Corrupted (8 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Corrupted
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May 24th 2014


Things between Damon and I have been relatively easy. It’s like the whole catching me while pleasuring myself hadn’t happened. I for sure wasn’t going to mention it again, and Damon has surprised me by being blasé about the whole issue.

I’m down in Damon's pool doing a few lengths waiting for him to come home. I‘ve been bored all day, watching the clock for each hour until he walks through the door. I can’t figure out when I became so dependent on him, but I can’t deny I’m starting to like the way it felt having someone to talk to. It’s been nice.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn’t noticed that Damon is now in the water with me, so it completely takes me by surprise when I crash into his hard, broad chest as he leans against the wall. Looking up from the water I give him a seductive smile “Hi,” I all but purr at him. His returning smile spreads across his face, almost flooring me.

Damon moves towards me and I think he is going to kiss me, when he snakes his arms around my waist, but instead he dunks me und
er. Being unprepared, I swallow, trying to get air into my lungs. I start to kick out, the arms holding me let me go, and I swim to the side coughing and spluttering. A second later Damon pulls himself out of the water coughing too.

“You fucking moron, you could have killed me.” I climb out and lie on my back while trying to steady my breathing. I can see Damon trying to do the same thing, I turn my head to look at him and he looks in pain.

“Hey, are you ok?” He nods his head while clutching his manhood. That’s when it hits me. What I have done.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Did I kick you in your...” he nods his head and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. Damon looks up at me and a smile breaks out on his face. A giggle erupts from me.

“You know what, beauty? That’s the first time I’ve seen you genuinely smile since you’ve been here.”

I look up at him in surprise, “What do you mean? I smile all the time.” He takes my hand in his, entwining our fingers, my breath catches as I look into his eyes.

“No Ella, you have the smile you want the world to see, and then you have the one that was just on your face, the one that reaches your eyes. I have only seen it one other time and that was when you were looking at Tom. I vowed I would try and do anything I could to get you to smile at me like that. Who knew all it took was a kick in the balls?”

The shock I feel at his words surprises me. I haven’t realised he was paying as much attention to me as he was. I need to take a moment to get my thoughts together so I stand up and jump back into the water, diving in as gracefully as I can.

After a moment Damon climbs back in and we start to mess about, playing water polo. He is so good he gets the ball off me nearly every time I try to shoot. It doesn’t surprise me seeing as he is so good at everything else.

I love how carefree he can be. It makes me feel at ease, like we can just be around each other and nothing else matters. I like being around him. When we just hang out it’s nice, comforting.

Swimming back over to the edge, I climb out and sit on the side, watching as Damon starts to swim. After a few lengths he stops and swims towards me. I prepare myself for him to pull me in this time but he doesn’t. Instead he pushes my legs apart, pulling me closer to the edge so he can stand between them. He wraps his arms around my hips and rests his head against my stomach.

I feel confused having him here like this. He seems vulnerable. I should be happy, but I’m not. I feel like for a second he just needs this... contact. He holds onto me like I’m keeping him afloat, like I’m his lifeline. I’m not. The water is doing all the work. I like this. I shouldn’t, and I know I shouldn’t, but I do.

Damon lets go of my waist and asks if I want a drink. I nod my head, still unsure if I can stand yet,  my legs feel like jelly at the intimate moment we just shared. I can see it in his eyes, it meant something to him. Fuck, it meant something to me. But what?

Damon heads over to the lounger to lie down, the drinks he made us placed down on the side table. He doesn’t take his eyes off me so I slowly stand up and walk over. I go to sit down then I feel his hand in mine. He pulls me gently, letting me know he wants me on the lounger bed with him.

I lay down on top of him, and my cheek is pressed against his strong chest. I can hear his heartbeat, it’s strong and fast. I know me being this close is affecting him.  His arms come around me and his hand rests on the top of my head.

His fingers slowly stroke my hair. He is so gentle with me, caressing me like I’m made of glass. Like I’m fragile and he wants to protect me. Doesn’t he realise I’m not the one that needs protecting?

My thought jars me. It doesn’t sit well with the part of me that has these feelings for him. Those parts war inside of me, and I don't know which will win at this moment in time. All I know is, laying here with him like this, for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel so alone.

I can feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep in Damon's arms. I can hear him whispering soothing words but my mind that has switched off in a dreamy state so I don’t hear what he’s saying. I feel Damon moving me. I’m now in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder. He’s walking me into the house. My body bobs and my limbs swing with the momentum of his steps. 

When he gets to my room he places me on the edge of the bed, sitting up, while he strips off my bikini. I should protest but I’m too tired and I don’t. It’s nice to be taken care of. He moves away and I shut my eyes. I hear him opening and shutting the drawers housing my clothes.

I open my eyes as I feel him close again, and he bends down and kisses me gently before pulling away and putting a t-shirt over my naked body. Slowly he pulls back the covers, and places me in the middle of the king-si
ze bed. When he pulls away I feel emptiness crawl over my heart again and the words I whisper surprise me.

“Stay... please?” My voice doesn’t sound like my own, it’s small and childlike. I think he didn’t hear me when I hear him walk from my room. I sigh, swallowing down the dry lump currently residing in my throat.

Before I have the chance to feel too upset, he returns in just a pair of boxers and climbs into bed beside me, pulling me so my back is to his chest, skin to skin, hard to soft. The warmth of his body relaxes me and I feel my eyes shut as I start to drift off again into a peaceful slumber.

Damon is kissing my hair and I don’t know if I’m dreaming but I’m sure I hear
him say I need to keep you. I think I nod my head in reply as I sink into darkness.


I wake up with a start, trying to remember where I am. I feel so HOT. There is pressure holding me still. Then it all comes back to me, falling asleep in Damon’s arms, me begging him to stay. I wait for the repulsion to hit me, but it doesn’t, I feel relaxed.
I feel like I’m where I should be, here in his arms.

I feel Damon start to stir behind me and take a glance at the clock, Shit
. It’s almost 9am. Damon is going to be late for work. I nudge him, “Damon, wake up.” He doesn’t even move so I try again shoving him a bit harder “Damon, you’re gonna be late.” He opens one eye and looks at me like I'm the Demon.

“Go back to sleep Ella, I’m not going into work today.” His eyes close again as he shifts onto his stomach, pushing his arms up under his pillows. He looks so beautiful. I then do something I have never done before. I reach for my phone and take a picture
. He looks so good that I want to capture the moment, not even questioning my feelings why I want this. All I know is that I want something to remind me of him.

Damon hears the shutter sound when it clicks and lifts his head. Reaching for my phone he looks at the picture I had just taken, smiling to himself he pulls me towards him and rests me in the crook of his
arm, before holding the camera out and snapping a picture of the two of us together. He kisses my shoulder then hands me back my phone.

Damon climbs out of bed, and I can’t help the appreciative gasp that escapes me when I see his morning wood. I really want to take him in my mouth and suck him dry. I lick my lips and take in the rest of his body, blushing when I realise that he is staring at me.

“Like what you see, Ella?” I shudder at the way he says my name, not from repulsion but the pure lust that I now feel between my legs. I nod my head and look up at him again as he stalks towards me. I already know where this is heading and the excitement in my belly begins to bubble.

Eyes smouldering, Damon reaches me on the bed. I can tell he is just as turned on as I am. He bends forward, while at the same time reaching his hand around my neck and pulling me towards him. His mouth crashes down on mine in a hungry kiss, my arms snake around his neck as I try to use all my strength to pull him down on top of me.

Just as I’m about to lose myself completely with him, Damon unhooks my arms and moves away, walking into the bathroom. I am left completely speechless as I hear the shower turn on before I hear him start to whistle. Trying to calm my breath I feel so aroused. My pussy is throbbing. I feel like I’m about to explode from wanting him.

When I hear the shower turn off and Damon walks back into the room, it does nothing to slow my already accelerated heart rate. Just seeing the water droplets running down his chest makes me want to reach out and lick each single one off of him.

“Are you hungry?” The question snaps me out of my x rated thoughts, my stomach rumbling as I remember I hadn’t eaten anything the night before. Damon continues to speak as I just stare at him like a deluded moron unable to form sentences. “Why don’t you take a shower while I go make you some breakfast? I thought we could spend the day together watching movies. I thought it might be fun to just hang out.” I nod my head at him as he leaves my room.

Confused by what’s going on between us, it feels nice, natural even, but I have to stop myself. Nothing about this fucked up relationship is natural. It started on lies, but no matter how much I tell myself I don’t care for him, I do. That won't matter when it's time, though. Even if I leave this house completely in love with Damon Hunt, he will never know. If that means ending this the way it started, on a lie, that’s what I'll do.

I pull myself out of bed, and a sudden bout of nausea rises in my throat. Slapping my hand to my mouth, I race to the bathroom, doubling over the toilet as my stomach empties what little there is inside. I feel so sick. My whole body starts to shake as I double over again, dry heaving.

I feel Damon move all the hair from my sweat slicked face and hold it away in a fist. I hadn’t even heard him come in. The smell of coffee hits my nose again and I retch. The smell is making me feel dizzy, I can’t stop shaking.

Damon, noticing my reaction to his drink, pours the coffee down the sink and comes and sits down next to me, a look of concern etched across his beautiful face.

“Are you ok, beauty?” I nod my head but the movement almost causes me to black out so I sit with my head between my knees taking in deep breaths. Just as I’m about to stand up another bout of nausea hits me and I lean over the toilet to throw up again.

Before I know what’s happening I hear the shower switch on, Damon is standing behind me naked, and he bends down and swoops me up into his arms, being gentle with me as he steps inside carefully removing the t-shirt from me. He holds me steady while he proceeds to wash me all over. The water soothes my now pounding head. He soaps up a wash cloth and washes my face. He is being so gentle with me that I can’t help the tears that build behind my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I can’t remember a time before when I’ve felt so cared for.

I look up at Damon
, “Thank you.” He doesn’t say anything, just smiles down at me. Even though he is washing me all over there is nothing sexual about this moment, he is just taking care of me and it feels nice.

Damon grabs my toothbrush and
wets it before putting toothpaste on there for me. I brush my teeth, almost attacking my mouth to get the taste away. When I'm done, Damon grabs a towel and switches off the water. He gently towel dries me off and places me back into bed.

“Do you need anything?” I open my eyes and look in his direction, the look of concern still on his face.

“Damon, I'm ok. It must just be a bug. I'm sure after some sleep I’ll be ok, but maybe some water will help.” I smile up weakly at him as I watch him leave the room. He returns a few minutes later with a glass of water and some paracetamol. I take them from him, swallowing them with the water and he leaves me alone. I snuggle back under the covers and close my eyes.



May 26th 2014


The weekend passes in a blur of sexual longing and thoughts of Damon. I know staying in the same house as him would be difficult but I didn’t think he would get under my skin. Well not this much and this soon anyway.

It’s dark and gloomy outside, just how I feel. Today is Monday. I hate today. Well I hate everything today. Damon will be going in to work and I’m not sure I’m ready to get back to the real world. It’s been an amazing week, getting closer to Damon, relaxing. I know it’s not just him getting closer, I am too but I can
shut my feelings off when I need to.  I’m more confused now than ever. I’m having bouts of hate, lust, and giddy excitement with every touch, every look from him.

Spending time with Damon in the last few days has been hard
, to say the least. He is a very touchy-feely person. That wouldn’t be so bad if my body didn’t ignite with each touch, each time getting harder to control my responses.

His eyes follow me everywhere in t
he evenings, never straying far, staying close by. It’s nice. I should hate it but I don’t. Not hating it makes me hate myself though. How can I enjoy the company of a man who not only broke me by taking everything I loved away, but broke my sister too?

I’ve blocked all these thoughts over the weekend. I just wanted a normal
weekend, no games, no planning, no hate.

We’ve kissed a few times over the weekend but I’ve always stopped it before it went any further. I’ve not wanted to think about what I’ve got to do to this man. No, not this man, not the man I’ve spent the past week getting to know. The man who broke my sister.

I’m yet to meet the side of Damon that my sister met. The master manipulator. It’s sometimes easy to forget this is the man I’ve spent the last three years hating.

I hear Damon moving about in his room. I think it’s time to go back to my place. I need to distance myself from him. The feelings that have built over the weekend need
to be broken down and put away so I can finish my mission.

I sigh, knowing the conversation with Damon about me going back to my place is going to be a rough one. He’s not going to want me to go back to a place that he thinks has been broken into but I need some space between us. I need to get this over with as soon as possible. I can’t let my feelings st
op getting Lydia her justice. 

I pull the covers back, roll out of bed, and go to the toilet. After taking care of my bladder, I wash my hands, face, and brush my teeth. I run my fingers through my hair, untangling it, before pulling it into a high messy bun. 

I make my way downstairs for a glass of milk. I know Damon won’t be too long before coming down for his morning coffee. I quickly work around the kitchen, pouring myself a drink and making sure everything is ready for Damon to get his daily fix of espresso.

Just as I’m making my way back up to my room, Damon steps out of his. He is utterly gorgeous. He takes my breath away in casual clothes, but in a suit he is just stunning. The black suit jacket is slung over his arm, his light grey shirt moulds his muscular physique perfectly, his fitted black slacks showcase his taut thighs. He is yummy.

Damon’s eyes travel the length of me, taking in my near naked state. I have on a t-shirt that barely covers my arse and nothing else. I didn’t even slip a pair of knickers on because I didn’t expect to run into him. His eyes darken with arousal, his trousers growing tighter around his groin as he starts to swell.

My clit throbs as my inner walls clench with want. I take a deep breath hoping to tame down the desire that is quickly building in me. All the inhale results in is a wildfire tearing up inside me. His smell surrounds me, drowning me in his unique scent.

My pussy floods with juices and I know it won’t take long before Damon is able to smell my need for him. I mumble “morning” before trying to skirt around his body, and into the safety of my room. Damon blocks my exit with his arm again, then cages me against the wall, using his body to pin me where he wants me.

“Morning,” he whispers into my neck as he nuzzles. I gasp at the soft stroke of his tongue on my neck. “I can smell you. I’ll have your scent stuck in my head all day. I need a taste.” His mouth sucks my earlobe into his mouth as he nibbles me. “Just one taste. I have to have one taste.” The huskiness of his desire filled voice makes my knees weak. I melt into his body, letting the feelings he’s evoking within me take over.

His fingers slide up the nape of my neck before he wraps my bun in his fist. He angles my head before smashing his lips down on mine. I moan, opening my mouth to invite his tongue to tangle with mine. He changes the angle of my head with a tug of his wrist. His other hand smoothes down the side of my body, to the top of my thigh. He slips his fingers under the hem of my t-shirt, gliding his hand around to my bare butt, kneading and squeezing the fleshy globes.

He lets out a groan as I grind my pussy into his thigh. I need more pressure, more touch... just more Damon.

He tears his mouth from mine, I whimper in disappointment. He drops to his knees, dropping his suit jacket carelessly to the floor. My body trembles when I realise his intention. I spread my legs wider just as he places a kiss on my thigh.

,” I rasp, “Please.” I need his hot mouth on me. I thrust my hips forward, trying to get him where I need him.

“Fuck me. You’re drenched. So fucking wet for me, beauty.” His words cause me to slump against the wall. I won’t be able to stand when he puts his mouth on me. Damon must see this as he lifts me off my feet, and drapes my legs over his shoulders. He buries his head between my thighs
, licking and lapping, lapping and sucking, sucking and biting. I cry out with sensation overload swimming through my veins. “I love your taste. All sweet and tangy. And mine. I need to keep you. Let me keep you.”

His eyes don’t leave mine. Looking down my body and seeing him feeding on me, eating me out, is the most erotic thing I have ever seen. His brown eyes hold my gaze captive. The intensity storming through his eyes causes my breath to catch. His walls are down. His emotions clear in his expression. He loves every minute of tasting me.

“So fucking juicy.” he growls against me. His deep voice sends vibrations straight through me.

I cry out as my orgasm nears. Damon is a pro at going down on me. He knows just what to do to get me writhing beneath him. Or against him in this case. My hands tangle in his hair, anchoring him to me. I begin grinding against his mouth, his stubble prickling me, adding to the pleasure.

“Damon,” I breathe. “I’m going to come. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

He stops.

I cry out in frustration. What the fuck? I was there. I was right there, ready to fall. I tug his hair, trying to push back against his mouth. He holds me steady, grinning up at me.

“That should last me through the day.” He untangles my legs from around his neck and places my arse on the floor. I pant, trying to catch my breath. What the fuck just happened? He cups my face before leaning down to press his forehead against mine. “Go out with me tonight. Let me take you out. Let me show you off.” It’s not a question, it’s a demand.

My desire fogged brain is still stuck in the orgasm I was about to reach. I shake my head to try and respond to his demand. His lips come down to brush against mine.

“Go out with me
,” he whispers.

I can do nothing but nod my head and close my eyes. I feel him smile against my lips, giving me a chaste kiss.

He’s gone before I open my eyes.

A date? I’m going on a date with Damon. Tonight. I’m not sure if I should just be the real me or get back to my next step in taking him down. Maybe one more night being just me and Damon won’t hurt.

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