CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: CORAL - Fallen (A Romance Trilogy, Book 2)
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“Arms up,” he orders so I do. He pulls my
t-shirt off me, then he unhooks my bra and throws it to the floor, he crouches
down, his hands on my hips and sucks hard on my right nipple. My legs start to
shake uncontrollably.

“Tristan,” I gasp. “I can’t stand.”

He picks me up into his arms. “Wrap your
legs around me,” he pants. I wrap my legs around him, and with my arms around
his neck, he walks us over to the sofa, kissing and caressing me the whole
time. Throwing me down onto the sofa, he rips of his t-shirt, kicks off his
trainers, then slides his jeans and boxers down in one fell swoop and steps out
of them. I have never seen him undress so quickly.

He’s stood above me, completely naked, his
erection hard and ready for more. Boy he’s a sight for sore eyes, just look at
all those muscles ripple – my body reacts by sending another wave of shivers
between my legs, I feel my underwear moisten even more and my clitoris throb
with anticipation.

I lick my lips and stare up at him. He
leans down and swiftly removes my trainers, socks and jeans then he slowly
makes his way up my body, starting with my feet, kissing, sucking, and squeezing
with his hands, moving all the way up my legs. I tremble and shiver and I know
I'm going to climax the moment his lips or tongue touch my sex, I'm so close...

Peeling my knickers off slowly and
seductively, Tristan throws them aside, and opens my legs so wide it’s almost
too painful, using his soft fingers to open me up, he licks his lips and stares
down at me, his eyes full of deep and delicious thoughts –

I moan and throw my head back urging him to
taste me, lick me – I look up again, locking eyes with him as his fingers start
to make slow circular movements, his eyes not leaving mine, making my body
convulse, my hips push upwards...

“Taste me!” I cry out unable to take the
pressure, I need to come.

He leans down, keeping eye contact with me
the whole time, his look full of devilish delights, then his tongue flips out
and teases my nub, over and over, round and round. I feel the build up taking
over me, every cell in my body awakening and exploding...

“Oh god…” I cry out as I feel my pelvic
muscles contract.

“Come for me Coral.” Tristan demands, right
at the moment I reach the precipice. I come hard, my body bucking and bowing, all
thoughts are gone, I’m just sensation…

I feel Tristan leave me, opening my eyes in
confusion I see him crouched next to his jeans. Two seconds later, he’s stood
over me, placing a condom over his erection, he stops and gazes down at me for
a second. Then slowly he crawls up the sofa so he’s hovering above me, his
elbows supporting his weight. He kisses me so gently, it brings tear to my eye.

“Beautiful,” he whispers and slowly eases
himself into me. I close my eyes, and throw my head back.
Oh he’s so perfect
for me…I feel so full

Tristan leans up, his back straight, and
grabs hold of my thighs then he really starts to move, like he did earlier.

I gasp and moan as he picks up the pace. “Tristan,”
I whisper.

I pull my legs up and open them wide, just
as he leans down and caresses my breasts, squeezing and rubbing my already pert
nipples, then he really starts to move, pumping harder into me. The feeling is
exquisite, all sensation and touch, then he moves his position, hitting the
absolute right spot inside me.

“Ahh, faster,” I gasp as I feel myself
tighten around him.

“Christ…” Tristan complies and starts
pounding into me, I feel his balls slapping against my backside. I feel
everything quicken and tighten inside me and I climax again, shattering into a
million pieces. I feel like I'm going to pass out, the orgasm just goes on and
on and on....

“Ah Christ…” I hear Tristan shout, I try to
open my eyes to watch him, but I can’t, I can’t control the waves of ecstasy
that has taken over me. “Fuck!” Tristan slams into me once more then stills,
his hands gripping my thighs so tightly.

I am finally able to open my eyes. I watch
him shudder several times, his head craned back his eyes closed, his mouth
slack as his orgasm ripples through him, he keeps his head craned back, his eyes
closed as he comes down from his high, his hands still gripping my thighs.

Then he takes a deep breath and gazes down
at me, coral blue eyes meet dreamy chocolate brown. We both start smiling at
the same time, then start giggling. Tristan leans down on his elbows and
strokes my forehead, kissing my lips between chuckles.

“Wait right there,” he tells me, as he
gently pulls out of me.
Like I can go anywhere?

I don’t have the capacity to move, I still
feel like I’m floating somehow. I turn onto my side, and watch in appreciation
as his naked body walks down the hallway to the bathroom. Damn that body of his
is to die for; he really has the cutest butt. I shudder slightly, feeling cold
for some reason, I need Tristan’s warm body next to me.

Walking back into the room, he sees me
shiver again. “Cold?”

“Yes, I need your warm body here,” I say
pulling him on top of me.

He grabs one of the fleece throws we bought
and drapes it over us. I huddle closer to him, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
As I look up at him, I see his features change, taking on a more serious note.
He’s got that brooding look about him again.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I run my
fingers through his hair and stroke his cheek.

Tristan takes a deep breath in then exhales
slowly. He seems nervous. “Coral, I wanted to ask you something,” he says,
staring down at my lips. He’s dead serious, that I can tell.

I frown up at him wondering what this is
all about. “Ok,” I whisper.

“Coral Stevens, will you do me the honour
of being my wife, will you marry me?”

My breath catches in my throat –



and I’m
sat at my desk, eating my muesli in a trance like state. I am engaged; engaged
to be married - My stomach rolls with the very thought of it. Why the hell did
I say yes
? I feel myself start spiralling down into a major panic attack.
Ok, calm down deep breaths, deep breaths!
Married! Married!
– I can’t even bring myself to believe that it’s
real, I feel like I'm in some sort of twilight zone and any minute I’ll wake up.

Two weeks, two weeks!
How can you get married after being together for a few short days
out of two weeks? I must be off my rocker! Maybe it’s a top secret government
experiment and I'm secretly being drugged? I push that stupid thought away, then
I get into even more of a panic. He wants me to move in with him – Crap that
means selling my studio, but I don’t want to sell my studio!
Shit. I hadn’t
thought of that!

My throat instantly tightens, my stomach
twists with anxiety. You really should have discussed all these things with
Tristan last night Coral! I nod in agreement with myself. But I guess I would
have if we weren’t busy christening rooms, and floors and walls. But in all
honesty, I don’t want him to know I'm having a meltdown. I don't want him to
know that I feel sick whenever I think about walking down an aisle, or trying
on a dress, or having so many faces staring at me as I say I do –
Oh fuck,
do I?

With shaking hands, I put down my bowl of
muesli, unable to eat anymore, and hold my head in my hands, hoping this will
help give me some sort of guidance. Inner voice? Yes, yes, George is always
telling me to listen, to let the inner voice guide me. I squeeze my eyes shut
and ask the question – Should I be marrying Tristan, is it too soon? Am I doing
it because I really do love him that deeply, or that I'm afraid to lose him? –
it that’s too many questions!

Giving up on trying to work it all out, I
decide to just let it go for now and calm myself down, I’ve got all this week
on my own. I'm back at my studio and my routine. I'm sure the answer will
become clearer. Then I panic again.
What if I change my mind?

Tristan will hate me, I know he will –
fuck, fuck!
Stupid ass Coral, ‘I wanna marry you Tristan’, Why the fuck did
you say that? I feel like screaming at myself, slapping myself around the face.
I mean, I love Tristan, of that much I am sure – but marriage? Isn’t that just,
like, way too soon?

To attempt to take my mind of it all, I try
to concentrate on what I have going on this week. Tristan is going to be away
until Friday night. I try not to think too hard about the fact that he won't be
here, that I have five whole days and four nights without him, the thought is
very sobering, painful - swallowing hard I try to clear my head and get back to
this coming week.

I’m going to be busy which is good, less
time for panicking about –

Ok, so I got the photos of Tristan’s folks,
which I sneaked out of his wallet this morning. So that’s the first thing to
sort, next buy a cocktail dress for Friday night and some decent Lingerie –
that’s a must! Thirdly, I need to call Gladys and Debs. I need to speak to them
both. I could go for lunchtime or see them Wednesday night when I'm free. Then
I think that I’d rather have the evening to myself, some time to really think
through everything, like who I am and what I want.

Time alone – I swallow hard, I’m never
going to get time alone again? Yeah, but isn’t that the whole point of being in
a relationship, getting married, you don’t have to be alone anymore?

I frown at my own thoughts – I actually
like alone time, well some of the time, not all the time, I place my head in my
hands again –
Fuck, I'm so confused!

I take a deep breath and try to get back to
what I have going on. Training with Will tonight, George and Cindy tomorrow, I
want her to work on the dresses again, seems the sex thing has worked itself
out. I instantly picture Tristan’s hot, naked body – I take several deep
breaths attempting to clear my mind of him and pick my muesli back up, but it’s
no good. My mind keeps drifting back to last night, to Tristan proposing to me,
and the conversation that followed...


in then exhales slowly. He seems nervous. “Coral, I wanted to ask you
something,” he says, staring down at my lips. He’s dead serious, that I can

I frown up at him wondering what this is
all about. “Ok,” I whisper.

“Coral Stevens, will you do me the honour
of being my wife, will you marry me?” I stare back at Tristan with wide eyes.

“Tristan...I,” I’m lost for words.

“Say yes,” he urges his eyes still
brooding. I can’t quite believe he’s just asked me, I think I'm in shock?

“Don’t people move in with each other
first? You know….see how it goes before committing?” I squeak.

“So move in with me,” he says, shrugging

I close my eyes. This is way too heavy, and
deep. “Don’t you think it’s a bit soon, I mean we’ve only known each other’ –
“I know,” he admits his eyes pleading with me. “Marry me,” he asks again, his
voice all husky, sending shivers right down there –

I gaze back at his big brown eyes. I try to
think logically, rationally, but deep down – way deep down inside of me – I
already know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I couldn’t imagine
being with anyone else.

“You said earlier that you wanted that,” he

“I know,” I admit. “And I did mean it, but
I just didn’t expect you to ask, not yet anyway.” I balk, trying to think of
the right thing to do here.

Tristan closes his eyes and leans his
forehead against mine. “Marry me,” he whispers. “Be my wife, I want you. I love
you Coral. I have from the very first moment I met you.” Tristan opens his eyes
and kisses the tip of my nose. “Last week when I walked out of your studio, I
felt like I was leaving myself behind, like there was a part of me missing, I
didn’t understand it at all, until I was next to you again at Lily’s party,
because you had already become the missing piece, the love that lights me up
inside. I want you, so badly baby. I really want you to give me a chance to
show you how much I want you, to take care of you. I want to give you the world
Coral, please, let me do that. Let me take care of you. Marry me?”
Who can
say no to that?

The words are out of my mouth before I can
stop them. “Yes.”
What? Coral what are you doing?
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
I whisper.

Tristan’s face almost splits in two his
smile is so wide. Pulling me into him he kisses me with such a powerful loving
force, that I feel like crying –

“I love you,” he croaks, his cheeks
blushing as his eyes glisten with unshed tears.
Oh my God!

I take his face in my hands and kiss him
tenderly. “I love you too, so much.”
This is crazy!


pulls me out of my reverie. I spin in my chair and see Joyce looking
oddly at me.

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