The Robert Silverberg Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

Read The Robert Silverberg Science Fiction MEGAPACK® Online

Authors: Robert Silverberg

Tags: #space opera, #classic, #short stories, #science fiction, #pulp

BOOK: The Robert Silverberg Science Fiction MEGAPACK®
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Table of Contents


The Robert Silverberg MEGAPACK®
is copyright © 2016 by Agberg, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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The MEGAPACK® ebook series name is a trademark of Wildside Press, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Copyright © 1956, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1984, 1985, 1986, 2016 by Agberg, Ltd. First published in
The Original Science Fiction
Future Science Fiction
Amazing Stories
Science Fiction Adventures
Astounding Science Fiction
, and
New Worlds


Robert Silverberg needs little introduction to anyone at all familiar with the history of science fiction. Fan. Author. Editor. Creative force. He has been an integral part of the field for longer than most of his readers have been alive.

Earlier this year, he kindly agreed to put together a MEGAPACK® of his short stories, so here, then, is a selection of early works by one of the all-time greats.


—John Betancourt

Publisher, Wildside Press LLC


Over the last few years, our MEGAPACK® ebook series has grown to be our most popular endeavor. (Maybe it helps that we sometimes offer them as premiums to our mailing list!) One question we keep getting asked is, “Who’s the editor?”

The MEGAPACK® ebook series (except where specifically credited) are a group effort. Everyone at Wildside works on them. This includes John Betancourt (me), Carla Coupe, Steve Coupe, Shawn Garrett, Helen McGee, Bonner Menking, Sam Cooper, Helen McGee and many of Wildside’s authors…who often suggest stories to include (and not just their own!)


Do you know a great classic science fiction story, or have a favorite author whom you believe is perfect for the MEGAPACK® ebook series? We’d love your suggestions! You can post them on our message board at (there is an area for Wildside Press comments).

Note: we only consider stories that have already been professionally published. This is not a market for new works.


Unfortunately, as hard as we try, a few typos do slip through. We update our ebooks periodically, so make sure you have the current version (or download a fresh copy if it’s been sitting in your ebook reader for months.) It may have already been updated.

If you spot a new typo, please let us know. We’ll fix it for everyone. You can email the publisher at [email protected] or use the message boards above.

The MEGAPACK® Ebook Series

If you enjoyed this ebook, check out more volumes in Wildside Press’s great MEGAPACK® series…more than 300 in all!


1. Winston K. Marks

2. Mark Clifton

3. Poul Anderson

4. Clifford D. Simak

5. Lester del Rey (vol. 1)

6. Charles L. Fontenay

7. H.B. Fyfe (vol. 1)

8. Milton Lesser (Stephen Marlowe)

9. Dave Dryfoos

10. Carl Jacobi

11. F.L. Wallace

12. David H. Keller, M.D.

13. Lester del Rey (vol. 2)

14. Charles De Vet

15. H.B Fyfe (vol. 2)

16. William C. Gault

17. Alan E. Nourse

18. Jerome Bixby

19. Charles De Vet (Vo. 2)

20. Evelyn E. Smith

21. Edward Wellen

22. Robert Moore Williams

23. Richard Wilson

24. H.B. Fyfe (vol. 3)

25. Raymond Z. Gallun

26. Homer Eon Flint

27. Stanley G. Weinbaum

28. Edward Wellen

29. Katherine MacLean

30. Roger Dee

31. Sam Merwin

32. Frederik Pohl

33. Kris Neville

34. C.M. Kornbluth

35. Keith Laumer

36. George O. Smith


1. Henry S. Whitehead

2. George T. Wetzel

3. Emil Petaja

4. Nictzin Dyalhis

5. David H. Keller

6. Clark Ashton Smith

7. Manly Banister


The First Science Fiction

The First Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Second Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Third Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Fourth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Fifth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Sixth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Seventh Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Eighth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Ninth Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The 10th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The 11th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The 12th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The A. Merritt MEGAPACK®*

The A.R. Morlan MEGAPACK®


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The E. E. “Doc” Smith MEGAPACK®

The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK®

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The First Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®

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The Second Kothar the Barbarian MEGAPACK®

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The Second Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®

The Third Murray Leinster MEGAPACK®

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The 2nd Western Novel MEGAPACK®

The 3rd Western Novel MEGAPACK®

The 4th Western Novel MEGAPACK®

The 5th Western Novel MEGAPACK®

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The Second R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*

The Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®

The Second Reginald Bretnor MEGAPACK®

The Robert Sheckley MEGAPACK®

The Robert Silverberg MEGAPACK®


The Selma Lagerlof MEGAPACK®

The Sydney J. Van Scyoc Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

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The Stephen Vincent Benét MEGAPACK®

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The Third R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*

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The William Hope Hodgson MEGAPACK®

The William P. McGivern Fantasy MEGAPACK®

The William P. McGivern Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Zane Grey MEGAPACK®


The 2014 Halloween Horrors MEGAPACK®

The 2015 Halloween Horrors MEGAPACK®

The Horror MEGAPACK®

The Second Horror MEGAPACK®

The Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®

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The E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®

The Second E.F. Benson MEGAPACK®

The Algernon Blackwood MEGAPACK®

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The Cthulhu Mythos MEGAPACK®

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The Ghost Story MEGAPACK®

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The Fourth Ghost Story MEGAPACK®

The Fifth Ghost Story MEGAPACK®

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The Haunts & Horrors MEGAPACK®

The Lon Williams Weird Western MEGAPACK®

The M.R. James MEGAPACK®

The Macabre MEGAPACK®

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The Third Macabre MEGAPACK®

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The William Hope Hodgson MEGAPACK®

The Zombie MEGAPACK®


The First Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Second Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Third Mystery MEGAPACK®

The First Mystery Novel MEGAPACK®

The Achmed Abdullah MEGAPACK®

The Anna Katharine Green Mystery MEGAPACK®

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The Crime and Corruption Novel MEGAPACK®

The Detective MEGAPACK®

The Second Detective MEGAPACK®

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,* by John Buchan

The E. Hoffmann Price Spicy Story MEGAPACK®

The Espionage Novel MEGAPACK®

The Father Brown MEGAPACK®

The Fantômas MEGAPACK®

The Johnston McCulley Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Lady Sleuth MEGAPACK®

The Mary Fortune Mystery & Suspense MEGAPACK®

The First R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®

The Second R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*

The Third R. Austin Freeman MEGAPACK®*

The Jacques Futrelle MEGAPACK®

James Holding’s Conmen & Cutthroats MEGAPACK®

James Holding’s Murder & Mayhem MEGAPACK®

The George Allan England MEGAPACK®

The Girl Detective MEGAPACK®

The Second Girl Detective MEGAPACK®

The Gothic Terror MEGAPACK®

The Hardboiled Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Mahboob Chaudri Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Library Fuzz MEGAPACK®

The Noir Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Noir Novel MEGAPACK®

The Penny Parker MEGAPACK®

The Philo Vance MEGAPACK®*

The Pulp Crime MEGAPACK®

The Pulp Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Raffles MEGAPACK®

The Red Finger Pulp Mystery MEGAPACK®
, by Arthur Leo Zagat*

The Richard Deming Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Richard Hannay Spy MEGAPACK®*,
by John Buchan

The Roy J. Snell Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Sherlock Holmes MEGAPACK®

The Singer Batts Mystery MEGAPACK®: The Complete Series, by Thomas B. Dewey

The Sky Detectives MEGAPACK®

The Spicy Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Suspense Novel MEGAPACK®

The Talmage Powell Crime MEGAPACK®

The Second Talmage Powell Crime MEGAPACK®

The Thubway Tham Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Victorian Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Second Victorian Mystery MEGAPACK®

The Victorian Rogues MEGAPACK®

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