Country Pleasures (26 page)

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Authors: Primula Bond

BOOK: Country Pleasures
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Janie was literally at sea for a moment. She had lost Mimi's lovely body to the two men and she felt cheated. Her own pleasure wasn't complete. She was certain there would never be another chance to taste more of Mimi, or to have Mimi fondle her. She wanted to be out of the pool, on a big warm bed away from everybody, rolling her body and fitting it with all Mimi's curves and crevices. She wanted to abandon herself to the experience of feeling Mimi's big lips kissing her again, going down on her snatch, nibbling her clitoris, tonguing her pussy – she wanted it all.

She had to laugh inwardly at herself and what was happening to her. A month ago the sight of her new friend being fucked right in front of her by not one, but two guys, would have shocked her to the core. But now she wasn't shocked at all. She was aroused by it, and by what the two women had started, and that was what was getting to her. She was aroused, and she was jealous, and Jonathan had barely even looked at her, let alone pulled her into the group.

Janie started to swim to the edge, but she had
forgotten the unseen man lurking behind her. He wedged himself to block her escape. Keeping her close to the threesome, he brought his hands down over her stomach and into her pubes, and pulled them roughly apart, rubbing over the tender insides that were still throbbing with unquenched lust. She kept her eyes wide open, focusing on Mimi's rapt face, but now Janie was losing control. She was going limp as her aroused body responded to the man's brutal stimulation. His big fingers under the water somehow muffled the roughness, but still a fierce renewed desire started kicking inside her.

Sensing her weakness, the man tilted her suddenly forwards so that the only thing she could grasp for balance was the thrusting hips of the man fucking Mimi, and as she grabbed him she was knocked right off her feet. Her buttocks tipped upwards and the man behind her grasped them for his own balance. He started to slam himself hard into her from behind, scraping past the sensitive labia and burying himself right inside. She didn't know who he was, but she was wet and ready, inside and out. Strong hands began rocking her violently back and forth as the penis thrust hard and fast, and Janie could hear Mimi's moans, muffled by Jonathan's massive cock in her mouth.

‘She's always a few steps ahead,' the man growled in Janie's ear, and she caught a familiar whiff of tobacco breath. She had no strength to think further than the cock filling her, though, and she let the thick pole rock her with fierce, determined thrusts, pushing her forwards so that her face ground into the crack of the other man's buttocks. She pulled at them, feeling him pause fractionally in his fucking of Mimi to absorb the addition of Janie's fingernails and face up against his backside. She allowed herself to weaken,
still holding onto the man in front of her but letting the man behind her shove her so that she was halfway up the other man's back and out of the water. Her breasts rubbed against his spine as it bent and stretched to aid his thrusting into Mimi. Janie forgot how many of them were in the water, joined in a sexual chain, forming a novel variation of a line dance.

As the man in front of her continued to slam into Mimi, making almighty splashes, the man behind Janie continued to slide his fat prick into her as she rubbed her clit under the water with her right hand. Then, at last, Mimi led the way, opening her mouth as Jonathan spurted into it, so that she could swallow his come but scream out at the same time. It was this that caused Janie to climb the pole of her own climax, catching up with Mimi and sparking a chain reaction. With a couple of fast jerks the man behind Janie growled and lifted her right out of the water with the force of his own orgasm.

There was a silence apart from the panting of the five participants and the lapping of the water against the edge of the pool. Then the laughter and clapping started again. The three men swam silently to the edge, shaking the water from their hair. Janie edged herself round to Mimi, unable to keep her hands off her, and pulled her to the edge of the pool as other people started ripping their clothes off and jumping into the warm water.

‘Jane, that was beautiful, or it could have been. We should have been alone,' Mimi murmured, snaking her arm around Janie's waist and pulling her close. ‘Why do men always think that the only sort of pleasure we can get is when they come barging in?'

‘Maybe because night after night you're on your knees, begging for it, that's why.'

The tobacco breath was back – it was Maddock. He pulled Mimi roughly sideways and out of Janie's grasp, then wound her long black hair round his hand and pinned her up against the wall.

‘Let her go, Maddock!' Janie cried.

He glared round at her. ‘You don't have a clue. This filthy whore loves it any which way. The rougher the better. She may look like a countess, but she's no better than I am. You should ask her what else she does for a living.'

Mimi raised her chin and spat full into Maddock's face, but she was perfectly calm.

‘You're the one who has no idea, Maddock,' she hissed. ‘I've taught you everything, but you don't know who I am. Just you wait and see.'

He swept one rough hand down to her breasts, half-submerged under the water, and squeezed hard.

‘Home – now.'

Then he hoisted himself out of the pool. But Mimi lingered, floating back towards Janie, and the two of them couldn't help admiring his muscled buttocks and swinging bollocks as he strutted over to a chair to get his clothes.

‘She'll never truly be yours, Maddock,' Jonathan remarked from one of the sun loungers, where he was taking a towel from an admiring female guest and rubbing himself deliberately slowly so that everyone could see the magnificence of his member. ‘This one's a free spirit. She'll be off come the winter.'

‘Don't go with Maddock. Stay here. You were going to tell me,' Janie said quietly, as the other guests started caressing each other. ‘What other jobs you do in the winter?'

Mimi smiled and kissed Janie lightly on the lips. Out of the corner of her eye Janie saw Sally arriving at the
pool's edge, and she stiffened, but Mimi was pulling her head hard and had pushed her tongue between Janie's lips and into her welcoming mouth. Janie closed her eyes, shutting out Sally and all the other guests, and savoured Mimi's sweet tongue. Then Mimi pulled away again.

‘Maddock is right in some ways. He likes to think I'm like him, moving round in circles, never venturing out of my pigpen, and that's fine for now. But what he doesn't know is that when I leave here I'll leave no trace. I'll go to the city, far away from these fields and hedges, far away from the sea, even, and he'll never find me. I'll massage, I'll model, I'll strip, I'll accompany people who need a companion, I'll sing – then I'll move on again.'

‘I want to know more,' Janie pleaded, tugging at Mimi as she started to swish towards the steps to climb out. ‘Come and see me at the cottage, and we can –'

‘One day, maybe. But the piece missing from your life is not me,' Mimi said, squeezing her then letting her go. She climbed up the steps and padded naked across the terrace as the other guests parted to let her pick up her wet dress. Then she crouched down on the edge to whisper. ‘It'll be some man or other that you'll want. But it was fun, Jane. We both learned something fun, didn't we?'

Janie opened her mouth to reply, but couldn't think what to say. Mimi straightened slowly, letting Janie see one last glimpse of her jet-black pussy before the dress went on.

‘And here was me thinking you'd only just acquired the taste for cock,' hissed Sally in her ear. Janie wasn't listening. She wanted to say something to Mimi, but she was already walking across to where Maddock
stood with his arms folded. They stamped off across the lawn and were swallowed up by the darkness, arguing furiously. ‘I thought you were biding your time till Jack the Lad came back on the scene. Never had you down as a lezzie.'

‘I'm not a lezzie,' Janie retorted, glancing at her friend and at Sam and Tom, still hovering close, their blond heads tousled and smelling of wood smoke, their boyish torsos gleaming in the floodlight. ‘It just happened. And I think it was just the once.' She pulled herself out of the pool.

‘Not jealous, are you, Sally?' asked the older boy. ‘It looked like pretty convincing girl action to me. And very horny.'

‘Yeah,' said his brother. ‘I've never seen a girl pulling a girl before. Better than any movie!'

They laughed with adolescent cackles.

‘You mean you don't fancy your mate?' the older boy asked Sally, snatching the towel his father had just been using and draping it round Janie's shoulders. He kept his hands on her, and she realised she'd been shivering.

‘She's my oldest friend,' Sally answered crossly, ‘and I love her to bits, but I don't fancy her, for God's sake!'

‘Well, more fool you,' the boys chorused, roaring with laughter again. ‘We think she's sex on legs!'

‘What's going on here? Some sort of tiff? Have we all displeased you in some way, Sally?'

‘Fuck off, Jonathan.' Sally tossed her head. Even the boys were stunned into silence.

‘You forget whose house this is,' Jonathan said coldly. ‘You know who it is who should be
fucking off
, as you so maturely put it. And boys, behave.'

Janie shrugged apologetically at him, and he turned
on his heel, instantly switching on the host's charm to a couple who, drenched and giggling from cavorting in the pool, were asking him for their clothes. She could see Sally regretted her outburst, but Janie had had enough.

‘Sally, behaving like a sulky kid does nothing but get people's backs up. How could you be so rude? Honestly, I can't get it right, can I? If I leave you alone to get on with whatever you want to do, you complain; if I come and join in with you, you complain. What is it that you want? To be the centre of attention? You're pissed off that we all trooped up here and didn't stay to watch your acrobatics down on the beach.'

‘No.' Sally reached out and held onto Janie's arm. Her fingers were cold. ‘You're wrong, it's not that. There's only one thing bugging me, no matter what I do to take my mind off it, and he knows perfectly well what it is.'

‘Well, you're not going to impress him with that little show. I can't help you with this particular battle.' Janie sighed, and started to make for the house, where she could see a silver tray set with full glasses of champagne.

‘Oh, no you don't,' said the older boy, swerving up behind her and scooping her up in his arms so that her towel fell off, while his younger brother scooped Sally up just as Jonathan was turning back to say something.

‘Oi!' Jonathan shouted, as the boys started running round the pool. Sally couldn't stay pissed off for long, and started kicking her arms and legs in a pretend bid to escape. ‘There are some girls here your own age, you know!'

A gaggle of fair-haired jailbait in tennis shorts and designer T-shirts stood shyly at the corner of the terrace, wondering what kind of orgy they had happened
upon. The boys glanced across at them, waved coolly, then stuck their tongues out at their father.

‘Let the party begin!' they yelled, and plunged, with their arms full of real woman, into the steaming swimming pool.


The afternoon sun made diamond shapes on the grass as it seared through the leaves. Janie and Sally reclined on their sun-beds, sunglasses firmly on their noses and tall glasses of Sea Breeze cocktails clamped firmly in their hands.

‘Does he have to keep clicking like that? It sounds like a swarm of crickets,' Sally complained, raising herself up on her elbow.

‘That's great, stay like that. Wow, this is going to make me a fortune!'

The photographer dipped and wheeled across the grass towards them. Sally raised one knee and pushed it sideways, cupping her pussy with her free hand, and he dropped to his knees to finish his film.

‘Derek, isn't Shona Shaw waiting for you down in the village?' Janie asked. ‘She's finished her write-up. She only let you stay on this morning because we said we had a job for you.'

Sally chortled. ‘And have you finished what we asked you to do?'

‘Yes, it's all built,' Derek squeaked. ‘Come round the side of the cottage, and I'll show you.'

‘I daresay she's expecting you to escort her back to London,' Janie chided. She stood up and stretched, gloriously aware of the way her breasts lifted and then bounced down. She and Sally had the tiniest of bikini bottoms on and nothing else.

‘Let her wait.' Derek puffed out his chest. ‘I want to stay here with you. My portfolio will be enormous.'

‘That's not all that's enormous about you, darling, but really, it's time to scoot.' Janie smiled at him. ‘Apart from anything else, you've worn us out.'

Janie strolled slowly into the cottage, enjoying the slavering looks of the young man. At the door she turned and saw him pleading desperately with Sally to be allowed to stay, but she was being equally heartless. She pinched his face in her hand, gave him a long, slow kiss, then pointed over to his car. They had enjoyed their morning with him after Shona had gone, letting him take photographs of them in the cool shade of the willow tree, but now it was time for some serious sunbathing.

‘Here,' she said, handing Sally another drink. ‘This is what this holiday was meant to be all about.'

‘Yes, and only today have we achieved it.'

Sally bit the straw and sucked her cocktail as Derek crunched at the gears in the vain hope that they would relent and summon him back to perform some more tasks.

‘But think what else we've done! A sparkling new cottage –'

‘Hope Ben will approve.'

‘And at least one new sex slave!'

They laughed. Derek's van jerked reluctantly up the drive and started to turn into the road. All at once there was a cacophony of squealing brakes and beeping horns.

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