Cowboy Sandwich (5 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Sandwich
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Bryan filled his mouth with her breast. She pressed his cheek to her body, blond hair soft against her fingers. He sucked in a nipple and bit, just hard enough to zap. She clenched her pelvic muscles, her
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nostrils flaring at the pleasure/pain. He winked up at her before grabbing the second in a ‘catch-and-release’ process.

The sharp stings of bites and nibbles created a whole different reality, one where slight pain was immediately swept away by pleasure. The line between the two wavered, creating a new world of sensation.

Adam traced white lace all the way down her crack. When her closed thighs stopped his finger he grasped her ankles and urged her feet apart. Startled, she grabbed Bryan’s shoulders to stay upright, leaning forward to balance. Adam pulled her cheeks apart and blew softly, aiming for her tight hole.

She’d never realized how sensitive skin could be. Every light fingernail scrape or tongue dab flashed to both brain and belly. Never had she felt so exposed.

Or so needy.

She quivered, fighting to stay upright.

With a nod, each man grasped his end of the thin lace between her legs and ripped. She shivered at the restrained violence. Bryan tongued her curls then quested further, foraging for nectar. She squeezed her internal muscles for relief, but it only increased her ache.

“You smell so good,” Bryan husked. “Open for me.”

Candy bent her knees as ordered, better to encourage exploration.

Nostrils flaring, he separated her lips with his tongue, flicking so lightly it almost tickled. Wanting another explosion, she thrust herself at him, but he pulled back and flicked her clit with his fingernail. She gasped at the painful jolt, quickly fading to a tingle of desire.

“Oh, no, you greedy thing,” he warned. “You don’t come again until we do.”

The two brawny men hauled themselves to their feet.

“Payback time, huh?” She panted, wanting more.

“Bingo,” said Bryan.


Reece Butler

They stripped, muscles flexing and rippling. Bryan, fists on hips and legs apart like Superman, proudly showcased his body. Every muscle defined front and back. His erect penis, long and slender, leaned to the upper left. Tight balls nestled in blond curls. The tight ass of a cowboy.

Anything she thought about sex before tonight, no longer existed.

She licked her lips, eager to taste him.

“Don’t even think it,” warned Adam. His cock stood thick and long, the wide bulb promising a pounding. “Put your boots back on,”

he growled, staring intently into her eyes. “See that chair?”

She looked to the padded armchair and nodded, biting her lip.

“I’m going to bend you over that chair, spread your legs and heat that saucy bottom with my hand. Then I’ll slam my cock deep into your pussy. And that's just the beginning.”

Candy flushed at the menacing tone demanding what she craved.

Chest tight, her lungs strained to catch her breath. She couldn’t look away from his rigid flesh, pulsing with desire for her. Adam and Bryan looked at each other, eyebrows high. They nodded then turned to her, eyes blazing with wicked determination.

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Chapter 6

Adam had never been this hard. Something about this woman turned him on like no other. It wasn’t just the fact he hadn’t seen a glimpse of naked female flesh in almost a year. Unlike some of the ranch hands, he refused to pay for sex, and relationships took time.

Time he’d put to better use working.

He watched as Candy, avoiding their eyes, followed orders and stomped into her white go-go boots. Damn fine ass. He loved the way her flesh quivered when she walked. It made his hands itch to mold her, to possess her.

He strolled over, intending to kiss her senseless, but she dropped to her knees and grabbed his cock, her hand just able to circle his girth. She looked up at him, eyes wide and mouth open.

A drop of fluid swelled at his tip. Watching him, she stuck out her tongue and licked. He jerked, the touch zapping straight to his brain, but she held him tight. She slid him in and when she pulled out, she dragged her teeth.

“Christ, woman!” he hissed, backing away.

“Did I do it wrong?”

Her little kitten voice didn’t match the wildcat he knew she held inside. He grasped her arms and lifted her to her feet.

“Nope, you’re fantastic. I want you to do that again. Later. But I’m coming inside your sweet pussy the first time.” He backed her across the room as he spoke then spun her around to face the towel-covered chair.

“Bend over and spread your legs,” he growled. “Show me that fine ass and the sweet spot underneath.”


Reece Butler

She leaned her arms on the chair seat, arching her back to saucily thrust her bottom high. She waggled it at him, daring to demand.

“God, she’s a natural,” Bryan groaned. He stroked a hand over the curve of her bottom, caressing her from dimples to vulva.

Adam bent over and kissed each sacral dimple. He drew his tongue down her damp crease and massaged her cheeks with his palms. She wiggled, twitching when he hit ticklish spots.

“Don’t move,” he demanded.

He lightly smacked her left cheek and she yelped and shot upright.

She covered herself with her hand, glaring.

“I said, don’t move.” His deep voice demanded obedience.

Ignoring her pique, Bryan pulled her hands away from the large hand mark on her backside. He pushed her shoulders down until she rested her forearms against the chair. “Do as you’re told.”

Adam knew the pain had already faded to a warm need, though she narrowed her eyes at them. Bryan waggled his eyebrows and twirled an imaginary moustache. Her lip twitched and she settled herself again, feet braced. Bryan rested his hand on her back, trailing fingers raising goose bumps and shivers.

While the first spank was more of a surprise than anything, the second would sting until he slid his hard cock between her thighs, snug against her lips to distract her. The smooth friction tantalized both of them as he slowly rubbed forward and back. She tried to dip her knees and take him inside, but he stopped her.

He alternated stinging smacks with sensuous buffing.

“I want you inside!”

“Impatient hussy,” he replied, but he slid the tip into her, just an inch, rocking back and forth in sensuous torture. She was so hot, so tight that he had to go slow or he’d explode.

Torture of the finest kind. For both of them.

She again tried to impale herself, but Bryan’s hand on her back held her down.

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“I say when,” said Adam, though he knew it couldn’t be long.

After a few more tantalizing slides, he caught her hips with his hands.

She held her breath as he pressed inside her, slow but sure.

He bet she’d never taken anything near as big. He pressed deep, stretching her inner folds, designed to swell like a hot air balloon expanding for flight. She pushed back, encouraging him with soft moans.

“I love a woman with enough beef to hold onto,” he croaked. He caressed her soft hips then held her snug, his fingers pressing into her flesh. He thrust with a slow ramming motion.

“You feel so good, Candymine. I’m not going to last long.”

“You’d better last, cowboy,” she huffed. “You promised me orgasms.”

Her words did him in. He pulled back then slammed hard, shoving her against the padded chair. He damn near hit bottom, but she didn’t complain, just grunted as again and again he pounded. He watched his thick cock slide between her glistening lips, impaling her with his need, his marks of possession fading to pink on her cheeks. Her tight little asshole begged for his finger.

All thought ceased. He switched to autopilot, feeling nothing but heat and need. The sound of wet flesh slapping faded, Bryan’s encouraging murmurs disappeared.

He roared, pounding into her flesh.


An earth-shattering explosion hit him. He surged forward, jetting deep. He lost his rhythm, jerking like a puppet. Expended, he leaned over her back and circled her belly, grasping tight, chest heaving with the most massive explosion of his life.

“You. Are one. Fantastic lady,” he panted. He kissed the back of her neck before he pulled out and stood up. Light headed, he braced one palm against the chair, chest heaving.

Candy whirled around and furiously beat his chest.

“You lousy cheater! You promised I’d come!”


Reece Butler

Startled, he easily held off her puny fists. He grinned at her frustration, relaxed now he'd had his reward.

“Easy, sweetcheeks. Finish her off, Bry.” He cleaned himself up and slumped onto the towel-clad chair to watch.

Bryan, eyes wild and chest heaving, caught her under her armpits and lifted her high. Proving his control and power, he slowly lowered her until his tongue touched her mound. A few flicks and he moved on. He scraped her belly with his teeth as she went by, captured each breast for a moment and stopped with her folds just above the tip of his cock.

She curled her legs around his back and tried to force herself down. She hadn’t a chance.

Adam stood up to help. Bryan nodded and Adam held her hips.

He steadied her, aiming her for Bryan’s cock, watching as her pussy devoured Bryan’s weapon. Though narrower than Adam, Bryan was longer. He’d stretch her back wall and probe deep.

Candy gasped in relief and clenched her legs around him.

Arms clasping her ribs, Bryan glanced down and drawled his fake Texan accent. “That a mite better, darlin’?”

With an expression of long-suffering patience, she glared up at him. “Not quite, cowboy. Where’s my reward?”

He smirked at her demand and kissed her nose. Adam grinned at her growl. Bryan might think of her as a kitten, but she was a Wildcat to him.

She reached for Bryan’s shoulders and squeezed her legs, ankles scissored above his hips. She lifted herself up and down. In that position she could create friction just where she wanted as his groin rasped her bud. His own rear entry had brought his cock nowhere near her clit. Now she could scratch that itch.

Next time he took her from behind, he’d have more control. He’d use his fingers to tease her clit, driving her wild while pounding deep.

He’d get Bryan to drill her ass with a finger or two at the same time.

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“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you come first,” panted Bryan at Candy’s complaints.

Keening in eagerness, she couldn’t quite get over the edge. Bryan leaned her back until her shoulders rested against Adam's chest. He immediately reached for her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.

She twitched and moaned but it still wasn’t enough. Adam reached around and pinched her clit. The sharp pain put her over the edge. Her internal spasms set Bryan off. He grunted each time he pounded her on his shaft, the two of them moaning until he howled his release.

Candy finally slumped in a sigh of delight. He’d do a lot to bring that smile to her face again. He lifted her off Bryan and cuddled her in his arms as she floated back to earth.

* * * *

“You’re a hell of a woman, Candygirl,” Adam murmured. “But it’s time for a break so we can recover. Let’s use up the hot water before Mr. Universe recovers.”

She cracked an eyelid at Bryan sprawled across the bed. He replied to Adam's comment by making a muscle with his bicep, chest heaving as if he’d just won a marathon.

“Unlike an old bastard like you, I only need a few minutes to recover.”

“I'm only two years older, punk,” Adam shot back.

He carried her into the ensuite shower. Multiple outlets erupted at various levels on three sides of the enclosure. It could fit at least five people—an orgy’s worth. After tonight, would she be amenable to such a thing? She snorted at her change in attitude. What a difference an orgasm or two made. Life's possibilities expanded with new experiences.


Reece Butler

“Hope that snigger wasn’t for me,” said Adam with a pretend glower.

She daintily nuzzled his chest, licking the tiny nipple under his rough hair. Then she nipped, causing him to growl and tighten his arms around her.

“I was laughing at the size of the shower, not you, studly. I wondered how many people would fit in it at once.”

“That ain’t a shower,” he grunted, lips twitching at the nickname,

“it’s a truck wash.”

He set her down and bent over to adjust the water temperature, giving her an excellent view of his butt. She loved a man with a curved set of buns. Dan’s flat ass never looked good, in pants or out.

Adam looked over his shoulder and caught her staring, so he posed, showing off. His cock, still limp from pleasure, strained to lift its head, but failed.

“You work hard every day, you get muscle,” he said with an amused grin. “We’ve got real muscles. From work, not a prissy weight machine.”

She batted her eyes coyly at his macho declaration. “Could you make a muscle for me to squeeze, big boy?”

He curled his fist, biceps bulging. An impish thought hit her and she went with the flow. She reached down and squeezed his flaccid penis. It barely twitched.

“Dear me. What's happened to this poor little muscle?”

“You’ll have to wait a bit for that one to harden again.”

He turned back to the tap and, satisfied with the temperature, turned on the shower. A blast of cool water sprayed her front and she backpedaled, squealing.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” he warned. He pulled her tight against him, the spray now on her back. “I’ve got to cool you down before you wear us out. There’s a long, busy night ahead of us.”

She stuck out her tongue at him. His eyes widened and he bent down to her, nibbling on her bottom lip until she let him in. His
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tongue slid along her upper teeth, the resulting rush of pleasure proving the existence of another erogenous zone, this one inside her upper lip. He explored her mouth as thoroughly as he’d explored her lower lips earlier. She tasted herself on him, another new and pleasurable experience. Far from disgusting, she wanted more. The cool water on her skin, combined with his hot erotic tongue, hardened her breasts and nipples anew.

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