Counter To My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 7) (21 page)

BOOK: Counter To My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 7)
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Adeline snorted. “It probably would’ve been three years ago before Baylee came along. Now it’s all about family and friends. They don’t get too wild unless the other chapters come around.”

“Other chapters?” I asked, taking a small sip of my Dr. Pepper.

Baylee was the one who answered.

“The Club has different ‘chapters,’” she said, forming her fingers into air quotes. “They’re all members of the same club, the Dixie Wardens, just based in different states. All the chapters have the same name, though. They all come around once or twice a year for the big parties. This year it’s our turn to host, too. Last year, it was the Alabama chapter’s turn, so we all went down there for a week.”

I nodded in understanding. “That’s cool. Kinda like one big extended family.”

They all nodded their heads in agreement. “Yeah, those parties get pretty wild just because of the sheer number of people here.”

“That,” Viddy said, “And the fact that they don’t have the same limits that our guys do. Our chapter is made up of men who are all public servants of some kind, which means they don’t generally do anything obviously illegal, unless things get really out of hand and it’s unavoidable. Most of the time, though, Silas is pretty good at keeping all our boys under control.”

My brows rose. “Silas doesn’t ever get out of control.”

Every single one of them laughed.

“I don’t think any of us has
ever seen him have more than two beers at most. He doesn’t yell. Curse. Fight. Posture. He’s an all-around good man who just wants his club to have fun,
while keeping their shit together as they do it,” Baylee admitted. “And he’s so set in his ways. I’ve never once seen him in anything but jeans, a t-shirt, boots and his cut. When there’s a pool party at one of our houses, he’s always there, wearing the same thing. Sometimes I wonder if he even sleeps in those clothes.”

It was my turn to laugh.

I’d seen the man naked.

And I knew he wore jeans only when he was at home relaxing.

Although I did notice when people came over, he always slipped on his boots and a t-shirt.

I’d never seen him drunk, but I’d seen him close.

And he laughed all the time with me.

Was it me who did that for him?

Because, if so, I kind of liked that. I liked the thought that I did the same for him as he did for me.

I was one very happy woman, and I wanted him to be happy, too.

“So he’s not so uptight around you?” Viddy asked hopefully before bringing her margarita up to her lips.

I nodded. “No. Actually he’s pretty laid back.”

“Glad to hear you think so, darlin’,” Silas’ voice said with amusement from behind me.

I turned my head upside down so I could look at him standing over the back of my chair.

He had both of his strong hands resting on either side of my shoulders, and he was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

“I was only telling the truth,” I informed him.

He winked and leaned down until his mouth touched my own.

“The boys want to go for a ride. You up for it?” He asked.

“That’s not fair!” Rue yelled. “I can’t ride!”

It was then she stood up and gestured to her belly, and I was surprised to see she’d been hiding a pretty sizable baby bump underneath the table.

I would’ve never even realized it had she not stood up.

“Cleo went to get the truck,” he answered her. “Apparently you’re going to the doctor early tomorrow anyway. And he said he had to be at work at five in the morning.”

Rue pursed her lips. “He’s such a liar. He just wants to get me home. Do you realize how hard it was to get him to let me come out here?” She grumbled, annoyance clear in her voice.

I snorted and stood. “I’m just going to
use the bathroom,” I whispered to him. “And
then, yes,” I said, pressing my lips against his, “I’d love to go for a ride with you.”

He caught the back of my head and forced my mouth down on his once more. “Good.”


I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

My face was pressed against the leather of Silas’ cut.

My hands were gently tracing the waistband of his jeans where it met the skin of his taught belly.

My inner thighs and crotch were pressed snugly to his backside.

The rumble of the engine was soothing, even though it was loud.

My ears had gotten used to the sound of the bike, it’s growling repetition lulling me into a peaceful and happy place.

Silas leaned into a bend in the road, and my body leaned with his. I was amazed at how close to the road we tilted on the bike as he maneuvered us through the turn.

Silas handled his machine expertly.

It was powerful and beautiful all at the same time.

I loved the way the tension seemed to leach out of him the longer we were on the bike.

The more we rode, the more relaxed I became because
became more relaxed.

His friends rode around us, one on each side, two in front and two in back.

The women were much the same as I was, although they were probably more used to the way their ass went to sleep after a while than I was.

In fact, I was so relaxed as we drove down yet another back road that I almost missed it.


I happened to glance over to look at Baylee, and I immediately noticed that she was as white as a sheet and her eyes were starting to roll back in her head.

I grabbed a hold of Silas’ hair to get his attention, then pointed in the direction of Baylee.

Silas’ response was immediate, surprising me with his quick reaction.

Instantly, he maneuvered the bike to the side, crowding closer to Sebastian’s bike.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I did the only thing I could think of to do as we traveled at fifty miles an hour down the open road with nothing surrounding us.

I reached out and caught her, shoving her back up against Sebastian in an effort to keep her where she was supposed to be. Silas kept his motorcycle steady next to theirs, while we both slowed down, allowing me to keep a hold on her as I held her in place on the back of Sebastian’s bike.

Sebastian was also trying his hardest to hold her to him while slowing his bike one handed, and I knew she wasn’t going to make it.

She was going to fall.

She was going to be ripped to shreds by the pavement before my eyes.

Oh, God. Please no.

But a miracle happened.

We somehow managed to stop.

And, by the grace of God, she stayed in place on the back of Sebastian’s bike.

Once the bike finally came to a full stop, I gasped out a breath like I’d just run a fifty-mile marathon.

I was half off the bike, the only thing holding me back was Silas’ grip on the back of my jeans and my grip on his cut around the base of his neck.

My thighs were screaming, though, and my mind raced with concern as I quickly got off the bike.

Kettle beat me to it, though, seeming to come from nowhere with Adeline right on his heels.

They easily moved Baylee off the bike, and it was then that I saw the amount of blood that was pouring out of her.

I could see a wound on her neck, but I couldn’t tell what caused it, what the hell had happened to her.

“What’s going on?” I asked worriedly.

The next thirty minutes were a blur.

Ambulances came.

Cops showed.

One ambulance left with Sebastian and a still unconscious Baylee.

And the cop in front of us kept saying words ‘arrested’ and ‘obstruction of justice’ since we didn’t know what happened.

“Seriously, man,” Silas finally said. “I have no clue what happened. We were enjoying a ride, and my woman practically rips my head off to let me know that something’s going on. We pull over, and she was like that. She has a disease, though – Von Willebrand’s. It’s a bleeding disorder. Anything could’ve happened to her, and it’d be more serious just because of that.”

I’d actually heard Baylee say something about having that disease tonight.

It made it so that she could barely function during her periods since the blood flow leaned towards the extreme rather than normal.

She’d also told me about when she’d delivered her daughter, Blaise, and how she’d almost lost her life because they couldn’t get the bleeding under control.

“That’s true, she told me about this tonight. I looked over and her eyes were rolling back in her head. I was lucky I saw it when I did, or she would’ve been hurt much worse,” I whispered.

Silas’ hands tightened on mine. “We really would like to get to the hospital to check on her, if you don’t mind.”

The officer narrowed his eyes. “We’ll be in contact,” he said, flipping his book shut with a snap and turning on his heel to leave.

“Dick,” Silas muttered under his breath.

I squeezed his hand tighter.

“Be nice,” I whispered.

He snorted. “Let’s get to the hospital.”

We walked to the bikes where the others waited, one of the prospects having been dropped off to take Sebastian’s bike back to his place.

And all I could think about was how bad it could’ve been.

How she could’ve died. How she could even be dead right now.

Did I attract death? Was it me?

Questions that I couldn’t answer right now filled my mind. I pushed them out to reevaluate later.

Because, seriously, I had a sickening feeling that this wasn’t so simple. Something had happened.

I just knew somehow that the worst was yet to come.


“Hey,” I said, looking nervously from Sebastian to Baylee.

Sebastian was sitting on the edge of Baylee’s bed, her hand engulfed in his.

“My hero,” Baylee croaked.

I laughed. “You’re looking better.”

Sebastian stood up, and I watched him stalk towards me.

He didn’t stop in front of me, though.

No, he only stopped to put his massive arms around me and pick me straight up off my feet.

“Thank you,” he whispered gruffly.

I patted his arm awkwardly as I tried to breathe with difficulty given the tight grip Sebastian had on me.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “She’s fine. Look at her.”

Sebastian dropped me to my feet almost jarringly and turned to take in his wife who was watching the encounter with a smile on her face.

“What?” She asked after a while.

“Ummm, I was just telling him that Silas wanted a word with him in the hallway,” I said.

Sebastian gave my shoulder a squeeze and walked over to his wife, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” he rumbled against her lips.

I blushed and averted my eyes, looking out the hospital room’s window instead of at the sight before me as I waited for them to finish.

“You can look now,” Baylee said with amusement.

I looked up to find the room empty, and the door closing softly behind me.

I blushed once again.

“Sorry,” I said, dumping my bag onto the chair at the side of her bed.

She smiled and held out her hand.

I took it.

“Thanks,” Baylee whispered. “It must’ve been a rock or something. It’s happened before, and I didn’t realize I was bleeding at all then, either.”

“Holy shit,” I breathed. “I kind of guessed you had a bad deal with this disease, but this was insane. You’re so freakin’ lucky, Baylee!”

She was, too!

Had I not seen her, she would’ve fallen right off the back of Sebastian’s bike!

“Thanks to you,” she said softly.

I patted her hand.

“Just don’t make me have to do that again, it scared the snot out of me,” I admitted.

“Baylee,” a man’s voice said from the doorway. “I swear to God, I can’t take my eyes off of you anymore without you getting into some kind of trouble.”

I blinked and turned to the blond giant wearing a SWAT shirt and black pants.

My mouth dropped open.

He was gorgeous!

Like, unbelievably so!

“Sawyer Berry, my brother, Luke Shithead Roberts,” Baylee said dryly.

I snorted, and then covered my mouth when the giant’s eyes turned to me.

“You her?” He asked.

“Am I her, what?” I wondered aloud.

“The girl that saved my sister,” Luke said like I was dumb for even asking.

I shrugged, not saying anything.

“Let me know if you ever need anything and I’m there. This little turd means the world to me,” Luke said. “Your man said he wanted you.”

I blinked. “My man?”

My brain was fried, because I should’ve known he meant Silas.

I just hadn’t heard him referred to as ‘my man’ before.

“Silas…you know, the old dude with the beard that wears the president patch on his vest?” He teased.

I blinked. “Oh, yeah.”

He snorted. “Said he’d be waiting for you out front.”

Nodding, I leaned down and gave Baylee another hug.

“Take care of yourself,” I whispered. “Let me know if you need anything.”

Baylee squeezed me extra tight and said, “Thank you, again, Sawyer.”

I nodded and patted her hand. “I’ll send the next visitor in.”

“Tell whoever it is to bring me a coke!” She ordered as I got to the door.

I gave her a thumb’s up and walked down the hall to the waiting room where the rest of the group was camped out.

My eyes went to the first person I saw, which happened to be Adeline.

“She wants whomever goes in next to bring her a coke,” I said to her.

Adeline smiled. “I’ll take that as my cue to go get her something, thanks.”

Nodding, I walked to the door waving at all of them.

“I’ll see y’all later,” I said.

The women waved back, but the men all got up and hugged me, one by one, leaving me stunned.

“You’re one of us now,” Trance said.

“Thank you,” Kettle was next.

“You’re welcome,” I said, blushing furiously once again.

I was pretty sure I’d done that no less than ten times tonight.

If not more.

“You’re a good kid,” the one with the slashed throat said, whose name escaped me.

“Thanks,” I whispered, backing up until my back hit the elevator doors.

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