Countdown (12 page)

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Authors: Natalie Standiford

BOOK: Countdown
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Pierce laughed again, coolly this time. “I'm sorry about that, Senator. You must forgive me. It's just that the president of Iran makes me so darn mad I could kick someone — and you just happened to get in the way!”

More laughter. The offended senator seemed to accept Pierce's jokey explanation. But Cara knew it was a cover-up. Her father's leg had jerked against his will. For a split second, in front of all those politicians, he had lost control over himself.

Her father. Losing control.

She'd once thought that was impossible. But maybe it wasn't.

She didn't know for sure what had caused that spasm, but she had a theory — and it scared her. Her father had been drinking those special power shakes for longer than she had, and he took a bigger dose of whatever that stuff was he put in them. But what
that stuff? She knew it enhanced her physical and mental powers — but what else did it do?

What was it doing to

She found herself staring at her fingers, touching her knee, checking to see if her legs were doing any involuntary shaking. So far she was okay. But she felt the other changes, the good changes — the speed, the wit, the easy charm — and thought,
Those things don't come free.

Someday she'd have to pay a price.

“It's time these so-called ‘heads of state' learned what
leadership is.
leadership,” Pierce continued.

Cara shuddered as another question iced down her spine.
What price would the world have to pay?

Tikal, Guatemala

Amy marveled at Atticus. The boy knew his stuff, and he wasted no time. That afternoon he led them to a group of structures just south of the Mundo Perdido, or the Lost World, the oldest part of Tikal. “This is called the
Mural de los Jugadores
,” he explained, showing them an excavated mural from about 370

The Ball Players Mural
. It depicts an epic ball game between two sets of characters in Mayan mythology: the Hero Twins and the Lords of the Underworld.”

The western sector of the mural showed three men in ceremonial dress facing some brick-like patterns that Atticus thought represented a ball court. The figures on the eastern sector of the mural were damaged, so that only their feet were visible.

“This is one of the Hero Twins.” He pointed to a man in the mural wearing a headband and ornaments made of bones. “The Lords of the Underworld were painted on the damaged side of the mural, so we can't see them. But one of them was called the Lord of the Mirrors.”

“Mirrors,” Amy said. “Like in Olivia's book.”

“I suspect that glyph was once part of this mural — on the damaged side,” Atticus said. “And in terms of decoding the map that leads to the riven crystal, it fits with the

“But what does it mean?” Dan asked.

“I think it's code for
,” Atticus said.

“Like a mirror image,” Amy said.

“Right. If I redraw the map as it would look in a mirror, it would send us to the opposite side of the park,” Atticus said.

“To another unexcavated temple —” Jake added.

“— where the crystal should be,” Dan finished.

“Let's go find it.” Amy barked the words like an order.

“I think Atticus should redraw the map first, so we don't get lost,” Jake said.

“We won't get lost. I can see it all in my head — the whole park.” Amy's mind was supercharged, thinking a thousand miles a second. She passed through the entrance to a house in the Mundo Perdido, shaped like a serpent's maw, muttering to herself, thinking out loud, twirling in place to let the others catch up.

“Amy, you're making me dizzy,” Dan said with worry in his voice. “I feel like I'm on the teacup ride at Disneyland.”

“I'm thinking,” Amy replied, but the truth was she couldn't stand still. The serum was coursing through her veins, energizing her, calling her muscles to action. Her muscles demanded something to do. It was a strange feeling for a girl who could normally sit reading in a window seat for hours without pausing to look up.

She felt a twitch in her pinky finger and stopped twirling. She stared at the finger. It twitched again. Strange, but nothing to be too worried about . . .

But then, suddenly, her stomach churned. Probably from spinning around and around the way she'd been doing. She stood perfectly still, trying to calm her nerves.

“You stopped twirling, finally,” Dan said. “Thank you.”

She swallowed and nodded. Dan's face blurred. She blinked, trying to clear her vision. His skin, his hair, his eyes — everything looked yellowish, as if she were gazing through a yellow lens. Or was that her imagination?

“Amy, what's wrong?” Atticus asked.

She blinked again, and her vision cleared. The yellowing and blurring were gone. She touched her pinky with the other hand. Steady. “I'm fine,” she said. “Perfectly okay.”

But everyone knew she wasn't fine. She had six days to live. And the side effects that would kill her had begun.

“Shake it off, Amy,” Jake said with the same mix of fear and irritation that had colored everything he'd directed toward her since she took the serum, as if all she had to do to stop dying was “put her mind to it.” Her supersharp mind picked up the angry flash in his eyes, perceived the way they lightened for a split second from gray blue to azure as clearly as if it had happened in slow motion.

“Shake what off? I told you I'm fine.”

The three boys stood awkwardly around Amy, afraid to touch her. She was at once very strong and very delicate, as if an accidental jostle might break her, or one wrong word could set her off, make her snap at them with a fierceness she couldn't quite control.

“The crystal,” she reminded them. “We're going to go find it tonight.”

“What about Pierce's men?” Atticus asked. “What if they're spying on us? What if they ambush us again?”

Poor Att. He'd been through a lot for a little kid. Being chased around the world by Pierce's men must have felt like living in a bad dream where the bogeyman was always after him.

Her brain suddenly lit up — she could actually feel the neurons firing — with a brilliant idea.

Pierce's men were always in the way. Always the obstacle that kept Amy from her goal. The answer was obvious. Get rid of them.

Amy turned to face the boys. “We'll set a trap.”

Jake looked alarmed. “Set a trap for who?”

“Pierce's men.” Amy stalked forward again, barely giving the others a chance to keep up. “Think about it. They're trying to kill us. We spend a lot of time and energy fighting them off, running away from them, just trying to stay alive. If we didn't have to do all that, we could make the antidote a whole lot faster.”

“I wish they'd shrivel up and crawl into a hole, too,” Dan said. “But that's not going to happen. Those dudes aren't going anywhere.”

“That's why we have to trap them — the ones who are here in Tikal, at least. Then we'll be free to find the crystal and the book without worrying and watching our backs all the time.”

“Trap them how?” Atticus asked.

“I'm working on that,” Amy said. “I'm thinking some kind of cage, or a pit . . . a very deep pit, so deep they'd never get out.” She jumped up on a high wall, walked along it as if it were a balance beam, and jumped off as neatly as a gymnast, all without giving it a thought. Her mind seemed to work better if her body was kept busy this way.

She turned to see how far behind her they'd fallen. They'd stopped, all three of them. They were standing in the middle of the path, staring at her as if she were a lunatic. “Nothing will go wrong,” she insisted. “We do away with them. It makes sense. It makes
than sense.” That was how things seemed to Amy then, bigger, better, more. . . . It was part of the way the serum acted on her. Brilliant ideas flew through her mind so fast she barely had time to catch them. There were so many! It was amazing, but it made it hard to relax. Impossible to relax, actually. Luckily, she never felt tired. She started walking again, but the three boys still didn't move. “What?” she demanded.

“You want to trap people in a pit?” Jake asked. “A pit so deep they can't climb out?”

“If they fell into a pit that deep, they could break their legs,” Dan said.

“And then what?” Jake prodded. “You'd leave them there in the pit? With no food or water, and possibly broken legs . . .”

“ . . . to die in the jungle?” Dan said. She could hear the real question in his voice:
Amy, are you in there?

Atticus said nothing. He just held back, as if he were a little bit afraid of her.

Now she knew why she'd never thought of this plan before.

It was murder.

She started to tremble. Atticus walked slowly up to her and put his arms around her the way a lost child hugs his mother. “Oh, Att,” she whispered, stroking his hair. “I don't know what's happening to me.”

Trilon Laboratories

“Excuse me, Dr. Gormey. I have a question for you.”

Nellie bristled. Her coworker, Dr. Brent Beckelheimer, was a brilliant chemist but supremely annoying. She knew she'd have a problem with him the minute she noticed how he'd decorated his workspace: with a collection of miniature garden gnomes. Just the sight of him made Nellie want to scream. Amy was dying. The kiddos needed Nellie. Dr. Beckelheimer was wasting her time.

Her work at the lab was critical. She knew that. But she felt a magnetic pull south toward Guatemala. All she wanted to do was throw her lab coat on the floor, drive 190 miles per hour to the airport, and go save Amy.

Instead she was stuck in The Middle of Nowhere, Delaware, dealing with buffoons like Dr. Beckelheimer.

She'd assumed, since she was his boss, that she'd be able to avoid him, but he was strangely sticky, always hovering around. Now he leaned against the door of her office, just off the main lab, where she was supervising a team of chemists who were trying to solve the problem of drug side effects. Her research group had started as a cover operation, but there was a new sense of urgency in the lab and everyone was now working on a mysterious new project. Nellie had a good idea what this mysterious project was, of course, and working on it directly gave her a little more access to top secret information. It made it harder than ever for Nellie to camouflage her total ignorance of organic chemistry, though.

The drug they were studying — though the other scientists weren't aware of it — was the Cahill serum. The side effects they were trying to cure included something called Buccoglossal Syndrome, or involuntary movements of the body.

Nellie knew why they were trying to get rid of Buccoglossal Syndrome. She'd seen the footage of Pierce with the queen of England on TV, and she recognized an involuntary movement when she saw one, no matter how cleverly Pierce had tried to cover it up. But she had to play along, stay friendly with the others to keep them from suspecting that she had infiltrated the company and was basically a corporate spy. “Yes, Dr. Beckelheimer? I only have a second.”

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