Country Pleasures (16 page)

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Authors: Primula Bond

BOOK: Country Pleasures
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‘No rush, honey. I'd like them to see us. But let's catch up a little, shall we? Let's have the last, long laugh.'

His hips echoed the rhythm of hers. He backed himself against the sofa as she moved off him, then slammed up inside her as she came back down, and she could hear her voice rising in a crescendo, saying nothing but trying to articulate the extraordinary, terrifyingly powerful sensation of being impaled on this vast pole. It gave her more and more pleasure, as rivulets of fire seemed to streak up the sides of her cunt, like his cock was some kind of torch. Her inner cavity becoming a mass of vibrating mad ecstasy. She kept her eyes open, and watched the shaft moving in and out, as his eyes focused on her bouncing breasts. He pushed back against the sofa and tensed himself,
then looked her straight in the eyes and pumped his spunk into her so that she was thrown upwards with the force of his thrusts. She cried out each time he lifted her, her own screams and his thrusting and her finger rubbing over her clit finally giving way to a wild, shattering climax that had her arching her body and then collapsing onto him, her legs spread out on either side of him, and her bare torso smothering him.

The kitchen door opened with a crash and the other two shuffled in. Jonathan could see them across Janie's shoulder, but she wanted to keep her face hidden while she regained her breath. Jonathan patted her back a couple of times, and then unceremoniously heaved her off him, then packed away his subsiding erection and did up his corduroy trousers with a brisk
. Janie huddled away from him, pulling up the straps of her negligee, but still hiding her face.

‘Why so coy, Janie?' Sally asked from behind her. She had the pinafore haphazardly wrapped round her, but the French underwear was missing. ‘That was a splendid show! But, then again, how could you fail to look superb, bucking about on that?'

‘Why shouldn't I?' Janie flashed back. She was not having Sally hurling insults, particularly not in front of Jack. ‘I'm allowed to try out your ex for size if I want to. It's what you would do!'

Sally whistled and fanned her face as if insulted.

‘So it
Janie. Little red-haired cousin Janie. With the marigold hair.'

Jack was staring at Janie as if Sally and Jonathan weren't there. He had a different sweater on today, even scruffier than yesterday's, and his jeans hung loosely off his hips where he hadn't finished buttoning them up. Now that he had come out from behind the kitchen door and she could see him clearly, she wanted
him even more. She started to draw her knees up in front of her, but thought better of it, and curled herself sideways instead, draping one arm along the back of the sofa. Jonathan crossed one leg over the other, for all the world as if they had just been sharing cucumber sandwiches.

‘I came to check if I was right,' said Jack. ‘That it
you, that's all.'

‘Yes, Jack, it's me.'

‘Ugly Jack? From the wigwam?' Sally butted in, hands on hips like a fishwife. Jonathan chuckled and swung one polished brogue up and down. Jack buttoned up his jeans, still staring at Janie, and her stomach melted at the glimpse of furry stomach under his sweater. He stepped past Sally to go back through the kitchen.

‘Hey, don't go, Jack,' Janie cried. ‘We need to catch up.'

‘Can't you see what kind of gorgeous, horny woman she's grown into?' taunted Sally, staying close beside him and pointing at Janie. ‘You had your chance when you were kids. She was nuts about you. But now? Well, now she's anybody's!'

‘You were always so shy,' Jack said, ignoring Sally, but not coming back into the room. ‘We always wondered how you would turn out, Ben and me.'

‘I'm not just anybody's!' Janie protested. Beside her, Jonathan cleared his throat.

‘I have to go,' said Jack. ‘Things to do, sorry.'

‘Stay and have some shepherd's pie,' Sally chimed in, wrapping her arm round Jack's waist. ‘You weren't in such a hurry to leave ten minutes ago, when I had your trousers round your ankles and your cock right up the tradesman's entrance!'

‘Get out while you can, Jack,' drawled Jonathan.
‘These two are randy little polecats. I never dreamed that Sally here would have a friend who was as horny as she is, but the pair of them obviously need sorting out on a regular basis. Let's face it, I'm not sure you're the man to do it.'

‘We'll see about that,' replied Jack. His mouth hardened. He unwound Sally's arm from round his middle and looked again at Janie. She started to get up off the sofa, but he was already halfway out the door.

‘I'm here all summer, Jack,' she murmured. ‘It's not like he says, despite what you saw here today. It was the paint, and the onions. They went to our heads. We're just here to relax, me and Sally. Just minding our own business. There's plenty of time for you to find out what I'm really like.'

To her relief a slight smile dimpled his cheek. Then he raised a hand towards Jonathan, and was gone. They all looked at one another, and then Sally could contain herself no longer.

‘How the hell did you find me?' she demanded, marching across to Jonathan. ‘I came here to get away from the whole damn lot of you.'

‘Your agent, sweetie,' drawled Jonathan, brushing a speck of dust off his sleeve. ‘She's very indiscreet.'

‘I'll kill that Erica when I get back!'

‘I'll leave you to it,' sighed Janie, unfolding her limbs from the sofa. Jonathan's hand came down on her leg and squeezed it.

‘No need, my dear. I'm going, too, but I'll be back. This little cottage is like a honey pot. I doubt any of the local males will be able to stay away. I'll sniff Miss Sally out when she's in a better mood, and when she's prepared to listen to what I came here to say.'

‘Hell will freeze over first!' shouted Sally, and Jonathan roared with laughter.

‘I take it there's no invitation for
to partake of the famous shepherd's pie, then?'

‘No one will be eating it if I don't rescue it from the oven,' Janie remarked, and she slithered out from under Jonathan's hand and darted into the kitchen. She was knocked backwards by the heat from the Aga, but the pie looked just perfect, and her stomach rumbled as she put it on the table and retrieved the abandoned bottle of wine. Jack hadn't shut the back door properly and she went to close it, flaking off some old red paint from its surface and smiling as she did so. Her anger at Sally making a beeline for him like that had subsided into something more constructive. She was climbing up on to Sally's level – or descending, whichever way you looked at it. Either way, she was only more determined, not less, to get the man she wanted back to the honey pot, as Jonathan had called it. She hadn't planned to, but she could stay all summer if that's how long it took.

‘Paint and onions.' Jonathan was roaring with sardonic laughter in the sitting room. ‘Now I've heard all the excuses.'

Janie heard Sally swearing and shouting at him, and then there was silence. She wondered if they were making up, and couldn't resist peeking through the door to see if it was Sally's turn to swing on Jonathan's big dick, but her friend was standing on her own by the window, staring out at the rain, and Jonathan had gone.

‘He really gets to you, doesn't he?' Janie said quietly, fiddling with the corkscrew.

Sally spun round, still pink with fury.

‘Got to
, more like. What were you thinking of, squirming all over him like that?'

‘Oh, no you don't!' Janie tilted her chin, quite ready
to fight, but Sally's shoulders suddenly drooped and she came slowly across the room.

‘He's the only one who ever has,' she admitted, taking the corkscrew out of Janie's hand. ‘Got to me, I mean. You've seen what he can be like, but I'll be damned if I'll ever let him see it.'

‘Come on, let's forget those blokes and eat this delicious pie. Never knew we could be so domesticated.' Janie changed the subject, pulled Sally back into the kitchen and picked up the chair for her to sit in.

‘You're cheerful,' Sally grumbled, as she picked up her fork. ‘He certainly pumped you full of life, didn't he? Just wait till I get my hands on him.'

‘You weren't slow to jump on Jack, either. Come on, that's what you always do, but for me, all this is like – it's like ice melting, or something. Something's happened to me and I feel like I'm waking up from a coma.'

‘Meanwhile, I feel absolutely knackered,' said Sally.

Janie swung her arm round, scattering the mince and potato she was serving onto two plates. ‘Look, we're going to eat this pie, and we're going to do a whole lot more cooking this afternoon. We need our strength.'

‘Hark at you! I'm the one who should be in trouble, after snatching Ugly Jack from under your nose, and you're suddenly Miss Domestic Goddess.'

Janie sat down and took a forkful of the lunch. She let the meaty goodness roll round her mouth while she thought about what Sally was saying.

‘Let's just say I've had my eyes opened,' she said, finally.

‘Your legs, more like,' chided Sally.

Janie chuckled – a new, sexy, pleased chuckle. She helped herself to some more pie. She had never felt so hungry.


The next morning was also spent cooking and painting, with both Sally and Janie trying not to look as if they were straining for the doorbell. To cheer themselves up in the absence of any visitors, they decided to dress as they had yesterday. That is, in precious little.

Just as they were finishing their lunch there was a rapping on the front door. Both girls dropped their forks in surprise. Janie was on her feet first, smoothing the silk negligee down her sides and flicking her long hair back over her shoulder. She felt a flush of anticipation spread across her cheeks and swirl down to her stomach. It was as if she was always going to be permanently ready now, for whatever male-shaped promise arrived at their door.

‘Oh, no you don't,' Sally squeaked. ‘Let me, I'm the polecat around here.'

She was the quicker of the two, and dashed in front of Janie through the sitting room, the pinafore still flapping around her legs.

‘Sally Seaman? Good morning. You called us, yesterday … about the feature? We're from
Cute Cottages
. I'm Shona Shaw, but we seem to have come at a very bad time. Perhaps it would be better if we came back another day?'

A tense-looking peroxide-blonde woman in a tight pink suit stood on the doorstep, accompanied by a spindly young man wearing a striped jumper and clutching a camera. They were both staring at the half-naked
Sally and the see-through Janie, who were shivering as the wind swept past their visitors to get inside the house.

‘Sally?' Janie looked at her friend. Sally looked completely blank, and then clapped her hands to both her cheeks in a coy, Bo-Beep kind of way.

‘Oh, hush my mouth, I forgot to tell you. I had the idea yesterday morning, just as the lady says, and I called
Cute Cottages
. Before all the excitement, you know, with our gentlemen callers –'

Janie kept the look of righteous indignation on her face, but inside her the giggles were threatening to bubble over.

‘Go on,' she said sternly.

‘I should have told you,' Sally stammered. ‘I spoke to this, well, to this lady here.'

This lady here wasn't going to help. She was too busy eyeing the bizarre costumes Janie and Sally were sporting. The photographer was trying to hide behind her shoulder pads. Everyone was shivering.

‘Still not clear, Sally,' Janie insisted, twisting her mouth to speak into Sally's ear and folding her arms in what she hoped was schoolmistress fashion.

‘And I thought they could do a feature on the interior design work you're going to do on the cottage. You know, a “before and after” scenario.' Sally dug her elbow into Janie's side. ‘It's just crying out for it, don't you think? And it would be superb copy for your professional profile, too.'

A smile slowly stretched across Janie's face.

‘Can't leave that business head of yours alone, can you?' she crooned, chucking Sally under the chin. The tense peroxide and the spindly photographer cleared their throats. Another blast of wind shot straight off the sea and licked between Janie's bare legs. She
allowed another beat of suspense, then beamed graciously at their visitors.

‘Forgive me for being so suspicious,' she apologised, stepping aside while Sally reached forwards to take their arms. ‘It's just that we have so many callers here, all hours of day and night, and I have to make absolutely sure – I never can tell who my friend Sally has propositioned – I mean,
– to descend on us!'

Sally closed the old front door deliberately slowly so that it creaked in a horror-movie manner, and ushered the uneasy pair into the sitting room.

‘There's so much to show you. Such a lot of work to be done, and we haven't had a moment to get started. So many interruptions.' Janie flung her hair back and smoothed the negligee down over her hips, then started gesticulating round the room like a ballet teacher. ‘Honestly, whoever said the countryside was for pansies? Now, this is the main sitting room, which of course we will be stripping to its bare essentials.'

Like a conjuror's assistant, Sally sprang about the room, following the line of Janie's pointing finger to indicate the imperfections. At the word ‘stripping' she tore off a long, jagged swathe of wallpaper from beside the fire, and rubbed her fingers on the marbled patch beneath.

‘Damp,' she muttered, wrinkling her nose.

Janie kerbed her anxiety at the sight of all the reddish powder cascading round Sally's head. If that really was as serious a damp problem as it looked, then it would take more than just her, more perhaps than just Maddock and his merry men, to sort it out – but that was just tough. They'd started, so they'd finish. She pushed her guests down onto the sofa, and noticed how it seemed to be sagging even more from the recent action it had endured. Shona Shaw's prim buttocks
were perched exactly where Jonathan had sat yesterday; where Janie had been pole-dancing, using his cock as a prop.

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