking moisture.

“Mine to fuck. To use. To take however, and wherever I want. I want you to swallow every drop. If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you come. Yes, that’s a girl.”

He came harder than he could ever remember coming before, so hard that his knees and the muscles in his thighs shook. Throwing back his head, he growled his completion, groaning as she sucked him dry.

He’d never met a woman who excited him so much, a woman who fulfilled every need.

And the time to convince her was running out.


* * * *


Kelsey tugged at her bonds, sucking Gabriel even after he’d come, determined to draw every drop from him and make him putty in her hands.

He tasted so rich. So exotic. So male. Running the backs of his fingers down her cheek, he withdrew. “Very nice, my pet. You’ve got a very talented mouth.”

Licking her lips, she swallowed heavily, sucking in a breath when she felt his fingertips slide over her mound. Tilting her hips forward, she clenched on the plug in her ass, once again shocked at how good it felt to have that full, overwhelming sensation of being impaled there.

The decadent, raw, sexual wickedness of it satisfied a need inside her she’d never really understood or been comfortable with.

A need Gabriel seemed to understand completely.

He slid his fingers over her slick folds, the sensation much stronger now that she’d been waxed. “It seems you like having your ass filled. That’s good, because it’s going to be filled often. Now be still so I can explore you a little more.”

Kelsey gasped at the suddenness of a finger pushing deep into her pussy. “Oh! Yes. It feels so full. Harder. Faster.”

Gabriel pressed his finger against her pussy walls and against the plug inside her ass. “It feels fuller because your ass is filled. It’ll feel even fuller when I pump it a little more. Clamp down on my finger.”

Bucking in her bonds, Kelsey cried out in bliss as she fucked herself on his finger, the sensation of having her ass and pussy filled like nothing she’d ever experienced. She tightened on him, not because he’d demanded it, but because she couldn’t help herself.

She didn’t know if being unable to see had anything to do with it, but everything felt sharper—more intense. Little pinpricks of pleasure broke out all over her skin, becoming hotter with each thrust of his finger.

“You’re drenched, my pet. I’ll let you come so I can finish inspecting you.”

Lost in a world of erotic pleasure, Kelsey tried to block him out, focusing on her own needs. Her inability to see anything else made it easier, each roll of her hips making the sensation in both openings even more staggering.

Hot warning tingles consumed her in one giant wave, the delicious feel of them making her nipples and clit sizzle with heat. Her movements became more frantic and uncontrolled as she fought for release. When it came, it hit her hard.

Crying out, she fought her bonds. “Yes. Oh, God. More.”

The sound of the pump penetrated only seconds before she felt the plug in her ass getting bigger.


Gabriel pushed his finger deep, sliding his thumb over her clit. “
doesn’t work here. If you can’t take it, use your safe word. I told you you’d fight the pleasure, and I believe you told me that there could never be too much.”

Holy hell! How could anyone survive such pleasure?

“Ah. Oh, God. I can’t, I can’t.” The plug expanded, stretching her ass and increasing the pressure in her pussy. Jolting at each delicate slide of his finger over her clit, Kelsey fought her bonds even harder, the sensation too extreme after her orgasm. “It’s too strong, damn you. Fuck. I can’t stop. Fuck you, Gabriel. If I wasn’t tied up, you’d be—”

“Oh, darling, you’re adorable.”

Clenching her jaw, Kelsey tried to fight the pleasure, groaning when she went over again.


Gabriel clicked his tongue. “That’s twice that you’ve called me something other than what you’ve been instructed to call me. You also said ‘fuck you’ to me. Do you really think I’m going to let you get away with that?”

Her bottom clenched at the threat, a harsh moan escaping at the burn as she tightened on the plug. Her nipples tingled, beading impossibly tight, so tender that she jolted at the feel of his fingers stroking them. Arching toward him as the hunger for him reignited, she shook her head, her breathing ragged. “No. Damn it, do something. Give me what you promised.”

Gabriel chuckled, a soft sound that sent a thrill through her even as she bristled at his arrogance. “I said I wanted to inspect you, and that I would let you come. I’m not through, and you’ve already come. Twice. You also earned punishment, which you’ll submit to if you want to continue down the path we’re taking.”

Cupping her breasts, he leaned close, his lips touching her ear. “Now, I’m going to explore your breasts, your nipples, and your responses. When I’m finished, I need to inspect your clit, my pet.”

“I hate it when you call me that!”

“I know you do, but that’s the arrangement you want, isn’t it?” He removed her hands, leaving her feeling bereft.

Hearing him move away, Kelsey stilled, turning toward him with a frown, trying to decipher the strange tone in his voice. She jumped at the brush of his fingers over her cheek, not having heard him come back.

“Be still. This isn’t for you. It’s for me. You’ll be still and quiet while I explore you.”

The sharp pain in her left nipple shocked her so much, she froze. It took only a second or two for her to realize it wasn’t easing. Crying out, she struggled to escape it, but with her arms high over her head, she had no way to defend herself. Each movement intensified the pain and shot jolts of jagged heat to her slit.

“Settle down, Kelsey. That’s my girl.”

Focusing on his gentle tone, she stopped struggling, sucking in air and blowing it out through her teeth.

“That’s it. Breathe through it. See. It’s easing. Your nipples are very sensitive, aren’t they? You’ll wear clips or jewelry on them, but when I use clamps, I won’t make them tight.”

He reached up to remove the blindfold, looking into her eyes. “I enjoy dressing you, and I’m going to enjoy decorating you even more.”

Blinking against the harsh light shining down on her, Kelsey looked down at the clamp attached to her nipple, her pussy clenching at the surge of arousal. “What do you mean, decorating me?” She couldn’t stop clenching, her arousal growing by the second.

She didn’t think it would be possible to become so aroused after just coming twice, but she realized she’d already underestimated Gabriel.

She just didn’t know how much, and was filled with anticipation to find out.

Her gaze lowered, drawn to his nakedness like a magnet.

She let her gaze follow the contours of his broad chest, her fingers itching to stroke his olive skin and sink into the muscle there. His six-pack abs made her mouth water, but she barely glanced at them, her attention drawn to his thick cock, already half-erect again.

With a finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face to his. “You’ll see. Aroused again, my pet?”

She would kill him. Just as soon as they got back to Philadelphia, she’d kill him.

“It hurts.” She gasped when Gabriel held up another clip and dangled it in front of her face. “Oh, God.”

Mesmerized by the sight of the clip, she watched with breathless anticipation as he brought it closer to her beaded nipple.

She fought her instinctive reaction to pull away, her gaze drawn to Gabriel’s as he attached it. Sucking in a breath at the sharp pain, she looked into his eyes, stilling at the warm affection and hunger simmering in them.

Gabriel’s obvious pleasure in her and the patience in his eyes as he waited for her to settle, and his guidance, made her more determined than ever to see this thing through to the end.

The intimacy as their eyes met connected them for several precious moments, giving her the feeling that the bond made them both part of something bigger than each of them.

Her body shook, the sensations layering over each other. Pain and pleasure combined—strengthened—creating a hunger inside her unlike anything she’d ever known.

A vulnerability she would never have imagined yearning.

Every muscle in her body quivered, and she realized with a start that her hips pumped of their own volition. She tugged at the bonds, some inner need satisfied at her inability to escape.

Moving behind her, he ran his fingertips over her breasts, down to her waist, to her hip and around to her back, the possessiveness in the slow trail of his fingers thrilling her. He wrapped his hand around her ponytail and tilted her head back, touching his lips to her temple at the same time his cock touched her bottom. “I’m going to release you from the cuffs. I don’t want your knees to get sore, and your hands have been over your head long enough.”

Kelsey shivered, moaning her pleasure at the feel of his lips on the sensitive spot between her neck and her shoulder. “Yes.” She had no idea of her hands had been over her head long enough—or even what
long enough
was. Her knees felt like the rest of her—weak, tingling and out of her control.

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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