Corrupted (5 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Corrupted
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Damon turns my face to look into his eyes, “I’m sorry, beauty. That can’t have been easy to deal with.” I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.

“I’ve dealt with worse. That was just the cherry on top.” I look away,
taking a moment to compose myself. “I still remember when the doctor told me I have PCOS. I only went in because I was suffering with my periods. They’ve always been all over the place and I’d be in pain every month. Finding out about the cysts took another dream away, a dream I didn’t have yet.” I don’t know why I told him all that but I opened up to him.

“I don’t want kids. I’ve never wanted them. I’m not dad material.” I look at him shocked. He’s only twenty eight
. How can he possibly have already made a decision like that? He might just not have met the right woman yet. “That makes us perfect together, beauty.”

This isn’t right. It shouldn’t be like this
, he shouldn’t be like this.

I climb down from counter when he pulls away and moves with the soiled cloth. I collect my clothes, turning my back to
him, taking a moment to gather myself. I need to get out of here. He can’t see how the last few moments have affected me. When I feel okay to talk I turn and smile at Damon.

“Thanks for dessert,” I wink at him as I skip from the kitchen, the forced smile still attached to my lips. “Goodnight, Damon.” I call over my shoulder. When I look back at hi
m his face is filled with shock and confusion. I hear him shout wait as I get to my door. Rushing inside I close it and lock it. I head straight to the shower, a smile playing on my lips, feeling happy with myself. I climb in and wash Damon off me, wash him out of me. I can’t believe I was so careless. I didn’t know he was clean. I don’t know if he really is. I believe him though. I can’t let it happen again. I know I can’t get pregnant but I always protect myself. I’m just glad I got him turned on so much that he forgot!

Game one to me
…I won…I hope.



May 15th 2014


Today is the day of the charity event for NSPL. I haven’t seen Damon since Tuesday night, and I don’t know if he is avoiding me or if he is just busy. I don’t like not seeing him though. I feel out of control. I needed time to get him hot and bothered so I could play on his jealousy at the event. It seems like our tumble meant nothing to him so I’m not sure how jealous I’ll be able to make him. I’m going to have to rely on my dress to rein him in. I sent him a text message telling him to enjoy tonight at the event, hoping to get in his head. He hasn’t replied.

I’m in my room, painting my nails when I hear the
front door open and close. Part of me wants to rush and see him, but I don’t. The part of me that hates him holds me back, keeps me rooted to the spot, frozen.

I hold my breath as I hear him move up the stairs and towards our rooms. My breath catches as I hea
r footsteps stop outside my door. I wait for the knock but it doesn’t come. I hear him turn on his heel and walk to his room. I continue what I was doing, pushing the slight pang of disappointment to the back of my mind.

I pick up my phone and text Tom, letting him know what time he needs to pick me up tonight. Tom is my ‘Friend’. We’ve hooked up a lot over the years. He’s my go-to guy. He’s helped me, unknowingly, crush men. He knows it will never be anything more than a quick fuck. I’m happy with this arrangement and so is he. When I’ve needed to make the final crush of
a man in the last few years I’ve used Tom to get caught a few times.

I have a plan for tonight in my mind
and I’m going to do everything I can to stick to it. I know I nearly have Damon where I want him. I just need that extra push, and tonight I’m going to push him right over the edge.


I’m applying the finishing touches to my makeup when I hear the doorbell ring. I hear the door open so I know that Damon answered it. Tom's familiar voice travels up to me, talking to Damon, about what, I can’t hear. Time to find out if they do know each other.

I take one last look at myself in the full length mirror to make sure I’m as I need to be. The dress moulds to my curves, flowing perfectly where it needs to. I’ve smoked my eyes out to match the charcoal of the dress, added a subtle blush, and finished off with killer red lipstick. The red of my lipstick matches the red of my bag. Five-inch heeled red stilettos with spikes all up the heel complete my look. I slip my feet into my shoes and head to greet Tom.

I walk down the hall and take a deep, calming breath. I don’t know why I feel nervous but I really want to knock the breath out of Damon’s lungs when he sees me. Standing at the top of the stairs I see both men turn to watch me. The look of lust that appears on their faces fills me with a sense of achievement. I’m winning. It worked.

I walk slowly down the stairs, as gracefully as I can in these heels, letting them both fully take me in. I greet Tom in an over
ly affectionate way. I can tell it takes him back a little as I brush my lips across his. He’s used to the cold me. Tonight I will be anything but.

I turn to Damon and take him in. He’s wearing a dark grey three piece suit with a crisp white shirt. He’s got a charcoal gray tie on, making me wonder if he picked the tie on purpose. His hair is in disarray rather than its usual faux hawk. His eyes darken with desire as he returns my ogling with
a sweep of his own inspection of me. He swallows loudly, then licks his lips, looking at me like he wants a taste.

“Have a good evening, Damon,” I tell him, a little breathlessly, before turning my attention back to Tom. Not waiting for his reply I take Tom's hand and head out the door. When I get in Tom's car I can feel his eyes on me

“What?” I turn to look at him. He doesn’t look pleased with me, so I remove my hand from his, a move that makes him look even more pissed off. Before I get to say anything more he turns and speaks.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing Ella, but I don’t appreciate being a pawn in it. You don’t use friends.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask. I don’t think it was that obvious that I wanted to get Damon’s attention.

“You know what I’m talking about. That was all a show for him right? Another one you plan to shack up with until you get bored and use me to get rid
of again? Maybe I don’t want to be used anymore. Friends don’t do that.” The sharp edge of his tone stuns me a minute. Feeling a bit stung by his words I turn and look out my window. Is Tom my friend?

Yes maybe he is.

He has been around for a long time. Since before Lydia was taken away. He knows everything I’ve been through. He’s seen me at some of my worst points. Comforted me when I’ve broken down, fulfilled that need when I was between practise men. We haven’t always just had sex when together, on occasion we just hung out. He knew something was going on with me. He never questioned it though, he never asked what I was doing with these different guys. He just seemed to be there when I needed him.

I turn back to him, “I'm sorry, Tom. I haven’t been a good friend to you. I have my reasons.”

He cuts me off before I can say anything more “Els, I know since Lydia... died,” I wince at his words. “Things have been tough for you but you can’t keep doing this. Lydia wouldn’t have wanted you to keep doing this.” I can’t listen to this, I can’t hear her name, and especially not tonight. I need to be strong, stay focused.

“Please stop. I can’t talk about her, please just stop.” Tom stops talking and turns his head to focus on driving. I turn my head and look back out the window, tears falling down my face.

“I’m sorry, Els, but you needed to hear that.” I remain silent.

When we get to the manor
I take a moment to compose myself. Taking deep shallow breaths I count to ten before climbing out of the car, a smile plastered back on my face, perfected with three years of practice. I need to keep my walls up tonight.

The manor is beautiful. It’s elegantly stunning. So many people are flitting around, meeting and greeting, all looking glamorous. Finely dressed men and women mingle with waiters and waitresses. You can smell the wealth coming off people. People who
are shallow, not afraid to throw money in the right places to get their names in the local paper. Some even make it into the latest gossip magazine. It makes them happy to get their fifteen minutes of fame. It makes me sick. They make me sick.

As I walk into the main ballroom I look around to see if my target is in sight. Tom takes my coat and heads off to the cloak room. Making my way through the crowd I spot Damon's brother, Spencer. Tonight’s game plan.

Breaking family bonds is all part of my plan. It helps when the man looks like a god. They are almost identical in appearance. Spence is a year older and from what I know, seems to be a really nice guy. I almost feel guilty for what I’m about to do, but I need to use him to make Damon jealous.

I’ve met Spence a few times, always made sure to show a little interest but not enough for him to chase. I make my way over to him and grab a glass of champagne from a passing waiter on the way
, that I finish in one go. I walk over and stand next to him at the bar. He turns in my direction as I brush against him, pretending I stumbled. 

“I’m so sorry.” I pretend to be embarrassed by my fall as I watch his eyes take me in, pausing at all my curves a little longer
than necessary before returning my gaze. A smile creeps across his face when he recognises me.

“Hey, Ella right?” I
nod, giving him a questioning stare. He offers his hand “Spencer Hunt. We’ve met.” His grin stretches across his face as I take his hand in mine.

“Of course. I’m sorry, Spencer. Hi, how are you?” My body tingles with recognition. Only one reason for that. Damon is near somewhere.

“I’m good. Can I get you a drink?” I look him up and down as if appreciating his body. Before I can answer Spencer, I smell him. Damon is behind me.

“Spence, I got this.” Damon growls. I turn around to see Damon looking furious with me or maybe furious with Spencer. His fists are clenched at his sides, flexing with his anger. His jaw is locked tight, eyes stormy.

“Damon.” I greet him before looking back at his brother. “Sorry Spencer, I have to pass on the drink offer. I can see my date. Maybe another time?” I let the question hang as I walk away, adding extra swing to my hips, in search of Tom.

I look over towards the side bar and see Tom with his arms around some leggy blonde. Shit, time for some damage control. Tom can’t be playing games like this tonight. I need to get both Spencer and Damon’s attention. Tom is my ticket to
accomplish that.

I head towards Tom, holding his eyes when he spots me. I lift an eyebrow and give an obvious look to his new companion. He drops his arms from around her before I reach him. I slip my hand around his waist and pull him into my side when I get there, as if staking my claim. He throws back his head and laughs as the blonde, not looking too pleased, storms off in the opposite direction.

“I could have banged her tonight. It’s not like you plan to bang me with Mr. Hunk here.” He nods his head in the direction of Damon and Spence. I’m going to have to make Tom want to help me for a little while, to capture the attention I need, before I can let him go have fun with anyone else.

“I’m sorry, Tom. Just give me another hour of your time. I’m not sure who he’s here
with,” I plead. “Then you can go find your fuck buddy over there.” I give him my best puppy dog expression, adding a cute little pout. He bursts out laughing.

“Ok Els, you got me for one more hour, but I really think we need to focus on the friendship side of things from now on.” I nod my head unable to say anything. It surprises me how much I really like Tom. He’s been there a lot for me
and he deserves to find happiness. I reach up and kiss him on the cheek then give him a genuine smile.

“Thank you.” He nods his head and pulls me towards the dance floor.




I spend the next hour eating food, enjoying drinks, and hanging onto Tom. All while eye fucking Spencer, and making every single effort not to look at Damon. I need to show him I don’t need him, don’t want him. I do. Fucking hell do I want him. I can feel his stare. My body tingles with acknowledgment with every second that passes when his eyes are on me.

I spot Lacy, a friend of Spencer, dancing close by on the dance floor with two women I’ve not yet met. I need to put on a show and having a friend here helps. I tell Tom I’m going to dance and that he’s free to mingle. He kisses my cheek
, ready to go have some fun.

True to my word I let Tom go find his lay for the night, with one last request before I head over towards Lacy and her friends.

“Hey, Lacy.” I smile as I approach. The disgusted look I receive from two of the three women stun me. My brow furrows as I try to think of what I’ve done wrong to upset Lacy.

“Heard you’re living with Damon,” Lacy snips out, glaring at me as she takes in my outfit.

“Yes,” I answer, puzzled. Where is she going with this?

“The date went
well then?” asks Lacy, her sister Ellery, is the one who set me up on a date with Damon. I thought Lacy liked Spencer, not Damon, but by her tone of voice I guessed wrong.

“It went alright. Nothing too special. I like Spencer.” I tell her
, hoping to get her to put her claws back in. I don’t need shit from this woman. I have plans to keep.

“You, and everyone else,” one woman snaps, glaring at me. Ah, so she’s after Spencer then.

“They are both gorgeous. It’s not surprising you find one, or both, of them attractive. Hell, even I do and I’m happily married,” the other woman says. She gives me a soft smile and a little wave.

“Too right, Sofia
,” Lacy admits. I feel my body relax knowing Sofia just defused the situation.

A new song starts playing
and it’s not one I would usually dance to but it has enough rhythm that I’ll be able to shake my hips and arse to get noticed again. I look around and locate Damon and Spencer standing together with a few other men near the bar. I keep my eyes trained in their direction and begin to move to the music.

I sway my hips to the beat and bring my hands up to rub over my body, caressing my curves. I close my eyes when I know I have the attention of not just Damon and Spencer
, but their companions too. My arms come up in the air above my head and swing with the sway of my body. As the music pulses through me I let Damon’s caressing gaze heat me up inside, imagining his hands rubbing along my dress instead of my own.

A small feminine body presses against mine and joins in with my seductive dance. I open my eyes
and Sofia smiles widely at me and begins grinding into me. I quickly pick up on her rhythm and follow her lead.

“Who is this show for?” she asks.

“Spencer,” I answer honestly.

“As long as it isn’t my husband, Westley, then go for it,” she laughs. “Spencer is a nice man. Maybe you could be the one to change his manwhorish ways. Damon is too.” Her hand comes up to rub down the sides of my body.

“Nothing is happening with Damon.”

“Doesn’t look like it
,” she says with a grin and a nod in Damon’s direction. His eyes still haven’t left my moving body. I knew he was still watching. I can always feel when his eyes are on me. “So what happened on your date?” I realise I could get information on Damon by taking this conversation in the right direction.

“It was good. I really liked him but I’ve heard of his reputation with women and the non relationships he has.” I roll my eyes for
added effect. She lets out a peal of laughter.

“He isn’t as bad as Spencer. Spencer goes through more women tha
n I do underwear. Damon seems to be more private. I haven’t really seen him with many women in the last few years, none that he has had a relationship with anyway. Usually he’s just with Leona. She’s a bitch, but a close friend of Damon’s. She’d like to hold his attention the way you do.” I raise an eyebrow at that. Of course I know about Leona. They’ve hooked up a few times but never anything serious, friends with benefits. Just another woman he uses like he did Lydia.

I shimmy down Sofia’s body, dipping low before rubbing against her on my way back up. She laughs. “I’m just looking for some fun anyway. Spencer is perfect for that. I think Damon would be hard to forget with all his intensity.”

“Agreed.” We both look back to the men as we finish our dance. When the song ends I give a small smile in their direction, and turn to Sofia and thank her for the dance. She gives me a hug and turns to dance against Lacy. I walk away from Lacy and her other friend without saying a word.

I sway over to the men, looking at them as a group from under my eyelashes. Damon stands up straighter as I approach, a smile playing on his lips. I keep e
ye contact with him until I stand in front of them. My eyes shift to Spencer before I step up to him.

“Hi...again,” I purr into his ear, pressing myself closer to him. “Wanna dance?” I ask coyly. A grin splits his face so I take his hand and pull him towards the dance floor just as
Too Close by Next
starts to play. I wasn’t sure if Tom could get them to play this song. It’s a charity function after all but I guess they like to make sure guests are catered to.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer, his strong arms wrap
ping me up in his frame, cocooning me with his warmth. We start grinding against each other as the music plays. I keep my eyes trained on Spencer, but flick quick glances over to Damon. He has a brunette grinding on him but he doesn’t seem to be paying her any attention. I’m so lost in the music, and Damon’s eyes, that at first I don’t hear him speak. His hands brush up and down my body, caressing me. Why doesn’t Spencer’s touch get me flustered like Damon’s does?

“Ella, did you hear me?” I look up into his face, only seeing Damon. I want to kiss him. No, I want to kiss Damon. I shudder before I reply.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

Spencer's face turns into a frown. “I asked what you’ve got going on with my brother.” I shrug my shoulders and look in the direction of Damon. I didn’t want Spencer to notice me seeking out Damon. I blush then answer.

“It’s nothing. Well it’s... complicated.” Fuck. I don’t know what to say. I didn’t plan on Spencer being so perceptive. I turn my head and bury my face into his chest as I hear the words I don’t want to hear.

“Ella, I can’t do this. Damon is my brother. If something is going on then I need to know. I won’t step on my brother’s toes. It’s obvious he feels something for you by the looks he is giving me right now
, and you can’t take your eyes off him.” I put my arms around his neck and pull his mouth down to mine silencing his words. His body goes rigid in my hold before relaxing and returning my kiss.

“I’m single,” I say against his lips. It’s true
, I am single. Spencer doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes but he’s not. Not really anyway. I deepen the kiss hoping to get some sort of feelings. Feelings I get when Damon kisses me. No, when I kiss Damon. I’m the one in control when it comes to anything with Damon. I need to get Damon off my mind and concentrate on his brother. I rub my hands up into his hair, shifting my fingers through the dark stands, holding him to me.

Spencer brings his hands up into my hair, tilting my head to a new a
ngle to deepen the kiss. I need to put a stop to this PDA. I don’t want too many people to notice me and Spencer.

When I pull away it doesn’t surprise me that I feel nothing for him, there is no emotion, and it’s what I’m used to. It’s comforting feeling nothing. I know my walls are firmly back in place. It makes the rest of this evening’s plan so much easier when feelings aren’t involved. I want to break Damon, not Spencer. We resume dancing but a lot less sexual now a new song is

What I don’t expect to feel is guilt.

I excuse myself at a new track change so I can go to the ladies room, quickly making my way to the toilets and shutting myself in a cubicle. Sitting on the toilet, I take a moment to compose myself. Why do I feel nothing kissing anyone else but Damon? With Damon I feel everything. He makes me feel again. Why does kissing his brother feel like I’ve just betrayed him? It’s what I’m meant to do, I’m not meant to feel guilt from that betrayal.

Thinking about Damon, as usual, makes me think of Lydia. I try to pull a memory of her, one that will make me happy. It makes me think of another diary entry.


Jan 18th 2011

I am so excited! Tonight I get to go on my first date with Damon Hunt. All the glances across the office, all the secret phone calls, all the soft touches will finally be put into action tonight. I don’t have to hide being with him because we will be in public.

I have butterflies in my stomach just waiting for the
time to pass until we are together. I can’t believe it’s finally happening. I know he feels the same way I do. The looks he gives me tells me he wants me just as much as I want him.

Tonight he will be mine in every way.

I think I love him. Is that possible? I never thought love at first sight existed...until Damon.


Voices outside the stall pull me out of my thoughts. I hear two women talking and try to block out their conversation but a name catches my attention.

“Do you think Damon loves her? Have you seen the way he keeps looking at her?” I hold my breath waiting for the reply.

“I don’t know. Is it possible for Damon Hunt to love anyone but himself?” I hear a snigger.

“Michelle, jealousy doesn’t suit you
, just because he turned you down. You need to get over it already,” a third voice says as she starts laughing. I know that voice. That voice is Leona’s. I’ve met her a few times. “Anyway, Damon won’t love anyone until he gets over all the shit from his past.” That piques my interest. I’ve learnt as much about the Hunts as I can. Damon especially, but he’s a very private person. It’s difficult to find out things that are secret.

“He didn’t turn me down, he just said he wasn’t available. That’s not saying he will never be available, and besides the way she was dancing with his brother shows who she’s really interested in. Damon doesn’t stand a chance. I really don’t think that relationship is going anywhere,” Michelle replies.
“Unless the thrill of the chase pulls Damon in. We all know that when Damon wants something he gets it.”

I don’t hear any more as the door opens and they all leave. I come out of the stall and wash my hands before applying a new layer of lipstick. What shit in Damon’s past does he need to get over before he can commit? This new info could put a real big damper on my plans. I’ll just have to up my games. Taking another glance at myself in the mirror I head back to the ballroom to find Spencer.

“Spencer, I’m going to get a taxi and head home. My feet are hurting and I’m ready to have a bath.” I lean into him and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Call me. Damon has my number.” I start to walk away when I feel his hand touch my arm.

“Do you need a lift?”

“No thanks.”

“Get my number from Damon. I have more chance of hearing from you again if you call me. I can’t see Damon giving out your number anytime soon.” I can’t resist a glance at Damon
. He is staring at me, and when I catch his gaze his head falls to his chest.

I don’t know why this bothers me but it does. I push the feeling aside and walk away from Spencer with a nod, acknowledging his request. “I’ll do that.”
I post a cheque in the donation box and make my way to the exit. Just as I’m about to walk out the main entrance I hear my name being called. I turn to find Tom strutting over to me with a smile on his face.

“Need a lift?” I nod my head as his arm slips around my shoulders. “Come on Els, let’s get you home.”


Tom dropped me off at my house. I haven’t been back for a while. Walking through the door, it feels empty. I feel empty. Tom isn’t happy with everything that went down tonight. He’s told me I need to start telling him everything I’ve been doing and what I’m playing at before he’ll talk to me again.

I throw my shoes off and unzip my dress, leaving it pool to the floor before heading for my room. I rummage through my wardrobe, realising most of my clothes are at Damon’s, and find a shirt. It’s one left over from Cory. I saved it purposefully. I need it for the next phase of my plan.

I pull it over my head before pulling on a fresh pair of underwear, and make my way to the living room. It’s early yet, not even ten pm. I don’t like the silence. It’s strange how some silences can be deathly loud. This is one of those silences. I realise I miss my room at Damon's. Pulling out my mobile I call for a taxi. I’d rather wait for Damon to come home then wait here alone.

I pull up to Damon's house an hour later. The house is dark which means that Damon is still at the charity event. I sigh before paying for the ride.

Pulling out the key he gave me I let myself in, dropping my bag, dress, and shoes on floor. I jump when I hear him.

“Where the hell have you been?” he growls. My hand moves along the wall to find the light switch. He is sitting at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes look sad but his body is tense for a fight.

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