Counter To My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 7) (13 page)

BOOK: Counter To My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 7)
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“Get the soap,” he ordered roughly.

His gravelly voice had gotten even rougher as his arousal started to take over, and I found that I quite liked that…what I did to him.

I placed my beer on the side of the shower when I bent over and felt around on the floor for the soap, bracing my hand against the wall in front of me to hold myself steady as I searched.

Which was a good thing when his long, thick finger shoved straight into my pussy with no warning.

I gasped, closing my eyes, as I pressed my ass back against him, completely forgetting that I was supposed to be finding the soap.

“Soap,” he ordered again, smacking my ass for emphasis.

I gasped again and restarted my search for the soap, pausing when he worked not two, but three fingers into me.

“Soap,” he continued, sounding barely fazed by what was happening to me.

My orgasm was just suddenly there.

One second I was thinking he needed shut up about the soap, and the next my orgasm was slamming into me with the force of a freight train.

I would’ve fallen forward, too, had Silas not stopped pleasuring me and gripped me by the hair and hip, hauling me back into him.

His hand slid around my hip, cupping my sex and filling me with two fingers as he said, “You didn’t get the soap.”

“Fuck the damn soap,” I said, lifting my arm to loop around his neck.

“Tsk, tsk,” he said, stopping the slow back and forth movement of his fingers. “There’s something you should know about me, darlin.’”

I closed my eyes and swallowed. “W-what?”

Suddenly, I found myself whirled around, my back pressed up against the cool tile of the shower, Silas’ body pressed firmly against mine, holding me in place with just the strength of his legs.

His hands were tickling up and down my sides lightly, his cock standing like a steel bar between us, so hard that it had to hurt.

“When I tell you to do something…I expect you to do it. I’m not a man like any of the others you may have known. I’m older and set in my ways, I expect things to be done the way I want them done, and all that means you need to follow my directions. Everything I do and say has a purpose, and that purpose is what’s in your best interest. So from now on, in all ways, you obey me,” he ordered, his mouth only inches away from mine.

I should be offended, right?

Except I wasn’t. Not at all.

I was turned way the hell on.

Once again, my troubles were all but forgotten as I handed myself over to Silas on a silver fucking platter.

“Okay,” I panted out breathily.

His lips pressed to mine as he mumbled against them, “Now, get the fucking soap.”

Needless to say, I dropped to my knees and
got the fucking soap

When I stood once again, soap in hand, he guided my hand holding the bar of soap in it and pressed it against his chest.

“Wash me,” he ordered.

I licked my lips and searched in the darkness for his face.

It was no use.

I could just barely make out his form, and I couldn’t see his expression at all.

There was no light whatsoever in the shower, and coupled with the storm’s darkness outside, it was useless to try, but I still strained to see his face.

Using both hands to work the soap into a foamy lather, I started at his shoulders, running my hands over the very tops of his very broad shoulders, down his muscular arms to his hands, working the lather over every inch of his skin along the way.

I circled each finger with my fist, working them like I would his cock.

Once I was done with his left hand, I switched the soap to my left and went to work on his right hand.

He growled when I got to his thumb, but he held still letting me do my thing.

Smiling, I dropped down to my knees in front of him and went to work on his feet.

I tapped the first one I encountered, and he accommodated me by lifting and holding it up so I could wash the bottom of his foot. I repeated the process on his other foot.

I then moved on to his leg, massaging my way up the bulky thickness of it from his ankle to his groin.

Running my soapy hands over his hips, I also encountered his rock-solid cock as the head of it bumped against the corner of my mouth while I leaned forward to wash his hips and belly.

And really now, what was a girl to do?

But when I opened my mouth to take him inside, he took hold of my hair and used it to stop me in my tracks.

“Not yet,” he growled. “Finish.”

I looked down as heat rushed to my face, keeping my mouth shut tight to hold the laugh in that was tempted to escape.

He didn’t let go of my hair as I soaped up his other leg.

Meaning, he didn’t trust me not to take his cock back into my mouth.

I had no idea why he thought I’d be unable to follow his instructions.

It wasn’t like I was a girl who didn’t have any self-control, even when there was a cock rubbing against her cheek and the side of her neck for two minutes straight.

When I finished his legs and got to his cock, though, he stopped me.

“Start with my balls,” he ordered.

Getting my hands thoroughly wet with the water that was hitting my back, I started on his balls.

Lathering my hands up, I put the soap down by my knees and lifted both hands slowly, really not wanting to do any undue harm to Silas’ balls considering I still couldn’t see jack shit.

Then lightning flashed across the sky, and the sight before me was illuminated for a few short seconds, letting me know that I was mere inches away from his tightly drawn up testicles.

Lifting up a bit on my knees, I started to slowly work the soap into his balls, being extremely careful yet thorough with my efforts.

My knuckles bumped against his cock numerous times, but the hand in my hair never tightened, meaning he knew I’d done it by accident.

“Now my cock. Stay away from the head with the soap for now.”

I fisted his cock with both hands, knowing that would enable me to stay away from the head by experience.

I shuttled both of my hands back and forth along the shaft of his hard cock, surprised when the hand in my hair tightened and pulled my head back.

Water splashed down my face and ran in rivulets down my body as I held my breath in order not to breathe water into my lungs.

“Stand up,” he said huskily.

I did as he asked, coming to my feet and leaving the soap on the ground.

Silas pushed forward, rinsing the soap from his body quickly before he reached for the faucet.

The water was turned off from over my shoulder, and with his hand still in my hair, he guided me out of the shower and stopped me when my feet hit the towel I’d laid on the floor this morning.

Silas followed me out, stopping when just the tip of his cock prodded my ass.

Then, reluctantly, he let my hair go and wrapped a towel around me.

I clutched at it, pulling it around me tightly as the cool air hit my overheated body.

Hearing the distinct sound of foil ripping, I turned my head to follow the sound.

I don’t think that Silas even bothered with a towel, because the next thing I knew I was bent over the toilet, my hands resting on the back of the tank, with Silas filling me.

I gasped, the scream trapped in my throat, as he started to slam into me.

With nothing to hold on to, I dropped down to my elbows, rested my head on my arms where they crossed, and held the fuck on.

Silas was relentless.

And I liked it.

An orgasm that wasn’t even on the horizon moments before suddenly started building with each rough thrust of his huge cock inside of me.

My entrance screamed as the widest part of his cock finally worked its way inside of me.

He filled me like never before, going even deeper in this position than he had the previous night.

I felt him everywhere as he pushed into me repeatedly, dragging the head of his cock over sensitive spots that had my eyes rolling back in my head and my toes curling up in the towel I was standing on.

Each thrust of his hips had our wet skin slapping together so loudly that even the thunder from the storm raging outside couldn’t drown out the sound.

The tornado sirens were now going off, but neither one of us stopped or even slowed down for that matter.

Too lost in each other to think about the world around us.

“Come now, Sawyer,” he gritted through clenched teeth, moving one of his hands from my hips circling my waist, and trailing over my belly on its way down.

When his fingers met my clit, giving me exactly what I needed, I shot straight into orbit.

I came hard, clenching and clamping down around him forcefully.

A growl was ripped from his throat when my pussy started to convulse relentlessly, and he suddenly yanked himself from my still contracting pussy.

I heard the sound of the condom being ripped from his cock, and seconds later, I felt the hot, wet splashes of his orgasm decorating my back and ass.

“I don’t think I finished my beer,” I said, not even remembering when or where I put it down.

He laughed and I yelped.

Mostly because I felt the bite of his teeth on my shoulder before he pulled the towel free of my grip and cleaned my ass off.

“I think it’s at the bottom of the shower. We’ll have to get it tomorrow,” he said, tossing the towel down onto the ground and helping me stand.

I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his shoulder as the siren continued to wail around us.

“We should get out of this apartment,” I told him.

“Hmm,” he agreed, walking me to my bedroom.

I felt, what I guessed was a T-shirt, hit me in the face, followed by a pair of shorts.

Slipping them both on, I waited for him to finish.

When he did, his hand was once again in mine, and we were walking down the back entrance that led to Dallas’ garage.

“Have you been here before?” I asked in surprise.

How was he able to do this without any light?

“No, but I have good night vision, and I was here for about an hour before you got here,” he admitted.

That made sense.

Obviously, he didn’t sit on his ass while he’d been here.

Silas wasn’t the type to do that.

I had doubts that he even slept since whenever I saw him he was either standing, fucking me or had just finished fucking me.

“Ah,” I said. “Do you think there’s really a tornado?”

He squeezed my shoulder. “They wouldn’t have turned the sirens on if they didn’t have a real reason to. False alarms tend to piss off the masses.”

My heart fell.

Although tornados weren’t really a ‘new’ thing for me, they weren’t something I’d had to worry about the past eight years.

However, where I lived now was an area that the weathermen referred to as ‘Tornado Alley.’

There was even a whole season that was devoted to the storms that usually produce them.

When those sirens went off, we had been taught from a young age to immediately seek shelter in a windowless room.

Texas didn’t have underground tornado shelters like they did in other areas along Tornado Alley.

The soil was too dense to dig through.

The shattering of glass had my head whipping around, but it was Silas’ arms that circled around me, lifting me off my feet, that had my heart beating a mile a minute.

“What was that?” I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Hail,” he answered, setting me on top of what I guessed was my brother’s workbench.

Should’ve worn shoes
, I thought to myself.

“Stay there while I run and get your shoes,” he muttered as I heard his boots going back upstairs.

I stayed there on that bench, looking out of what I assumed was the broken window.

It was getting pretty bad out.

The garage around me was shaking, and I had the hysterical thought that Dallas better have insurance on it, because it wouldn’t surprise me if the whole thing blew away with me inside.

Then the horrid thoughts of whether Dallas’ prized Nova being ruined by a possible tornado would affect him more than it would if
was hurt.

But Silas’ return jolted me out of my bad thoughts.

“I found some rain boots, figured they would be better,” Silas said.

I thought about what rain boots he could be talking about and decided they were probably ones I hadn’t worn in over ten years.

I wasn’t sure if they’d even fit.

But when Silas easily slipped socks over my feet and then helped me get my boots on, I realized that they, surprisingly, did.

Pretty well, too.

“You have a flashlight, don’t you?” I accused.

He snorted. “Yeah, what man doesn’t?”

I thought about it. “My father and brothers don’t carry them.”

I felt him lean into me causing my unbound, t-shirt clad breasts to rub up against his leather vest.

I hummed in contentment as I snuggled into his arms.

“I like your vest.”

“It’s called a cut,” he muttered laughingly.

“What’s a cut?” I asked.

The storm was getting worse. The rain was slapping against the roof and the side of the garage in sheets, and the sound of the hail bouncing off the house in a loud succession of pops echoed through the space.

“A leather vest,” he quipped.

I giggled against his chest, turning my face so it could rest against his neck.

He growled when I kissed his exposed throat, but otherwise didn’t move.

“All joking aside, the cut is me. It’s my club. The top rocker, the white banner, is our club name,” he said.

I felt along his back as he spoke, running my fingers over the patches as he explained what each one meant.

“The bottom rocker is our club’s location. We’re the Benton chapter, and we have chapters all over the south,” he explained. “On the front, over my heart, is my name, my club title, and the city again.”

I knew he was explaining this to me to get my mind off the fact that the roof was shaking over our heads,

“I can’t believe Dallas hasn’t at least come to check on me,” I muttered darkly.

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